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A tool for displaying and manipulating Private Web Archive Web Request+Response (pwebarc WRR) files of Private Web Archive (pwebarc) project

Project description


wrrarms (pwebarc-wrrarms) is a tool for displaying and manipulating Private Web Archive (pwebarc) Web Request+Response (WRR) files produced by pWebArc browser extension.



  • Install with:
    pip install pwebarc-wrrarms
    and run as
    wrrarms --help
  • Alternatively, install it via Nix
    nix-env -i -f ./default.nix
  • Alternatively, run without installing:
    python3 -m wrrarms --help

Building a hierarchy of latest versions of all URLs

Assuming you keep your WRR dumps in ~/pwebarc/raw you can generate a wget-like file hierarchy of symlinks under ~/pwebarc/latest pointing to the latest version of each URL in ~/pwebarc/raw with

wrrarms organize --action symlink-update --output hupq --to ~/pwebarc/latest --and "status|== 200C" ~/pwebarc/raw

or, using a bit better format:

wrrarms organize --action symlink-update --output hupnq --to ~/pwebarc/latest --and "status|== 200C" ~/pwebarc/raw

Personally, I prefer the flat format as I dislike deep file hierarchies and it allows to see and filter new dumps more easily in ranger file browser:

wrrarms organize --action symlink-update --output flat --to ~/pwebarc/latest --and "status|== 200C" ~/pwebarc/raw

If you have a lot of WRR files all of the above commands could be rather slow, so if you want to keep your tree updated in real-time you should use a two-stage --stdin0 pipeline shown in the examples section below instead.

Previewing WRR files

See wrrarms-xdg-open script for a way to xdg-open .wrr files.

See wrrarms-w3m script for an example of how you can use wrrarms and w3m to turn your WRR files containing HTML pages into readable plain-text. There is also wrrarms-pandoc script that does the same via pandoc.

See the scripts sub-directory for more examples.


  • Rendering into static website mirrors a-la wget -k.

    Currently, the extension archives everything except WebSockets data but wrrarms + pandoc only work well for dumps of mostly plain text websites (which is the main use case I use this whole thing for: scrape a website and then mass-convert everything to PDFs via some pandoc magic, then index those with recoll).

  • Converter from mitmproxy dumps, HAR, WARC, and PCAP files into WRR.

  • Converter from WRR to WARC.

  • Data deduplication.

  • Non-dumb server with time+URL index and replay, i.e. a local Wayback Machine.

  • Full text indexing and search.



A tool to pretty-print, compute and print values from, search, organize (programmatically rename/move/symlink/hardlink files), (WIP: check, deduplicate, and edit) pWebArc WRR (WEBREQRES, Web REQuest+RESponse) archive files.

Terminology: a reqres (Reqres when a Python type) is an instance of a structure representing HTTP request+response pair with some additional metadata.

  • options:

    • --version : show program's version number and exit
    • -h, --help : show this help message and exit
    • --markdown : show help messages formatted in Markdown
  • subcommands:

    • {pprint,get,run,find,organize,stream}
      • pprint : pretty-print WRR files
      • get : print expressions computed from a WRR file to stdout
      • run : spawn a process on generated temporary files produced from expressions computed on WRR files
      • find : print paths of WRR files matching specified criteria
      • organize : rename/hardlink/symlink WRR files based on their metadata
      • stream : produce a stream structured lists containing expressions computed from specified WRR files to stdout, a generalized wrrarms get

wrrarms pprint

Pretty-print given WRR files to stdout.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • -u, --unabridged : print all data in full
    • --abridged : shorten long strings for brevity (useful when you want to visually scan through batch data dumps) (default)
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution (default)
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters:

    • --or EXPR : only work on reqres which match any of these expressions...
    • --and EXPR : ... and all of these expressions, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as wrrarms get --expr, which see

wrrarms get

Compute output values by evaluating expressions EXPRs on a given reqres stored at PATH, then print them to stdout (terminating each value as specified).

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : input WRR file path
  • options:

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute; can be specified multiple times in which case computed outputs will be printed sequentially, see also "output" options below; (default: response.body|es); each EXPR describes a state-transformer (pipeline) which starts from value None and evaluates a script built from the following:
      • constants and functions:
        • es: replace None value with an empty string ""
        • eb: replace None value with an empty byte string b""
        • false: replace None value with False
        • true: replace None value with True
        • 0: replace None value with 0
        • 1: replace None value with 1
        • not: apply logical not to value
        • len: apply len to value
        • str: cast value to str or fail
        • bytes: cast value to bytes or fail
        • bool: cast value to bool or fail
        • int: cast value to int or fail
        • float: cast value to float or fail
        • unquote: percent-encoding-unquote value
        • unquote_plus: percent-encoding-unquote value and replace + symbols with spaces
        • sha256: compute hex(sha256(value.encode("utf-8"))
        • ==: apply == arg, arg is cast to the same type as the current value
        • !=: apply != arg, similarly
        • <: apply < arg, similarly
        • <=: apply <= arg, similarly
        • >: apply > arg, similarly
        • >=: apply >= arg, similarly
        • prefix: take first arg characters
        • suffix: take last arg characters
        • abbrev: leave the current value as if if its length is less or equal than arg characters, otherwise take first arg/2 followed by last arg/2 characters
        • replace: replace all occurences of the first argument in the current value with the second argument, casts arguments to the same type as the current value
      • reqres fields, these work the same way as constants above, i.e. they replace current value of None with field's value, if reqres is missing the field in question, which could happen for response* fields, the result is None:
        • version: WEBREQRES format version; int
        • source: +-separated list of applications that produced this reqres; str
        • protocol: protocol (e.g. "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/2.0"); str
        • request.started_at: request start time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; EpochMsec
        • request.method: request HTTP method ("GET", "POST", etc); str
        • request.url: request URL, including the fragment/hash part; str
        • request.headers: request headers; list[tuple[str, bytes]]
        • request.complete: is request body complete?; bool
        • request.body: request body; bytes
        • response.started_at: response start time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; EpochMsec
        • response.code: HTTP response code (like 200, 404, etc); int
        • response.reason: HTTP response reason (like "OK", "Not Found", etc); usually empty for Chromium and filled for Firefox; str
        • response.headers: response headers; list[tuple[str, bytes]]
        • response.complete: is response body complete?; bool
        • response.body: response body; Firefox gives raw bytes, Chromium gives UTF-8 encoded strings; bytes | str
        • finished_at: request completion time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00; EpochMsec
      • derived attributes:
        • fs_path: file system path for the WRR file containing this reqres; str
        • qtime_ms: aliast for request.started_at; mnemonic: "reQuest TIME"; int
        • qtime: qtime_ms rounded down to seconds (UNIX epoch); int
        • qtime_msq: three least significant digits of qtime_ms; int
        • qyear: year number of gmtime(qtime) (UTC year number of qtime); int
        • qmonth: month number of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qday: day of the month of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qhour: hour of gmtime(qtime) in 24h format; int
        • qminute: minute of gmtime(qtime); int
        • qsecond: second of gmtime(qtime); int
        • stime_ms: response.started_at if there was a response, finished_at otherwise; mnemonic: "reSponse TIME"; int
        • stime: stime_ms rounded down to seconds (UNIX epoch); int
        • stime_msq: three least significant digits of stime_msq; int
        • syear: similar to syear, but for stime; int
        • smonth: similar to smonth, but for stime; int
        • sday: similar to sday, but for stime; int
        • shour: similar to shour, but for stime; int
        • sminute: similar to sminute, but for stime; int
        • ssecond: similar to ssecond, but for stime; int
        • ftime_ms: aliast for finished_at; int
        • ftime: ftime_ms rounded down to seconds (UNIX epoch); int
        • ftime_msq: three least significant digits of ftime_msq; int
        • fyear: similar to syear, but for ftime; int
        • fmonth: similar to smonth, but for ftime; int
        • fday: similar to sday, but for ftime; int
        • fhour: similar to shour, but for ftime; int
        • fminute: similar to sminute, but for ftime; int
        • fsecond: similar to ssecond, but for ftime; int
        • status: "NR" if there was no response, str(response.code) + "C" if response was complete, str(response.code) + "N" otherwise; str
        • method: aliast for request.method; str
        • full_url: aliast for request.url; str
        • net_url: request.url without the fragment/hash part, if any, this is the URL that actually gets sent to the server; str
        • scheme: scheme part of request.url (http, https); str
        • netloc: netloc part of request.url (i.e., in the most general case, <username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>)
        • hostname: hostname part of request.url
        • rhostname: hostname part of request.url with the order of parts reversed, e.g. "" -> "com.example.www"
        • raw_path: raw path part of request.url, e.g. "" -> "", "" -> "/", "" -> "/index.html"
        • path: raw_path without the leading slash, if any, e.g. "" -> "", "" -> "", "" -> "index.html"
        • ipath: path + "index.html" if path is empty or ends with a slash, path otherwise
        • query: query part of request.url (everything after the ? character and before the # character)
        • nquery: normalized query (with empty query parameters removed)
        • nquery_url: full_url with normalized query; str
        • oqm: optional query mark: ? character if query is non-empty, an empty string otherwise; str
        • fragment: fragment (hash) part of the url; str
        • ofm: optional fragment mark: # character if fragment is non-empty, an empty string otherwise; str
      • a compound expression built by piping (|) the above, for example:
        • net_url|sha256
        • net_url|sha256|prefix 4
        • path|unquote
        • query|unquote_plus|abbrev 128
        • response.complete: this will print the value of response.complete or None, if there was no response
        • response.complete|false: this will print response.complete or False
        • response.body|eb: this will print response.body or an empty string, if there was no response
  • output:

    • --not-terminated : don't terminate output values with anything, just concatenate them (default)
    • -l, --lf-terminated : terminate output values with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : terminate output values with \0 (NUL) bytes

wrrarms run

Compute output values by evaluating expressions EXPRs for each of NUM reqres stored at PATHs, dump the results into into newly generated temporary files (terminating each value as specified), spawn a given COMMAND with given arguments ARGs and the resulting temporary file paths appended as the last NUM arguments, wait for it to finish, delete the temporary files, exit with the return code of the spawned process.

  • positional arguments:

    • COMMAND : command to spawn
    • ARG : additional arguments to give to the COMMAND
    • PATH : input WRR file paths to be mapped into new temporary files
  • options:

    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : the expression to compute, can be specified multiple times, see {__package__} get --expr for more info; (default: response.body|es)
    • -n NUM, --num-args NUM : number of PATHs (default: 1)
  • output:

    • --not-terminated : don't terminate output values with anything, just concatenate them (default)
    • -l, --lf-terminated : terminate output values with \n (LF) newline characters
    • -z, --zero-terminated : terminate output values with \0 (NUL) bytes

wrrarms find

Print paths of WRR files matching specified criteria.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments, requires specified --to
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution (default)
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters:

    • --or EXPR : only work on reqres which match any of these expressions...
    • --and EXPR : ... and all of these expressions, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as wrrarms get --expr, which see
  • output:

    • -l, --lf-terminated : output absolute paths of matching WRR files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters to stdout (default)
    • -z, --zero-terminated : output absolute paths of matching WRR files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes to stdout

wrrarms organize

Rename/hardlink/symlink given WRR files to DESTINATION based on their metadata.

Operations that could lead to accidental data loss are not permitted. E.g. wrrarms organize --action rename will not overwrite any files, which is why the default --output contains %(num)d.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • --dry-run : perform a trial run without actually performing any changes
    • -q, --quiet : don't log computed updates to stderr
    • -a {rename,hardlink,symlink,symlink-update}, --action {rename,hardlink,symlink,symlink-update} : organize how:
      • rename: rename source files under DESTINATION, will fail if target already exists (default)
      • hardlink: create hardlinks from source files to paths under DESTINATION, will fail if target already exists
      • symlink: create symlinks from source files to paths under DESTINATION, will fail if target already exists
      • symlink-update: create symlinks from source files to paths under DESTINATION, will overwrite the target if stime_ms for the source reqres is newer than the same value for the target
    • --batch-number INT : batch at most this many --actions together (default: 1024), making this larger improves performance at the cost of increased memory consumption, setting it to zero will force all --actions to be applied immediately
    • --lazy : sets --batch-number to positive infinity; most useful in combination with --action symlink-update in which case it will force wrrarms to compute the desired file system state first and then perform disk writes in a single batch
    • -o FORMAT, --output FORMAT : format describing the generated output path, an alias name or a custom pythonic %-substitution string:
      • available aliases and corresponding %-substitutions:
        • default: %(syear)d/%(smonth)02d/%(sday)02d/%(shour)02d%(sminute)02d%(ssecond)02d%(stime_msq)03d_%(qtime_ms)s_%(method)s_%(net_url|sha256|prefix 4)s_%(status)s_%(hostname)s.%(num)d.wrr (default)
        • short: %(syear)d/%(smonth)02d/%(sday)02d/%(stime_ms)d_%(qtime_ms)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • surl: %(scheme)s/%(netloc)s/%(path)s%(oqm)s%(query)s
        • url: %(netloc)s/%(path)s%(oqm)s%(query)s
        • surl_msn: %(scheme)s/%(netloc)s/%(path)s%(oqm)s%(query)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • url_msn: %(netloc)s/%(path)s%(oqm)s%(query)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • shpq: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • hpq: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • shpq_msn: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • hpq_msn: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • shupq: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • hupq: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • shupq_msn: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • hupq_msn: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • srhupq: %(scheme)s/%(rhostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s.wrr
        • rhupq: %(rhostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s.wrr
        • srhupq_msn: %(scheme)s/%(rhostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • rhupq_msn: %(rhostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(query|unquote_plus|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • shupnq: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(nquery|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • hupnq: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(nquery|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s.wrr
        • shupnq_msn: %(scheme)s/%(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(nquery|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • hupnq_msn: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(nquery|unquote_plus|abbrev 120)s_%(method)s_%(status)s.%(num)d.wrr
        • flat: %(hostname)s/%(ipath|unquote|replace / __|abbrev 120)s%(oqm)s%(nquery|unquote_plus|replace / __|abbrev 100)s_%(method)s_%(net_url|sha256|prefix 4)s_%(status)s.wrr
      • available substitutions:
        • num: number of times an output path like this was seen; this value gets incremened for each new WRR file generating the same path with num set to 0 and when the file at the path generated with the current value of num already exists; i.e. adding this parameter to your --output format will ensure all generated file names will be unique
        • all expressions of wrrarms get --expr, which see
    • -t DESTINATION, --to DESTINATION : target directory, when unset each source PATH must be a directory which will be treated as its own DESTINATION
    • --stdin0 : read zero-terminated PATHs from stdin, these will be processed after PATHs specified as command-line arguments, requires specified --to
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution (default)
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters:

    • --or EXPR : only work on reqres which match any of these expressions...
    • --and EXPR : ... and all of these expressions, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as wrrarms get --expr, which see
  • output:

    • --no-output : don't print anything to stdout (default)
    • -l, --lf-terminated : output absolute paths of newly produced files terminated with \n (LF) newline characters to stdout
    • -z, --zero-terminated : output absolute paths of newly produced files terminated with \0 (NUL) bytes to stdout

wrrarms stream

Compute given expressions for each of given WRR files, encode them into a requested format, and print the result to stdout.

  • positional arguments:

    • PATH : inputs, can be a mix of files and directories (which will be traversed recursively)
  • options:

    • -u, --unabridged : print all data in full
    • --abridged : shorten long strings for brevity (useful when you want to visually scan through batch data dumps) (default)
    • --format {py,cbor,json,raw} : generate output in:
      • py: Pythonic Object Representation aka repr (default)
      • cbor: CBOR (RFC8949)
      • json: JavaScript Object Notation aka JSON (binary data can't be represented, UNICODE replacement characters will be used)
      • raw: concatenate raw values (termination is controlled by *-terminated options)
    • -e EXPR, --expr EXPR : an expression to compute, see wrrarms get --expr for more info on expression format, can be specified multiple times (default: []); to dump all the fields of a reqres, specify "."
  • error handling:

    • --errors {fail,skip,ignore} : when an error occurs:
      • fail: report failure and stop the execution (default)
      • skip: report failure but skip the reqres that produced it from the output and continue
      • ignore: skip, but don't report the failure
  • filters:

    • --or EXPR : only work on reqres which match any of these expressions...
    • --and EXPR : ... and all of these expressions, both can be specified multiple times, both use the same expression format as wrrarms get --expr, which see
  • --format=raw output:

    • --not-terminated : don't terminate raw output values with anything, just concatenate them
    • -l, --lf-terminated : terminate raw output values with \n (LF) newline characters (default)
    • -z, --zero-terminated : terminate raw output values with \0 (NUL) bytes


  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump using an abridged (for ease of reading and rendering) verbose textual representation:

    wrrarms pprint ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pipe response body from a given WRR file to stdout:

    wrrarms get ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
  • Get first 4 characters of a hex digest of sha256 hash computed on the URL without the fragment/hash part:

    wrrarms get -e "net_url|sha256|prefix 4" ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
  • Pipe response body from a given WRR file to stdout, but less efficiently, by generating a temporary file and giving it to cat:

    wrrarms run cat ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr

    Thus wrrarms run can be used to do almost anything you want, e.g.

    wrrarms run less ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
    wrrarms run -- sort -R ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr
    wrrarms run -n 2 -- diff -u ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file-v1.wrr ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file-v2.wrr
  • List paths of all WRR files from ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump that contain only complete 200 OK responses with bodies larger than 1K:

    wrrarms find --and "status|== 200C" --and "response.body|len|> 1024" ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Rename all WRR files in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/default according to their metadata using --output default (see the wrrarms organize section for its definition, the default format is designed to be human-readable while causing almost no collisions, thus making num substitution parameter to almost always stay equal to 0, making things nice and deterministic):

    wrrarms organize ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/default

    alternatively, just show what would be done

    wrrarms organize --dry-run ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/default
  • The output of wrrarms organize --zero-terminated can be piped into wrrarms organize --stdin0 to perform complex updates. E.g. the following will rename new reqres from ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump to ~/pwebarc/raw renaming them with --output default, the for loop is there to preserve profiles:

    for arg in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/* ; do
      wrrarms organize --zero-terminated --to ~/pwebarc/raw/"$(basename "$arg")" "$arg"
    done > changes

    then, we can reuse changes to symlink all new files from ~/pwebarc/raw to ~/pwebarc/all using --output hupq_msn, which would show most of the URL in the file name:

    wrrarms organize --stdin0 --action symlink --to ~/pwebarc/all --output hupq_msn < changes

    and then, we can reuse changes again and use them to update ~/pwebarc/latest, filling it with symlinks pointing to the latest 200 OK complete reqres from ~/pwebarc/raw, similar to what wget -r would produce (except wget would do network requests and produce responce bodies, while this will build a file system tree of symlinks to WRR files in /pwebarc/raw):

    wrrarms organize --stdin0 --action symlink-update --to ~/pwebarc/latest --output hupq --and "status|== 200C" < changes

Advanced examples

  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump by dumping their whole structure into an abridged Pythonic Object Representation (repr):

    wrrarms stream --expr . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
    wrrarms stream -e . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump using the unabridged verbose textual representation:

    wrrarms pprint --unabridged ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
    wrrarms pprint -u ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Pretty-print all reqres in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump by dumping their whole structure into the unabridged Pythonic Object Representation (repr) format:

    wrrarms stream --unabridged --expr . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
    wrrarms stream -ue . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump
  • Produce a JSON list of [<file path>, <time it finished loading in milliseconds since UNIX epoch>, <URL>] tuples (one per reqres) and pipe it into jq for indented and colored output:

    wrrarms stream --format=json -ue fs_path -e finished_at -e request.url ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump | jq .
  • Similarly, but produce a CBOR output:

    wrrarms stream --format=cbor -ue fs_path -e finished_at -e request.url ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump | less
  • Concatenate all response bodies of all the requests in ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump:

    wrrarms stream --format=raw --not-terminated -ue "response.body|es" ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump | less
  • Print all unique visited URLs, one per line:

    wrrarms stream --format=raw --lf-terminated -ue request.url ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump | sort | uniq
  • Same idea, but using NUL bytes while processing, and prints two URLs per line:

    wrrarms stream --format=raw --zero-terminated -ue request.url ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump | sort -z | uniq -z | xargs -0 -n2 echo

Handling binary data

Trying to use response bodies produced by wrrarms stream --format=json is likely to result garbled data as JSON can't represent raw sequences of bytes, thus binary data will have to be encoded into UNICODE using replacement characters:

wrrarms stream --format=json -ue . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | jq .

The most generic solution to this is to use --format=cbor instead, which would produce a verbose CBOR representation equivalent to the one used by --format=json but with binary data preserved as-is:

wrrarms stream --format=cbor -ue . ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less

Or you could just dump raw response bodies separately:

wrrarms stream --format=raw -ue response.body ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less
wrrarms get ../dumb_server/pwebarc-dump/path/to/file.wrr | less

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Source Distribution

pwebarc-wrrarms-0.6.tar.gz (36.9 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

pwebarc_wrrarms-0.6-py3-none-any.whl (32.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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