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Python Collection Of Functions.

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pcof - Python Collection Of Functions

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All functions were tested using Python version 3.

Documentation (automatically generated using pydoc)

Help on module pcof:

NAME pcof - Python Collection Of Functions

DESCRIPTION This module has a collection of many small generic useful functions.

Developed for Python 3

FUNCTIONS bytes2human(size, *, unit='', precision=2, base=1024) Convert number in bytes to human format

        size        (int): bytes to be converted

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        unit       (str): If it will convert bytes to a specific unit
                          'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB'
        precision  (int): number of digits after the decimal point
        base       (int): 1000 - for decimal base
                          1024 - for binary base (it is the default)

        (int): number
        (str): unit (Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB']

        >>> bytes2human(10)
        ('10.00', 'Bytes')
        >>> bytes2human(2048)
        ('2.00', 'KB')
        >>> bytes2human(27273042329)
        ('25.40', 'GB')
        >>> bytes2human(27273042329, precision=1)
        ('25.4', 'GB')
        >>> bytes2human(27273042329, unit='MB')
        ('26009.60', 'MB')

convert_datetime_to_tz(*, date, date_fmt, from_tz='UTC', to_tz='America/Sao_Paulo')
    Convert a date to a specific timezone.

    Keyword arguments:

        date      (str):      date to convert
        date_fmt  (str):      format of the date to convert
        from_tz   (timezone): source timezone name (default: UTC)
        to_tz     (timezone): target timezone name (default: America/Sao_Paulo)

        datetime object with the target timezone defined.

    >>> convert_datetime_to_tz(date='2019-04-26T10:38:05Z', date_fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 26, 7, 38, 5, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Sao_Paulo' -03-1 day, 21:00:00 STD>)

    >>> convert_datetime_to_tz(date='2019-04-26T10:38:05Z', date_fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", from_tz="America/Sao_Paulo", to_tz="America/Los_Angeles")
    datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 26, 6, 38, 5, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'America/Los_Angeles' PDT-1 day, 17:00:00 DST>)

    >>> convert_datetime_to_tz(date='2019-04-26T10:38:05Z', date_fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", from_tz="America/Sao_Paulo", to_tz="Asia/Dubai")
    datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 26, 17, 38, 5, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Asia/Dubai' +04+4:00:00 STD>)

epoch_time_days_ago(days=1, *, utc='no')
    Return current date and time with less x days in unix epoch time format

    Unix epoch time -  number of seconds that have elapsed since
                       00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
                       1 January 1970

    Arguments (opt):
        days       (int):   Number of days ago to return unix timestamp
                              default is 1 day

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        utc       (yes/no): If unix epoch time in UTC timezone
                            default is no
    >>> epoch_time_days_ago()
    >>> epoch_time_days_ago(7)

epoch_time_hours_ago(hours=1, *, utc='no')
    Return current date and time with less x hours in unix epoch time format

    Unix epoch time -  number of seconds that have elapsed since
                       00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
                       1 January 1970

    Arguments (opt):
        hours     (int):    Number of hours ago to return unix timestamp
                            default is 1 hour

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        utc       (yes/no): If unix epoch time in UTC timezone
                            default is no
    >>> epoch_time_hours_ago()
    >>> epoch_time_hours_ago(8)

epoch_time_min_ago(minutes=5, *, utc='no')
    Return current date and time less x minutes in unix epoch time format

    Unix epoch time -  number of seconds that have elapsed since
                       00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
                       1 January 1970

    Arguments (opt):
        minutes  (int): Number of minutes ago to return unix timestamp
                        default is 5 minutes

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        utc         (yes/no): If unix epoch time in UTC timezone
                              default is no
    >>> epoch_time_min_ago()
    >>> epoch_time_min_ago(30)

epoch_time_now(*, utc='no')
    Return current date and time in unix epoch time format

    Unix epoch time -  number of seconds that have elapsed since
                       00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
                       1 January 1970

        utc         (yes/no): If returns unix epoch time in UTC timezone
                              default is no
    >>> epoch_time_now()

epoch_time_to_human(epoch, *, date_format='%c', utc='no')
    Convert a unix epoch time to human format

    Unix epoch time -  number of seconds that have elapsed since
                       00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
                       1 January 1970

        epoch       (int):    unix epoch time (timestamp)

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        date_format (str):    strftime format to show the epoch time
                              default is '%c' (Locale’s appropriate
                              date and time representation)
        utc         (yes/no): If unix epoch time in UTC timezone
                              default is no

    >>> epoch_time_to_human(1530324373,'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
    '06/29/2018 23:06:13'
    >>> epoch_time_to_human(1530324373)
    'Fri Jun 29 23:06:13 2018'
    >>> epoch_time_to_human(1530324373, utc='yes')
    'Sat Jun 30 02:06:13 2018'

find_key(dict_obj, key)
    Function to loop over a dictionary and search for an specific key
    It supports nested dictionary
        dict_obj    (obj): A list or a dictionary
        key         (str): dictionary key

    Return a list with values that matches the key

human2bytes(size, unit, *, precision=2, base=1024)
    Convert size from human to bytes

        size       (int): number
        unit       (str): converts from this unit to bytes
                          'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB'

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        precision  (int): number of digits after the decimal point
                          default is 2
        base       (int): 1000 - for decimal base
                          1024 - for binary base (it is the default)

        (int) number in bytes

        >>> human2bytes(10, 'GB')
        >>> human2bytes(10, 'GB', precision=0)
        >>> human2bytes(10, 'PB')

msg(color, msg_text, exitcode=0, *, mail_from=None, mail_to=None, mail_server='localhost', subject=None, end='\n')
    Print colored text.

        size      (str): color name (blue, red, green, yellow,
                                     cyan or nocolor)
        msg_text  (str): text to be printed
        exitcode  (int, opt): Optional parameter. If exitcode is different
                              from zero, it terminates the script, i.e,
                              it calls sys.exit with the exitcode informed

    Keyword arguments to send the msg_text by email too:
        mail_from   (str, opt): send email from this address
        mail_to     (str, opt): send email to this address
        subject     (str, opt): mail subject
        mail_server (str, opt): mail server address
        end         (str, opt): string appended after the last value,
                                default a newline

        msg("blue", "nice text in blue")
        msg("red", "Error in my script.. terminating", 1)

    Returns a nested dictionary, i.e, an dictionary with
    arbitrary number of levels.

    >>> mydict = nested_dict()
    >>> mydict['aa']['bb']['cc'] = 'teste'
    >>> print(mydict)
         defaultdict(<function nested_dict at 0x7f1e74b8bea0>, {'aa':
         defaultdict(<function nested_dict at 0x7f1e74b8bea0>, {'bb':
         defaultdict(<function nested_dict at 0x7f1e74b8bea0>, {'cc':
    >>> import pprint
    >>> pprint.pprint(mydict)
         {'aa': {'bb': {'cc': 'teste'}}}

pct_two_numbers(number1, number2, *, precision='2')
    Calculate the percentage of number1 to number2, i.e,
    number1 is what percent of number2

        number1 (int): number
        number2 (int): number

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        precision  (int): number of digits after the decimal point
                          default is 2

        (int): Pct value

    >>> pct_two_numbers(30, 90)
    >>> pct_two_numbers(30, 90, precision=0)
    >>> pct_two_numbers(30, 90, precision=4)
    >>> pct_two_numbers(10, 50)

print_table(header, rows, *, sortby='', alignl='', alignr='', hrules='')
    Print table using module prettytable
        header     (list): List with table header
        rows       (list): Nested list with table rows
                           [ [row1], [row2], [row3], ... ]

    Keyword arguments (optional):
        sortby      (str): header name to sort the output
        alignl     (list): headers name to align to left
        alignr     (list): headers name to align to right
        hrules      (str): Controls printing of horizontal rules after rows.
                           Allowed values: FRAME, HEADER, ALL, NONE

return_dict_value(dictionary, keys, *, ignore_key_error=False)
    Recursively iterate over a dictionary and return value
    for the key. Key must be a list. Each element of the list refers
    to the level of the dicionary

    It helps to reduce number of code lines when we need to perform may
    try: except: to catch KeyErrors

       dictionary              (dict): Dictionary
       keys                    (list): List with key(s)
       ignore_key_error  (True/False): Ignore key not found errors:
                                         True  - return '' if key not found
                                         False - raise exception
                                       default: False

    >>> from pcof import return_dict_value
    >>> mydic = { 'a': 'value_a',
    ...           'b': {
    ...                  'b1': 'value_b1',
    ...                  'b2': 'value_b2'
    ...                },
    ...           'c': {
    ...                  'c1': {
    ...                          'c11': 'value_c11',
    ...                          'c12': 'value_c12'
    ...                         }
    ...                },
    ...          }
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['a'])
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['b'])
        {'b2': 'value_b2', 'b1': 'value_b1'}
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['b', 'b1'])
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['c', 'c1', 'c12'])
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['c', 'c1', 'c13'])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
          File "/home/thobias/repo/pcof/", line 288, in return_dict_value
            return return_dict_value(dictionary[keys[0]], keys[1:])
          File "/home/thobias/repo/pcof/", line 288, in return_dict_value
            return return_dict_value(dictionary[keys[0]], keys[1:])
          File "/home/thobias/repo/pcof/", line 297, in return_dict_value
            return dictionary[keys[0]]
        KeyError: 'c13'
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['c', 'c1', 'c13'], ignore_key_error=True)
    >>> return_dict_value(mydic, ['x'], ignore_key_error=True)

    Execute a command on the operating system

        cmd    (str): the command to be executed

        - If command complete with return code zero
        return: command_return_code, stdout

        - If command completes with return code different from zero
        return: command_return_code, stderr

seconds_to_human(seconds, *, unit=None)
    Convert number in seconds to human format

        seconds   (int):                               Number of seconds

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        unit      (Months/Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds): Max unit used
                                                       to convert

    >>> seconds_to_human(300)
    '5 Minutes'
    >>> seconds_to_human(310)
    '5 Minutes, 10 Seconds'
    >>> seconds_to_human(10810)
    '3 Hours, 10 Seconds'
    >>> seconds_to_human(10810, unit='Minutes')
    '180 Minutes, 10 Seconds'
    >>> seconds_to_human(180072)
    '2 Days, 2 Hours, 1 Minutes, 12 Seconds'
    >>> seconds_to_human(5191272)
    '2 Months, 2 Hours, 1 Minutes, 12 Seconds'

send_email(mail_from, mail_to, subject, body, mailserver='localhost')
    Send an email using smtplib module

        mail_from   (str): send email from this address
        mail_to     (str): send email to this address
        subject     (str): mail subject
        mail_server (str, opt): mail server address. Default is localhost

setup_logging(logfile=None, *, filemode='a', date_format=None, log_level='DEBUG')
    Configure logging

    Arguments (opt):
        logfile     (str): log file to write the log messages
                               If not specified, it shows log messages
                               on screen (stderr)
    Keyword arguments (opt):
        filemode    (a/w): a - log messages are appended to the file (default)
                           w - log messages overwrite the file
        date_format (str): date format in strftime format
                           default is %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
        log_level   (str): specifies the lowest-severity log message
                           DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL
                           default is DEBUG

    Validate IP address format

        ip_address   (str): IP address

        If it is a valid IP address, return a corresponding match object,
        otherwise, return None.

        >>> pcof.validate_ip('')
        <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 9), match=''>
        >>> pcof.validate_ip('127.0.0.a')

x_pct_of_number(pct, number, *, precision='2')
    Calculate what is the x% of a number

        pct        (int): percentage
        number     (int): number

    Keyword arguments (opt):
        precision  (int): number of digits after the decimal point
                          default is 2

        (int):  number

    >>> x_pct_of_number(33.333, 90)     # what is 33.333% of 90
    >>> x_pct_of_number(40, 200)        # what is 40% of 200
    >>> x_pct_of_number(40.9, 200)      # what is 40.9* of 200
    >>> x_pct_of_number(40.9, 200, precision=4)
    >>> x_pct_of_number(40.9, 200, precision=0)

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Source Distribution

pcof-0.1.0.tar.gz (15.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

pcof-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (13.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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