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postgreSQL database version control tool

Project description

Database pgvctrl is a tool designed to help deploy changes to postgres databases. All changes are stored in versioned folders with the order of execution set by the programmer.


  1. postgres ;)

  2. A general knowledge of postgres sql. tutorial

  3. Python3

Getting started:

pip install

pip install pgvctrl


Download or clone the repository


python install

Get help:

pgvctrl -h

Get version:

pgvctrl -version

Running the tests

In the test directory:


Getting Started

  1. If you don’t already have a database, create one on your postgres server.

  2. Create pgvctrl dbRepoConfig:

    1. Make a directory where you want you database repositories to live.

      pgvctrl -mkconf

      This will create a dbRepoConfig.json file.

  3. Create database repository:

    1. In the same directory as the dbRepoConfig.json file, run:

      pgvctrl -mkrepo [repository name]


      pgvctrl -mkrepo mydb


      Repository created: mydb

    What just happened?

    • There will be a folder structure: [my dir]/databases/[repository name]/ created.

    • The dbRepoConfig.json file will be updated to reflect the new repository.

  4. Initialize database repository:

    1. In the same directory as the dbRepoConfig.json file, run:

      pgvctrl -init [db connection information] -repo [repository name]

      For production databases:

      pgvctrl -init [db connection information] -repo [repository name] -production

      NOTE: Database connection information should include at a minimum.

    Standard Information

    -d [database name on server]


    pgvctrl -init -d mylocaldb -repo mydb

    Other information as needed:

    -host [postgres server host]
    -p [port]
    -u [database username]
    -pwd [password]


    Service Information.pg_service

    -svc [pg service information]


    pgvctrl -svc mydatabase:test -repo mydb

    What just happened? After initialization is complete:

    • There will be a new table in your database named repository_version. This is where pgvctrl stores your repository name, version number with a version hash for each sql update file, environment name, revision (number of times the same version has been applied with different sql hash) and production flag.

  5. Make repository version for repository: -mkv: Make version number:

    pgvctrl -mkv [x.x.x.version_name] -repo [repository name]


    pgvctrl -mkv 1.0.0.my_new_version -repo mydb


    Version mydb/1.0.0.my_new_version created.
  6. Create sql change files in the versioned directory! These files will be used to update your database and should have the naming convention of: [order number].[change name].sql e.g.: 100.AddedUserTable.sql


    • For best results with sql files, wrap all statements in a Transactions.

        [Your sql changes]
  7. List repositories and changes:

    pgvctrl -rl


         v 1.0.0.my_new_version


    pgvctrl -rlv


         v 0.0.0.my_new_version
             100 AddUsersTable
  8. List repository Schema Snapshots:

    pgvctrl -lss
    pgvctrl -list-schema-snapshots


         1.0.0.my_new_version      5.21 KB
  9. List repository database dumps:

    pgvctrl -ldd
    pgvctrl -list-database-dumps


         mydb.test.20190101           132.22 MB
  10. When you are ready to apply your changes to your database:

    pgvctrl -apply -v [version number] -repo [repository name] [db connection information]


    pgvctrl -apply -v 0.0.0 -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


    Running: 100.AddUsersTable
    Running: 500.AddStatesTable


    • If you are applying changes to a production database, you must use the -production flag.

    What just happened?

    • All of the sql files with [number].[change name].sql were ran against your database.

    • The repository_version table was update with the new version hash.

SQL Error handling

SQL Error handling on -apply In the event of an SQL error, pgvctrl will attempt to run the rollback version of your sql.


100.AddUsers_rollback.sql - rollback file for 100.AddUsers.sql
  • If your rollback file does not exist or fails, the -apply command fails and no sql after the first failing sql file will be ran.

  • If the rollback file succeeds, all other sql files will be ran until all files have been applied if they can be.

Working with environments:

Setting up environment versions in repositories help ensure versions get deployed to the proper database.

Making and setting environments.

-mkenv: Make environment type:

pgvctrl -mkenv [env_name] -repo [repository name]


pgvctrl -mkenv test -repo mydb


Repository environment created: mydb test

-setenv: Set environment type to a version:

pgvctrl -setenv [env_name] -v [x.x] -repo [repository name]


pgvctrl -setenv test -v 1.0.0 -repo mydb


Repository environment set: mydb test 1.0.0

-init database with environment:

pgvctrl -init [db connection information] -repo [repository name] -setenv [env_name]

For production databases:

pgvctrl -init [db connection information] -repo [repository name] -setenv [env_name] -production


Database initialized environment [env_name]

-apply using -env:

pgvctrl -apply -env [env_name] -repo [repository name] [db connection information]


pgvctrl -apply -env test -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


Running: 100.AddUsersTable
Running: 500.AddStatesTable
Applied: mydb v 1.1.0.MyVersion.0

What else can pgvctrl do?

-chkver: Check the version and repo on a database:

pgvctrl -chkver -repo [repository name] [db connection information]


pgvctrl -chkver -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


mydb: 0.0.0.first.0

-status: Check database repository version status:

pgvctrl -status -repo [repository name] [db connection information]


pgvctrl -status -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


    v 0.0.0.first ['test']
        Applied        100.some_sql
        Not Applied    200.some_sql
        Different      300.some_sql
        Missing        400.some_sql
  • Applied (whitish) - The sql file has been applied to the database.

  • Not Applied (green)- The sql file has not yet been applied to the database.

  • Different (orange) - The sql file has been applied to the database, but the file has been altered/updated.

  • Missing (red) - The file had been applied to the database, but was removed from the version.

-timer-on/-timer-off: Turn executions timer on/off for -apply, -applyss, -pulldata, -pushdata, -dump and -restore:

pgvctrl -timer-on


Execution Timer ON
pgvctrl -timer-off


Execution Timer OFF

What happens?

  • The “timeExecutions” value in dbRepoConfig.json is toggled

-rmenv: Remove environment type:

pgvctrl -rmenv [env_name] -repo [repository name]


pgvctrl -rmenv test -repo mydb


Repository environment removed: mydb test

-rmrepo: Remove Repository

pgvctrl -rmrepo [repository name]


pgvctrl -rmrepo test


Repository removed: test


  • If this command does not remove the folder from database, you must remove it and its contents yourself. This is a safety measure.

  • Any repository folders left behind will be displayed as UNREGISTERED when the -rl option is used.

Manage schemas and tables in Schema Snapshots

Manage schemas (–schema, –exclude-schema, –rm-schema, –rm-exclude-schema):

  1. Allows the user to say what schemas structures to include/exclude when Schema Snapshots are created.

  2. The ‘rm’ arguments allow the user to remove schemas from the included and excluded lists.

To include a schema:

pgvctrl -n membership -repo pgvctrl_test
pgvctrl -schema membership -repo pgvctrl_test


Repository added: pgvctrl_test
include-schemas ['membership']

What happens?

  • The dbRepoConfig.json file with have the membership schema added to the includeSchemas list property of the “pgvctrl_test” repository

Manage table (–table, –exclude-table, –rm-table, –rmexclude-table):

  1. Allows the user to say what tables structures to include/exclude when Schema Snapshots are created.

  2. The ‘rm’ arguments allow the user to remove tables from the included and excluded lists.

To include a table:

pgvctrl -t membership.user -repo pgvctrl_test
pgvctrl -table membership.user -repo pgvctrl_test


Repository added: pgvctrl_test
include-table ['membership.user']


  1. If a table/schema is included and then later excluded, the table/schema is moved from included to exclude and vice versa.

  2. Include table/schema works the same as with pg_dump.

Schema Snapshot (-getss, -applyss)

What are Schema Snapshots? Schema Snapshots are snapshots of the database structure (tables, views, functions ect.) at the time the snapshot was taken.


  1. There can be only one per repository version!

  2. The table holding the repository information (repository_version) will be saved as an insert in the Schema Snapshot.

  3. Currently, only the schema is saved with Schema Snapshots.

  4. If there were database schema changes outside of pgvctrl, it will be captured in the Schema Snapshot.

  5. Schema Snapshots should only be applied to empty databases.

-getss: Set version Schema Snapshot

-getss -repo [repository name] [db connection information]

-applyss or -apply-schema-snapshot: Apply version Schema Snapshot

-applyss [Schema Snapshot Name] -repo [repository name] [db connection information]

Manage data (-pulldata, -pushdata)

There could be many reason why one would want to manage data:

  1. Lookup tables.

  2. Testing data.

  3. Just because your boss wants you too.

-pulldata: Pull data from repository by table

-pulldata [-dt [table name]] -repo [repository name] [db connection information]


-pulldata -dt error_set -dt membership.user_state -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


Pulling: error_set
Pulling: membership.user_state

What happens?

  • The data folder for the repository is created.

  • One sql file per table is created with the table name was the file name.

  • A data.json file is created in data folder as well.

Notes: If you are just setting up data pulls for the first time, you can add one or more tables with the [-t [table name]] option.

-pushdata: Push data from repository to database

Once you have your data in your repository, pushing data is easy.

-pushdata -repo [repository name] [db connection information]

e.g. For pushing by table(s).

-pushdata -dt error_set -dt process_state -repo mydb -d mylocaldb

e.g. For pushing all tables.

-pushdata -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


Pushing Data
Running: error_set.sql

Notes: For interdependent data pushes, create _pre_push.sql and _post_push.sql files in the data folder to have pgvctrl execute before and after the data push.



-dump: Dump the repositories database

You can dump the database based on the repository backing it. This means includes/excludes for schemas and tables are honored during the database backup.

-dump -repo [repository name] [db connection information]

e.g. For dumping the database.

-dump -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


Do you want to dump the database? [YES/NO]
:[Type YES]
Repository mydb database backed up

What happens?

  • The _databaseBackup/[repository name] folder is created if it doesn’t exist.

  • The backup [repository name][.environment].[string date] file is created.

-restore: Restore a repositories database from -dump

You can restore a repositories database based on a previous repository database dump.

-restore [repository name][.environment].[string date] -repo [repository name] [db connection information]

e.g. For dumping the database.

-restore mylocaldb.test.20190101 -repo mydb -d mylocaldb


Do you want to restore the database? [YES/NO]
:[Type YES]
Database mylocaldb.20190101 from repository mydb restored ['-d', 'mylocaldb'].

What happens?

  • The _databaseBackup/[repository name]/[dump file] file is used to fill the empty database at [db connection information].


  1. Database for restore should an empty databases.


The dbRepoConfig.json files is the configuration file for your repositories. The defaultVersionStorage object is used to build the table that stores your repository information in the database on initialization. Each repository can be set up with different repository table structures as you see fit. The root setting tells pgvctrl where to look for the repositories.

    "defaultVersionStorage": {
        "env": "env",
        "isProduction": "is_production",
        "repository": "repository_name",
        "revision": "revision",
        "table": "repository_version",
        "tableOwner": null,
        "version": "version",
        "versionHash": "version_hash"
    "dumpDatabaseOptionsDefault": "-Fc -Z4",
    "repositories": [
            "dumpDatabaseOptions": "-Fc -Z4",
            "envs": {
                "your_test": "1.0.1",
                "your_qa": "1.0.0",
                "your_prod": "0.9.0"
            "name": "YouRepoName",
            "restoreDatabaseOptions": "-Fc -j 8",
            "versionStorage": {
                "env": "env",
                "isProduction": "is_production",
                "repository": "repository_name",
                "revision": "revision",
                "table": "repository_version",
                "tableOwner": null,
                "version": "version",
                "versionHash": "version_hash"
    "restoreDatabaseOptionsDefault": "-Fc -j 8",
    "root": "databases",
    "timeExecutions": false


The data.json file holds the list of tables for pushing and pulling data to and from your database. The column-inserts setting tells pgvctrl to create the table with insert statements if set to true. If false, the table is created with postgres copy. When data is pushed to the database, all relationships are dropped and recreated when the copy is complete.

Example data.json file:

        "apply-order": 0,
        "column-inserts": true,
        "table": "error_set"
        "apply-order": 0,
        "column-inserts": true,
        "table": "membership.user_state"


This project is licensed under the MIT License, provided in repository.


Project details

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Source Distribution

pgvctrl-1.0.2.tar.gz (46.0 kB view hashes)

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