A Python package to create Anki cards from PDFs using OpenAI.
Project description
is a Python application that enables you to generate Anki flashcards questions from PDF files utilizing the power of OpenAI ChatGPT.
- Python 3.6 or higher
- Access to OpenAI API (ensure to set your API key as an environment variable named 'OPENAI_API_KEY')
You can install pdf2anki
from PyPI:
pip install pdf2anki
Once installed, you can use the pdf2anki command to generate Anki cards from a directory of PDFs. The following arguments are needed:
pdf2anki --source-dir SOURCE_DIR --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR --model MODEL --temperature TEMPERATURE --max-tokens MAX_TOKENS
For example:
pdf2anki --source-dir ./pdfs --output-dir ./anki-cards --model gpt-4 --temperature 0.5 --max-tokens 1000
For Developers
Developers can also use pdf2anki in their Python scripts as follows:
import os
from pdf2anki.main import read_pdf, create_anki_cards
#### Define the source PDF folder and the output folder for the Anki cards
source_dir = "path/to/pdf_folder"
output_dir = "path/to/output_folder"
#### Define the parameters for the OpenAI model
model = "gpt-4"
temperature = 0.5
max_tokens = 1000
#### Iterate over the PDF files in the source directory
for file_name in os.listdir(source_dir):
if file_name.endswith(".pdf"):
# Get the full path to the source PDF
source_pdf = os.path.join(source_dir, file_name)
# Read the PDF text
pdf_text = read_pdf(source_pdf)
# Create output file path
output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, file_name.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".txt")
# Create Anki cards from the PDF text
create_anki_cards(pdf_text, output_file, model, temperature, max_tokens)
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.