pony-traffic is a fork of django-request with tracking module. It stores requests in a database for admins to see, it can also be used to get statistics on who is online, where are clients, how much time they spent, etc.
Project description
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django-request is a statistics module for django. It stores requests in a database for admins to see, it can also be used to get statistics on who is online etc.
![Traffic graph](docs/graph.png)
As well as a site statistics module, with the active_users template tag and manager method you can also use django-request to show who is online in a certain time.
To find the request overview page, please click on Requests inside the admin, then “Overview” on the top right, next to “add”.
Put ‘request’ in your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
Run the command manage.py syncdb.
Add request.middleware.RequestMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES. If you use django.contrib.auth, place the RequestMiddleware after it. If you use django.contrib.flatpages place request.middleware.RequestMiddleware before it else flatpages will be marked as error pages in the admin panel.
Make sure that the domain name in django.contrib.sites admin is correct. This is used to calculate unique visitors and top referrers.
Detailed documentation
For a detailed documentation of django-request, or how to install django-request please see: [django-request](https://django-request.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) or the docs/ directory.