Example Project to show how to package a Django project for pip and PyPI
Project description
This is just a sample project to illustrate how to package a Django project so it can be installed over PyPi with pip.
You can find the source code at: https://github.com/antonpirker/django-pip-project The important parts are in the files: django-pip-project/setup.py and django-pip-project/pipinator/__main__.py.
Installing the project from a local directory:
If you clone the code repository to a local directory (~/tmp/django-pip-project/) you can install the project with the following command:
$ pip3 install -e ~/tmp/django-pip-project/
After this you can run the debug server of the project with a simple:
$ pipinator
You need to run pipinator inside (or above) the local directory you cloned the project to or you will get an SuspiciousFileOperation Error.
Uploading to PyPI:
Check description format:
Check if the description and long_description can be rendered by PyPI:
$ pip install readme_renderer $ python setup.py check -r -s
Create a source distribution:
This creates a dist/ directory containing a archive with your project:
$ python setup.py sdist
Note: There are also other ways to package your project. See the Python documentation for a complete guide on how to package your project: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/#packaging-your-project
Create an account on PyPI:
See: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/#create-an-account
Upload your project to PyPI:
You have to use twine to upload your package (you will need to enter your username and password):
$ pip install twine $ twine upload dist/*
If you want to save your credentials to a file, so you do not have to enter them every time you upload a version see: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/#create-an-account
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