GetTokensRequest |
GetTokensOkResponse |
RefreshTokensRequest |
RefreshTokensOkResponse |
GetActivitiesOkResponse |
GetActivitiesDone |
AddActivityRequest |
AddActivityCreatedResponse |
DeleteActivitiesOkResponse |
GetActivitiesCollectionOkResponse |
GetActivityOkResponse |
UpdateActivityRequest |
UpdateActivityOkResponse |
DeleteActivityOkResponse |
GetActivityFieldsOkResponse |
GetActivityTypesOkResponse |
AddActivityTypeRequest |
AddActivityTypeOkResponse |
DeleteActivityTypesOkResponse |
UpdateActivityTypeRequest |
UpdateActivityTypeOkResponse |
DeleteActivityTypeOkResponse |
GetCompanyAddonsOkResponse |
GetUserCallLogsOkResponse |
AddCallLogRequest |
AddCallLogOkResponse |
GetCallLogOkResponse |
DeleteCallLogOkResponse |
AddCallLogAudioFileRequest |
AddCallLogAudioFileOkResponse |
AddChannelRequest |
AddChannelOkResponse |
DeleteChannelOkResponse |
ReceiveMessageRequest |
ReceiveMessageOkResponse |
DeleteConversationOkResponse |
GetCurrenciesOkResponse |
GetDealsOkResponse |
GetDealsStatus |
OwnedByYou |
AddDealRequest |
AddDealCreatedResponse |
DeleteDealsOkResponse |
GetDealsCollectionOkResponse |
GetDealsCollectionStatus |
SearchDealsOkResponse |
SearchDealsFields |
SearchDealsStatus |
SearchDealsIncludeFields |
GetDealsSummaryOkResponse |
GetDealsSummaryStatus |
GetDealsTimelineOkResponse |
GetDealsTimelineInterval |
ExcludeDeals |
GetDealOkResponse |
UpdateDealRequest |
UpdateDealOkResponse |
DeleteDealOkResponse |
GetDealActivitiesOkResponse |
GetDealActivitiesDone |
GetDealChangelogOkResponse |
DuplicateDealOkResponse |
GetDealFilesOkResponse |
GetDealUpdatesOkResponse |
GetDealParticipantsChangelogOkResponse |
GetDealFollowersOkResponse |
AddDealFollowerRequest |
AddDealFollowerOkResponse |
DeleteDealFollowerOkResponse |
GetDealMailMessagesOkResponse |
MergeDealsRequest |
MergeDealsOkResponse |
GetDealParticipantsOkResponse |
AddDealParticipantRequest |
AddDealParticipantOkResponse |
DeleteDealParticipantOkResponse |
GetDealUsersOkResponse |
GetDealPersonsOkResponse |
GetDealProductsOkResponse |
IncludeProductData |
AddDealProductRequest |
AddDealProductOkResponse |
UpdateDealProductRequest |
UpdateDealProductOkResponse |
DeleteDealProductOkResponse |
GetDealFieldsOkResponse |
AddDealFieldRequest |
AddDealFieldOkResponse |
DeleteDealFieldsOkResponse |
GetDealFieldOkResponse |
UpdateDealFieldRequest |
UpdateDealFieldOkResponse |
DeleteDealFieldOkResponse |
GetFilesOkResponse |
AddFileRequest |
AddFileOkResponse |
AddFileAndLinkItRequest |
AddFileAndLinkItOkResponse |
LinkFileToItemRequest |
LinkFileToItemOkResponse |
GetFileOkResponse |
UpdateFileRequest |
UpdateFileOkResponse |
DeleteFileOkResponse |
GetFiltersOkResponse |
GetFiltersType |
AddFilterRequest |
AddFilterOkResponse |
DeleteFiltersOkResponse |
GetFilterOkResponse |
UpdateFilterRequest |
UpdateFilterOkResponse |
DeleteFilterOkResponse |
AddGoalRequest |
AddGoalOkResponse |
GetGoalsOkResponse |
TypeName |
AssigneeType |
ExpectedOutcomeTrackingMetric |
UpdateGoalRequest |
UpdateGoalOkResponse |
DeleteGoalOkResponse |
GetGoalResultOkResponse |
SearchItemOkResponse |
ItemTypes |
SearchItemFields |
SearchItemIncludeFields |
SearchItemByFieldOkResponse |
SearchItemByFieldFieldType |
GetLeadsOkResponse |
ArchivedStatus |
Sort |
AddLeadRequest |
AddLeadCreatedResponse |
GetLeadOkResponse |
UpdateLeadRequest |
UpdateLeadOkResponse |
DeleteLeadOkResponse |
GetLeadUsersOkResponse |
SearchLeadsOkResponse |
SearchLeadsFields |
SearchLeadsIncludeFields |
GetLeadLabelsOkResponse |
AddLeadLabelRequest |
AddLeadLabelOkResponse |
UpdateLeadLabelRequest |
UpdateLeadLabelOkResponse |
DeleteLeadLabelOkResponse |
GetLeadSourcesOkResponse |
GetTeamsOkResponse |
GetTeamsOrderBy |
GetTeamsSkipUsers |
AddTeamRequest |
AddTeamOkResponse |
GetTeamOkResponse |
GetTeamSkipUsers |
UpdateTeamRequest |
UpdateTeamOkResponse |
GetTeamUsersOkResponse |
AddTeamUserRequest |
AddTeamUserOkResponse |
DeleteTeamUserRequest |
DeleteTeamUserOkResponse |
GetUserTeamsOkResponse |
GetUserTeamsOrderBy |
GetUserTeamsSkipUsers |
GetMailMessageOkResponse |
IncludeBody |
GetMailThreadsOkResponse |
Folder |
GetMailThreadOkResponse |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsRequest |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsOkResponse |
DeleteMailThreadOkResponse |
GetMailThreadMessagesOkResponse |
SaveUserProviderLinkRequest |
SaveUserProviderLinkOkResponse |
DeleteUserProviderLinkOkResponse |
GetNotesOkResponse |
GetNotesPinnedToLeadFlag |
GetNotesPinnedToDealFlag |
GetNotesPinnedToOrganizationFlag |
GetNotesPinnedToPersonFlag |
AddNoteRequest |
AddNoteOkResponse |
GetNoteOkResponse |
UpdateNoteRequest |
UpdateNoteOkResponse |
DeleteNoteOkResponse |
GetNoteCommentsOkResponse |
AddNoteCommentRequest |
AddNoteCommentOkResponse |
GetCommentOkResponse |
UpdateCommentForNoteRequest |
UpdateCommentForNoteOkResponse |
DeleteCommentOkResponse |
GetNoteFieldsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationsOkResponse |
AddOrganizationRequest |
AddOrganizationCreatedResponse |
DeleteOrganizationsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationsCollectionOkResponse |
SearchOrganizationOkResponse |
SearchOrganizationFields |
GetOrganizationOkResponse |
UpdateOrganizationRequest |
UpdateOrganizationOkResponse |
DeleteOrganizationOkResponse |
GetOrganizationActivitiesOkResponse |
GetOrganizationActivitiesDone |
GetOrganizationChangelogOkResponse |
GetOrganizationDealsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationDealsStatus |
OnlyPrimaryAssociation |
GetOrganizationFilesOkResponse |
GetOrganizationUpdatesOkResponse |
GetOrganizationFollowersOkResponse |
AddOrganizationFollowerRequest |
AddOrganizationFollowerOkResponse |
DeleteOrganizationFollowerOkResponse |
GetOrganizationMailMessagesOkResponse |
MergeOrganizationsRequest |
MergeOrganizationsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationUsersOkResponse |
GetOrganizationPersonsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationFieldsOkResponse |
AddOrganizationFieldRequest |
AddOrganizationFieldOkResponse |
DeleteOrganizationFieldsOkResponse |
GetOrganizationFieldOkResponse |
UpdateOrganizationFieldRequest |
UpdateOrganizationFieldOkResponse |
DeleteOrganizationFieldOkResponse |
GetOrganizationRelationshipsOkResponse |
AddOrganizationRelationshipRequest |
AddOrganizationRelationshipOkResponse |
GetOrganizationRelationshipOkResponse |
UpdateOrganizationRelationshipRequest |
UpdateOrganizationRelationshipOkResponse |
DeleteOrganizationRelationshipOkResponse |
GetPermissionSetsOkResponse |
GetPermissionSetsApp |
GetPermissionSetOkResponse |
GetPermissionSetAssignmentsOkResponse |
GetPersonsOkResponse |
AddPersonRequest |
AddPersonCreatedResponse |
DeletePersonsOkResponse |
GetPersonsCollectionOkResponse |
SearchPersonsOkResponse |
SearchPersonsFields |
SearchPersonsIncludeFields |
GetPersonOkResponse |
UpdatePersonRequest |
UpdatePersonOkResponse |
DeletePersonOkResponse |
GetPersonActivitiesOkResponse |
GetPersonActivitiesDone |
GetPersonChangelogOkResponse |
GetPersonDealsOkResponse |
GetPersonDealsStatus |
GetPersonFilesOkResponse |
GetPersonUpdatesOkResponse |
GetPersonFollowersOkResponse |
AddPersonFollowerRequest |
AddPersonFollowerOkResponse |
DeletePersonFollowerOkResponse |
GetPersonMailMessagesOkResponse |
MergePersonsRequest |
MergePersonsOkResponse |
GetPersonUsersOkResponse |
AddPersonPictureRequest |
AddPersonPictureOkResponse |
DeletePersonPictureOkResponse |
GetPersonProductsOkResponse |
GetPersonFieldsOkResponse |
AddPersonFieldRequest |
AddPersonFieldOkResponse |
DeletePersonFieldsOkResponse |
GetPersonFieldOkResponse |
UpdatePersonFieldRequest |
UpdatePersonFieldOkResponse |
DeletePersonFieldOkResponse |
GetPipelinesOkResponse |
AddPipelineRequest |
AddPipelineOkResponse |
GetPipelineOkResponse |
UpdatePipelineRequest |
UpdatePipelineOkResponse |
DeletePipelineOkResponse |
GetPipelineConversionStatisticsOkResponse |
GetPipelineDealsOkResponse |
GetPipelineDealsEveryone |
GetSummary |
GetPipelineMovementStatisticsOkResponse |
GetProductsOkResponse |
AddProductRequest |
AddProductCreatedResponse |
SearchProductsOkResponse |
SearchProductsFields |
SearchProductsIncludeFields |
GetProductOkResponse |
UpdateProductRequest |
UpdateProductOkResponse |
DeleteProductOkResponse |
GetProductDealsOkResponse |
GetProductDealsStatus |
GetProductFilesOkResponse |
GetProductFollowersOkResponse |
AddProductFollowerRequest |
AddProductFollowerCreatedResponse |
DeleteProductFollowerOkResponse |
GetProductUsersOkResponse |
GetProductFieldsOkResponse |
AddProductFieldRequest |
AddProductFieldCreatedResponse |
DeleteProductFieldsOkResponse |
GetProductFieldOkResponse |
UpdateProductFieldRequest |
UpdateProductFieldOkResponse |
DeleteProductFieldOkResponse |
GetProjectsOkResponse |
AddProjectRequest |
AddProjectCreatedResponse |
GetProjectOkResponse |
UpdateProjectRequest |
UpdateProjectOkResponse |
DeleteProjectOkResponse |
ArchiveProjectOkResponse |
GetProjectPlanOkResponse |
PutProjectPlanActivityRequest |
PutProjectPlanActivityOkResponse |
PutProjectPlanTaskRequest |
PutProjectPlanTaskOkResponse |
GetProjectGroupsOkResponse |
GetProjectTasksOkResponse |
GetProjectActivitiesOkResponse |
GetProjectsBoardsOkResponse |
GetProjectsPhasesOkResponse |
GetProjectsBoardOkResponse |
GetProjectsPhaseOkResponse |
GetProjectTemplatesOkResponse |
GetProjectTemplateOkResponse |
GetRecentsOkResponse |
GetRecentsItems |
GetRolesOkResponse |
AddRoleRequest |
The details of the role |
AddRoleOkResponse |
GetRoleOkResponse |
UpdateRoleRequest |
The details of the role |
UpdateRoleOkResponse |
DeleteRoleOkResponse |
GetRoleAssignmentsOkResponse |
AddRoleAssignmentRequest |
AddRoleAssignmentOkResponse |
DeleteRoleAssignmentRequest |
DeleteRoleAssignmentOkResponse |
GetRoleSettingsOkResponse |
AddOrUpdateRoleSettingRequest |
AddOrUpdateRoleSettingOkResponse |
GetRolePipelinesOkResponse |
UpdateRolePipelinesRequest |
UpdateRolePipelinesOkResponse |
GetStagesOkResponse |
AddStageRequest |
AddStageOkResponse |
DeleteStagesOkResponse |
GetStageOkResponse |
GetStageEveryone |
UpdateStageRequest |
UpdateStageOkResponse |
DeleteStageOkResponse |
GetStageDealsOkResponse |
GetStageDealsEveryone |
GetSubscriptionOkResponse |
DeleteSubscriptionOkResponse |
FindSubscriptionByDealOkResponse |
GetSubscriptionPaymentsOkResponse |
AddRecurringSubscriptionRequest |
AddRecurringSubscriptionOkResponse |
AddSubscriptionInstallmentRequest |
AddSubscriptionInstallmentOkResponse |
UpdateRecurringSubscriptionRequest |
UpdateRecurringSubscriptionOkResponse |
UpdateSubscriptionInstallmentRequest |
UpdateSubscriptionInstallmentOkResponse |
CancelRecurringSubscriptionRequest |
CancelRecurringSubscriptionOkResponse |
GetTasksOkResponse |
GetTasksDone |
AddTaskRequest |
AddTaskCreatedResponse |
GetTaskOkResponse |
UpdateTaskRequest |
UpdateTaskOkResponse |
DeleteTaskOkResponse |
GetUsersOkResponse |
AddUserRequest |
AddUserOkResponse |
FindUsersByNameOkResponse |
SearchByEmail |
GetCurrentUserOkResponse |
GetUserOkResponse |
UpdateUserRequest |
UpdateUserOkResponse |
GetUserFollowersOkResponse |
GetUserPermissionsOkResponse |
GetUserRoleAssignmentsOkResponse |
GetUserRoleSettingsOkResponse |
GetUserConnectionsOkResponse |
GetUserSettingsOkResponse |
GetWebhooksOkResponse |
AddWebhookRequest |
AddWebhookCreatedResponse |
DeleteWebhookOkResponse |
GetTokensRequestGrantType |
Since you are trying to exchange an authorization code for a pair of tokens, you must use the value "authorization_code" |
RefreshTokensRequestGrantType |
Since you are to refresh your access_token, you must use the value "refresh_token" |
GetActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetActivitiesOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetActivitiesOkResponseRelatedObjects |
AdditionalDataPagination_1 |
Pagination details of the list |
RelatedObjectsUser_1 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_1 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_1 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_1 |
UserUserId_1 |
DealDealId_1 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_1 |
PersonIdEmail_1 |
PersonIdPhone_1 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_1 |
AddActivityRequestDone |
AddActivityCreatedResponseData |
AddActivityCreatedResponseAdditionalData |
AddActivityCreatedResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsUser_2 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_2 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_2 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_2 |
UserUserId_2 |
DealDealId_2 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_2 |
PersonIdEmail_2 |
PersonIdPhone_2 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_2 |
DeleteActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetActivitiesCollectionOkResponseData |
GetActivitiesCollectionOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetActivityOkResponseData |
GetActivityOkResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsUser_3 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_3 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_3 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_3 |
UserUserId_3 |
DealDealId_3 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_3 |
PersonIdEmail_3 |
PersonIdPhone_3 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_3 |
UpdateActivityRequestDone |
UpdateActivityOkResponseData |
UpdateActivityOkResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsUser_4 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_4 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_4 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_4 |
UserUserId_4 |
DealDealId_4 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_4 |
PersonIdEmail_4 |
PersonIdPhone_4 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_4 |
DeleteActivityOkResponseData |
GetActivityFieldsOkResponseData |
GetActivityFieldsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataFieldType_1 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
GetActivityTypesOkResponseData |
DataIconKey_1 |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
AddActivityTypeRequestIconKey |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
AddActivityTypeOkResponseData |
DataIconKey_2 |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
DeleteActivityTypesOkResponseData |
UpdateActivityTypeRequestIconKey |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
UpdateActivityTypeOkResponseData |
DataIconKey_3 |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
DeleteActivityTypeOkResponseData |
DataIconKey_4 |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
GetUserCallLogsOkResponseData |
GetUserCallLogsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataOutcome_1 |
Describes the outcome of the call |
AdditionalDataPagination_2 |
The additional data of the list |
AddCallLogRequestOutcome |
Describes the outcome of the call |
AddCallLogOkResponseData |
DataOutcome_2 |
Describes the outcome of the call |
GetCallLogOkResponseData |
DataOutcome_3 |
Describes the outcome of the call |
AddChannelRequestProviderType |
It controls the icons (like the icon next to the conversation) |
AddChannelOkResponseData |
DataProviderType |
Value of the provider_type sent to this endpoint |
ReceiveMessageRequestStatus |
The status of the message |
ReceiveMessageRequestAttachments |
ReceiveMessageOkResponseData |
DataStatus |
The status of the message |
DataAttachments |
GetCurrenciesOkResponseData |
GetDealsOkResponseData |
GetDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_1 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_1 |
DataPersonId_1 |
DataOrgId_1 |
PersonIdEmail_5 |
PersonIdPhone_5 |
RelatedObjectsUser_5 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_5 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_5 |
UserUserId_5 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_5 |
PersonPersonId_5 |
PersonIdEmail_6 |
PersonIdPhone_6 |
AddDealRequestStatus |
open = Open, won = Won, lost = Lost, deleted = Deleted. If omitted, status will be set to open. |
AddDealRequestVisibleTo |
AddDealCreatedResponseData |
AddDealCreatedResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_2 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_2 |
DataPersonId_2 |
DataOrgId_2 |
PersonIdEmail_7 |
PersonIdPhone_7 |
RelatedObjectsUser_6 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_6 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_6 |
UserUserId_6 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_6 |
PersonPersonId_6 |
PersonIdEmail_8 |
PersonIdPhone_8 |
DeleteDealsOkResponseData |
GetDealsCollectionOkResponseData |
GetDealsCollectionOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
SearchDealsOkResponseData |
SearchDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_1 |
ItemsItem_1 |
ItemOwner_1 |
ItemStage |
ItemPerson_1 |
ItemOrganization_1 |
AdditionalDataPagination_3 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetDealsSummaryOkResponseData |
The summary of deals |
ValuesTotal |
The total values of the deals grouped by deal currency |
WeightedValuesTotal |
The total weighted values of the deals grouped by deal currency. The weighted value is calculated as probability times deal value. |
GetDealsTimelineOkResponseData |
Open and won deals grouped into periods by defined interval, amount and date-type dealField (field_key ) |
Deals |
Totals |
The total values of deals for the given period |
GetDealOkResponseData |
GetDealOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetDealOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_3 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_3 |
DataPersonId_3 |
DataOrgId_3 |
AverageTimeToWon |
The average time to win the deal |
Age |
The lifetime of the deal |
StayInPipelineStages |
The details of the duration of the deal being in each stage of the pipeline |
PersonIdEmail_9 |
PersonIdPhone_9 |
RelatedObjectsUser_7 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_7 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_7 |
UserUserId_7 |
PersonPersonId_7 |
PersonIdEmail_10 |
PersonIdPhone_10 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_7 |
UpdateDealRequestStatus |
open = Open, won = Won, lost = Lost, deleted = Deleted. |
UpdateDealRequestVisibleTo |
UpdateDealOkResponseData |
UpdateDealOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_4 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_4 |
DataPersonId_4 |
DataOrgId_4 |
PersonIdEmail_11 |
PersonIdPhone_11 |
RelatedObjectsUser_8 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_8 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_8 |
UserUserId_8 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_8 |
PersonPersonId_8 |
PersonIdEmail_12 |
PersonIdPhone_12 |
DeleteDealOkResponseData |
GetDealActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetDealActivitiesOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetDealActivitiesOkResponseRelatedObjects |
AdditionalDataActivityDistribution_1 |
The distribution of activities related to the organization grouped by the user ID |
ActivityDistributionAssignedToUserId_1 |
The ID of the user |
AssignedToUserIdActivities_1 |
The count of activities related to the user grouped by activity type |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_9 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_9 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_5 |
RelatedObjectsUser_9 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_9 |
PersonPersonId_9 |
PersonIdEmail_13 |
PersonIdPhone_13 |
DealDealId_5 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
UserUserId_9 |
GetDealChangelogOkResponseData |
GetDealChangelogOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DuplicateDealOkResponseData |
GetDealFilesOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetDealFilesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealUpdatesOkResponseData |
GetDealUpdatesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealUpdatesOkResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsDeal_6 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_10 |
RelatedObjectsUser_10 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_10 |
DealDealId_6 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_10 |
UserUserId_10 |
PersonPersonId_10 |
PersonIdEmail_14 |
PersonIdPhone_14 |
GetDealParticipantsChangelogOkResponseData |
GetDealParticipantsChangelogOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealFollowersOkResponseData |
GetDealFollowersOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
AddDealFollowerOkResponseData |
DeleteDealFollowerOkResponseData |
GetDealMailMessagesOkResponseData |
GetDealMailMessagesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataData_1 |
DataFrom_1 |
DataTo_1 |
DataCc_1 |
DataBcc_1 |
DataMailTrackingStatus_1 |
The status of tracking mail message. Value is null if tracking is not enabled. |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_1 |
DataReadFlag_1 |
DataDraftFlag_1 |
DataSyncedFlag_1 |
DataDeletedFlag_1 |
DataHasBodyFlag_1 |
DataSentFlag_1 |
DataSentFromPipedriveFlag_1 |
DataSmartBccFlag_1 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_1 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_1 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_1 |
MergeDealsOkResponseData |
GetDealParticipantsOkResponseData |
GetDealParticipantsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealParticipantsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_1 |
DataEmail_1 |
DataPictureId_1 |
DataOwnerId_1 |
DataOrgId_5 |
PictureIdPictures_1 |
RelatedObjectsUser_11 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_11 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_11 |
UserUserId_11 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_11 |
PersonPersonId_11 |
PersonIdEmail_15 |
PersonIdPhone_15 |
AddDealParticipantOkResponseData |
AddDealParticipantOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_2 |
DataEmail_2 |
DataPictureId_2 |
DataOwnerId_2 |
DataOrgId_6 |
PictureIdPictures_2 |
RelatedObjectsUser_12 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_12 |
UserUserId_12 |
PersonPersonId_12 |
PersonIdEmail_16 |
PersonIdPhone_16 |
DeleteDealParticipantOkResponseData |
GetDealPersonsOkResponseData |
GetDealPersonsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetDealPersonsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_3 |
DataEmail_3 |
DataPictureId_3 |
DataOwnerId_3 |
DataOrgId_7 |
PictureIdPictures_3 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_12 |
RelatedObjectsUser_13 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_12 |
UserUserId_13 |
GetDealProductsOkResponseData |
GetDealProductsOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetDealProductsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataDiscountType_1 |
The type of the discount's value |
DataTaxMethod_1 |
The tax option to be applied to the products. When using inclusive , the tax percentage will already be included in the price. When using exclusive , the tax will not be included in the price. When using none , no tax will be added. Use the tax field for defining the tax percentage amount. By default, the user setting value for tax options will be used. Changing this in one product affects the rest of the products attached to the deal |
DataProduct |
ProductVisibleTo_1 |
ProductBillingFrequency |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
AdditionalDataPagination_4 |
Pagination details of the list |
RelatedObjectsUser_14 |
UserUserId_14 |
AddDealProductRequestDiscountType |
The type of the discount's value |
AddDealProductRequestTaxMethod |
The tax option to be applied to the products. When using inclusive , the tax percentage will already be included in the price. When using exclusive , the tax will not be included in the price. When using none , no tax will be added. Use the tax field for defining the tax percentage amount |
AddDealProductRequestBillingFrequency |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product A deal can have up to 20 products attached with billing_frequency different than one-time |
AddDealProductOkResponseData |
DataDiscountType_2 |
The type of the discount's value |
DataTaxMethod_2 |
The tax option to be applied to the products. When using inclusive , the tax percentage will already be included in the price. When using exclusive , the tax will not be included in the price. When using none , no tax will be added. Use the tax field for defining the tax percentage amount. By default, the user setting value for tax options will be used. Changing this in one product affects the rest of the products attached to the deal |
DataBillingFrequency_1 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product A deal can have up to 20 products attached with billing_frequency different than one-time |
UpdateDealProductRequestDiscountType |
The type of the discount's value |
UpdateDealProductRequestTaxMethod |
The tax option to be applied to the products. When using inclusive , the tax percentage will already be included in the price. When using exclusive , the tax will not be included in the price. When using none , no tax will be added. Use the tax field for defining the tax percentage amount |
UpdateDealProductRequestBillingFrequency |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product A deal can have up to 20 products attached with billing_frequency different than one-time |
UpdateDealProductOkResponseData |
DataDiscountType_3 |
The type of the discount's value |
DataTaxMethod_3 |
The tax option to be applied to the products. When using inclusive , the tax percentage will already be included in the price. When using exclusive , the tax will not be included in the price. When using none , no tax will be added. Use the tax field for defining the tax percentage amount. By default, the user setting value for tax options will be used. Changing this in one product affects the rest of the products attached to the deal |
DataBillingFrequency_2 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product A deal can have up to 20 products attached with billing_frequency different than one-time |
DeleteDealProductOkResponseData |
GetDealFieldsOkResponseData |
GetDealFieldsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataFieldType_2 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddDealFieldRequestFieldType |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddDealFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_3 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeleteDealFieldsOkResponseData |
GetDealFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_4 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
UpdateDealFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_5 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeleteDealFieldOkResponseData |
GetFilesOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetFilesOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataPagination_5 |
AddFileOkResponseData |
The file data |
FileType |
The file type |
AddFileAndLinkItRequestItemType |
The item type |
AddFileAndLinkItRequestRemoteLocation |
The location type to send the file to. Only googledrive is supported at the moment. |
AddFileAndLinkItOkResponseData |
The file data |
LinkFileToItemRequestItemType |
The item type |
LinkFileToItemRequestRemoteLocation |
The location type to send the file to. Only googledrive is supported at the moment. |
LinkFileToItemOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetFileOkResponseData |
The file data |
UpdateFileOkResponseData |
The file data |
DeleteFileOkResponseData |
GetFiltersOkResponseData |
The filter object |
AddFilterRequestType |
AddFilterOkResponseData |
DataType_1 |
DeleteFiltersOkResponseData |
GetFilterOkResponseData |
The filter object |
UpdateFilterOkResponseData |
DataType_2 |
DeleteFilterOkResponseData |
AddGoalRequestInterval |
The interval of the goal |
AddGoalOkResponseData |
DataGoal_1 |
GoalType_1 |
The type of the goal |
GoalAssignee_1 |
Who the goal is assigned to |
GoalDuration_1 |
The duration of the goal |
GoalExpectedOutcome_1 |
The expected outcome of the goal |
TypeParams_1 |
The parameters that accompany the goal type |
GetGoalsOkResponseData |
Goals |
GoalsType |
The type of the goal |
GoalsAssignee |
Who the goal is assigned to |
GoalsDuration |
The duration of the goal |
GoalsExpectedOutcome |
The expected outcome of the goal |
TypeParams_2 |
The parameters that accompany the goal type |
UpdateGoalRequestInterval |
The interval of the goal |
UpdateGoalOkResponseData |
DataGoal_2 |
GoalType_2 |
The type of the goal |
GoalAssignee_2 |
Who the goal is assigned to |
GoalDuration_2 |
The duration of the goal |
GoalExpectedOutcome_2 |
The expected outcome of the goal |
TypeParams_3 |
The parameters that accompany the goal type |
GetGoalResultOkResponseData |
DataGoal_3 |
GoalType_3 |
The type of the goal |
GoalAssignee_3 |
Who the goal is assigned to |
GoalDuration_3 |
The duration of the goal |
GoalExpectedOutcome_3 |
The expected outcome of the goal |
TypeParams_4 |
The parameters that accompany the goal type |
SearchItemOkResponseData |
SearchItemOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_2 |
RelatedItems |
AdditionalDataPagination_6 |
Pagination details of the list |
SearchItemByFieldOkResponseData |
SearchItemByFieldOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataPagination_7 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetLeadsOkResponseData |
GetLeadsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataValue_1 |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
DataVisibleTo_1 |
AddLeadRequestValue |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
AddLeadRequestVisibleTo |
AddLeadCreatedResponseData |
DataValue_2 |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
DataVisibleTo_2 |
GetLeadOkResponseData |
DataValue_3 |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
DataVisibleTo_3 |
UpdateLeadRequestValue |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
UpdateLeadRequestVisibleTo |
UpdateLeadOkResponseData |
DataValue_4 |
The potential value of the lead represented by a JSON object: { "amount": 200, "currency": "EUR" } . Both amount and currency are required. |
DataVisibleTo_4 |
DeleteLeadOkResponseData |
SearchLeadsOkResponseData |
SearchLeadsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_3 |
ItemsItem_2 |
ItemOwner_2 |
ItemPerson_2 |
ItemOrganization_2 |
AdditionalDataPagination_8 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetLeadLabelsOkResponseData |
DataColor_1 |
The color of the label. Only a subset of colors can be used. |
AddLeadLabelRequestColor |
The color of the label. Only a subset of colors can be used. |
AddLeadLabelOkResponseData |
DataColor_2 |
The color of the label. Only a subset of colors can be used. |
UpdateLeadLabelRequestColor |
The color of the label. Only a subset of colors can be used. |
UpdateLeadLabelOkResponseData |
DataColor_3 |
The color of the label. Only a subset of colors can be used. |
DeleteLeadLabelOkResponseData |
GetLeadSourcesOkResponseData |
GetTeamsOkResponseData |
DataActiveFlag_1 |
DataDeletedFlag_2 |
AddTeamOkResponseData |
DataActiveFlag_2 |
DataDeletedFlag_3 |
GetTeamOkResponseData |
DataActiveFlag_3 |
DataDeletedFlag_4 |
UpdateTeamRequestActiveFlag |
UpdateTeamRequestDeletedFlag |
UpdateTeamOkResponseData |
DataActiveFlag_4 |
DataDeletedFlag_5 |
GetUserTeamsOkResponseData |
DataActiveFlag_5 |
DataDeletedFlag_6 |
GetMailMessageOkResponseData |
DataFrom_2 |
DataTo_2 |
DataCc_2 |
DataBcc_2 |
DataMailTrackingStatus_2 |
The status of tracking mail message. Value is null if tracking is not enabled. |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_2 |
DataReadFlag_2 |
DataDraftFlag_2 |
DataSyncedFlag_2 |
DataDeletedFlag_7 |
DataHasBodyFlag_2 |
DataSentFlag_2 |
DataSentFromPipedriveFlag_2 |
DataSmartBccFlag_2 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_2 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_2 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_2 |
GetMailThreadsOkResponseData |
DataReadFlag_3 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_3 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_3 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_3 |
DataDeletedFlag_8 |
DataSyncedFlag_3 |
DataSmartBccFlag_3 |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_3 |
DataParties_1 |
Parties of the mail thread |
DataHasDraftFlag_1 |
DataHasSentFlag_1 |
DataArchivedFlag_1 |
DataSharedFlag_1 |
DataExternalDeletedFlag_1 |
DataFirstMessageToMeFlag_1 |
DataAllMessagesSentFlag_1 |
PartiesTo_1 |
Member of a thread |
PartiesFrom_1 |
Member of a thread |
GetMailThreadOkResponseData |
DataReadFlag_4 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_4 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_4 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_4 |
DataDeletedFlag_9 |
DataSyncedFlag_4 |
DataSmartBccFlag_4 |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_4 |
DataParties_2 |
Parties of the mail thread |
DataHasDraftFlag_2 |
DataHasSentFlag_2 |
DataArchivedFlag_2 |
DataSharedFlag_2 |
DataExternalDeletedFlag_2 |
DataFirstMessageToMeFlag_2 |
DataAllMessagesSentFlag_2 |
PartiesTo_2 |
Member of a thread |
PartiesFrom_2 |
Member of a thread |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsRequestSharedFlag |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsRequestReadFlag |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsRequestArchivedFlag |
UpdateMailThreadDetailsOkResponseData |
DataReadFlag_5 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_5 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_5 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_5 |
DataDeletedFlag_10 |
DataSyncedFlag_5 |
DataSmartBccFlag_5 |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_5 |
DataParties_3 |
Parties of the mail thread |
DataHasDraftFlag_3 |
DataHasSentFlag_3 |
DataArchivedFlag_3 |
DataSharedFlag_3 |
DataExternalDeletedFlag_3 |
DataFirstMessageToMeFlag_3 |
DataAllMessagesSentFlag_3 |
PartiesTo_3 |
Member of a thread |
PartiesFrom_3 |
Member of a thread |
DeleteMailThreadOkResponseData |
GetMailThreadMessagesOkResponseData |
DataReadFlag_6 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_6 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_6 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_6 |
DataDeletedFlag_11 |
DataSyncedFlag_6 |
DataSmartBccFlag_6 |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_6 |
DataFrom_3 |
Member of a thread |
DataTo_3 |
Member of a thread |
DataCc_3 |
Member of a thread |
DataBcc_3 |
Member of a thread |
DataHasBodyFlag_3 |
DataSentFlag_3 |
DataSentFromPipedriveFlag_3 |
SaveUserProviderLinkOkResponseData |
DeleteUserProviderLinkOkResponseData |
GetNotesOkResponseData |
GetNotesOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataDeal_1 |
The deal this note is attached to |
DataOrganization_1 |
The organization the note is attached to |
DataPerson_1 |
The person the note is attached to |
DataUser_1 |
The user who created the note |
AdditionalDataPagination_9 |
AddNoteRequestPinnedToLeadFlag |
AddNoteRequestPinnedToDealFlag |
AddNoteRequestPinnedToOrganizationFlag |
AddNoteRequestPinnedToPersonFlag |
AddNoteOkResponseData |
DataDeal_2 |
The deal this note is attached to |
DataOrganization_2 |
The organization the note is attached to |
DataPerson_2 |
The person the note is attached to |
DataUser_2 |
The user who created the note |
GetNoteOkResponseData |
DataDeal_3 |
The deal this note is attached to |
DataOrganization_3 |
The organization the note is attached to |
DataPerson_3 |
The person the note is attached to |
DataUser_3 |
The user who created the note |
UpdateNoteRequestPinnedToLeadFlag |
UpdateNoteRequestPinnedToDealFlag |
UpdateNoteRequestPinnedToOrganizationFlag |
UpdateNoteRequestPinnedToPersonFlag |
UpdateNoteOkResponseData |
DataDeal_4 |
The deal this note is attached to |
DataOrganization_4 |
The organization the note is attached to |
DataPerson_4 |
The person the note is attached to |
DataUser_4 |
The user who created the note |
GetNoteCommentsOkResponseData |
GetNoteCommentsOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataPagination_10 |
AddNoteCommentOkResponseData |
GetCommentOkResponseData |
UpdateCommentForNoteOkResponseData |
GetNoteFieldsOkResponseData |
GetNoteFieldsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataFieldType_6 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
Options |
GetOrganizationsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationsOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetOrganizationsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataOwnerId_4 |
DataPictureId_4 |
PictureIdPictures_4 |
AdditionalDataPagination_11 |
Pagination details of the list |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_13 |
RelatedObjectsUser_15 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_1 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_13 |
UserUserId_15 |
PicturePictureId_1 |
PictureIdPictures_5 |
AddOrganizationRequestVisibleTo |
AddOrganizationCreatedResponseData |
AddOrganizationCreatedResponseRelatedObjects |
DataOwnerId_5 |
DataPictureId_5 |
PictureIdPictures_6 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_14 |
RelatedObjectsUser_16 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_2 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_14 |
UserUserId_16 |
PicturePictureId_2 |
PictureIdPictures_7 |
DeleteOrganizationsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationsCollectionOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationsCollectionOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
SearchOrganizationOkResponseData |
SearchOrganizationOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_4 |
ItemsItem_3 |
ItemOwner_3 |
AdditionalDataPagination_12 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetOrganizationOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetOrganizationOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataOwnerId_6 |
DataPictureId_6 |
PictureIdPictures_8 |
Followers |
The follower that is associated with the item |
FollowerUserId |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_15 |
RelatedObjectsUser_17 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_3 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_15 |
UserUserId_17 |
PicturePictureId_3 |
PictureIdPictures_9 |
UpdateOrganizationRequestVisibleTo |
UpdateOrganizationOkResponseData |
UpdateOrganizationOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataOwnerId_7 |
DataPictureId_7 |
PictureIdPictures_10 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_16 |
RelatedObjectsUser_18 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_4 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_16 |
UserUserId_18 |
PicturePictureId_4 |
PictureIdPictures_11 |
DeleteOrganizationOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationActivitiesOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataActivityDistribution_2 |
The distribution of activities related to the organization grouped by the user ID |
ActivityDistributionAssignedToUserId_2 |
The ID of the user |
AssignedToUserIdActivities_2 |
The count of activities related to the user grouped by activity type |
GetOrganizationChangelogOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationChangelogOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationDealsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationDealsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_5 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_5 |
DataPersonId_5 |
DataOrgId_8 |
PersonIdEmail_17 |
PersonIdPhone_17 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_17 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_13 |
RelatedObjectsUser_19 |
RelatedObjectsStage_1 |
RelatedObjectsPipeline_1 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_17 |
PersonPersonId_13 |
PersonIdEmail_18 |
PersonIdPhone_18 |
UserUserId_19 |
GetOrganizationFilesOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetOrganizationFilesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationUpdatesOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationUpdatesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationUpdatesOkResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_18 |
RelatedObjectsUser_20 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_18 |
UserUserId_20 |
GetOrganizationFollowersOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationFollowersOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataPagination_13 |
Pagination details of the list |
AddOrganizationFollowerOkResponseData |
DeleteOrganizationFollowerOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationMailMessagesOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationMailMessagesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataData_2 |
DataFrom_4 |
DataTo_4 |
DataCc_4 |
DataBcc_4 |
DataMailTrackingStatus_3 |
The status of tracking mail message. Value is null if tracking is not enabled. |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_7 |
DataReadFlag_7 |
DataDraftFlag_3 |
DataSyncedFlag_7 |
DataDeletedFlag_12 |
DataHasBodyFlag_4 |
DataSentFlag_4 |
DataSentFromPipedriveFlag_4 |
DataSmartBccFlag_7 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_7 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_7 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_7 |
MergeOrganizationsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationPersonsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationPersonsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationPersonsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_4 |
DataEmail_4 |
DataPictureId_8 |
DataOwnerId_8 |
DataOrgId_9 |
PictureIdPictures_12 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_19 |
RelatedObjectsUser_21 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_19 |
UserUserId_21 |
GetOrganizationFieldsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationFieldsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataFieldType_7 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddOrganizationFieldRequestFieldType |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddOrganizationFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_8 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeleteOrganizationFieldsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_9 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
UpdateOrganizationFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_10 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeleteOrganizationFieldOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationRelationshipsOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationRelationshipsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetOrganizationRelationshipsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataRelOwnerOrgId_1 |
DataRelLinkedOrgId_1 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_20 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_20 |
AddOrganizationRelationshipRequestType |
The type of organization relationship |
AddOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseData |
AddOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataRelOwnerOrgId_2 |
DataRelLinkedOrgId_2 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_21 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_21 |
GetOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseData |
GetOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataRelOwnerOrgId_3 |
DataRelLinkedOrgId_3 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_22 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_22 |
UpdateOrganizationRelationshipRequestType |
The type of organization relationship |
UpdateOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseData |
UpdateOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataRelOwnerOrgId_4 |
DataRelLinkedOrgId_4 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_23 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_23 |
DeleteOrganizationRelationshipOkResponseData |
GetPermissionSetsOkResponseData |
DataApp |
The app that permission set belongs to |
DataType_3 |
The type of permission set |
GetPermissionSetOkResponseApp |
The app that permission set belongs to |
GetPermissionSetOkResponseType |
The type of permission set |
GetPermissionSetAssignmentsOkResponseData |
GetPersonsOkResponseData |
GetPersonsOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetPersonsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_5 |
DataEmail_5 |
DataPictureId_9 |
DataOwnerId_9 |
DataOrgId_10 |
PictureIdPictures_13 |
AdditionalDataPagination_14 |
Pagination details of the list |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_24 |
RelatedObjectsUser_22 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_5 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_24 |
UserUserId_22 |
PicturePictureId_5 |
PictureIdPictures_14 |
AddPersonRequestEmail |
AddPersonRequestPhone |
AddPersonRequestVisibleTo |
AddPersonRequestMarketingStatus |
AddPersonCreatedResponseData |
AddPersonCreatedResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_6 |
DataEmail_6 |
DataPictureId_10 |
DataOwnerId_10 |
DataOrgId_11 |
PictureIdPictures_15 |
RelatedObjectsUser_23 |
UserUserId_23 |
DeletePersonsOkResponseData |
GetPersonsCollectionOkResponseData |
GetPersonsCollectionOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataEmail_7 |
DataPhone_7 |
SearchPersonsOkResponseData |
SearchPersonsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_5 |
ItemsItem_4 |
ItemOwner_4 |
ItemOrganization_3 |
AdditionalDataPagination_15 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetPersonOkResponseData |
GetPersonOkResponseAdditionalData |
GetPersonOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_8 |
DataEmail_8 |
DataPictureId_11 |
DataOwnerId_11 |
DataOrgId_12 |
PictureIdPictures_16 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_25 |
RelatedObjectsUser_24 |
RelatedObjectsPicture_6 |
The picture that is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_25 |
UserUserId_24 |
PicturePictureId_6 |
PictureIdPictures_17 |
UpdatePersonRequestEmail |
UpdatePersonRequestPhone |
UpdatePersonRequestVisibleTo |
UpdatePersonRequestMarketingStatus |
UpdatePersonOkResponseData |
UpdatePersonOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataPhone_9 |
DataEmail_9 |
DataPictureId_12 |
DataOwnerId_12 |
DataOrgId_13 |
PictureIdPictures_18 |
RelatedObjectsUser_25 |
UserUserId_25 |
DeletePersonOkResponseData |
GetPersonActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetPersonActivitiesOkResponseAdditionalData |
AdditionalDataActivityDistribution_3 |
The distribution of activities related to the organization grouped by the user ID |
ActivityDistributionAssignedToUserId_3 |
The ID of the user |
AssignedToUserIdActivities_3 |
The count of activities related to the user grouped by activity type |
GetPersonChangelogOkResponseData |
GetPersonChangelogOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetPersonDealsOkResponseData |
GetPersonDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetPersonDealsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_6 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_6 |
DataPersonId_6 |
DataOrgId_14 |
PersonIdEmail_19 |
PersonIdPhone_19 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_26 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_14 |
RelatedObjectsUser_26 |
RelatedObjectsStage_2 |
RelatedObjectsPipeline_2 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_26 |
PersonPersonId_14 |
PersonIdEmail_20 |
PersonIdPhone_20 |
UserUserId_26 |
GetPersonFilesOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetPersonFilesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetPersonUpdatesOkResponseData |
GetPersonUpdatesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetPersonUpdatesOkResponseRelatedObjects |
RelatedObjectsDeal_7 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_27 |
RelatedObjectsUser_27 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_15 |
DealDealId_7 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
OrganizationOrganizationId_27 |
UserUserId_27 |
PersonPersonId_15 |
PersonIdEmail_21 |
PersonIdPhone_21 |
GetPersonFollowersOkResponseData |
GetPersonFollowersOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
AddPersonFollowerOkResponseData |
DeletePersonFollowerOkResponseData |
GetPersonMailMessagesOkResponseData |
GetPersonMailMessagesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataData_3 |
DataFrom_5 |
DataTo_5 |
DataCc_5 |
DataBcc_5 |
DataMailTrackingStatus_4 |
The status of tracking mail message. Value is null if tracking is not enabled. |
DataMailLinkTrackingEnabledFlag_8 |
DataReadFlag_8 |
DataDraftFlag_4 |
DataSyncedFlag_8 |
DataDeletedFlag_13 |
DataHasBodyFlag_5 |
DataSentFlag_5 |
DataSentFromPipedriveFlag_5 |
DataSmartBccFlag_8 |
DataHasAttachmentsFlag_8 |
DataHasInlineAttachmentsFlag_8 |
DataHasRealAttachmentsFlag_8 |
MergePersonsOkResponseData |
DataPhone_10 |
DataEmail_10 |
DataPictureId_13 |
PictureIdPictures_19 |
AddPersonPictureOkResponseData |
The picture that is associated with the item |
DataPictureId_14 |
PictureIdPictures_20 |
DeletePersonPictureOkResponseData |
GetPersonProductsOkResponseData |
GetPersonProductsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataDealId |
DealIdDeal |
DealIdProduct |
ProductVisibleTo_2 |
AdditionalDataPagination_16 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetPersonFieldsOkResponseData |
GetPersonFieldsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataFieldType_11 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddPersonFieldRequestFieldType |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
AddPersonFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_12 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeletePersonFieldsOkResponseData |
GetPersonFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_13 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
UpdatePersonFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_14 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
address | Address field | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | double | Numeric value | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | |
monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a person ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | visible_to | System field that keeps item's visibility setting |
DeletePersonFieldOkResponseData |
GetPipelinesOkResponseData |
AddPipelineRequestDealProbability |
AddPipelineRequestActive |
AddPipelineOkResponseData |
The pipeline object |
GetPipelineOkResponseData |
DataDealsSummary_1 |
Deals summary |
DealsSummaryPerStages_1 |
The stage objects containing deals currency information |
DealsSummaryPerCurrency_1 |
The currency count summary |
DealsSummaryPerCurrencyFull_1 |
Full currency summaries |
PerStagesStageId_1 |
The currency summaries per stage. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to stage_id value. |
StageIdCurrencyId_1 |
The currency summary. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to currency_id value. |
PerCurrencyFullCurrencyId_1 |
The currency summary. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to currency_id value. |
UpdatePipelineRequestDealProbability |
UpdatePipelineRequestActive |
UpdatePipelineOkResponseData |
DeletePipelineOkResponseData |
GetPipelineConversionStatisticsOkResponseData |
The pipeline object |
StageConversions |
GetPipelineDealsOkResponseData |
GetPipelineDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetPipelineMovementStatisticsOkResponseData |
The pipeline object |
MovementsBetweenStages |
Movements between stages |
NewDeals |
Deals summary |
DealsLeftOpen |
Deals summary |
WonDeals |
Deals summary |
LostDeals |
Deals summary |
AverageAgeInDays |
The moved deals average age in days |
NewDealsValues |
The values of the deals |
NewDealsFormattedValues |
The formatted values of the deals |
DealsLeftOpenValues |
The values of the deals |
DealsLeftOpenFormattedValues |
The formatted values of the deals |
WonDealsValues |
The values of the deals |
WonDealsFormattedValues |
The formatted values of the deals |
LostDealsValues |
The values of the deals |
LostDealsFormattedValues |
The formatted values of the deals |
ByStages |
The moved deals average age by the stage |
GetProductsOkResponseData |
GetProductsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetProductsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataData_4 |
DataRelatedObjects |
DataVisibleTo_5 |
DataBillingFrequency_3 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
RelatedObjectsUser_28 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_8 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_16 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_28 |
UserUserId_28 |
DealDealId_8 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_16 |
PersonIdEmail_22 |
PersonIdPhone_22 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_28 |
RelatedObjectsUser_29 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_9 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_17 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_29 |
UserUserId_29 |
DealDealId_9 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_17 |
PersonIdEmail_23 |
PersonIdPhone_23 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_29 |
AddProductRequestVisibleTo |
AddProductRequestBillingFrequency |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
AddProductCreatedResponseData |
AddProductCreatedResponseRelatedObjects |
DataVisibleTo_6 |
DataBillingFrequency_4 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
RelatedObjectsUser_30 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_10 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_18 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_30 |
UserUserId_30 |
DealDealId_10 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_18 |
PersonIdEmail_24 |
PersonIdPhone_24 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_30 |
SearchProductsOkResponseData |
SearchProductsOkResponseAdditionalData |
DataItems_6 |
ItemsItem_5 |
ItemOwner_5 |
AdditionalDataPagination_17 |
Pagination details of the list |
GetProductOkResponseData |
GetProductOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataVisibleTo_7 |
DataBillingFrequency_5 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
RelatedObjectsUser_31 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_11 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_19 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_31 |
UserUserId_31 |
DealDealId_11 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_19 |
PersonIdEmail_25 |
PersonIdPhone_25 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_31 |
UpdateProductRequestVisibleTo |
UpdateProductRequestBillingFrequency |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
UpdateProductOkResponseData |
UpdateProductOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataVisibleTo_8 |
DataBillingFrequency_6 |
Only available in Advanced and above plans How often a customer is billed for access to a service or product |
RelatedObjectsUser_32 |
RelatedObjectsDeal_12 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_20 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_32 |
UserUserId_32 |
DealDealId_12 |
The ID of the deal which is associated with the item |
PersonPersonId_20 |
PersonIdEmail_26 |
PersonIdPhone_26 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_32 |
DeleteProductOkResponseData |
GetProductDealsOkResponseData |
GetProductDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetProductDealsOkResponseRelatedObjects |
DataCreatorUserId_7 |
The creator of the deal |
DataUserId_7 |
DataPersonId_7 |
DataOrgId_15 |
PersonIdEmail_27 |
PersonIdPhone_27 |
RelatedObjectsOrganization_33 |
RelatedObjectsPerson_21 |
RelatedObjectsUser_33 |
RelatedObjectsStage_3 |
RelatedObjectsPipeline_3 |
OrganizationOrganizationId_33 |
PersonPersonId_21 |
PersonIdEmail_28 |
PersonIdPhone_28 |
UserUserId_33 |
GetProductFilesOkResponseData |
The file data |
GetProductFilesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetProductFollowersOkResponseData |
GetProductFollowersOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
AddProductFollowerCreatedResponseData |
DeleteProductFollowerOkResponseData |
GetProductFieldsOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_15 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | double | Numeric value | monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | address | Address field |
AddProductFieldRequestFieldType |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | double | Numeric value | monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | address | Address field |
AddProductFieldCreatedResponseData |
DataFieldType_16 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | double | Numeric value | monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | address | Address field |
DeleteProductFieldsOkResponseData |
GetProductFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_17 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | double | Numeric value | monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | address | Address field |
UpdateProductFieldOkResponseData |
DataFieldType_18 |
The type of the fieldValue | Description |
varchar | Text (up to 255 characters) | varchar_auto | Autocomplete text (up to 255 characters) | text | Long text (up to 65k characters) | double | Numeric value | monetary | Monetary field (has a numeric value and a currency value) | date | Date (format YYYY-MM-DD) | set | Options field with a possibility of having multiple chosen options | enum | Options field with a single possible chosen option | user | User field (contains a user ID of another Pipedrive user) | org | Organization field (contains an organization ID which is stored on the same account) | people | Person field (contains a product ID which is stored on the same account) | phone | Phone field (up to 255 numbers and/or characters) | time | Time field (format HH:MM:SS) | timerange | Time-range field (has a start time and end time value, both HH:MM:SS) | daterange | Date-range field (has a start date and end date value, both YYYY-MM-DD) | address | Address field |
DeleteProductFieldOkResponseData |
GetProjectsOkResponseData |
GetProjectsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
AddProjectCreatedResponseData |
GetProjectOkResponseData |
UpdateProjectOkResponseData |
DeleteProjectOkResponseData |
DataData_5 |
ArchiveProjectOkResponseData |
GetProjectPlanOkResponseData |
PutProjectPlanActivityOkResponseData |
PutProjectPlanTaskOkResponseData |
GetProjectGroupsOkResponseData |
GetProjectTasksOkResponseData |
GetProjectTasksOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataDone_1 |
GetProjectActivitiesOkResponseData |
GetProjectActivitiesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetProjectsBoardsOkResponseData |
GetProjectsPhasesOkResponseData |
GetProjectsBoardOkResponseData |
GetProjectsPhaseOkResponseData |
GetProjectTemplatesOkResponseData |
GetProjectTemplatesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetProjectTemplateOkResponseData |
GetRecentsOkResponseData |
GetRecentsOkResponseAdditionalData |
Data_1 |
Data_2 |
Data_3 |
Data_4 |
Data_5 |
Data_6 |
Data_7 |
Data_8 |
Data_9 |
Data_10 |
Data_11 |
Data_12 |
Data_1Item |
Data_1Data |
Data_2Item |
Data_2Data |
DataIconKey_5 |
Icon graphic to use for representing this activity type |
Data_3Item |
Data_3Data |
Data_4Item |
Data_4Data |
The file data |
Data_5Item |
Data_5Data |
The filter object |
Data_6Item |
Data_6Data |
DataDeal_5 |
The deal this note is attached to |
DataOrganization_5 |
The organization the note is attached to |
DataPerson_5 |
The person the note is attached to |
DataUser_5 |
The user who created the note |
Data_7Item |
Data_7Data |
DataPhone_11 |
DataEmail_11 |
DataPictureId_15 |
PictureIdPictures_21 |
Data_8Item |
Data_8Data |
DataOwnerId_13 |
DataPictureId_16 |
PictureIdPictures_22 |
Data_9Item |
Data_9Data |
Data_10Item |
Data_10Data |
Data_11Item |
Data_11Data |
Data_12Item |
Data_12Data |
DataAccess_1 |
AccessApp_1 |
AdditionalDataPagination_18 |
The additional data of the list |
GetRolesOkResponseData |
GetRolesOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data in the role list |
AdditionalDataPagination_19 |
The pagination details in the role list |
AddRoleOkResponseData |
The response data |
GetRoleOkResponseData |
GetRoleOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data in the role |
Settings |
The settings for the role |
UpdateRoleOkResponseData |
The response data |
DeleteRoleOkResponseData |
The response data |
GetRoleAssignmentsOkResponseData |
GetRoleAssignmentsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data in the role list |
AdditionalDataPagination_20 |
The pagination details in the role list |
AddRoleAssignmentOkResponseData |
The response data |
DeleteRoleAssignmentOkResponseData |
The response data |
GetRoleSettingsOkResponseData |
The settings for the role |
SettingKey |
AddOrUpdateRoleSettingRequestValue |
Possible values for the default_visibility setting depending on the subscription plan: Essential / Advanced plan Value | Description | 1 | Owner & Followers | 3 | Entire company | Professional / Enterprise plan Value | Description | 1 | Owner only | 3 | Owner's visibility group | 5 | Owner's visibility group and sub-groups | 7 | Entire company | Read more about visibility groups here. |
AddOrUpdateRoleSettingOkResponseData |
The response data |
DealDefaultVisibility |
The setting |
GetRolePipelinesOkResponseData |
The response data |
UpdateRolePipelinesOkResponseData |
The response data |
GetStagesOkResponseData |
AddStageOkResponseData |
Updated stage object |
DeleteStagesOkResponseData |
GetStageOkResponseData |
DataDealsSummary_2 |
Deals summary |
DealsSummaryPerStages_2 |
The stage objects containing deals currency information |
DealsSummaryPerCurrency_2 |
The currency count summary |
DealsSummaryPerCurrencyFull_2 |
Full currency summaries |
PerStagesStageId_2 |
The currency summaries per stage. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to stage_id value. |
StageIdCurrencyId_2 |
The currency summary. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to currency_id value. |
PerCurrencyFullCurrencyId_2 |
The currency summary. This parameter is dynamic and changes according to currency_id value. |
UpdateStageOkResponseData |
Updated stage object |
DeleteStageOkResponseData |
GetStageDealsOkResponseData |
GetStageDealsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
GetSubscriptionOkResponseData |
DeleteSubscriptionOkResponseData |
FindSubscriptionByDealOkResponseData |
GetSubscriptionPaymentsOkResponseData |
RevenueMovementType |
Represents the movement of revenue in comparison with the previous payment. Possible values are: New - first payment of the subscription. Recurring - no movement. Expansion - current payment amount > previous payment amount. Contraction - current payment amount < previous payment amount. Churn - last payment of the subscription. |
PaymentType |
The type of the payment. Possible values are: Recurring - payments occur over fixed intervals of time, Additional - extra payment not the recurring payment of the recurring subscription, Installment - payment of the installment subscription. |
CadenceType |
The interval between payments |
AddRecurringSubscriptionOkResponseData |
AddSubscriptionInstallmentOkResponseData |
UpdateRecurringSubscriptionOkResponseData |
UpdateSubscriptionInstallmentOkResponseData |
CancelRecurringSubscriptionOkResponseData |
GetTasksOkResponseData |
GetTasksOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data of the list |
DataDone_2 |
AddTaskRequestDone |
AddTaskCreatedResponseData |
DataDone_3 |
GetTaskOkResponseData |
DataDone_4 |
UpdateTaskRequestDone |
UpdateTaskOkResponseData |
DataDone_5 |
DeleteTaskOkResponseData |
DataData_6 |
GetUsersOkResponseData |
DataAccess_2 |
AccessApp_2 |
AddUserRequestAccess |
AccessApp_3 |
AddUserOkResponseData |
DataAccess_3 |
AccessApp_4 |
FindUsersByNameOkResponseData |
DataAccess_4 |
AccessApp_5 |
GetCurrentUserOkResponseData |
DataAccess_5 |
Language |
The user language details |
AccessApp_6 |
GetUserOkResponseData |
DataAccess_6 |
AccessApp_7 |
UpdateUserOkResponseData |
DataAccess_7 |
AccessApp_8 |
GetUserPermissionsOkResponseData |
GetUserRoleAssignmentsOkResponseData |
GetUserRoleAssignmentsOkResponseAdditionalData |
The additional data in the role list |
AdditionalDataPagination_21 |
The pagination details in the role list |
GetUserRoleSettingsOkResponseData |
The settings for the role |
GetUserConnectionsOkResponseData |
The object of UserConnections |
GetUserSettingsOkResponseData |
GetWebhooksOkResponseData |
DataIsActive_1 |
DataType_4 |
The type of the Webhook |
EventAction |
The type of action to receive notifications about. Wildcard will match all supported actions. |
EventObject |
The type of object to receive notifications about. Wildcard will match all supported objects. |
Version |
The webhook's version |
AddWebhookCreatedResponseData |
DataIsActive_2 |
DataType_5 |
The type of the Webhook |