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Ontology DApp Development Framework

Project description

Punica python

1. Overview

Welcome to Punica! Punica has (almost) everything you need for Ontology DApp development.


  • Punica-Cli supports smart contract compilation, deployment, invocation, testing, and one line commands.
  • Punica-Cli implements both Python and TypeScript versions for different language developers.
  • The Punica website offers a wealth of documentation and contract templates.
  • Solo chain has a UI test node for easy viewing of blocks, transactions, contracts, contract notify, and more.
  • Automatically generate dApp project directory, provide various types of boxes, easily develop dApps based on Punica-Boxes.
  • The contract test configuration and test function in SmartX use the same standard.
  • Smart contract package management tools provided.
Usage: punica [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -p, --project PATH  Specify a punica project directory.
  -v, --version       Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

  compile  Compile the specified contracts to avm and...
  deploy   Deploys the specified contracts to specified...
  init     Initialize new and empty Ontology DApp...
  invoke   Invoke the function list in default-config or...
  node     Ontology Blockchain private net in test mode.
  scpm     Smart contract package manager,support...
  smartx   Ontology smart contract IDE,SmartX...
  test     Unit test with specified smart contract
  unbox    Download a Punica Box, a pre-built Ontology...
  wallet   Manager your ontid, account, asset.

2. Setting up the development environment

There are a few technical requirements before we start. Please install the following:

3. Install

pip install punica


python install

4. Quickstart

To use most Punica commands, you need to run them against an existing Punica project. So the first step is to create a Punica project.

4.1. Create a Project

4.1.1. Initializing a New Project

You can create a bare Punica project with no smart contracts included, use punica init command.

Once this operation is completed, you'll now have a project structure with the following items:

  • contracts/: Directory for Ontology smart contracts.
  • src/: Directory for DApp source file.
  • test/: Directory for test files for testing your application and contracts.
  • wallet/: Directory for save Ontology wallet file.
punica init --help
Usage: punica init [OPTIONS]

  Initialize new and empty Ontology DApp project.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

Note: If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.1.2. Creating a Box Project

You can create a bare project template, but for those just getting started, you can use Punica Boxes, which are example applications and project templates.

We'll use the ontology-tutorialtoken box, which creates a OEP4 token that can be transferred between accounts:

  • Create a new directory for your Punica project:
mkdir tutorialtoken
cd tutorialtoken
  • Download ("unbox") the MetaCoin box:
punica unbox tutorialtoken
punica unbox --help
Usage: punica unbox [OPTIONS] BOX_NAME

  Download a Punica Box, a pre-built Ontology DApp project.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.


  • You can use the punica unbox <box-name> command to download any of the other Punica Boxes.
  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.2. Compiling

You can use the following command to compile your Ontology smart contracts:

punica compile

If everything goes smoothly, you can find the avm and abi file in contracts/build folder.


For more usage, you can use punica compile --help command.

$ punica compile --help
Usage: punica compile [OPTIONS] CONTRACT_NAME

  Compile the specified contracts to avm and abi file.

  --contracts TEXT  Compile specified contracts files in contracts dir.
  --local BOOLEAN   Use local compiler.
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

Note: If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.

4.3. Deployment

Before deploying, you need to refine both configuration files. One configuration is punica-config.json in which we configure the blockchain network we use, another is default-config.json in which we configure the contract information.

To deploy your contract, run the following:

$ punica deploy

This will deploy your smart contract in bin directory.

A simple deployment process looks like this:

Using network 'privateNet'.

Use the default wallet file: wallet.json
Running deployment: hello_ontology.avm
	Deploy to: cb9f3b7c6fb1cf2c13a40637c189bdd066a272b4
Deploy successful to network...
	 Contract address is cb9f3b7c6fb1cf2c13a40637c189bdd066a272b4
	 Txhash is 6ad673d77fee33829240ab1f197c0b7109d4fe44b6a8e46fc3d5dca93b7b289d

For more usage, you can use punica deploy --help command.

$ punica deploy --help
Usage: punica deploy [OPTIONS]

  Deploys the specified contracts to specified chain.

  --network TEXT  Specify which network the contracts will be deployed.
  --avm TEXT      Specify which avm file will be deployed.
  --wallet TEXT   Specify which wallet file will be used.
  --config TEXT   Specify which deploy config file will be used.
  -h, --help      Show this message and exit.


  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.
  • If multi avm file exist in your bin directory, you need to use --avm option to specify which contract you want to deploy.
  • If multi wallet file exist in your wallet directory, you may need to use --wallet option to specify which wallet you want to use. otherwise, a random wallet file in wallet directory will be used.

4.4. Invocation

If you want to invoke a list of function in your deployed smart contract, a convenience way is to use Invoke command. before we invoke , we should first configure the default-config.json.

Support we have an invoke config in our default-config.json:

"abi": "hello_ontology_abi.json",
        "defaultPayer": "AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ",
        "gasPrice": 0,
        "gasLimit": 20000,
        "functions": [
                "name": "hello",
                "params": {
                    "msg": "Address:AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ"
                "signers": {
                    "m": 1,
                    "signer": [
                "preExec": true
                "name": "testListNum",
                "params": {
                    "msg": [1,2,3,4,5]
                "signers": {},
                "preExec": true
                "name": "testListNum2",
                "params": {
                    "msgList": [1,2,3,4,5],
                    "msg": "String:test"
                "signers": {},
                "preExec": true
                "name": "testListStr",
                "params": {
                    "msgList": [
                "signers": {},
                "preExec": true
                "name": "testListByteArray",
                "params": {
                    "msgList": [
                    "msg": "String:hello"
                "signers": {},
                "preExec": true
                "name": "testListStruct",
                "params": {
                    "msgList": [
                            "name": "String:hello",
                            "age": 1
                            "name": "String:hello2",
                            "age": 2
                    "msg": "String:test"
                "signers": {},
                "preExec": true

View the functions that can be called

punica invoke list

The following output we will get:

All Functions:

To run our invoke function list, run the following:

punica invoke

The following output we will get:

$ punica invoke
Using network 'privateNet'.

Running invocation: hello_ontology_abi.json
Unlock default payer account...
Invoking  hello
Invoke successful
Invoke result: ['8f651d459b4f146380dab28e7cfb9d4bb9c3fcd1']
Invoking  testListNum
Invoke successful
Invoke result: [['01', '02', '03', '04', '05']]
Invoking  testListNum2
Invoke successful
Invoke result: [['01', '02', '03', '04', '05'], '74657374']
Invoking  testListStr
Invoke successful
Invoke result: [['68656c6c6f', '776f726c64'], '74657374']
Invoking  testListByteArray
Invoke successful
Invoke result: [['48656c6c6f', '776f726c64'], '68656c6c6f']
Invoking  testListStruct
Invoke successful
Invoke result: [['68656c6c6f', '01'], ['68656c6c6f32', '02'], '74657374']

For more usage, you can use punica invoke --help command.

$ punica invoke --help
Usage: punica invoke [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Invoke the function list in default-config or specify config.

  --network TEXT    Specify which network the contracts will be deployed.
  --wallet TEXT     Specify which wallet file will be used.
  --functions TEXT  Specify which function will be executed.
  --config TEXT     Specify which config file will be used.
  --preexec TEXT    preExec the function.
  -h, --help        Show this message and exit.

  list  List all the function in default-config or...


  • If you not run punica cli in you project root directory, you need to use -p or --project option to specify your DApp project's path.
  • If multi wallet file exist in your wallet directory, you may need to use --wallet option to specify which wallet you want to use. otherwise, a random wallet file in wallet directory will be used.

4.5 Node

$ punica node
Usage: punica node [OPTIONS]

   Ontology Blockchain private net in test mode. please download from

   -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

4.6. Scpm

$ punica scpm
Usage: punica scpm [OPTIONS]

   smart contract package manager,support download and publish.

   -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

4.7 Smartx

$ punica smartx

Please go to Smartx for debugging smart contracts:

4.8 Test

$ punica test -h
Usage: punica test [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Unit test with specified smart contract

  --file TEXT  Specify which test file will be used.
  -h, --help   Show this message and exit.

  template  generate test template file

4.9 Wallet

$ punica wallet
Usage: punica wallet [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

   Manager your asset, ontid, account.

   -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

   account  Manager your account.
   asset    Manager your asset, transfer, balance,...
   ontid    Manager your ont_id, list or add.

5. Example

5.1. Checkout Version

$ punica -v

5.2. Unbox Tutorialtoken

$ punica unbox tutorialtoken
Unbox successful. Enjoy it!

5.3. Compile Contract

$ tree
│     └─build
│  └─static
│      ├─css
│        └─fonts
│      ├─html
│      └─js
$ punica compile
        Generate abi file and avm file successful...
        Enjoy your contract:)
Now we are finished :)
$ tree
│     └─build
│  └─static
│      ├─css
│        └─fonts
│      ├─html
│      └─js
$ tree build /F

5.4. Deploy Smart Contract

After compile successful, you can deploy your smart contract into a Ontolog Network.

$ punica deploy
Using network 'testNet'.

Running deployment: oep4_token.avm
        ... 0x0131c56b6a00527ac46a51527ac46a00c3044e616d659c6409006599096c7566
        Please input payer account password:
        Deploy to: 0xe4d6db237a830ce10f7476e410e61aad41bf9244
Deploy successful to network...
        ... 0x05a2502f7b8283f02915ba3ec7f712304fcce83ed98360fa3193a0b9e19ef87f
Enjoy your contract!

If the contract has been deployed into the current network, you will get the following output.

$ punica deploy
Using network 'testNet'.

Running deployment: oep4_token.avm
        Deploy failed...
        Contract has been deployed...
        Contract address is 0xcb9f3b7c6fb1cf2c13a40637c189bdd066a272b4...
Enjoy your contract:)

5.5. Invoke Function in Smart Contract

$ punica invoke
Using network 'testNet'.

Running invocation: oep4_token_abi.json
Unlock default payer account...
        Unlock account: ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
Invoking Name...
        Invoke successful...
                ... Invoke result: 4458546f6b656e
Invoking Symbol...
        Invoke successful...
                ... Invoke result: 4458
Invoking Decimal...
        Invoke successful...
                ... Invoke result: 08
Invoking TotalSupply...
        Invoke successful...
                ... Invoke result: 000080f64ae1c7022d15
Invoking BalanceOf...
        Invoke successful...
                ... Invoke result:
Invoking Transfer...
Unlock signers account...
        Unlock account: ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
        Invoke successful...
                ... txHash: 0x8bfcebe076576bb35833d97ca0b80cffe82872a6545fccf36266702ba6b65c8b
Invoking TransferMulti...
Unlock signers account...
        Unlock account: ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
        Unlock account: AazEvfQPcQ2GEFFPLF1ZLwQ7K5jDn81hve
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
		            ... txHash: 0xc6c4fc178b3598ad329986782d8c6ffdc4858ae208d48c7ce429532cec39fc68
Invoking Allowance...
Unlock signers account...
        Unlock account: ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
        Invoke successful...
                ... txHash: 0x05e78cf0d97d8b8f86ea934f051140bb840b728d8117b177d54d24ecceef3b8b
Invoking TransferFrom...
Unlock signers account...
        Unlock account: ANH5bHrrt111XwNEnuPZj6u95Dd6u7G4D6
        Please input account password:
        Unlock successful...
        Invoke successful...
                ... txHash: 0xc3e8bfe31321f27f6b0c49204bf94fc3c4715d4a5dc3e9e96b3c2cf21c5fa998

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

punica-0.0.11-py3-none-any.whl (32.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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