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Python style guide checker

Project description

pep8 - Python style guide checker

pep8 is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8.

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  • Plugin architecture: Adding new checks is easy.

  • Parseable output: Jump to error location in your editor.

  • Small: Just one Python file, requires only stdlib. You can use just the file for this purpose.

  • Comes with a comprehensive test suite.


You can install, upgrade, uninstall with these commands:

$ sudo pip install pep8
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pep8
$ sudo pip uninstall pep8

Or if you don’t have pip:

$ sudo easy_install pep8

There’s also a package for Debian/Ubuntu, but it’s not always the latest version:

$ sudo apt-get install pep8

Example usage and output

$ pep8 E401 multiple imports on one line E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1 E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0 W602 deprecated form of raising exception E211 whitespace before '(' E201 whitespace after '{' E221 multiple spaces before operator W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in'

You can also make show the source code for each error, and even the relevant text from PEP 8:

$ pep8 --show-source --show-pep8 testsuite/
testsuite/ E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
  print x
    Use 4 spaces per indentation level.

    For really old code that you don't want to mess up, you can
    continue to use 8-space tabs.

Or you can display how often each error was found:

$ pep8 --statistics -qq --filename=*.py Python-2.5/Lib
232     E201 whitespace after '['
599     E202 whitespace before ')'
631     E203 whitespace before ','
842     E211 whitespace before '('
2531    E221 multiple spaces before operator
4473    E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0
4006    E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
165     E303 too many blank lines (4)
325     E401 multiple imports on one line
3615    E501 line too long (82 characters)
612     W601 .has_key() is deprecated, use 'in'
1188    W602 deprecated form of raising exception

Quick help is available on the command line:

$ pep8 -h
Usage: [options] input ...

  --version            show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose        print status messages, or debug with -vv
  -q, --quiet          report only file names, or nothing with -qq
  -r, --repeat         show all occurrences of the same error
  --exclude=patterns   exclude files or directories which match these comma
                       separated patterns (default: .svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git)
  --filename=patterns  when parsing directories, only check filenames matching
                       these comma separated patterns (default: *.py)
  --select=errors      select errors and warnings (e.g. E,W6)
  --ignore=errors      skip errors and warnings (e.g. E4,W)
  --show-source        show source code for each error
  --show-pep8          show text of PEP 8 for each error
  --statistics         count errors and warnings
  --count              print total number of errors and warnings to standard
                       error and set exit code to 1 if total is not null
  --benchmark          measure processing speed
  --testsuite=dir      run regression tests from dir
  --doctest            run doctest on myself


Your feedback is more than welcome. Write email to or post bugs and feature requests on github:

Source download

The source code is currently available on github. Fork away!


0.6.0 (2010-09-19)

  • Test suite reorganized and enhanced in order to check more failures with fewer test files. Read the run_tests docstring for details about the syntax.

  • Fix E225: accept print >>sys.stderr, "..." syntax.

  • Fix E501 for lines containing multibyte encoded characters. (Issue #7)

  • Fix E221, E222, E223, E224 not detected in some cases. (Issue #16)

  • Fix E211 to reject v = dic['a'] ['b']. (Issue #17)

  • Exit code is always 1 if any error or warning is found. (Issue #10)

  • --ignore checks are now really ignored, especially in conjunction with --count. (Issue #8)

  • Blank lines with spaces yield W293 instead of W291: some developers want to ignore this warning and indent the blank lines to paste their code easily in the Python interpreter.

  • Fix E301: do not require a blank line before an indented block. (Issue #14)

  • Fix E203 to accept NumPy slice notation a[0, :]. (Issue #13)

  • Performance improvements.

  • Fix decoding and checking non-UTF8 files in Python 3.

  • Fix E225: reject True+False when running on Python 3.

  • Fix an exception when the line starts with an operator.

  • Allow a new line before closing ), } or ]. (Issue #5)

0.5.0 (2010-02-17)

  • Changed the --count switch to print to sys.stderr and set exit code to 1 if any error or warning is found.

  • E241 and E242 are removed from the standard checks. If you want to include these checks, use switch --select=E,W. (Issue #4)

  • Blank line is not mandatory before the first class method or nested function definition, even if there’s a docstring. (Issue #1)

  • Add the switch --version.

  • Fix decoding errors with Python 3. (Issue #13 [1])

  • Add --select option which is mirror of --ignore.

  • Add checks E261 and E262 for spaces before inline comments.

  • New check W604 warns about deprecated usage of backticks.

  • New check W603 warns about the deprecated operator <>.

  • Performance improvement, due to rewriting of E225.

  • E225 now accepts:

    • no whitespace after unary operator or similar. (Issue #9 [1])

    • lambda function with argument unpacking or keyword defaults.

  • Reserve “2 blank lines” for module-level logical blocks. (E303)

  • Allow multi-line comments. (E302, issue #10 [1])

0.4.2 (2009-10-22)

  • Decorators on classes and class methods are OK now.

0.4 (2009-10-20)

  • Support for all versions of Python from 2.3 to 3.1.

  • New and greatly expanded self tests.

  • Added --count option to print the total number of errors and warnings.

  • Further improvements to the handling of comments and blank lines. (Issue #1 [1] and others changes.)

  • Check all py files in directory when passed a directory (Issue #2 [1]). This also prevents an exception when traversing directories with non *.py files.

  • E231 should allow commas to be followed by ). (Issue #3 [1])

  • Spaces are no longer required around the equals sign for keyword arguments or default parameter values.

0.3.1 (2009-09-14)

  • Fixes for comments: do not count them when checking for blank lines between items.

  • Added for pypi upload and easy_installability.

0.2 (2007-10-16)

  • Loads of fixes and improvements.

0.1 (2006-10-01)

  • First release.


  • Should command line option –repeat be enabled by default?

  • Does command line option –ignore properly prevent status code 1?

  • Release version 1.0 after a brief stabilization period.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pep8-0.6.0.tar.gz (21.4 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

File details

Details for the file pep8-0.6.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pep8-0.6.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 21.4 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No

File hashes

Hashes for pep8-0.6.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 6b431202573b9ded9a329694283a68648ef47758e8be2c619fd04902ff58398f
MD5 7e9e9294e08f80477c0132d3bc495410
BLAKE2b-256 6317a9805b9e94053860aec9cf2e7d59e0552f6981a98b8279cf0e121c33506d

See more details on using hashes here.

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