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phenodata is an acquisition and manipulation toolkit for open access phenology data

Project description


Phenology data acquisition for humans.


Phenodata is an acquisition and manipulation toolkit for open access phenology data. It is written in Python, is based on pandas, and can be used both as a standalone program, and as a library.

Currently, it implements data wrappers for acquiring phenology observation data published on the DWD Climate Data Center (CDC) FTP server operated by »Deutscher Wetterdienst« (DWD). Adding adapters for other phenology databases and APIs is possible and welcome.


Thanks to the many observers of »Deutscher Wetterdienst« (DWD), the »Global Phenological Monitoring programme« (GPM), and all people working behind the scenes for their commitment on recording observations and making the excellent datasets available to the community. You know who you are.


The easiest way to use phenodata, and to explore the dataset interactively, is to use its command-line interface.

Those two examples will acquire observation data from DWD’s network, only focus on the “beginning of flowering” phase event, and present the results in tabular format using values suitable for human consumption.

# Acquire data from DWD's "immediate" dataset (Sofortmelder).
phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --partition=recent \
    --year=2023 --station=brandenburg \
    --species-preset=mellifera-de-primary \
    --phase="beginning of flowering" \
    --humanize --sort=Datum --format=tabular:rst
# Acquire data from DWD's "annual" dataset (Jahresmelder).
phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --year=2022 --station=berlin \
    --species-preset=mellifera-de-primary \
    --phase="beginning of flowering" \
    --humanize --sort=Datum --format=tabular:rst

Output example

Phenodata can produce output in different formats. This is a table in reStructuredText format.






common snowdrop

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


common hazel

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


goat willow

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin



beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


cherry (late ripeness)

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


winter oilseed rape

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


apple (early ripeness)

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


apple (late ripeness)

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


black locust

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin


common heather

beginning of flowering

Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin



For most acquisition tasks, you will have to select one of two different datasets of DWD, annual-reporters or immediate-reporters. Further, the data partition has to be selected, it is either recent, or historical.

The DWD publishes data in files separated by species, this means each plant’s data will be in a different file. By default, phenodata will acquire data for all species (plants), in order to be able to respond to all kinds of queries across the whole dataset.

If you are only interested in a limited set of species (plants), you can improve data acquisition performance by using the filename option to limit downloading to selected files only.

For example, when using --filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen, only file names containing Hasel or Schneegloeckchen will be retrieved, thus minimizing the effort needed to acquire all files.


To install the software from PyPI, invoke:

pip install 'phenodata[sql]' --upgrade

Library use

This snippet demonstrates how to use phenodata as a library within individual programs. For ready-to-run code examples, please have a look into the examples directory.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from phenodata.ftp import FTPSession
>>> from phenodata.dwd.cdc import DwdCdcClient
>>> from phenodata.dwd.pheno import DwdPhenoData

>>> cdc_client = DwdCdcClient(ftp=FTPSession())
>>> client = DwdPhenoData(cdc=cdc_client, humanizer=None, dataset="immediate")
>>> options = {
...     # Select data partition.
...     "partition": "recent",
...     # Filter by file names and years.
...     "filename": ["Hasel", "Raps", "Mais"],
...     "year": [2018, 2019, 2020],
...     # Filter by station identifier.
...     "station-id": [13346]
... }

>>> observations: pd.DataFrame = client.get_observations(options, humanize=False)
>>> observations

Command-line use

This section gives you an idea about how to use the phenodata program on the command-line.

$ phenodata --help

  phenodata info
  phenodata list-species --source=dwd [--format=csv]
  phenodata list-phases --source=dwd [--format=csv]
  phenodata list-stations --source=dwd --dataset=immediate [--all] [--filter=berlin] [--sort=Stationsname] [--format=csv]
  phenodata nearest-station --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --latitude=52.520007 --longitude=13.404954 [--format=csv]
  phenodata nearest-stations --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --latitude=52.520007 --longitude=13.404954 [--all] [--limit=10] [--format=csv]
  phenodata list-quality-levels --source=dwd [--format=csv]
  phenodata list-quality-bytes --source=dwd [--format=csv]
  phenodata list-filenames --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --partition=recent [--filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen] [--year=2017]
  phenodata list-urls --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --partition=recent [--filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen] [--year=2017]
  phenodata (observations|forecast) --source=dwd --dataset=immediate --partition=recent [--filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen] [--station-id=164,717] [--species-id=113,127] [--phase-id=5] [--quality-level=10] [--quality-byte=1,2,3] [--station=berlin,brandenburg] [--species=hazel,snowdrop] [--species-preset=mellifera-de-primary] [--phase=flowering] [--quality=ROUTKLI] [--year=2017] [--forecast-year=2021] [--humanize] [--show-ids] [--language=german] [--long-station] [--sort=Datum] [--sql=sql] [--format=csv] [--verbose]
  phenodata drop-cache --source=dwd
  phenodata --version
  phenodata (-h | --help)

Data acquisition options:
  --source=<source>         Data source. Currently, only "dwd" is a valid identifier.
  --dataset=<dataset>       Data set. Use "immediate" or "annual" for "--source=dwd".
  --partition=<dataset>     Partition. Use "recent" or "historical" for "--source=dwd".
  --filename=<file>         Filter by file names (comma-separated list)

Direct filtering options:
  --year=<year>             Filter by year (comma-separated list)
  --station-id=<station-id> Filter by station identifiers (comma-separated list)
  --species-id=<species-id> Filter by species identifiers (comma-separated list)
  --phase-id=<phase-id>     Filter by phase identifiers (comma-separated list)

Humanized filtering options:
  --station=<station>       Filter by strings from "stations" data (comma-separated list)
  --species=<species>       Filter by strings from "species" data (comma-separated list)
  --phase=<phase>           Filter by strings from "phases" data (comma-separated list)
  --species-preset=<preset> Filter by strings from "species" data (comma-separated list)
                            The preset will get loaded from the "presets.json" file.

Forecasting options:
  --forecast-year=<year>    Use as designated forecast year.

Postprocess filtering options:
  --sql=<sql>               Apply given SQL query before output.

Data output options:
  --format=<format>         Output data in designated format. Choose one of "tabular", "json",
                            "csv", or "string". With "tabular", it is also possible to specify
                            the table format. Use "tabular:pipe" for Markdown output, or
                            "tabular:rst" for reStructuredText. [default: tabular:psql]
  --sort=<sort>             Sort by given field names. (comma-separated list)
  --humanize                Resolve identifier-based fields to human-readable labels.
  --show-ids                Show identifiers alongside resolved labels, when using "--humanize".
  --language=<language>     Use labels in designated language, when using "--humanize"
                            [default: english].
  --long-station            Use long station name including "Naturraumgruppe" and "Naturraum".
  --limit=<limit>           Limit output of "nearest-stations" to designated number of entries.
                            [default: 10]
  --verbose                 Turn on verbose output.


The best way to explore phenodata is by running a few example invocations.

  • The “Metadata” section will walk you through different commands which can be used to inquire information about monitoring stations/sites, and to list the actual files which will be acquired, in order to learn about data lineage.

  • The “Observations” section will demonstrate command examples to acquire, process, and format actual observation data.


Display list of species, with their German, English, and Latin names:

phenodata list-species --source=dwd

Display list of phases, with their German and English names:

phenodata list-phases --source=dwd

List of all reporting/monitoring stations:

phenodata list-stations --source=dwd --dataset=immediate

List of stations, with filtering:

phenodata list-stations --source=dwd --dataset=annual --filter="Fränkische Alb"

Display nearest station for given position:

phenodata nearest-station --source=dwd --dataset=immediate \
    --latitude=52.520007 --longitude=13.404954

Display 20 nearest stations for given position:

phenodata nearest-stations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=immediate \
    --latitude=52.520007 --longitude=13.404954 --limit=20

List of file names of recent observations by the annual reporters:

phenodata list-filenames \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent

Same as above, but with filtering by file name:

phenodata list-filenames \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \

List full URLs instead of only file names:

phenodata list-urls \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \



Observations of hazel and snowdrop, using filename-based filtering at data acquisition time:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \

Observations of hazel and snowdrop (dito), but for specific station identifiers:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen --station-id=7521,7532

All observations for specific station identifiers and specific years:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --station-id=7521,7532 --year=2020,2021

All observations for specific station and species identifiers:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --station-id=7521,7532 --species-id=113,127

All observations marked as invalid:

phenodata list-quality-bytes --source=dwd
phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
Humanized output

The option --humanize will improve textual output by resolving identifier fields to appropriate human-readable text labels.

Observations for species “hazel”, “snowdrop”, “apple” and “pear” at station “Berlin-Dahlem”, output texts in the German language, if possible:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --filename=Hasel,Schneegloeckchen,Apfel,Birne \
    --station-id=12132 \
    --humanize \
Filtering with presets

When using the --humanize option, you can use also define shortcuts for lists of species by name. For example, the mellifera-de-primary preset is defined within the presets.json file like:

Hasel, Schneeglöckchen, Sal-Weide, Löwenzahn, Süßkirsche, Apfel, Winterraps, Robinie, Winter-Linde, Heidekraut

Then, you can use the option --species-preset=mellifera-de-primary instead of the --species option for filtering only those specified species.

This example lists all “beginning of flowering” observations for the specified years in Köln, only for the named list of species mellifera-de-primary. The result will be sorted by species and date, and human-readable labels will be displayed in German, when possible:

phenodata observations \
    --source=dwd --dataset=annual --partition=recent \
    --phase="beginning of flowering" \
    --year=2021,2022,2023 \
    --station=köln \
    --species-preset=mellifera-de-primary \
    --humanize --language=german --sort=Spezies,Datum

Project information



If you would like to contribute, you are most welcome. Spend some time taking a look around, locate a bug, design issue or spelling mistake and then send us a pull request or create an issue. Thank you in advance for your efforts, the authors really appreciate any kind of help and feedback.


Discussions around the development of phenodata and its applications are taking place at the Hiveeyes forum. Enjoy reading them, and don’t hesitate to write in, if you think you may be able to contribute a thing or another, or to share what you have been doing with it in form of a “show and tell” post.


In order to setup a development environment on your workstation, please head over to the development sandbox documentation. When you see the software tests succeed, you should be ready to start hacking.

Code license

The project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPL license, see LICENSE.

Data license

The DWD has information about their data re-use policy in German and English. Please refer to the respective Disclaimer (de, en) and Copyright (de, en) information.


The project and its authors are not affiliated with DWD, GPM, USA-NPN, or any other organization in any way. It is a sole project conceived by the community, in order to make data more accessible, in the spirit of open data and open scientific data. The authors believe the world would be a better place if public data could be loaded into pandas dataframes and Xarray datasets easily.

Download files

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Source Distribution

phenodata-0.12.0.tar.gz (45.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

phenodata-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (42.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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