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Glue together pyramid, sqlalchemy, simplejson to provide a read-write, object-graph-aware JSON API

Project description


Table of Contents


Py-liant is a library of helpers for rapid creation of opinionated RESTful APIs using pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It provides a read-write set of operations using a slightly modified object-graph aware JSON structure which is tightly coupled with the data models being exposed.

It was created by Trip Solutions for internal projects but we feel it may prove useful for general consumption.


The CRUDView base class assumes the API follows REST conventions and provides CRUD ([C]reate, [R]ead, [U]pdate, [D]elete) functionality, or a subset of that. It does not make any assumptions about the endpoints, which are still defined in user code. There are assumptions being made about the format of the payloads, see Modified JSON and CrudView


The CatchallView base class however provides a custom parser for the URL string and is heavily opinionated about the structure of the API. This allows it to be effortlessly deployed on top of existing SQLAlchemy data structures but has the disadvantage of being less customizable.

Modified JSON

ORM data models are not always trees. Any real-world application beyond a certain complexity level is bound to get to a point where mapping deep data models directly to JSON is not feasible. In our first iterations we've worked around this issue by manually decoupling the JSON from the structure, but any manual process quickly turns into a time sink; it adds a lot of complexity for both client and server code.

Py-liant solves the graph awareness issue by reserving two keywords for internal use in the JSON graph. Any object that needs to be referenced from within the JSON structure will get a special key _id with a generated value. References to an object are codified using an object with a sigle key _ref matching the _id of the referenced object. Please note, this is only true for SQLAlchemy model objects.

For example, given the model declaration below:

from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, Text, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Base = declarative_base()

class Parent(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'parent'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    data = Column(Text)

class Child(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'child'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    parent_id = Column(ForeignKey(
    data = Column(Text)

    parent = relationship(Parent, backref=backref('children'))

the following code snippent

from py_liant.json_encoder import JSONEncoder
encoder = JSONEncoder(base_type=Base, check_circular=False, indent=4*' ')
parent = Parent(id=1, data="parent object")
    Child(id=1, data="child 1"),
    Child(id=2, data="child 2")

will output

    "id": 1,
    "data": "parent object",
    "children": [
            "id": 1,
            "data": "child 1",
            "parent": {
                "_ref": 1
            "_id": 2
            "id": 2,
            "data": "child 2",
            "parent": {
                "_ref": 1
            "_id": 3
    "_id": 1

The encoder will also extract metadata information from SQLAlchemy models to support serialization. It will serialize only column and relationship properties, which means it will not display any non-SQLAlchemy properties. It also expects all relationships to be eagerly loaded and will avoid triggering any lazy-loaded properties. Deferred columns are also avoided.

Conversely, the JSONDecoder will turn a simlarly codified JSON structure and return a completed graph, with potentially cyclic or multiple references, for use in the application.

The decoder will generate a structure of JsonObjects. If the base class is patched using patch_sqlalchemy_base_class, the decoded object can be used to patch an existing or new SQLAlchemy model instance.

We also provide a pair of encoder / decoder functions for use in javascript in pyliant.js.

How to use

In pyramid's config block you can override the default JSON renderer using the following:

from py_liant.pyramid import pyramid_json_renderer_factory
config.add_renderer('json', pyramid_json_renderer_factory(Base))

Then use renderer='json' in any @view_config() or add_view().

You can use py-liant's JSON decoder by adding the following in pyramid's config:

from py_liant.pyramid import pyramid_json_decoder
config.add_request_method(pyramid_json_decoder, 'json', reify=True)

Thus, for any request with a JSON payload in body you can access the decoded JsonObject structure using request.json.

Patching the SQLAlchemy model's base class:


Adding the view predicates:

config.add_view_predicate('convert_matchdict', ConvertMatchdictPredicate)
config.add_view_predicate('catchall', CatchallPredicate)

Py-liant also provides a callable factory to do all of the above:

from py_liant.pyramid import includeme_factory
# identical to includeme_factory(base_class=Base)(config)

Concrete usage examples of CRUDView and CatchallView can be found in the reference documentation



This class is a dict implementation that exposes all string keys as properties. It eliminates the need to access dictionary values using index notation (request.json['prop'] becomes request.json.prop). The JSONDecoder returns instances of this class.


A simplejson.JSONEncoder implementation that adds the following:

  • converts date, time and datetime objects to ISO8859 strings
  • converts byte values to Base64
  • strigifies python Enum values to their name, uuid.UUID values
  • tracks SQLAlchemy models (if provided a base class) as discussed in Modified JSON

Constructor arguments:

JSONEncoder(request=None, base_type=None, **kwargs)

request should be a pyramid request object. If provided it's used to apply JsonGuardProvider fencing for serialization.

base_type is the SQLAlchemy models base class. If not provided the functionality related to SQLAlchemy is disabled.

kwargs is passed to simplejson.JSONEncoder's constructor


A simplejson.JSONDecoder implementation that returns a JsonObject as a result and handles _id/_ref logic as described in Modified JSON.

Constructor argumets:


**kwargs is passed to simplejson.JSONDecoder's constructor.


Factory for a pyramid renderer that provides JSON serialization using JSONEncoder. See How to use for usage.


pyramid_json_renderer_factory(base_type=None, wsgi_iter=False,

base_type and separators are passed to JSONEncoder's constructor. The default value for separators is meant to minimize payload size by skipping any unnecessary spaces.

wsgi_iter can be used to optimize rendering of JSON by passing an iterable directly to the WSGI layer. By default the renderer writes directly in the pyramid response object. When activated, pyramid can no longer handle error redirects for execptions thrown during serialization.


This is a fucnction that can be added to pyramid using config.add_request_method. See How to use for usage.


This is the function that adds the method apply_changes to SQLAlchemy's base class.

monkeypatch: obj.apply_changes

obj.apply_changes(data, object_dict=None, context=None, for_update=True)

Once SQLAlchemy's base class is patched using patch_sqlalchemy_base_class, all model instances get a method that can be used to apply patches. This can be used directly but most of the time, if you use CRUDView and/or CatchallView, you won't have to.

The method will apply changes in any depth required. It converts the data types based on metadata extracted from SQLAlchemy. It handles relationships, both collections and instances, by tracking and comparing the primary keys provided in JSON. Where needed it will add new instances.

For an object without relationships it applies the values from data to their corresponding column properties in obj. No property values are overwritten unless specified in the data object.

If an object has relationships, the data object can drill down into them. For collection relationships the apply_changes method expects all objects to be provided in the corresponding array, at a minimum with their primary key present. If a member of the array does not provide a primary key it is presumed to be a new instance. If a member of the object's collection cannot be tracked back to a member of the array in data, it will be removed from the collection.

If the primary key of the descendants is a composite that includes any of the columns in the foreign key, the caller can provide the partial primary key and py-liant will reconstruct the remaining columns based on the relatonship to the parent.

If a pyramid context is provided that implements JsonGuardProvider, it will be used for security fencing the patching.


This class provides CRUD functionality for a given model class. You can configure the routes and views as needed for your application but the recommended way is shown below:

config.add_route('parent_pk', 'parent/{id}')
config.add_route('parent_list', 'parent')

@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='GET', attr='get')
@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='POST', attr='update')
@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='DELETE', attr='delete')
@view_config(route_name='parent_list', request_method='GET', attr='list')
@view_config(route_name='parent_list', request_method='POST', attr='insert')
class ParentView(CRUDView):
    target_type = Parent
    target_name = 'parent'

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.filters = self.auto_filters()
        self.accept_order = self.auto_order()

    def identity_filter(self):
        return == int(self.request.matchdict('id'))

This is enough to provide a complete read-write endpoint for objects of type Parent.

Use GET /parent/1 HTTP/1.1 to retrieve parent with id=1. It should return something along the lines of:

  "parent": {
    "id": 1,
    "data": "parent object",
    "_id": 1


POST /parent/1 HTTP/1.1

  "parent": {
    "data": "parent object changed"

to update the data in instance of parent with id=1.

Posting to /parent instead of /parent/1 will create a new instance instead of updating an existing one.

DELETE /parent/2 HTTP/1.1 will delete the parent with id=2.

Finally, GET /parent HTTP/1.1 will provide a list of all parent instances in the database.

For the listing endpoint the following response will be returned:

  "items": [
      "id": 1,
      "data": "parent object",
      "_id": 1
  "total": 1

The CRUDView class also offers pagination support, implicit and explicit filtering, implicit and explicity sorting.

Pagination is supported via GET parameters page and pageSize (i.e., GET /parent?page=3&pageSize=20).

Implicit filters and sorting are provided for all column properties. Assuming column properties id and data for class User, the following filters will be added to self.filters (in the example usage above, during construction, see the auto_filters() call): id, id_lt, id_le, id_gt, id_ge, id_isnull, data, data_lt, data_le, data_gt, data_ge, data_like, data_isnull. The filters [field_name]_[operator] provide filtering using the less-than, less-or-equal, greater-than, greater-or-equal, contains and is-null operators. The contains operator is automatically generated for string column properties only. The is-null operator accepts a boolean-like value and has the effect of applying the SQL IS NULL operator if given a truthy value and IS NOT NULL operator if given a falsey value.

Automatic sorting keys are also added (in the example usage above see the call to auto_order()) for both fields.

Filtering in a listing endpoint is done as such: GET /parent?data_like=object. Multiple filters can be applied, i.e. GET /parent?id_lt=10&id_gt=5.

Sorting is done by using the GET parameter order, i.e. GET /parent?order=data. Multipe sorting expressions can be applied, i.e. order=data,id. In other words the value passed in order is a comma-separated list of sorting keys. Each sorting key also accepts the descending modifier, i.e. order=data+desc,id.

Sorting and filtering keys can also be manually defined. In the usage example above we could have defined some filters and orderings by hand as such:

class ParentView(CRUDView):
    filters = {
        'id': lambda _: == int(_),
        'id_lt': lambda _: < int(_),
        'data': lambda _: == _,
        'data_like': lambda _:
    accept_order = {
        'data_lowercase': func.lower(

Doing this is obviously more laborious but allows you to define custom filters or soring expressions.

The implementation assumes request.dbsession is a request method that returns a SQLAlchemy database session valid for the model.


If pyramid has been configured to use this predicate as indicated in How to use, you can get around the need to convert matchdict parameters.

Pyramid's URL Dispatch documentation page shows the following example for URL matchdict conversion:

def integers(*segment_names):
    def predicate(info, request):
        match = info['match']
        for segment_name in segment_names:
                match[segment_name] = int(match[segment_name])
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return True
    return predicate

ymd_to_int = integers('year', 'month', 'day')

config.add_route('ymd', '/{year}/{month}/{day}',

This code ensures both that the route will not match unless predicate executes succesfully (returns True) and that the view will see integer values for keys year, month and day in request.matchdict. While this is very useful it is unfortunately deprecated functionality. Sice pyramid-1.5 you will get a deprecation warning when using custom_predicates in routes or views.

To replace this functionality with supported mechanisms we've implemented a generic new-style route predicate class. To use this class in your routes you first have to configure it as described in How to use. Then in the example in the previous section the view configs for route parent_pk should change as follows:

@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='GET', attr='get',
    convert_matchdict=(int, 'id'))
@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='POST', attr='update',
    convert_matchdict=(int, 'id'))
@view_config(route_name='parent_pk', request_method='DELETE', attr='delete',
    convert_matchdict=(int, 'id'))

Please note that while in the old custom_predicates method the conversion of the matchdict parameters was done at route level, the new-style route predicates do not have access to the matchdict. Therefore we have to use view predicates to achieve the same.

After these changes you no longer need the int() cast in the identity_filter() method. You'll also avoid the need to catch the ValueError exception.


This is a supporting predicate to be used with CatchallView. It assumes the route contains a fizzle parameter of the form {catchall:.*} (NOT *catchall, since the star format creates an array of string values from the match) that is then parsed internally and converted to values better suited for the CatchallView class.


This is an extension of the CrudView class that adds support for a far richer route format based on internal parsing done by the CatchallPredicate and has the ability to:

  • expose multiple entity types in a single place
  • offer arbitrary eager loading depth, as specified in the route's loading hints
  • drill into both dynamic and static relationships
  • offer slice syntax for easier pagination

To use this class:

# setup route
config.add_route("catchall", '{catchall:.*}')

# declare the class

@view_defaults(renderer='json', catchall={
    'parent': Parent,
    'child': Child
@view_config(route_name="catchall", attr='process')
class MyCatchallView(CatchallView):

This code is enough to expose routes such as:

  • GET /parent or GET /child to list all parents or children
  • GET /parent@1 or GET /child@1 to get parent with id=1 or child with id=1
  • POST /parent or POST /child to add a new parent
  • POST /parent@1 to update properties for parent with id=1
  • DELETE /parent@1, DELETE /child@1 to delete parent with id=1 or child with id=1

In other words, both entity types Parent and Child are accessible from a single point.

Hints syntax

However, from your application's perspective alllowing access to Child at the root level might not be something useful, in other words you might want your API to regard Child as tightly bound to Parent. CatchallView allows you to get a parent entity and all children attached in one go using GET /parent@1:*children. The CatchallView will see the portion of the route coming after the column character as a list of loading hints for Parent entity. In this case, it attaches a selectinload(Parent.children) option to the query.

The hints will also allow you to hide properties that might be too large, by deferring them. I.e. if you added a blob property on Parent and the caller might want to avoid retrieving it, they could call GET /parent@1:-blob. Conversely, if the blob property is marked as a deferred column in the model declaration but the caller would want it included in the response they can undefer it by calling GET /parent@1:+blob.

If we also added a blob column for the Child entity (let's assume it's a deferred column in the code), the caller can get a parent with all children including the blob for each by calling GET /parent@1:*children(+blob). Multiple hints can be provided by comma separating them. This is also the case for relationship hints:

  • GET /parent@1:-blob,*children means "load Parent with all children included and defer loading the column Parent.blob".
  • GET /parent@1:-blob,*children(+blob,-blob2,*second_parent) means "load Parent with all children included, defer column Parent.blob and Child.blob2 and undefer column Child.blob. For each child also load the relationship Child.second_parent.

The hints can have arbitrary depth. Each relationship hint can have hints referring to the entities of that relationship.

Hints are also applicable to listing requests: GET /parent:*children will effectively retrieve all parents and all associated children.

Please note: dynamic relationship properties cannot be the target of a relationship hint.

Drilldown support

If the caller wanted to retrieve just the children of a parent of known id they could call GET /parent@1/children. The last bit of the route is not a hint, it's a drilldown specifier. This constructs a query that retrieves all children for parent with id=1, by reading the foreign key constraint of relationship Parent.children.

The drilldown supports both normal relationship properties as well as dynamic relationship properties. It automatically determines if the target property is a list or a single entity (i.e. GET /child@1/parent also works). All hints provided must come after the drilldown specifier and they will refer to the entities in the relationship being drilled down into. For example, in the request GET /parent@1/children:+blob the hint will undefer loading of column Child.blob.

If the property being drilled into is a collection all Filtering, sorting and pagination considerations apply.

Single element from collection

If the request either refers to a collection property via Drilldown or refers to a collection of entities because it does not contain a primary key specifier, the caller can select a single item from the list by using subscript notation. For example, GET /parent@1/children[0] will retrieve the first child of the Parent.children collection. Filtering and sorting are applied first.

Filtering, sorting, pagination

Filtering, sorting and pagination are applied as described in the CRUDView section. Only auto_filters and auto_order are used. Support for custom expressions is upcoming.

Pagination as supported by CRUDView is also supported however the same subscript notation as described in the previous section can be used for slicing: GET /parent[0:10]?order_by=data+desc retrieves the first 10 Parent entities in descending data order.

Polymorphic casting

Suppose Parent is a polymorphic type defined similar to the following:

class Parent(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'parent'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    _type = Column('type', Text)
    data = Column(Text)

    __mapper_args__ = dict(

and derived classes defined as follows:

class ParentFather(Parent):
    __mapper_args__ = dict(
class ParentMother(Parent):
    __mapper_args__ = dict(

If route /parent points to class Parent we can use polymorphic casting to access derived types; i.e. /parent!father will point to class ParentFather and /parent!mother will point to class ParentMother. The polymorphic casting syntax is /<route>!<identity> where <identity> refers to the polymorphic_identity value defined in each derived class' mapper arguments.

Using the polymorphic casting syntax exposes all derived class' fields and relationships in the resulting JSON, exposes all fields to auto_order and auto_filters output, allows hints to refer to derived class` fields and relationships.

Creating a derived class instance is also possible by performing a POST /parent!<identity>.

Polymorphic casting is also supported for drilldown collections, i.e. GET /parent@1/children!girl. This only works for non-dynamic collections.

Polymorphic loading hints

Sometimes you may want to access a collection like /parent without polymorphic casting to get acess to Parents of all types but may wish to provide specific loading hints for each dervide type. Provided the derived classes had specific collections and fields (say, father_data, mother_data were relationships defined specifically for ParentFather and ParentMother respectively) they can be referred to in the loading hints as such:


It's necessary to declare with_polymorphic='*' in the base class mapper arguments for the loading hints to take effect. At the moment py-liant does not offer a mechanism to force polymorphic loading when not defined in the mapper.

Polymorphic loading hints can also be applied to relationships with polymorphic classes. Consider that Child was polymorphic and had ChildGirl and ChildBoy definitions with discrimiators set to the values "girl" and "boy". Accessing the children collection of Parent would not normally allow you to specify loading hints for properties that were not generic. However you can use the following hints to specify eager loading for the derived class specific relationships:


Polymorphic identity

The identity value used in both types of polymorphic functionality described above is automatically cast to the polymorphic identifier type. In the examples above the type was string but any supported type can be used. Enumerables are encouraged.

Implicit filters

When defining the catchall view targets using @view_config's catchall parameter dictionary, the value passed for each key can be richer than just a target type. You can pass a tuple, an array, a dictionary or an instance of CatchallTarget. When passing a tuple, array or dictionary it is passed unmodified to the constructor of CatchallTarget.

One possible use for this is to associate a set of filters with a target type. The filter would be applied in addition to any filters provided in the query parameters of the request, except when using the primary key access syntax (/target@pkey).

For example:

@view_defaults(renderer='json', catchall={
    'parent': {'cls': Parent, 'filters':
@view_config(route_name="catchall", attr='process')
class MyCatchallView(CatchallView):

would ensure that only Parent instances with a boolean property active set to True would be returned except when accessed using the primary key. Multiple conditions can be provided either by providing an array of conditions (all are applied) or constructing a more complex SQL expression using logic operators (sql.and_, sql.or_, etc).

Filters can also be defined as a callable that accepts the pyramid request as an argument and returns the filter(s) dynamically. This is useful to provide a substitute for CRUDView's context filters.

Hint profiles

The CatchallTarget.profiles property can be used to provide quick access to loading hint profiles defined server-side. Consider the following example:

@view_defaults(renderer='json', catchall={
    'parent': {'cls': Parent, 'profiles': {
        'with_children': '*children',
        'with_data': '*data'
@view_config(route_name="catchall", attr='process')
class MyCatchallView(CatchallView):

The profiles can be accessed in an HTTP request using the following syntax:

GET /praent:with_children

The hints in the profile can be overridden in the request, or other hints can be provided on top of the ones in the profile:

GET /parent:with_children:*data

The full syntax of the loading hints is available in the profile definition.


For security considerations the flexibility offered by this library can be detrimental. Model classes can contain references to entities that need to be protected from the API, both in terms of reading them (when using CatchallView) and in terms of updating them (concerns any insert/update method).

The JsonGuardProvider interface allows you to add security fencing for four areas:

  • method guardSerialize allows you to control how much information gets serialized to JSON
  • method guardUpdate allows you to control what can be written into the entities whenever obj.apply_changes() get called
  • method guardHints allows you to control what CatchallView hints are permitted
  • method guardDrilldown allows you to control what properties can be drilled down into via CatchallView

To use a JsonGuardProvider, implement this interface in a Pyramid context and attach it to the route and view using add_route's factory.

For example:

from py_liant.interfaces import JsonGuardProvider

class MyContext(JsonGuardProvider):
    request = None

    # provide some ACLs, for use with ACLAutorizationPolicy
    def __acl__(self):
        # let's assume any authenticated user should have read access
        if self.request.method == 'GET':
            return [(Allow, Authenticated, "process")]
        # if request verb is POST or DELETE, require admin role
        return [(Allow, "role:admin", "process")]

    def __init__(self, request):
        # we need to look at the request in the implementation
        self.request = request

    def guardSerialize(self, obj, value):
        # always hide Child.second_parent
        if isinstance(obj, Child) and 'second_parent' in value:
            # do NOT modify obj, just change value (JsonObject)
            del value.second_parent

    def guardUpdate(self, obj, data, for_update=True):
        # apply custom changes to the input data, for example encrypt passwords
        if isinstance(obj, User) and 'password' in data:
            # for example passwords can be encrypted
            data.password = hash(data.password)

        # or prevent certain properties being written into by the update
        if isinstance(obj, Parent):
            if 'property' in data:

        # or apply mandatory changes to certain objects
        # TrackedInstanceMixin could be a mixin that adds 'added' and
        # 'last_updated' columns to entities
        if isinstance(obj, TrackedInstanceMixin):
            # for_update is set to true when obj is newly instantiated
            if not for_update:
                obj.added =
            obj.last_updated =

        # if returning falsey value processing for this entity and all
        # descendants is prevented
        return True

    def guardHints(self, cls, hints):
        # maniupate the hints provided by the caller

        # e.g. remove any hint for
        if cls is Parent and in hints:
            del hints[]

        # or add default hints for certain classes
        if cls is Child and not in hints:
            hints[] = ('-', None)

        if cls is Child and Child.parent not in hints:
            hints[Child.parent] = ('*', [('+', Parent.blob)])

    def guardDrilldown(self, prop) -> bool:
        if prop is Parent.children:
            return False
        return True

# change the rotue definition to include context factory
config.add_route("catchall", '{catchall:.*}', factory=MyContext)


This is a PostgreSQL specific addition that can be used to set up the schema search path for all newly created database connection. It's implemented as a SQLAlchemy PoolListener (deprecated since version 0.7). A replacement that uses the modern events API is currently in the works.

It is very unlikely you will need to use this class in your project unless you need to use multi-tenant databases with configurable schemas.

EnumAttrs and PythonEnum

PythonEnum is a custom implementation of sqlalchemy.types.Enum that is useful in PostgreSQL for declaring named enum types.


from enum import Enum
from py_liant.enum import EnumAttrs, PythonEnum

# in PostgreSQL this will generate:
# CREATE TYPE user_type AS ENUM ('admin', 'operator', 'user')
class user_type(Enum):
    admin = 'admin'
    operator = 'oeprator'
    user = 'user'

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'parent'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Text)
    user_type = Column(PythonEnum(user_type))

Project details

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py_liant-0.8.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (32.1 kB view hashes)

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