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A library for controlling the KEL103 electronic load

Project description


This is a Python 3 library to provide easier means of controlling a Korad KEL103 electronic load over a serial connection initially created for the use with the KELgui application. It will probably also work with a KEL102 load but this is untested. I would recommend, in addition to this documentation, to also check the file for examples on how to use the library. Additionally more details about certain aspects on how the load works are provided in the KEL-103 protocol documentation.

It uses the aenum library. The minimum required python version is 3.10.

This library has been initially copied from the py-korad-serial project and been modified to work with the electronic loads instead of power supplies.

Python package

The library is available as a package at PyPI as py-kelctl.


The Korad KEL103/KEL102 is sold under different names and brands i.e. RND 320-KEL103.


Examples for basic usage of all functions are included in the file.

The object supports the python with statement to release the serial port automatically:

from kelctl import KELSerial

with KELSerial('/dev/ttyACM0') as load:
    print("Model: ", load.model)
    print("Status: ", load.status)

Class Documentation

KELSerial Class

Constructor __init__(port, rate, debug=False)

The constructor takes a string containing the serial device to attach to. Rate determines the Baudrate to run at. Optional, defaults to 115200 and takes an BaudRate Enum value. If debug is set to True, then data sent and received is printed to output. Optional and defaults to False.

input Attribute

Turns on and off the input of the load.

load.input.on() and

Gets state of input and returns an OnOffState

load.input.get() returns or OnOffState.on

memories Attribute

This is an array of memory settings for all memories from 1-100 on unit mapped to the array from 0 to 99. Can be used to save and recall memories on unit. The saved values can not be retrieved directly from the unit. When recalling a memory the corresponding mode on unit will be set together with the saved value. Memories will not return anything.

m1 = load.memories[0]
m2 = load.memories[99]

model property (read-only)

Returns the load model information.

RND 320-KEL103 V2.60 SN:01234567

device_info property (read-only)

Returns some device information as a multiline string. load.device_info returns:


status property

Returns a Status object representing current status of certain settings.

load.status returns Status

voltage property

Sets the voltage value for the constant voltage mode and switches to it. Takes float as value in Volts.

Raises ValueOutOfLimitError when trying to set value above set limits.

load.voltage = 30.05

Gets the voltage value for constant voltage mode. Returns float value in Volts.

load.voltage returns 30.05 as float or returns none

current property

Sets the current value for the constant current mode and switches to it. Takes float as value in Amps.

Raises ValueOutOfLimitError when trying to set value above set limits.

load.current = 10.05

Gets the current value for constant current mode. Returns float value in Amps.

load.current returns 10.05 as float or returns none

power property

Sets the power value for the constant power mode and switches to it. Takes float as value in Watts.

Raises ValueOutOfLimitError when trying to set value above set limits.

load.power = 20.05

Gets the power value for constant power mode. Returns float value in Watts.

load.power returns 20.05 as float or returns none

resistance property

Sets the resistance value for the constant resistance mode and switches to it. Takes float as value in Ohms.

Raises ValueOutOfLimitError when trying to set value above set limits.

load.resistance = 2000.05

Gets the resistance value for constant resistance mode. Returns float value in Ohms.

load.resistance returns 2000.05 as float or returns none

measured_voltage property (read-only)

Reads the voltage currently present at device. Returns float value in Volts.

load.measured_voltage returns 30.05 as float or returns none

measured_power property (read-only)

Reads the power currently present at device. Returns float value in Watts.

load.measured_power returns 20.05 as float or returns none

measured_current property (read-only)

Reads the current currently present at device. Returns float value in Amps.

load.measured_current returns 10.05 as float or returns none

function property

Sets the mode/function of the load. Setting the function in this way is limited to certain modes(constant-voltage, constant-current, constant-resistance, constant-power, short). Trying to set other mode will raise a NoModeSetError. Takes a Mode(Enum) as input.

load.function = Mode.constant_voltage

Gets currently active function and returns it as Mode(Enum).

load.function returns Mode.constant_voltage

set_list function

Sets and saves a list and optionally recalls the list on device. Recall option defaults to true if not used. Takes a LoadList object as input and will validate the list before setting it to prevent errors on device. Will raise a ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError on failed validation.

steps = [ListStep(3, 0.002, 5), ListStep(2, 0.003, 3), ListStep(2, 0.005, 2)]
testList = LoadList(3, 10, steps, 6)
load.set_list(testList, True)

get_list function

Recalls and then retrieves selected list by save-slot and returns LoadList object. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-7).

load.get_list(3) returns LoadList

recall_list function

Recalls existing list on device. Recalling non-existing list will result in error on device. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-7).


set_ocp function

Sets and saves an OCP-list and if set recalls the list on device. Recall option defaults to true if not used. Takes a OCPList object as input and will validate the list before setting it to prevent errors on device. Will raise a ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError on failed validation.

ocpList = OCPList(1, 10, 4, 20, 15, 1, 1, 5, 30, 10.52, 8.34)

get_ocp function

Recalls and then retrieves selected OCP-list by save-slot and returns OCPList object. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).

load.get_ocp(1) returns OCPList

recall_ocp function

Recalls existing OCP-list on device. Recalling non-existing list will result in error on device. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).


set_opp function

Sets and saves an OPP-list and if set recalls the list on device. Recall option defaults to true if not used. Takes an OPPList object as input and will validate the list before setting it to prevent errors on device. Will raise a ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError on failed validation.

oppList = OPPList(1, 11, 4, 20, 15, 1, 1, 5, 30, 10.52, 8.34)

get_opp function

Recalls and then retrieves selected OPP-list by save-slot and returns OPPList object. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).

load.get_opp(1) returns OPPList

recall_opp function

Recalls existing OPP-list on device. Recalling non-existing list will result in error on device. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).


set_batt function

Sets and saves a Battery-test-list and if set recalls the list on device. Recall option defaults to true if not used. Takes an BattList object as input and will validate the list before setting it to prevent errors on device. Will raise a ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError on failed validation.

battList = BattList(1, 20.23, 10, 10, 30, 5)

get_batt function

Recalls and then retrieves selected Battery-test-list by save-slot and returns BattList object. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).

load.get_batt(1) returns BattList

recall_batt function

Recalls existing Battery-test-list on device. Recalling non-existing list will result in error on device. Will raise ValueError if trying to get invalid list(valid is 1-10).


get_batt_cap function

Returns current capacity measured from battery-test. Returns AH as float.

load.get_batt_cap() returns 5.1234 as float or returns none

get_batt_time function

Returns current time battery-test has been running. Returns minutes as float.

load.get_batt_time() returns 5.1234 as float or returns none

set_dynamic_mode function

Sets and saves a dynamic-mode-list and if set recalls the list on device. Recall option defaults to true if not used. Takes one of the six dynamic-list objects as input and will validate the list before setting it to prevent errors on device. Will raise a ValueOutOfLimitError on failed validation.

dyn1List = CVList(30.02, 20.05, 1.5, 30)

get_dynamic_mode function

Recalls and gets currently set dynamic-mode and returns appropriate dynamic-list object depending on which of the dynamic modes is set. Will raise InvalidModeError when function is called with device not in a dynamic mode.

load.get_dynamic_mode() returns dynamic-list object

recall_dynamic_mode function

Recalls dynamic mode and returns string returned from unit. This function is required to be called after setting a dynamic mode before being able to use it(Per default is done in set method already).


settings attribute

The settings attribute is an instance of the Settings class giving access to the various settings of the device.

beep attribute

Turns on or off the "beep" setting or returns state as OnOffState.

load.settings.beep.on() or

Gets state of setting and returns OnOffState.

load.settings.beep.get() returns OnOffState.on or

lock attribute

Turns on or off the "lock" setting causing the keys on front of unit to be locked or unlocked.

load.settings.lock.on() or

Gets state of setting and returns OnOffState.

load.settings.lock.get() returns OnOffState.on or

dhcp attribute

Turns on or off "DHCP" setting.

load.settings.dhcp.on() or

Gets state of setting and returns OnOffState.

load.settings.dhcp.get() returns OnOffState.on or

trigger attribute

Turns on or off the "Trigger" setting which will enable or disable the external trigger input on device. Does not affect the trigger command over serial or on device.

load.settings.trigger.on() or

Gets state of setting and returns OnOffState.

load.settings.trigger.get() returns OnOffState.on or

compensation attribute

Turns on or off the "Compensation" setting which will enable or disable the external compensation function. With compensation on according to official documentation Memories are unavailable.

load.settings.compensation.on() or

Gets state of setting and returns OnOffState.

load.settings.compensation.get() returns OnOffState.on or

ipaddress property

Sets the IP-Address of device. IP-Address will be verified to ensure proper formatting. Will raise ValueError if improperly formatted

load.settings.ipaddress = ""

Gets the IP-Adress of device.

load.settings.ipaddress returns

subnetmask property

Sets the Subnetmask of device. Subnetmask will be verified to ensure proper formatting. Will raise ValueError if improperly formatted

load.settings.subnetmask = ""

Gets the Subnetmask of device.

load.settings.subnetmask returns

gateway property

Sets the Gateway of device. Gateway will be verified to ensure proper formatting. Will raise ValueError if improperly formatted

load.settings.gateway = ""

Gets the Gateway of device.

load.settings.gateway returns

macaddress property

Sets the Mac-Address of device. Mac-Address will be verified to ensure proper formatting. Will raise ValueError if improperly formatted. Will take addresses using either : or - as separator.

load.settings.macaddress = "00-80-41-ae-fd-7e"

Gets the Mac-Address of device.

load.settings.macaddress returns 01:80:41:ae:fd:7e

baudrate property

Sets the Baudrate of device. Takes BaudRate Enum.

load.settings.baudrate = BaudRate(3)" or load.settings.baudrate = BaudRate(57600)" or load.settings.baudrate = BaudRate.R57600"

Gets the Baudrate of device.

load.settings.baudrate returns BaudRate Enum.

port property

Sets the network Port of device.

load.settings.port = 12345"

Gets the network Port of device.

load.settings.port returns 12345 as Integer

voltage_limit property

Sets the voltage limit of device. Takes float as value in Volts.

load.settings.voltage_limit = 100.05

Gets the voltage limit of device. Returns float value in Volts.

load.settings.voltage_limit returns 100.05 as float or returns none

current_limit property

Sets the current limit of device. Takes float as value in Amps.

load.settings.current_limit = 20.05

Gets the current limit of device. Returns float value in Amps.

load.settings.current_limit returns 20.05 as float or returns none

power_limit property

Sets the power limit of device. Takes float as value in Watts.

load.settings.power_limit = 200.05

Gets the power limit of device. Returns float value in Watts.

load.settings.power_limit returns 200.05 as float or returns none

resistance_limit property

Sets the resistance limit of device. Takes float as value in Ohms.

load.settings.resistance_limit = 2000.05

Gets the resistance limit of device. Returns float value in Ohms.

load.settings.resistancer_limit returns 2000.05 as float or returns none

factoryreset function

Resets the device to it's factory-settings. This may disrupt the serial connection for it to be reenabled/baud rate set again on device directly.


Status class

Object representing the values returned by the :STAT ? command. Consists of beep, lock, trigger, comm as OnOffState and baudrate as BaudRate.

__str__ function

Will return the mentioned variables as readable String. Beep: on, Lock: on, Baudrate: 115200, Trigger: on, Comm: on

ListStep class

The ListStep class represents a single step from a LoadList class. It consists of the following values: current(in Amps, float), current_slope(rate at which current will change to defined value in A/uS, float), duration(duration of this step in seconds, float)

step = ListStep(3, 0.002, 5)

LoadList class

The LoadList class represents all values required for using the list function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

save-slot(in which save-slot 1-7 the list will be saved in, int), current_range(the limit up to which value the current can be set in Amps, Lists are not restricted by limits set in settings, float), steps(an array of ListStep objects), loop_number(how often the steps will be repeated, int)

steps = [ListStep(3, 0.002, 5), ListStep(2, 0.003, 3), ListStep(2, 0.005, 2)]
testlist = LoadList(3, 10, steps, 6)

validate function

This function will validate a LoadList to make sure that the save-slot is between 1 and 7, that there are a maximum of 84 steps, a minimum of 2 steps, that current values are within set range and current slope values are below device limit. Will raise ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. testlist.validate()

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

OCPList class

The OCPList class represents all values required for using the OCP function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

save-slot(in which save-slot 1-10 the list will be saved in, int), on_voltage(voltage above which test will start in Volts, float), on_delay(delay in seconds after reaching on_voltage after which test starts, float), current_range(the limit up to which value the current can be set in Amps, Lists are not restricted by limits set in settings, float), initial_current(current at which test starts out in Amps, float), step_current(current value in Amps which each step will go down by, float), step_delay(delay in seconds after each step before next step down, float), off_current(current in Amps below which test will stop, float), ocp_voltage(value in Volts above voltage has to rise for successful test, float), max_overcurrent(max current value in Amps at which OCP has to disengage at for successful test, float), min_overcurrent(min current value in Amps at which OCP has to disengage at for successful test, float)

ocpList = OCPList(1, 10, 4, 20, 15, 1, 1, 5, 30, 10.52, 8.34)

validate function

This function will validate an OCPList to make sure that the save-slot is between 1 and 10, that current values are within set range and several checks for values(refer to protocol documentation for detailed requirements on values). Will raise ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. ocplist.validate()

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

OPPList class

The OPPList class represents all values required for using the OPP function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

save-slot(in which save-slot 1-10 the list will be saved in, int), on_voltage(voltage above which test will start in Volts, float), on_delay(delay in seconds after reaching on_voltage after which test starts, float), current_range(the limit up to which value the current can be set in Amps, Lists are not restricted by limits set in settings, float), initial_power(power at which test starts out in Watts, float), step_power(power value in Watts which each step will go down by, float), step_delay(delay in seconds after each step before next step down, float), off_power(power in Watts below which test will stop, float), opp_voltage(value in Volts above voltage has to rise for successful test, float), max_overpower(max power value in Watts at which OPP has to disengage at for successful test, float), min_overpower(min power value in Watts at which OPP has to disengage at for successful test, float)

oppList = OPPList(1, 10, 4, 20, 15, 1, 1, 5, 30, 10.52, 8.34)

validate function

This function will validate an OPPList to make sure that the save-slot is between 1 and 10 and several checks for values(refer to protocol documentation for detailed requirements on values). Will raise ValueError or ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. opplist.validate()

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

BattList class

The BattList class represents all values required for using the Battery test function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

save-slot(in which save-slot 1-10 the list will be saved in, int), current_range(the limit up to which value the current can be set in Amps, Lists are not restricted by limits set in settings, float), discharge_current(current in Amps at which the battery will be discharged at, float), cutoff_voltage(voltage in Volts at which test will stop, float), cutoff_capacity(capacity in AH at which test will stop, float), cutoff_time(time in minutes after which the test will stop, float)

battList = BattList(1, 20.23, 10, 10, 30, 5)

validate function

This function will validate an BattList to make sure that the save-slot is between 1 and 10 and that the discharge current is within set current range. Will raise ValueError if validation failed. battList.validate()

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

Dynamic Lists

These are the 6 different dynamic list classes.

CVList class

The CVList class represents all values required for using the constant voltage dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

voltage1(first voltage value in Volts, float), voltage2(second voltage in Volts, float), frequency(frequency in Hz at which voltage switching will perform full cycle, float), duty_cycle(portion in % the second voltage will be in use, float)

dyn1List = CVList(30.02, 20.05, 1.5, 30)

validate function

This function will validate a CVList to make sure that voltage values are below provided limit value and that the duty cycle is below 100%. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in volts, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn1List.validate(20.23)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

CCList class

The CCList class represents all values required for using the constant current dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

slope1(rate at which current will rise to first value in A/uS, float), slope2(rate at which current will rise to second value in A/uS, float), current1(first current value in Amps, float), current2(second current in Amps, float), frequency(frequency in Hz at which current switching will perform full cycle, float), duty_cycle(portion in % the second current will be in use, float)

dyn2List = CCList(0.4, 0.5, 5, 6, 3, 40)

validate function

This function will validate a CCList to make sure that current values are below provided limit value, that the duty cycle is below 100% and current slope values are below device limit. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in amps, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn2List.validate(20.12)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

CRList class

The CRList class represents all values required for using the constant resistance dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

resistance1(first resistance value in Ohms, float), resistance2(second resistance in Ohms, float), frequency(frequency in Hz at which resistance switching will perform full cycle, float), duty_cycle(portion in % the second resistance will be in use, float)

dyn3List = CRList(30.02, 20.05, 1.5, 30)

validate function

This function will validate a CRList to make sure that resistance values are below provided limit value and that the duty cycle is below 100%. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in Ohms, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn3List.validate(20.56)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

CWList class

The CWList class represents all values required for using the constant power dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

power1(first power value in Watts, float), power2(second power in Watts, float), frequency(frequency in Hz at which power switching will perform full cycle, float), duty_cycle(portion in % the second power will be in use, float)

dyn4List = CWList(6, 9, 3, 40)

validate function

This function will validate a CWList to make sure that power values are below provided limit value and that the duty cycle is below 100%. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in watts, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn4List.validate(20.87)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

PulseList class

The PulseList class represents all values required for using the pulse dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

slope1(rate at which current will rise to first value in A/uS, float), slope2(rate at which current will rise to second value in A/uS, float), current1(first current in Amps, float), current2(second current in Amps, float),duration(duration in seconds the second current value will stay on after receiving trigger, float)

dyn5List = PulseList(0.3, 0.2, 4, 6, 5)

validate function

This function will validate a PulseList to make sure that current values are below provided limit value and current slope values are below device limit. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in amps, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn5List.validate(20.34)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.

ToggleList class

The ToggleList class represents all values required for using the toggle dynamic mode function of the device.

It consists of the following values:

slope1(rate at which current will rise to first value in A/uS, float), slope2(rate at which current will rise to second value in A/uS, float), current1(first current in Amps, float), current2(second current in Amps, float)

dyn6List = ToggleList(0.3, 0.2, 4, 6)

validate function

This function will validate a ToggleList to make sure that current values are below provided limit value and current slope values are below device limit. Will raise ValueOutOfLimitError if validation failed. Needs a limit(value in amps, float) as argument to compare against. Typically, limit should just be the set device limit. dyn6List.validate(20.47)

__str__ function

Function will return the string required to be sent to device to set the list.


Describes the Enums used, making use of aenums MultiValueEnum.

Mode class

Represents the various modes/functions the device operates in to provide more useful names bound to the values used by the load. The following modes are included:

constant_voltage = "CV"
constant_current = "CC"
constant_resistance = "CR"
constant_power = "CW"
battery = "BATTERY"  # read only
short = "SHORt"
OCP = "OCP"  # read only
LIST = "LIST"  # read only
OPP = "OPP"  # read only
dynamic_cv = "CONTINUOUS CV"  # read only like all dynamic modes
dynamic_cc = "CONTINUOUS CC"
dynamic_cr = "CONTINUOUS CR"
dynamic_cw = "CONTINUOUS CW"
dynamic_pulse = "PULSE"
dynamic_toggle = "TOGGLE"

BaudRate class

Represents the available baud rates the device operates in to provide a single type of value for the different ways the load outputs it in. Due to using a MultiValueEnum you can get both values from the Enum like this:

rate = BaudRate.R57600
print("First Value: ", rate.a)
print("Second Value: ", rate.b)

The following rates are included:

R9600 = (0, 9600)
R19200 = (1, 19200)
R38400 = (2, 38400)
R57600 = (3, 57600)
R115200 = (4, 115200)

OnOffState class

Represents the on/off state to provide a single type of value for the different ways the load outputs it in. Due to using a MultiValueEnum you can get both values from the Enum like this:

state = OnOffState.on
print("First Value: ", state.a)
print("Second Value: ", state.b)

The following states are included:

off = (0, "OFF", "0")
on = (1, "ON", "1")

Custom Errors

InvalidModeError class

This exception is raised when trying to get a mode that is not currently set. For example if the current mode is not a dynamic mode, trying to get the information from a dynamic mode will result in this error since the unit can only return a dynamic mode that is set and recalled.

The error will return both the mode the load currently operates in and a message.

ValueOutOfLimitError class

This exception is raised for errors in the input value. Since there apparently exists a firmware bug allowing setting values above limits for resistance and power(see protocol docs) the library will check and limit values itself and raise this error if trying to set values outside of limits.

The error will return the value that was tried to be set, the limit that is currently set and a message

NoModeSetError class

This exception is raised when trying to set a mode that does not support being set directly(read-only in Mode-Enum).

The error will return the mode that was tried to be set and a message.

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py_kelctl-0.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (17.2 kB view hashes)

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