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A collection of tools for Project Freedom projects

Project description


GPL-v3.0 PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Version

A collection of tools for Project Freedom projects.

Copyright (c) 2023-present Didier Malenfant.


pfDevTools works on macOS, Linux and Windows.

You can install pfDevTools by typing the following in a terminal window:

pip install pf-dev-tools


pfDevTools requires at least Python 3.10. Make sure you have at least Python 3.10 before proceeding.

It also uses the git command. If you're on macOS and Linux this should come already built in.

By default, pfDevTools uses a local/native install of the Quartus toolchain to build bitstream files on your machine. You just need to make sure that quartus_sh is in your PATH.

Since Quartus is only available on Windows or Linux, if quartus_sh is not found on your system the toolchain will switch to using docker instead. To use docker, you'll need to install Docker Desktop and to make sure the Docker Engine is running while building the core. On an Apple Silicon Mac, make sure that Use Virtualization framework and Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon are both enabled in docker's Settings->General.

By default a docker image for Qartus 22.1 will be used. If you want to use a different version of Quartus, you can define PF_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME in your environment (i.e. export PF_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=didiermalenfant/quartus:22.1-apple-silicon) to point to a different docker image to use.

pf Command

pfDevTools's main functionality is centered around the pf command. It provides tools used for building openFPGA cores and will also eventually be used to build pfx roms.


  pf <options> command <arguments>

The following options are supported:

  --help/-h                             - Show a help message.
  --version/-v                          - Display the app's version.
  --debug/-d                            - Enable extra debugging information.

clean command

  pf clean

Cleans the project and deletes any intermediate build files. This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

clone command

  pf clone <url> <tag=name> dest_folder

Clones the repo found at url, optionally at a given tag/branch named name into the folder dest_folder. 'url' does not need to be pre-fixed with https:// or post-fixed with .git.

If url is missing then is used.

convert command

  pf convert src_filename dest_filename

Converts an image to the openFGPA binary format used for core images and author icons.

delete command

  pf delete core_name <volume_path>

Deletes all core data (bitstream, images, icons, json files) for core named core_name on volume at <volume_path>.

If volume_path is omitted then the command looks for the PF_CORE_INSTALL_PATH environment variable. If this is not defined either then it defaults to /Volumes/POCKET on macOS, /media/<username>/POCKET on linux or the P: drive on Windows (learn how to set the drive letter here).

If another implementation of the core is found then the Platforms files will be kept otherwise they are deleted too.

dryrun command

  pf dryrun

Simulate building the project. This will give out information on what, if anything, needs to be rebuilt.

This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

eject command

  pf eject <volume_path>

Ejects the volume at volumePath.

If volume_path is omitted then the command looks for the PF_CORE_INSTALL_PATH environment variable. If this is not defined either then it defaults to /Volumes/POCKET on macOS, /media/<username>/POCKET on linux or the P: drive on Windows (learn how to set the drive letter here).

install command

  pf install <--no_build> <--eject>)
  pf install <--eject> zip_file <volume_path>

If no zip file is specified then this will build the project and installs it to where the PF_CORE_INSTALL_PATH environment variable points to. Using --no_build will skip trying to build the project before installing it.

This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

If a zip file is specified this this will install the packaged core contained in zip_file onto volume at volume_path. If volume_path is omitted then the command looks for the PF_CORE_INSTALL_PATH environment variable.

For both options, using --eject will eject the volume after a successful install and if PF_CORE_INSTALL_PATH is not defined either then it defaults to /Volumes/POCKET on macOS, /media/<username>/POCKET on linux or the P: drive on Windows (learn how to set the drive letter here).

make command

  pf make

Builds the local project.

This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

program command

  pf program

Build the project and program the Analogue Pocket FPGA core via a JTAG blaster cable. You will need a core to be currently running on the Pocket in order to use this. Because the FPGA is then reprogrammed without going through the Pocket's interface, the video scaler will retain whatever scaling settings were set by the previous core. This may cause the display to be incorrectly scaled if the settings are different for the new core.

This is currently only supported on linux and Windows and requires a local/native install of the Quartus tool chain with the quartus_pgm in your PATH.

This should be executed in the same folder as the project's SConstruct file.

qfs command

  pf qfs qsf_file <cpus=num> files...

Edits a Quartus qfs project file to add files and set number of cpu for the project. Updates the qfs_file by adding a list of Verilog .v or .sv files, separated by spaces.

Optionally cpus can set the number of cpu cores that the compilation process can use.

reverse command

  pf reverse src_filename dest_filename

Reverses the bitstream file at src_filename and writes it to dest_filename.

Building an openFPGA core

pfDevTools provides an entire toolchain needed to compile openFPGA cores. The build systems is based on the SCons software construction tool which is entirely written in Python.

A typical makefile is named SConstruct and for openFPGA projects can look as simple as this:

  import pfDevTools

  # -- We need pf-dev-tools version 1.x.x but at least 1.0.5.

  env = pfDevTools.SConsEnvironment()

This will build, using pf make, a packaged core file based on the toml config file and the source code found in the src folder.

All projects should contain at least one core/core_top.v file at the root of their source tree. The content of this file should be based around Analogue's own file but you do not need to provide any other files or IP found in the core template. Those will be automatically brought in for you during the build.

Good examples of simple core projects can be found in the examples provided as part of the openFPGA tutorials.

The build environment can be customized by passing variables to the pfDevTools.SConsEnvironment() method call like so:

  env = pfDevTools.SConsEnvironment(PF_BUILD_FOLDER='MyBuildFolder', PF_SRC_FOLDER='MySrcFolder')

The following variables are currently supported:

  • PF_SRC_FOLDER - Root folder for all the Verilog source files for the project. Defaults to the folder where the toml config [file]](#core-config-file-format) is located.
  • PF_BUILD_FOLDER - Folder where intermediate build files are created. Defaults to _build.
  • PF_CORE_TEMPLATE_REPO_URL - Repo url to use instead of the default core template repo at
  • PF_CORE_TEMPLATE_REPO_TAG - Repo tag to use to clone the core template repo.
  • PF_CORE_TEMPLATE_REPO_FOLDER - Path to a local core template folder to copy instead of cloning a repo.
  • 'PF_NB_OF_CPUS_TO_USE' - Number of cpu cores that the compilation process can use in parallel.
  • 'PF_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION' - If set to 1 then the core will be compiled using HIGH PERFORMANCE EFFORT.

Core config file format

Core configuration is done via a single toml file, passed as an argument to env.OpenFPGACore. This file is split into various sections:

[Platform] section

This section is used to provide information about the platform your core is implementing:

  • name (string): Name of the platform, as displayed in the Pocket's menus. Maximum length is 31 characters.
  • category (string): Category this platform belongs to. Maximum length is 31 characters.
  • short_name (string): Short name for the platform. This is used for paths in the SD card's filesystem. Maximum length is 31 characters.
  • image (path): Path to a 521x165 graphic file associated with the platform. Can be a 'png' or 'jpeg' file which will be automatically converted to the format expected by the console.
  • description (string): Short description. Maximum length is 63 characters.
  • info (path): Path, relative to the config file's folder, to a text file containing extra information that will be shown in the core’s Platform Detail view. Up to 32 lines can be displayed. No special characters. Bullet points can be shown by starting a line with an *.

For example:

name = "pfx-1"
image = "assets/pfx1-platform-image.png"
short_name = "pfx1"
category = "Fantasy"
description = "An open-source fantasy gaming console for the Analog Pocket."
info = "info.txt"
[Build] section

This section contains information about the given build of the core:

  • version (string): Version of the release. SemVer is highly encouraged. Maximum length is 31 characters.

For example:

version = "0.0.1"
[Author] section

This section contains information about the author of the core:

  • name (string): Name of the core author. Maximum length is 31 characters.
  • icon (path): Path, relative to the config file's folder, to a 36x36 graphic file associated with the author. Can be a 'png' or 'jpeg' file which will be automatically converted to the format expected by the console.
  • url (string): URL to more information about core. Maximum length is 63 characters.

For example:

name = "dm"
icon = "assets/pfx1-core-author-icon.png"
url = ""
[Hardware] section

This section contains configuration parameters for the Analogue Pocket's hardware:

  • video_width (unsigned integer): Width of the screen in pixels.
  • video_height (unsigned integer): Height of the screen in pixels.
  • video_rotation_angle (unsigned integer): Rotation in degrees to apply to the screen. Supported values are 0, 90, 180 or 270 (Optional: Defaults to 0).
  • video_flip_horizontal (boolean): Flip/mirror the screen horizontally (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • video_flip_vertical (boolean): Flip/mirror the screen vertically (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • display_modes (list of strings): Display modes supported by the core (Optional: Defaults to false). Supported display modes are:
    • crt_trinitron
    • grayscale_lcd
    • original_gb_dmg
    • original_gbp
    • original_gbp_light
    • reflective_color
    • original_gbc
    • original_gbc
    • backlit_color
    • original_gba
    • original_gba_sp101
    • original_gg
    • original_gg
    • pinball_neon_matrix
  • link_port (boolean): Whether link port is utilized.
  • power_cartridge_port (boolean): Provide power to the cartridge port (Optional: Defaults to false).

For example:

video_width = 400
video_height = 360
video_rotation_angle = 0
video_flip_horizontal = false
video_flip_vertical = false
power_cartridge_port = true
[Cores] section

In the vast majority of cases, you should not need to define a [Cores] section in your configuration, the default values should work fine. But if your platform provides multiple cores like, for example, one for NTSC resolution and one for PAL then you will need to specify those cores manually.

The [Cores] section is made of up to 8 [Cores.<id>] sections. Each section contains configuration parameters for one core:

  • id (16-bit unsigned integer): Identification number for the core. (Optional: If no cores are specified in the config file then this defaults to 0).
  • name (string): Name of the core. Maximum length is 15 characters (Optional: Defaults to default).
  • source_file (string): Source bitstream file to use for the core. This is assumed to be located in the core template's output_files folder (Optional: Defaults to pf_core.rbf).
  • filename (string): Filename for the reverse bitstream file packaged with the core. Maximum length is 15 characters (Optional: Defaults to bitstream.rbf_r).

For example, not specifying any [Cores] section is the same as:

  name = "default"
  source_file = "pf_core.rbf"
  filename = "bitstream.rbf_r"
[Files] section

The [Files] section is made of up to 32 [Files.<id>] sections. Each section contains configuration parameters for one file:

  • id (16-bit unsigned integer): Identification number for the file.
  • name (string): User-facing name of the file. Maximum length is 15 characters.
  • required (boolean): If true the file will be requested from the user in a dialog, otherwise it will be skipped (Optional: Defaults to true).
  • defer_loading (boolean): If true, file will not be loaded, but its size and ID will still be communicated to the core, and the core may read from or write to it (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • secondary (boolean): If true, file will be ignored, and will only be loaded if referenced in a selected variant/instance (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • non_volatile (boolean): If true, file will be both loaded and unloaded on core exit allowing modifications to remain between separate core launches (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • parameters (list of strings): Some parameters to apply to this file (Optional: Defaults to no parameters). Supported parameters are:
    • user-reloadable: The file is reloadable. An entry named Load <name> is added in the core settings.
    • core-specific: File is specific only to this core, instead of all the cores for this platform.
    • non-volatile-filename: The filename to use is one cloned from file 0 with this file's extension appended.
    • read-only: File is read-only and cannot be modified.
    • instance-json: Treat a JSON loaded as this file as an instance description. Must also be flagged as core-specific, and only valid for the first file.
    • init-non-volatile-data-on-load: If no file is loaded on init, the file's memory is overwritten with 0xFF up to maximum_size.
    • reset-core-while-loading: Reset Enter command will be sent before executing the Data Slot Request Write and Data Slot Access All Complete then Reset Exit will be sent after.
    • restart-core-after-loading: Entire core is unloaded via the normal process, saving any non-volatile files. Then a full restart of the core is done, using the new data along with other already-defined assets.
    • full-reload-core: Same as above, but the bitstream is also reloaded before the restart process.
    • persist-browsed-filename: Filenames picked via the browser will be persisted, and the next time the file is loaded, the same choice will be used, overriding any definition or instance filename. The browser cache, which is saved per-core, is cleared when a user uses Reset All to Defaults in the core's Interact menu.
  • extensions (list of string): Array of up to 4 supported file extensions. Each extension may be up to 7 characters.
  • required_size (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string with 0x prefix): Exact size required for the file (Optional: Defaults to no required size).
  • maximum_size (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string with 0x prefix_): Maximum size allowed for the file (Optional: Defaults to no maximum size).
  • address (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string with 0x prefix): Address that will be used to access the file via the BRIDGE interface.
  • filename (file path): A file path, relative to the config file's folder, for the file that should be used for this slot and packaged with the core. All files end up in the same folder so each filename must be unique. Maximum base filename length is 31 characters (Optional: Defaults to file being requested from the user instead).
  • include_files (list of file paths): List of paths, relative to the config file's folder, for all the files that should be packaged with the core. All files end up in the same folder so each filename must be unique. Maximum base filename length is 31 characters (Optional: Defaults to no files included).

If filename is used then this file is automatically added to the include_files list when packaging the core.

For example:

  name = "Background"
  required = true
  parameters = [ "user-reloadable", "core-specific" ]
  extensions = [ "bin" ]
  required_size = 184320
  address = "0x00000000"
  include_files = [ "assets/images/ex_image_1.bin", "assets/images/ex_image_2.bin", "assets/images/ex_image_3.bin" ]
[Variables] section

The [Variables] section is made of up to 16 variables [Variables.<id>] sections. Variables are user-facing in the Core Settings menu and enable the user to pass configuration settings onto the core. Each section contains configuration parameters for one variable:

  • id (16-bit unsigned integer): Identification number for the variable.
  • name (string): User-facing name of the variable. Maximum length is 15 characters.
  • type (string): Type of variable. Should be either radio_button, checkbox, slider, list, number or action.
  • enabled (boolean): Whether the variable is enabled or not (Optional: Defaults to true).
  • address (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Address that will be used to access the variable via the BRIDGE interface.

Some parameters apply only to radio_button variables:

  • group (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Group identifier. Buttons with the same group will be grouped together.
  • persistent (boolean): Retains the value set by the user after the core is shut own (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • write-only (boolean): If true value will never be read back from the core. (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • default (boolean): Default state of the button, on or off.
  • value_on (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Value written when the button is on.
  • value_off (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Value written when the button is on (Optional: Defaults to 0).
  • mask (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Bits set to 1 will be left untouched when writing a value. Bits set to 0 may be modified by the UI element (Optional: Defaults to 0)

Some parameters apply only to checkbox variables:

  • persistent (boolean): Retains the value set by the user after the core is shut own (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • write-only (boolean): If true value will never be read back from the core (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • default (boolean): Default state of the checkbox, on or off.
  • value_on (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Value written when the box is checked.
  • value_off (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Value written when the box is checked (Optional: Defaults to 0).
  • mask (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Bits set to 1 will be left untouched when writing a value. Bits set to 0 may be modified by the UI element (Optional: Defaults to 0)

Some parameters apply only to slider variables:

  • persistent (boolean): Retains the value set by the user after the core is shut own (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • write-only (boolean): If true value will never be read back from the core (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • default (32-bit integer or hex string): Default value/position of the slider.
  • mask (32-bit integer or hex string): Bits set to 1 will be left untouched when writing a value. Bits set to ‘0may be modified by the UI element (**Optional**: Defaults to0`)
  • signed_value (boolean): Indicates whether the value displayed should be treated os signed or unsigned (Optional: Defaults to false).
  • minimum_value (32-bit integer or hex string): Minimum value the slider can be set to.
  • maximum_value (32-bit integer or hex string): Maximum value the slider can be set to.
  • small_step (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Smallest increment the slider can move.
  • large_step (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Largest increment the slider can move.

Some parameters apply only to list variables:

  • choices (List of name/value pairs): Up to 16 choices for the list using the following pairs:
    • name (string): Name of the choice. Maximum length is 23 characters.
    • value (32-bit integer or hex string): Value that is written when making that choice.
  • mask (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Bits set to 1 will be left untouched when writing a value. Bits set to 0 may be modified by the UI element (Optional: Defaults to 0)

Some parameters apply only to action variables:

  • value (32-bit integer or hex string): Value that is written when the action is selected.
  • mask (32-bit unsigned integer or hex string): Bits set to 1 will be left untouched when writing a value. Bits set to 0 may be modified by the UI element (Optional: Defaults to 0)

For example:

  name = "Screen Border"
  type = "checkbox"
  persistent = true
  address = "0x50000000"
  default = true
  value_on = 23
  mask = "0xFFFF0000"
[Controllers] section

The [Variables] section is made of up to 4 variables [Controllers.<id>] sections. Each Controller contains information on how to map keys to actions in your core. User can then remap these action in the Controls menu of the core settings. The following parameters are supported:

  • id (16-bit unsigned integer): Identification number for the controller.
  • key_mapping (List of name/key_code pairs):
    • name (string): Name of the action. Maximum length is 19 characters.
    • key_code (string): Key this action is mapped to by default. This can be any of the following: A, B, X, Y, L, R, Start or Select.

For example:

  key_mapping = [ [ "Purple Square", "A" ],
                  [ "Green Square", "B" ],
                  [ "Replay Audio", "X" ] ]

Installing Docker on Ubuntu Linux

Make sure that no other version of Docker are installed:

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc

Add the docker repository:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
  "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
  sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

Install the Docker Engine:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

In order to be able to run docker without sudo, make sure the docker group exists and add your user to it:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

You can verify that the Docker Engine installation is successful by running the hello-world image:

docker run hello-world

Assigning a drive letter to a volume on Windows

By default pf-dev-tools uses the P: (for Pocket) drive on Windows for installing cores. You can set your SD card to use the same drive letter by doing the following:

  • Right-click on the Start button.
  • Click Disk Management to open the Disk Management console.
  • Right-click the volume that has the drive letter you want to change.
  • Click Change Drive Letter And Paths.


See the file.


openFPGA and the openFPGA logo are trademarks of Analogue Enterprises Ltd. Quartus is a registered trademark of Intel.

This project is not affiliated, associated with, sponsored or supported by neither Analogue nor Intel.


pfDevTools is distributed under the terms of the GPLv3.0 or later license.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pf_dev_tools-1.4.0.tar.gz (71.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pf_dev_tools-1.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (63.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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