Python API for integrating with the Red Shepherd Payouts
Project description
Red Shepherd Python Payout API Docs
To Make Payouts Work, you need to do the following steps
Step 1. Create a Payout Account, ie the 3rd party you need to pay the funds to.
Step 2. Create an ACH token using redpay API for their ACH bank info (routing number and account number)
Step 3. Add this token to their account
Step 4. Add a Payout Rate to their account which determines the parameters and frequency of their payouts
Step 5. Do not forget to Start Payouts on that account, otherwise the scheduler will not pick this account for payout scheduling
All these API Calls and steps are included in this documentation, if you have any questions please email
Follow these steps for Simple API Integration
Step 1 a- Adding the payout library using pip
Add the payout library to your code using pip
> pip install payout
Step 1 b - Create a Payout object for secure API methods
Create a payout API object which lets you access all the payout functions
from payout import Payout
### REPLACE app and key with your PROD keys and use a valid account
### These are DEMO Keys which you can safely use for testing
app = "DEMO";
key = "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";
### Use this payout object for all the API calls
payout = Payout(app, key)
Payout Account API Functions
Create a Payout Account
Create a new Payout Account in the system which will later be configure to receive payouts from the Red Shepherd payout scheduler
id should be unique identifier for each Payout Account rest of the request fields are self explanatory
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
"name": "Pizza Pizza",
"website": "",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"status": "A"
print("CREATE PAYOUT ACCOUNT request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.CreatePayoutAccount(request)
print("CREATE PAYOUT ACCOUNT response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
CreatePayoutAccount Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
"name": "Pizza Pizza",
"website": "",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"status": "A"
CreatePayoutAccount Response
"id": "PZZA",
"app": "DEMO",
"logoUrl": null,
"name": "Pizza Pizza",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"website": "",
"status": "A"
Update a Payout Account
Update an existing Payout Account in the system
id should be the unique identifier for an existing Payout Account rest of the request fields are self explanatory
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
"name": "Johns Pizza Inc.",
"website": "",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"status": "A"
print("UPDATE PAYOUT ACCOUNT request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.UpdatePayoutAccount(request)
print("UPDATE PAYOUT ACCOUNT response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
UpdatePayoutAccount Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
"name": "Johns Pizza Inc.",
"website": "",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"status": "A"
UpdatePayoutAccount Response
"id": "PZZA",
"app": "DEMO",
"logoUrl": null,
"name": "Johns Pizza Inc.",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"website": "",
"status": "A"
Find a Payout Account by Id
Get an existing Payout Account in the system
id should be the unique identifier for an existing Payout Account rest of the request fields are self explanatory
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
print("FIND PAYOUT ACCOUNT request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.FindPayoutAccount(request)
print("FIND PAYOUT ACCOUNT response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
FindPayoutAccount Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
FindPayoutAccount Response
"id": "PZZA",
"app": "DEMO",
"logoUrl": null,
"name": "Johns Pizza Inc.",
"address1": "123 Main Street",
"address2": "Suite 2001",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "60004",
"country": "US",
"contactName": "John Smith",
"contactPhone": "312-899-8999",
"contactEmail": "",
"website": "",
"status": "A"
Payout Token API Functions
Using RedPay API Create a new Token for an ACH Account in the system which will later be configure to receive payouts from the Red Shepherd payout scheduler
To Create an ACH token use the Redpay API Tokenize ACH Account method follow this documentation
Library is hosted on pypi
Once the Token is created for the account for the Receiving party, you can then add it to the Payout Account using the following Payout API Calls
Add a Payout Token to an Existing Payout Account
Add a ACH Payment token which was tokenized using the redpay api to attach it to an existing Payout Account
id should be unique identifier for each Payout Account
token is the ACH Account token for PZZA Account where they would like to get their deposits for their payouts
note that if the payout account ACH information needs to be updated, just follow the same steps and add a new token to the same account
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
"token": "fojid27g24u57zp1"
print("ADD PAYOUT TOKEN request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.AddPayoutToken(request)
print("ADD PAYOUT TOKEN response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
AddPayoutToken Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
"token": "fojid27g24u57zp1"
AddPayoutToken Response
"id": "DEMO.PZZA.3",
"app": "DEMO",
"account": "PZZA",
"version": 3,
"token": "fojid27g24u57zp1",
"timestamp": "2021-03-02T22:49:52.4505780Z",
"userId": null
Payout Rate API Functions
Add a Payout Rate to an existing Payout Account
Payout Rates control the amounts/ frequencies and other parameters for controlling the payout for each Payout Account
Add a Payout Rate to an Existing Payout Account
id - unique identifier for each Payout Account
trxPct - how much percent of each transaction should be given to the payout account
trxFee - flat fee in cents for each transaction to be given to the payout account
monthlyFee - monthly fee to be paid to the payout account, will be paid on monthlyPayDate day of the month
monthlyPayDate - date on which the monthly fee is to be paid, (defaults to 1 if not set)
yearlyFee - yearly fee to be paid to the payout account, will be paid on yearlyPayMonth month of the year
yearlyPayMonth - month which the monthly fee is to be paid, (defaults to 1 (January) if not set)
payFrequency - payment frequency for transaction based payments,
D - Daily W - Weekly M - Monthly
startDate - payout start date (optional)
endDate - payout end date (optional)
autoApproveLimit - anything under this limit is automatically paid, if you set this then any payout over this limit will go to review first
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
# give payout account 80% of each transaction
"trxPct": 80,
# give payout account 1 dollar (100 cents) flat fee per transaction
"trxFee": 100
print("ADD PAYOUT RATE request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.AddPayoutRate(request)
print("ADD PAYOUT RATE response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
AddPayoutRate Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
"trxPct": 80,
"trxFee": 100
AddPayoutRate Response
"id": "DEMO.PZZA.1",
"app": "DEMO",
"account": "PZZA",
"version": 1,
"trxPct": 80,
"trxFee": 100,
"monthlyFee": 0,
"monthlyPayDate": 0,
"yearlyFee": 0,
"yearlyPayMonth": 0,
"status": null,
"payFrequency": null,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"autoApproveLimit": 0,
"lastMontlyPayout": null,
"lastYearlyPayout": null,
"lastDailyTrxPayout": null,
"lastWeeklyTrxPayout": null,
"lastMontlyTrxPayout": null,
"timestamp": "2021-02-28T19:00:19.1518640Z",
"userId": null
Start Payouts
Start Payouts for an Existing Account
id should be the unique identifier for an existing Payout Account
"status": "A" means payout has been activated, so make sure you see that in the response
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
print("START PAYOUTS request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.StartPayouts(request)
print("START PAYOUTS response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
StartPayouts Request Example_
"id": "PZZA",
StartPayouts Response_
"id": "DEMO.PZZA.6",
"app": "DEMO",
"account": "PZZA",
"version": 6,
"trxPct": 80,
"trxFee": 100,
"monthlyFee": 0,
"monthlyPayDate": 0,
"yearlyFee": 0,
"yearlyPayMonth": 0,
"status": "A",
"payFrequency": null,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"autoApproveLimit": 0,
"lastMontlyPayout": null,
"lastYearlyPayout": null,
"lastDailyTrxPayout": null,
"lastWeeklyTrxPayout": null,
"lastMontlyTrxPayout": null,
"timestamp": "2021-03-01T23:34:36.1005288Z",
"userId": null
Stop Payouts
Stop Payouts for an Existing Account
id should be the unique identifier for an existing Payout Account
"status": "D" means payout has been deactivated, so make sure you see that in the response
import json
request = {
"id": "PZZA",
print("STOP PAYOUTS request >>>")
print(json.dumps(request, indent=2))
response = payout.StopPayouts(request)
print("STOP PAYOUTS response >>>")
print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
StopPayouts Request Example
"id": "PZZA",
StopPayouts Response
"id": "DEMO.PZZA.7",
"app": "DEMO",
"account": "PZZA",
"version": 7,
"trxPct": 80,
"trxFee": 100,
"monthlyFee": 0,
"monthlyPayDate": 0,
"yearlyFee": 0,
"yearlyPayMonth": 0,
"status": "D",
"payFrequency": null,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"autoApproveLimit": 0,
"lastMontlyPayout": null,
"lastYearlyPayout": null,
"lastDailyTrxPayout": null,
"lastWeeklyTrxPayout": null,
"lastMontlyTrxPayout": null,
"timestamp": "2021-03-01T23:34:36.1005288Z",
"userId": null
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Details for the file payout-1.1.2.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: payout-1.1.2.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 10.4 kB
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File hashes
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File details
Details for the file payout-1.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: payout-1.1.2-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 10.8 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.3.0 pkginfo/1.6.1 requests/2.25.1 setuptools/51.1.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.55.0 CPython/3.9.0
File hashes
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