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suite_data processing & modeling function

Project description


A library containing common tools for data processing, feature engineering and model training and prediction.

package: - /dist/price_forecast_suite_package-0.0.31-py3-none-any.whl

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pip install price_forecast_suite_package-0.0.31-py3-none-any.whl

document for using the library

Functions included in data processing:

1. remove_outlier

Helps filter outlier from a specified column, and will return a new dataframe

def remove_outlier(df, column_name, n_outlier=0.25):
    return new_df

Arguments table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
column_name string Required -
n_outlier float Optional 0.25

2. add_period_to_time

Used to add 'period' column as a time interval into the 'date' column

def add_period_to_time(df, 
    return new_df

Arguments table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df dataframe Required -
date_column_name string Optional 'DATE'
period_column_name string Optional 'PERIOD'
period_minutes int Optional 30

3. show_draft_plot

Used to display the plot for a list of data, this function has no return.

def show_draft_plot(datas, x_label, title, legend, picture_size=[18, 5]):
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
datas nparray[] Required -
x_label nparray[] Required same length as the list of data -
title string Optional ''
picture_size [int, int] Optional [18,5]


from ds_common_tool import suite_data  
lstmModel = dasuite_data.show_draft_plot(datas = [df['column1'], df['column2']], x_label = df.index, title='Compare 2 features values', legend=['column1_data', 'column2_data'], picture_size=[18, 5])

4. get_n_rolling

Get N days rolling mean/max/min/median

def get_n_rolling(df, target_column_name, n = 30, method = 'mean') :
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
target_column_name string Required -
n int Optional 30
method string Optional, accpect: 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'median', 'std' 'mean'

5. read_data_external

Used for reading external dataframes

def read_data_external(df,  main_df, date_column = 'DATE', fillna_limit_n=5):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
main_df DataFrame Required -
date_column string[] Optional 'DATE'
fillna_limit_n int Optional 5

6. merge_dfs

Used for merging multiple dataframes

def merge_dfs(df_list = [], on_column = 'DATE', method_na = 'dropna', fill_customize_value = 0):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df_list DataFrame[] Required NOTE: first item should be the main target df -
on_column string Optional 'DATE'
method_na string Optional, accept: 'dropna', 'fill_customize' 'dropna'
fill_customize_value int Optional, only needed if method_na='fill_customize' 0

7. shift_row

Add a new shifted column to the dataframe based on an existing column

def shift_row(df, target_columns, shift_n_list = [], method_na = 'dropna'):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df dataframe Required -
target_columns string Required -
shift_n_list int[] Optional, Note: Number of shifts required, e.g. [-20, -30] []
method_na dataframe Optional, accept: 'bfill', 'ffill' 'dropna'

8. get_trend_mean

Add 'Month', 'WeekOfYear' and 'DayOfWeek' as dummy variables to dataframe

def get_trend_mean(df, date_column_name = 'DATE'):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df dataframe Required -
date_column_name str[] Optional 'DATE'

9. get_dummy

Add dummy variables based on a specified column

def get_dummy(df, dummy_columns = ['PERIOD']):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df dataframe Required -
dummy_columns str[] Optional ['Period']

10. switch_y_column

Move the label_column to the last column

def switch_y_column(df, column_name):
    return new_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df dataframe Required -
column_name string Required -

11. time_split_dataset

TimeSeriesSplit the test data into test and validation data

time_split_dataset(X, y, split_n = 30, print_shape=True):
    return X_train_seq, y_train_seq, X_val_seq, y_val_seq
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
X nparray Required -
y nparray Required -
Split_n int Optional 30
print_shape bool Optional True

12. get_df_sql

Get data from SQL

get_df_sql(query, engine_path):
    return result_df
Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
query string Required -
engine_path string Required -

Functions included in model:

1. model_with_data_split

def model_with_data_split(df, 
                          train_start, train_end, 
                          look_back, look_forward, 
                          column_set_index = 'DATE', split_n = 30, 
                          n_neurons = [128], 
                          transformer_args = [5, 256, 256, 256], 
                          print_model_summary = True, 
                          dropout = 0.5, 
                          epochs = 30, patience = 5, 
                          early_stop = True, 
                          save_model = False, model_path = '', checkpoint_path = '', 
                          model_name = 'lstm', 
                          enable_optuna = False, epochs_each_try = 10, n_trials = 10, 
                          show_loss = True)

Arguments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df Dataframe Required -
label_column string Required -
train_start Same as index Required -
train_end Same as index Required -
look_back int Required -
look_forward int Required -
column_set_index string Optional 'DATE'
split_n int Optional 30
n_neurons int[] Optional [128]
transformer_args int[] Optional [5, 256, 256, 256]
print_model_summary bool Optional True
dropout float Optional 0.5
epochs int Optional 30
patience int Optional 5
early_stop bool Optional True
save_model bool Optional Note: If True, both model_path and checkpoint_path must be given False
model_path string Optional ''
checkpoint_path string Optional ''
model_name string Optional 'lstm'
enable_optuna bool Optional False
epcochs_each_try int Optional 10
n_trials int Optional 10
show_loss bool Optional True

2. linear_model_with_optuna

                         column_set_index = 0, 
                         start_index = '', 
                         end_index = '', 
                         print_data_shape = True, 
                         save_model = False, 
                         model_path = '', 
                         enable_optuna = True, 
                         n_trials = 20, 
                         model_name = 'elasticnet', 
                         alpha = 0.1, 
                         l1 = 0.5)

Arguments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
column_set_index string Optional 0
start_index string Optional ''
end_index string Optional ''
print_data_shape bool Optional True
save_model bool Optional False
model_path bool Optional, Required if save_model=True ''
enable_optuna bool Optional True
n_trials int Optional 20
model_name string Optional 'elasticnet'
alpha int Optional 0.1
l1 int Optional 0.5

3. xgb_with_optuna

                column_set_index = 0, 
                start_index = '0', 
                end_index = '1', 
                save_model = False, 
                model_path = '', 
                enable_optuna = True, 
                n_trials =10)

Arguments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
label_column string Required -
column_set_index string Optional 0
start_index string Optional '0'
end_index string Optional '1'
save_model bool Optional False
model_path bool Optional, Required if save_model=True ''
enable_optuna bool Optional True
n_trials int Optional 10

4. test_result

            target_column , 
            look_back = 1, 
            look_forward = 1, 
            display_metrix = True, 
            display_plot = True, 
            display_title = '', 
            display_legend = ['pred', 'real'])

Arguments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
target_column string Required -
model_path model Optional []
model_type str[] Optional, accpet: 'lstm', 'tcn', 'transformer' []
look_back int Optional 1
look_forward int Optional 1
display_metrix bool Optional True
display_plot bool Optional True
display_title string Optional ''
display_legend str[] Optional ['pred', 'real']

5. predict_result

predict_result(predict_data_list = [], 

Arguments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
predict_data_list int[] Optional []
model_path model Optional []
model_type str[] Optional, accept: ['lstm', 'tcn', 'transformer'] ['lstm']

Functions included in feature_engineer:

1. sg_long_term_feature_engineering


Arugments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
df DataFrame Required -
brent_df DataFrame Required -
gas_df DataFrame Required -
weather_df DataFrame Required -
filter_columns string Required -
target_column string Required -

2. sg_short_term_feature_engineering


Arugments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
dpr_df DataFrame Required -
reg_df DataFrame Required -
advisory_df_dummy DataFrame Required -
targetvariable string Required -
main_features list Required -

3. shandong_feature_engineering


Arugments Table

Argument Name Data Type Required/Optional Default Value
data DataFrame Required -
feature_columns str[] Required -
start_index string Required -
end_index string Required -
predict bool Optional False


1. lstm model customized

suite_model.lstm_model_custmize(look_back, look_forward, n_features, dropout=0.5, print_summary=False, n_neurons = [128])

parameter data type description default value
look_back int input size -
look_forward int output size -
n_features int number of features -
dropout float range (0,1) 0.5
n_neurons int[] number of neurons in each layer, eg. [256, 128, 64] [128]
print_summary boolean True: print model summary. False
return Model lstm model -


from ds_common_tool import suite_model  
lstmModel = suite_model.lstm_model_custmize(look_back=30, look_forward=30, n_features=4, dropout=0.5, print_summary=False, n_neurons = [128])

2. train the model

suite_model.train_model(model, X_train_seq, y_train_seq, X_val_seq, y_val_seq, epochs=100, early_stop = True, patience=10, save_model = False, model_path='', checkpoint_path='', show_loss = True)

parameter data type description default value
model int input size -
X_train_seq same type as model -
y_train_seq same type as model -
X_val_seq same type as model -
y_val_seq same type as model -
epochs int epochs for traning 100
early_stop boolean True: to use early_stop True
patience int range(10, +), patience needed if early_stop=True 10
save_model boolean True: save model and weight False
model_path string path where the model is saved, e.g. model_path = '../../model/LSTM_longterm_usep.hdf5' ''
checkpoint_path string path where the checkpoint(weight) is saved, e.g. checkpoint_path = '../../model/checkpoint/cp-lstm-longterm-usep.ckpt' ''
show_loss boolean True: plot loss for each epoch True
return Model updated model -


from ds_common_tool import suite_model  
lstmModel = suite_model.train_model(lstmModel, X_train_seq, y_train_seq, X_val_seq, y_val_seq, 
                          early_stop = True, 
                          save_model = True, 
                          model_path = '../../model/LSTM_longterm_usep.hdf5',
                          show_loss = True)

3. LSTM model with split sequences

suite_model.lstm_model_with_data_split(df, label_column, train_start, train_end, test_start, test_end, look_back, look_forward, column_set_index = 0,split_n = 30, lstm_n_neurons = [128], print_model_summary = True, dropout = 0.5, epochs = 30, patience = 5,early_stop = True, save_model = False, model_path = '', checkpoint_path = '', show_loss = True, show_result_plot = True, plot_title = '',evauate_metric = ['mape'])

parameter data type description default value
df Dataframe df to be processed -
label_column nparray[] target column for prediction -
train_start string Starting train date -
train_end string Ending train date -
test_start string Starting test date -
test_end string Ending test date -
look_back int input size -
look_forward int output size -
column_set_index int Set an index column to specified index 0
split_n int Number of splits for TimeSeriesSplit 30
lstm_n_neurons int[] Neurons needed per layer [128]
print_model_summary bool Print summary if True True
dropout float range(0, 1) 0.5
epochs int Number of epochs 30
patience int Patience for early_stop 5
early_stop bool Enable early_stop if True True
save_model bool Enable to save model Note: If True, both model_path and checkpoint_path must be given False
model_path string Path to save model ''
checkpoint_path string Path to save checkpoint ''
show_loss bool Loss plot will be printed if True True
show_result_plot bool Result plot will be shown if True True
plot_title string Include plot title ''
evaluate_metric str[] Metrics to be evaluate ['mape']
return Model, mae, mape, prediction - -


from ds_common_tool import suite_model 
lstmModel, mae, mape, prediction_data = suite_model.lstm_model_with_data_split(df = all_data, 
                                                                               label_column = 'mean_30', 
                                                                               train_start = '2017-02-01', 
                                                                               train_end = '2020-12-31', 
                                                                               test_start = '2020-12-01', 
                                                                               test_end = '2021-01-31', 
                                                                               look_back = 31, 
                                                                               look_forward = 31, 
                                                                               column_set_index = 'DATE',
                                                                               split_n = 30, 
                                                                               lstm_n_neurons = [128, 64],
                                                                               print_model_summary = True,
                                                                               dropout = 0.5,
                                                                               epochs = 30,
                                                                               patience = 5,
                                                                               early_stop = True,
                                                                               save_model = False,
                                                                               show_loss = True,
                                                                               show_result_plot = True,
                                                                               plot_title = '',
                                                                               evauate_metric = ['mape'])

4. Check metrics: mae, mape

check_result_metric(y_true, y_pred, methods=['mae'], print_result=True)

parameter data type description default value
y_true nparray Same type as model -
y_pred nparray Same type as model -
methods str[] Specify metrics in a list. Available metrics: ['mae', 'mape'] ['mae']
print_result bool Print result if True True

5. TCN

tcn_model(look_back, n_features, look_forward, batch_size=None, print_summary=True, n_neurons=[128])

parameter data type description default value
look_back int Input size -
n_features int Number of features -
look_forward int Output size -
batch_size int Specifies batch size None
print_summary bool Print if True True
n_neurons int[] To specify number of neurons [128]

6. LSTM with Optuna

optuna_lstm(epochs_each_try, n_trials, look_back, look_forward, n_features, X_train_seq, y_train_seq, X_val_seq, y_val_seq, print_best_trail = True)

parameter data type description default value
epochs_each_try int Number of epochs to run during each trial -
n_trials int Number of trials to run for Optuna -
look_back int Input size -
look_forward int Output size -
n_features int Number of features -
X_train_seq Same type as model -
y_train_seq Same type as model -
X_val_seq Same type as model -
y_val_seq Same type as model -
print_best_trial bool Print out the best trial if True True
return List of neurons, dropout - -


from ds_common_tool import suite_model 
n_neurons, dropout = suite_model.optuna_lstm(epochs_each_try = 5, 
                                 n_trials = 10, 
                                 look_back = 31, 
                                 look_forward = 31, 
                                 n_features = 82, 
                                 X_train_seq = X_train_seq, 
                                 y_train_seq = y_train_seq, 
                                 X_val_seq = X_val_seq, 
                                 y_val_seq = y_val_seq, 
                                 print_best_trail = True)


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price_forecast_suite_package-0.1.63.tar.gz (40.8 kB view hashes)

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