Pre-integrated social business suite for Plone
Project description
.. image::
The PloneSocial suite is an integrated set of social business add-ons for Plone.
PloneSocial provides a full microblogging solution,
including activity streams, user profiles and follow/unfollow functionality.
This package is targeted at end-users and integrators.
This is the integration package for all the various plonesocial.* packages
into a single consistent user experience that's easy to install.
This package is maintained by Cosent_.
.. _Cosent:
.. |Cosent| image::
:alt: Cosent
Add the ``plonesocial.suite`` egg to your buildout::
eggs =
Run the buildout.
Install "Plonesocial Suite" via the Quickinstaller.
`plonesocial.theme`_ provides a Bootstrap based Diazo theme which is made available but not activated by default.
Install "Plonesocial Theme" via the Quickinstaller for a better user experience.
If you need some demo content to play with, you can run the
"Plonesocial Suite (demo)" profile from GenericSetup.
The demo profile creates a number of fake users that interact on the site.
Demo users all have the same password for testing purposes.
Do *not* install the demo profile into a production site.
Features and Roadmap
Ponesocial.suite provides:
* microblog status updates
* personal profile with follow/unfollow
- and following/followers social graph views
* activitystream, with integrated:
- status updates
- content creation
- discussion replies
- hashtag support
- filter by "following"
* multi-workspace support for microblogging and activitystreams
* (optional) a Bootstrap based Diazo theme.
The slideshow_ of the PloneSocial roadmap presentation at Plone Open Garden 2012 is available on Slideshare.
An extensive roadmap_ for the plonesocial suite is available on github.
Plonesocial consists of:
An out-of-the-box social business experience integrating all of the plonesocial.* packages.
If you're an end user, this is what you're looking for.
It installs and integrates all of the following components automatically.
Status updates.
Lists content changes, discussion replies, and status updates.
Follow/unfollow of users.
Bootstrap theme.
Favoriting of content. Planned.
Developer buildout. Not a Python package. Intended for Plonesocial developers only.
.. _plonesocial.suite:
.. _plonesocial.microblog:
.. _plonesocial.activitystream:
.. _plonesocial.theme:
.. _plonesocial.buildout:
.. _slideshow:
.. _roadmap:
Guido Stevens, Author
Leonardo J. Caballero G.
Asko Soukka
0.5.3 (2014-03-11)
* document Xephyr use [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* don't include demo suite in continuous integration testing [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* don't timeout the build so fast [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* trailing checkin [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* tuning the demo WIP [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* See if we can avoid Saucelabs timeout [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* feature-complete the demo video [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add workspace stubs to demo suite [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* consolidate all test setup into the demo setuphandler; provide admin avatar [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* rename functional test dir [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* remove -N buildout flag [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* fix clean bootstrap [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add warning on demo installer [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add tags, cleanup whitespace [Guido A.J. Stevens]
0.5.2 (2013-07-31)
* bump version after having pypi release confusion [gyst]
* provide deprecated browserlayer interface for backward compatibility [gyst]
0.5.0rc1 (2013-07-04)
* update docs
* extensive IMicroblogContext functional test coverage [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* IMicroblogContext functional test coverage WIP [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* demo: setup a full IMicroblogContext workspace [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* adjust robot tests to new @@stream traversal behaviour [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* move navigation bar to plonesocial.activitystream [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* fix tests for theme integration [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* integrate plonesocial.theme into demo setup [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* make demo setup idempotent [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* IMicroblogContext test coverage TODO [Guido Stevens]
0.4.3 (2013-04-29)
* plonesocial navigation bar should not be visible to anon [gyst]
* Robot integration tests with Travis/Saucelabs integration [gyst, datakurre]
0.4.2 (2012-11-26)
* update changelog, release [gyst]
* provide a virtualenv-enabled Travis buildout that can be debugged on a dev box [gyst]
* re-activate code analysis tests (but only on plonesocial.suite itself) [gyst]
* Added locales and i18n extract script [macagua]
* Added more improvements about i18n support [macagua]
* Updated contributors file [macagua]
* Updated changelog file [macagua]
* disable pep8/pyflakes for now [gyst]
* fix packages to be tested [hvelarde]
* pep8/pyflakes [hvelarde]
* update Travis CI configuration to include pep8/pyflakes testing [hvelarde]
* oops we do need test-eggs [gyst]
* ignore dist [gyst]
* move sources into ./src/ to enable multi-package tests on Travis [gyst]
* update location of extended configuration as the plonetest repo was moved to GitHub [hvelarde]
* update list of ignored objects [hvelarde]
* Cannot get multi-package tests to work with Travis [gyst]
* let Travis run the full cross-integrated test suite [gyst]
* cleanup, bump version, update docs [gyst]
* add Travis CI configuration [hvelarde]
0.4.1 (2012-10-09)
* fix rst formatting [gyst]
* update install doc [gyst]
* tune demo generator [gyst]
* merge: provide integration menu [gyst]
0.4 (2012-10-09)
This release integrates
* update docs [gyst]
* fix dependency [gyst]
* reindent for better pep8 [gyst]
* enable by default for Documents, Events and News Items [gyst]
* flush_queue is now public [gyst]
* setup demo graph [gyst]
* demo users + microblog updates [gyst]
* link [gyst]
* integrate [gyst]
* GS name and [gyst]
* version bump to 0.4 [gyst]
0.3 (2012-05-21)
* update changelog [gyst]
* renamed portletmanager [gyst]
* fix test setup [gyst]
* nicer Add-on profile name [gyst]
* bump version [gyst]
0.2 (2012-05-04)
* activity stream view is renamed [gyst]
* automate view and portlet assignments [gyst]
* get rid of src dir indirection [gyst]
* undo "extract standalone view from plonesocial.activitystream" - manual merge of multiple changes [gyst]
* update documentation [gyst]
* hide stream viewlet, show only in dedicated standalone view by default [gyst]
* cleanup extraction and declare dependencies [gyst]
* extract standalone view from plonesocial.activitystream [gyst]
0.1dev (Unreleased)
* initial checkin from ZopeSkel [gyst]
The PloneSocial suite is an integrated set of social business add-ons for Plone.
PloneSocial provides a full microblogging solution,
including activity streams, user profiles and follow/unfollow functionality.
This package is targeted at end-users and integrators.
This is the integration package for all the various plonesocial.* packages
into a single consistent user experience that's easy to install.
This package is maintained by Cosent_.
.. _Cosent:
.. |Cosent| image::
:alt: Cosent
Add the ``plonesocial.suite`` egg to your buildout::
eggs =
Run the buildout.
Install "Plonesocial Suite" via the Quickinstaller.
`plonesocial.theme`_ provides a Bootstrap based Diazo theme which is made available but not activated by default.
Install "Plonesocial Theme" via the Quickinstaller for a better user experience.
If you need some demo content to play with, you can run the
"Plonesocial Suite (demo)" profile from GenericSetup.
The demo profile creates a number of fake users that interact on the site.
Demo users all have the same password for testing purposes.
Do *not* install the demo profile into a production site.
Features and Roadmap
Ponesocial.suite provides:
* microblog status updates
* personal profile with follow/unfollow
- and following/followers social graph views
* activitystream, with integrated:
- status updates
- content creation
- discussion replies
- hashtag support
- filter by "following"
* multi-workspace support for microblogging and activitystreams
* (optional) a Bootstrap based Diazo theme.
The slideshow_ of the PloneSocial roadmap presentation at Plone Open Garden 2012 is available on Slideshare.
An extensive roadmap_ for the plonesocial suite is available on github.
Plonesocial consists of:
An out-of-the-box social business experience integrating all of the plonesocial.* packages.
If you're an end user, this is what you're looking for.
It installs and integrates all of the following components automatically.
Status updates.
Lists content changes, discussion replies, and status updates.
Follow/unfollow of users.
Bootstrap theme.
Favoriting of content. Planned.
Developer buildout. Not a Python package. Intended for Plonesocial developers only.
.. _plonesocial.suite:
.. _plonesocial.microblog:
.. _plonesocial.activitystream:
.. _plonesocial.theme:
.. _plonesocial.buildout:
.. _slideshow:
.. _roadmap:
Guido Stevens, Author
Leonardo J. Caballero G.
Asko Soukka
0.5.3 (2014-03-11)
* document Xephyr use [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* don't include demo suite in continuous integration testing [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* don't timeout the build so fast [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* trailing checkin [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* tuning the demo WIP [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* See if we can avoid Saucelabs timeout [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* feature-complete the demo video [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add workspace stubs to demo suite [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* consolidate all test setup into the demo setuphandler; provide admin avatar [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* rename functional test dir [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* remove -N buildout flag [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* fix clean bootstrap [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add warning on demo installer [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* add tags, cleanup whitespace [Guido A.J. Stevens]
0.5.2 (2013-07-31)
* bump version after having pypi release confusion [gyst]
* provide deprecated browserlayer interface for backward compatibility [gyst]
0.5.0rc1 (2013-07-04)
* update docs
* extensive IMicroblogContext functional test coverage [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* IMicroblogContext functional test coverage WIP [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* demo: setup a full IMicroblogContext workspace [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* adjust robot tests to new @@stream traversal behaviour [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* move navigation bar to plonesocial.activitystream [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* fix tests for theme integration [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* integrate plonesocial.theme into demo setup [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* make demo setup idempotent [Guido A.J. Stevens]
* IMicroblogContext test coverage TODO [Guido Stevens]
0.4.3 (2013-04-29)
* plonesocial navigation bar should not be visible to anon [gyst]
* Robot integration tests with Travis/Saucelabs integration [gyst, datakurre]
0.4.2 (2012-11-26)
* update changelog, release [gyst]
* provide a virtualenv-enabled Travis buildout that can be debugged on a dev box [gyst]
* re-activate code analysis tests (but only on plonesocial.suite itself) [gyst]
* Added locales and i18n extract script [macagua]
* Added more improvements about i18n support [macagua]
* Updated contributors file [macagua]
* Updated changelog file [macagua]
* disable pep8/pyflakes for now [gyst]
* fix packages to be tested [hvelarde]
* pep8/pyflakes [hvelarde]
* update Travis CI configuration to include pep8/pyflakes testing [hvelarde]
* oops we do need test-eggs [gyst]
* ignore dist [gyst]
* move sources into ./src/ to enable multi-package tests on Travis [gyst]
* update location of extended configuration as the plonetest repo was moved to GitHub [hvelarde]
* update list of ignored objects [hvelarde]
* Cannot get multi-package tests to work with Travis [gyst]
* let Travis run the full cross-integrated test suite [gyst]
* cleanup, bump version, update docs [gyst]
* add Travis CI configuration [hvelarde]
0.4.1 (2012-10-09)
* fix rst formatting [gyst]
* update install doc [gyst]
* tune demo generator [gyst]
* merge: provide integration menu [gyst]
0.4 (2012-10-09)
This release integrates
* update docs [gyst]
* fix dependency [gyst]
* reindent for better pep8 [gyst]
* enable by default for Documents, Events and News Items [gyst]
* flush_queue is now public [gyst]
* setup demo graph [gyst]
* demo users + microblog updates [gyst]
* link [gyst]
* integrate [gyst]
* GS name and [gyst]
* version bump to 0.4 [gyst]
0.3 (2012-05-21)
* update changelog [gyst]
* renamed portletmanager [gyst]
* fix test setup [gyst]
* nicer Add-on profile name [gyst]
* bump version [gyst]
0.2 (2012-05-04)
* activity stream view is renamed [gyst]
* automate view and portlet assignments [gyst]
* get rid of src dir indirection [gyst]
* undo "extract standalone view from plonesocial.activitystream" - manual merge of multiple changes [gyst]
* update documentation [gyst]
* hide stream viewlet, show only in dedicated standalone view by default [gyst]
* cleanup extraction and declare dependencies [gyst]
* extract standalone view from plonesocial.activitystream [gyst]
0.1dev (Unreleased)
* initial checkin from ZopeSkel [gyst]