Keysight DMM 34465A Diagnostic Package
Project description
Interface and diagnostic tests for the Keysight 34465A DMM of the Truevolt series
Clone repository
cd <path-to-directory>
git clone
cd keysight34465a-interface
git pull origin main
git checkout -b <your-new-branch> # Please follow the branch naming convention as mentioned in the coding guidelines
Virtual environment on MacOS
1. Virtualenvwrapper
You can install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper with:
pip3 install virtualenv
pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
# Might need to query where the virtualenv and are
which virtualenv
which python3
Add these lines in the ~/.zshrc file
# Setting PATH for Python 3 installed by brew
export PATH=<path-to-your-python3>:$PATH
# Configuration for virtualenv
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=<path-to-your-python3>
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV=<path-to-your-virtualenv>
source <>
source $ZSH/
Make sure to save these changes in your file and close your terminal for them to take effect. Now you can create a virtual environment by simply typing:
mkvirtualenv <name-of-your-virtual-env>
cd <your-git-repository>
workon <name-of-your-virtual-env>
deactivate <name-of-your-virtual-env>
To add the correct interpreter for your repository on PyCharm:
- PyCharm IDE > Preferences > Project > Python Interpreter
- Select the 'Add' button for interpreters
- Choose the 'Existing environments' in 'Virtualenv'
- Add the python3 file from /bin/ of your venv folder
E.g. - .virtualenvs/demo_repo_venv/bin/python3
After setting up the venv for the repo please install all the requirements and allow some time for the IDE to do indexing. If your repository has a requirements.txt:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
2. Pipenv
Install pipenv
pip3 install pipenv
# or
brew install pipenv
pipenv shell # will create a virtualenv for the project
pipenv install # will install dependencies for the repo from the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock
# Install any further packages in this environment as
pipenv install rich # rich is a python library to nicely print on terminal
Your pipenv environment will be in the ~./virtualenvs folder. Make sure to add the interpreter on your IDE if not automatically added by navigating to the virtualenv folder for your repo and selecting the correct python3 file from /bin/.
Maintainers: @julianpass and @shuparnadeb_pts
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.
Source Distribution
Built Distribution
Hashes for pts_keysight_dmm-0.0.10-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 51751181c62ad9aacce2518a696fa03b8fea54667aeb7cfede96083c01a6952d |
MD5 | e791394dcaa609593d592c0d48078c39 |
BLAKE2b-256 | a6b4ef92b1a3f06f37fc279e941121d45be73d16221f93490b06fd5128bd2703 |