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Audio Classification toolkit on PaddlePaddle

Project description





  • Anaconda 3
  • Python 3.8
  • PaddlePaddle 2.4.0
  • Windows 10 or Ubuntu 18.04


  1. 支持模型:EcapaTdnn、PANNS、TDNN、Res2Net、ResNetSE
  2. 支持池化层:AttentiveStatisticsPooling(ASP)、SelfAttentivePooling(SAP)、TemporalStatisticsPooling(TSP) 、TemporalAveragePooling(TAP)
  3. 支持预处理方法:MelSpectrogram、LogMelSpectrogram、Spectrogram、MFCC、Fbank


模型 预处理方法 数据集 类别数量 准确率
EcapaTdnn Flank UrbanSound8K 10 0.96590
PANNS(CNN14) Flank
TDNN Flank
Res2Net Flank
ResNetSE Flank


  • 首先安装的是PaddlePaddle的GPU版本,如果已经安装过了,请跳过。
conda install paddlepaddle-gpu==2.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 --channel
  • 安装ppacls库。


python -m pip install ppacls -U -i


git clone
cd AudioClassification_PaddlePaddle
python install


生成数据列表,用于下一步的读取需要,audio_path为音频文件路径,用户需要提前把音频数据集存放在dataset/audio目录下,每个文件夹存放一个类别的音频数据,每条音频数据长度在3秒以上,如 dataset/audio/鸟叫声/······audio是数据列表存放的位置,生成的数据类别的格式为 音频路径\t音频对应的类别标签,音频路径和标签用制表符 \t分开。读者也可以根据自己存放数据的方式修改以下函数。

Urbansound8K 是目前应用较为广泛的用于自动城市环境声分类研究的公共数据集,包含10个分类:空调声、汽车鸣笛声、儿童玩耍声、狗叫声、钻孔声、引擎空转声、枪声、手提钻、警笛声和街道音乐声。数据集下载地址:UrbanSound8K.tar.gz。以下是针对Urbansound8K生成数据列表的函数。如果读者想使用该数据集,请下载并解压到 dataset目录下,把生成数据列表代码改为以下代码。




dataset/UrbanSound8K/audio/fold2/104817-4-0-2.wav	4
dataset/UrbanSound8K/audio/fold9/105029-7-2-5.wav	7
dataset/UrbanSound8K/audio/fold3/107228-5-0-0.wav	5
dataset/UrbanSound8K/audio/fold4/109711-3-2-4.wav	3



  # 音频预处理方法,支持:MelSpectrogram、Spectrogram、MFCC、Fbank
  feature_method: 'MelSpectrogram'
  # 设置API参数,更参数查看对应API,不清楚的可以直接删除该部分,直接使用默认值
    sample_rate: 16000
    n_fft: 1024
    hop_length: 320
    win_length: 1024
    f_min: 50.0
    f_max: 14000.0
    n_mels: 64



# 单卡训练
# 多卡训练
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --gpus '0,1'


[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:14 - ----------- 额外配置参数 -----------
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:16 - configs: configs/ecapa_tdnn.yml
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:16 - pretrained_model: None
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:16 - resume_model: None
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:16 - save_model_path: models/
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:16 - use_gpu: True
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.807036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:17 - ------------------------------------------------
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.811036 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:19 - ----------- 配置文件参数 -----------
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:22 - dataset_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	aug_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		noise_aug_prob: 0.2
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		noise_dir: dataset/noise
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		speed_perturb: True
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		volume_aug_prob: 0.2
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		volume_perturb: False
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	dataLoader:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		batch_size: 64
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		num_workers: 4
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	do_vad: False
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	eval_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		batch_size: 1
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		max_duration: 20
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	label_list_path: dataset/label_list.txt
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	max_duration: 3
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	min_duration: 0.5
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	sample_rate: 16000
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	spec_aug_args:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		freq_mask_width: [0, 8]
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		time_mask_width: [0, 10]
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	target_dB: -20
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	test_list: dataset/test_list.txt
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	train_list: dataset/train_list.txt
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	use_dB_normalization: True
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	use_spec_aug: True
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.812035 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:22 - model_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	num_class: 10
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	pooling_type: ASP
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:22 - optimizer_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	optimizer: Adam
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	scheduler: WarmupCosineSchedulerLR
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	scheduler_args:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		learning_rate: 0.001
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		min_lr: 1e-05
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		warmup_epoch: 5
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	weight_decay: 1e-06
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:22 - preprocess_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	feature_method: Fbank
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:25 - 	method_args:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		n_mels: 80
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:27 - 		sr: 16000
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:22 - train_conf:
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	log_interval: 10
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:29 - 	max_epoch: 60
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:31 - use_model: EcapaTdnn
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.816062 INFO   ] utils:print_arguments:32 - ------------------------------------------------
[2023-08-07 23:02:08.817077 WARNING] trainer:__init__:69 - Windows系统不支持多线程读取数据,已自动关闭!
W0807 23:02:08.822477  3192] Please NOTE: device: 0, GPU Compute Capability: 7.5, Driver API Version: 11.7, Runtime API Version: 11.6
W0807 23:02:08.826478  3192] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 8.4.
        Layer (type)             Input Shape          Output Shape         Param #    
          Conv1D-2              [[1, 80, 102]]        [1, 512, 98]         205,312    
          Conv1d-1              [[1, 80, 98]]         [1, 512, 98]            0       
           ReLU-1               [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
       BatchNorm1D-2            [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]          2,048     
       BatchNorm1d-1            [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
        TDNNBlock-1             [[1, 80, 98]]         [1, 512, 98]            0       
          Conv1D-4              [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]         262,656    
          Conv1d-3              [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
           ReLU-2               [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
       BatchNorm1D-4            [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]          2,048     
       BatchNorm1d-3            [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
        TDNNBlock-2             [[1, 512, 98]]        [1, 512, 98]            0       
          Conv1D-6              [[1, 64, 102]]        [1, 64, 98]          12,352     
          Conv1d-5              [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
           ReLU-3               [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
       BatchNorm1D-6            [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]            256      
       BatchNorm1d-5            [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
        TDNNBlock-3             [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
          Conv1D-8              [[1, 64, 102]]        [1, 64, 98]          12,352     
          Conv1d-7              [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
           ReLU-4               [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
       BatchNorm1D-8            [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]            256      
       BatchNorm1d-7            [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
        TDNNBlock-4             [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
         Conv1D-10              [[1, 64, 102]]        [1, 64, 98]          12,352     
          Conv1d-9              [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
           ReLU-5               [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
       BatchNorm1D-10           [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]            256      
       BatchNorm1d-9            [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
        TDNNBlock-5             [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
         Conv1D-12              [[1, 64, 102]]        [1, 64, 98]          12,352     
         Conv1d-11              [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
           ReLU-6               [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
       BatchNorm1D-12           [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]            256      
       BatchNorm1d-11           [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0       
        TDNNBlock-6             [[1, 64, 98]]         [1, 64, 98]             0      
       BatchNorm1d-59           [[1, 128, 98]]        [1, 128, 98]            0       
        TDNNBlock-30           [[1, 4608, 98]]        [1, 128, 98]            0       
           Tanh-1               [[1, 128, 98]]        [1, 128, 98]            0       
         Conv1D-74              [[1, 128, 98]]       [1, 1536, 98]         198,144    
         Conv1d-73              [[1, 128, 98]]       [1, 1536, 98]            0       
AttentiveStatisticsPooling-1   [[1, 1536, 98]]        [1, 3072, 1]            0       
       BatchNorm1D-62           [[1, 3072, 1]]        [1, 3072, 1]         12,288     
       BatchNorm1d-61           [[1, 3072, 1]]        [1, 3072, 1]            0       
         Conv1D-76              [[1, 3072, 1]]        [1, 192, 1]          590,016    
         Conv1d-75              [[1, 3072, 1]]        [1, 192, 1]             0       
          Linear-1                [[1, 192]]            [1, 10]             1,930     
Total params: 6,215,306
Trainable params: 6,195,978
Non-trainable params: 19,328
Input size (MB): 0.03
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 35.53
Params size (MB): 23.71
Estimated Total Size (MB): 59.27

[2023-08-07 23:02:11.081835 INFO   ] trainer:train:317 - 训练数据:8644
[2023-08-07 23:02:15.428326 INFO   ] trainer:__train_epoch:269 - Train epoch: [1/60], batch: [0/136], loss: 2.99582, accuracy: 0.04688, learning rate: 0.00000000, speed: 14.72 data/sec, eta: 9:51:07


每轮训练结束可以执行评估,评估会出来输出准确率,还保存了混合矩阵图片,保存路径output/images/,如下。 混合矩阵



python --audio_path=dataset/UrbanSound8K/audio/fold5/156634-5-2-5.wav


  • 为了方便读取录制数据和制作数据集,这里提供了录音程序,这个用于录制音频,录制的音频采样率为16000,单通道,16bit。
  • infer_record.py这个程序是用来不断进行录音识别,我们可以大致理解为这个程序在实时录音识别。通过这个应该我们可以做一些比较有趣的事情,比如把麦克风放在小鸟经常来的地方,通过实时录音识别,一旦识别到有鸟叫的声音,如果你的数据集足够强大,有每种鸟叫的声音数据集,这样你还能准确识别是那种鸟叫。如果识别到目标鸟类,就启动程序,例如拍照等等。
python --record_seconds=3




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ppacls-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (48.8 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

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Details for the file ppacls-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl.

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  • Download URL: ppacls-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 48.8 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.9.12

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Hashes for ppacls-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl
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SHA256 915c2b516770f8bdcfa844181ab406d520ceb9c7b3c8c28dbde75d1c689b7b5f
MD5 8954dfcd6d3d06f87331442b9b9a2f00
BLAKE2b-256 3b86bf93f4f3df42edbd50fcb95f508cbcb07fe7755c3cafef80882c03a32890

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