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This library aims to provide python way to communicate with gardena smart gateway and all smart gardena systems.

Project description


License: MIT PyPI version Build Status Python 3 Maintainability Test Coverage codecov Updates Known Vulnerabilities Black PEP8


This library aims to provide python way to communicate with gardena smart systems and all gardena smart equipments. Configuration of the equipement and inclusion has still to be done using the Gardena application or web site. For now, this library only supports retrieving information, it should soon be able ot interact with devices to integrate in your automation system.

Support / Donate

This project needs your support.
Gardena equipments are expensive, and I need to buy them in order to add support. If you find this library useful and want to help me support more devices (or if you just want to reward me for my spent time), you are very welcome !
Your help is very much appreciated.

Here are the links if you want to show your support :
PayPal donate button

Supported devices

For now, only few devices are supported. I may add new ones in the future :

  • Gateway
  • Smart Mower (not tested yet)
  • Smart water control
  • Smart sensor


$ pip install py-smart-gardena


Data model

The entrypoint of the library is the the SmartSytem class (in gardena.smart_system package). From there, you can get all locations from your account, and for each of these locations, get the declared devices.

All communcations are not done directly with the gateway. This library communicates with gardena web services hosted on internet and then, Gardena services communicates with the gateways and the devices. That's why, when asking for a refresh, the information is not immediately updated but only after a few seconds.


You need to authenticate with your email and passwords created on this [site] ( or the IOS/Android application. The library manages the token for you then. An exception is raised if authentication fails.

from gardena.smart_system import SmartSystem

smart_system = SmartSystem(email="", password="my_password")

Once authentication is successful, you can update locations.


Locations are the places where the devices are connected. It can be used to manage different gardens or different places from one garden, or both. You need first to get the locations before querying devices.

Here is the list of the current available fields and methods :


for location in smart_system.locations.values():
    print("location : " + + "(" + + ")")
    print("-> latitude : " + str(location.latitude))
    print("-> longitude : " + str(location.longitude))
    print("-> address : " + location.address)
    print("-> city : " +
    print("-> sunrise : " + location.sunrise)
    print("-> sunset : " + location.sunset)
    print("-> time zone : " + location.time_zone)
    print("-> time zone offset : " + str(location.time_zone_offset))


The function location.update_devices() is used to update devices for a location. This function needs to be called first before walking through devices.


Before getting devices, you first need to authenticate and update locations. Devices must be queried on a specific location.


The gateway is the hardware used to communicate with devices. There is no commands on it but there are general information.

    for gateway in location.gateways.values():
        print("-> gateway : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + gateway.category)
        print("---> description : " + gateway.description)
        print("---> is_configuration_synchronized : " + str(
        print("---> serial number : " + gateway.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + gateway.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + gateway.last_time_online)
        print("---> ip address : " + gateway.ip_address)
        print("---> timezone : " + gateway.timezone)
        print("---> device state : " + gateway.device_state)


Mowers can be controlled through the API. Here is the list of available information and commands.

    for mower in location.mowers:
        print("-> mower : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + mower.category)
        print("---> description : " + mower.description)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + mower.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + mower.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + mower.last_time_online)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(mower.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + mower.battery_status)
        print("---> battery charging : " + str(mower.battery_charging))
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(mower.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + mower.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + mower.radio_state)
        print("---> internal temperature : " + str(mower.internal_temperature))
        print("---> mower status : " + mower.mower_status)
        print("---> manual operation : " + str(mower.mower_manual_operation))
        print("---> timestamp next start : " + mower.mower_timestamp_next_start)
        # Commands (Untested)
        # mower.park_until_next_timer()
        # mower.park_until_further_notice()
        # mower.start_resume_schedule()
        # mower.start_override_timer()

Commands :

  • mower.park_until_next_timer() : This function park the mower until the next scheduled time
  • mower.park_until_further_notice() : The mower will stay park until you resume the schedule (using mower.start_resume_schedule())
  • mower.start_resume_schedule() : Using this function, the mower will resume from the command mower.park_until_further_notice()
  • mower.start_override_timer() : I don't know what it is doing yet :)


The sensor is used to get information from the garden. Here are the information and commands available :

    for sensor in location.sensors.values():
        print("-> sensor : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + sensor.category)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + sensor.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + sensor.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + sensor.last_time_online)
        print("---> device state : " + sensor.device_state)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(sensor.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + sensor.battery_status)
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(sensor.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + sensor.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + sensor.radio_state)
        print("---> firmware status : " + sensor.firmware_status)
        print("---> ambient temperature : " + str(sensor.ambient_temperature))
        print("---> frost warning : " + sensor.frost_warning)
        print("---> soil temperature : " + str(sensor.sensor_soil_temperature))
        print("---> soil humidity : " + str(sensor.sensor_soil_humidity))
        print("---> light : " + str(sensor.sensor_light))
        # Commands :
        # sensor.refresh_ambient_temperature()
        # sensor.refresh_light_intensity()
        # sensor.refresh_soil_moisture()

The commands from the sensor are asynchronous. The information will not be updated immediately. After a few seconds, you can call location.update_devices() in order to get the new information. In a future release, there will probably have a function to refresh information for a specific device.

Commands :

  • sensor.refresh_ambient_temperature() : Asks to refresh of the temperature information to the gateway
  • sensor.refresh_light_intensity() : Asks to refresh of the light intensity information to the gateway
  • sensor.refresh_soil_moisture() : Asks to refresh of the soil moisture information to the gateway

Water control

The water control equipment is used to control the irrgation fo the plants in the garden.

    for water_control in location.water_controls.values():
        print("-> water control : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + water_control.category)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + water_control.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + water_control.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + water_control.last_time_online)
        print("---> device state : " + water_control.device_state)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(water_control.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + water_control.battery_status)
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(water_control.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + water_control.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + water_control.radio_state)
        print("---> firmware status : " + water_control.firmware_status)
        print("---> ambient temperature : " + str(water_control.ambient_temperature))
        print("---> frost warning : " + water_control.frost_warning)
        print("---> valve open : " + str(water_control.watering_valve_open))
        print("---> manual override : " + water_control.watering_manual_override)
        # Commands :
        # water_control.open_valve()  # 30 minutes by default
        # water_control.open_valve(duration=10)  # 10 minutes before closing valve
        # water_control.close_valve()  ## close manual override

Commands :

  • water_control.open_valve() : Asks the water control to open the valve for X minutes (default duration is 30 minutes)
  • water_control.close_valve() : Asks the water control to close the valve( it seems to only work when the valve has been manually opened)

Sample script

Here is a sample script listing all available functionnalities for fast reference. Commands have been commented to avoid unintentional triggers.

from gardena.smart_system import SmartSystem

smart_system = SmartSystem(email="", password="my_password")


for location in smart_system.locations.values():
    print("location : " + + "(" + + ")")
    print("-> latitude : " + str(location.latitude))
    print("-> longitude : " + str(location.longitude))
    print("-> address : " + location.address)
    print("-> city : " +
    print("-> sunrise : " + location.sunrise)
    print("-> sunset : " + location.sunset)
    print("-> time zone : " + location.time_zone)
    print("-> time zone offset : " + str(location.time_zone_offset))

    # To update devices information for a location (mower, gateway, sensor, ..)
    # Iterate over gateways
    for gateway in location.gateways.values():
        print("-> gateway : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + gateway.category)
        print("---> description : " + gateway.description)
        print("---> is_configuration_synchronized : " + str(
        print("---> serial number : " + gateway.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + gateway.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + gateway.last_time_online)
        print("---> ip address : " + gateway.ip_address)
        print("---> timezone : " + gateway.timezone)
        print("---> device state : " + gateway.device_state)

    # Iterate over mowers
    for mower in location.mowers:
        print("-> mower : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + mower.category)
        print("---> description : " + mower.description)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + mower.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + mower.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + mower.last_time_online)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(mower.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + mower.battery_status)
        print("---> battery charging : " + str(mower.battery_charging))
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(mower.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + mower.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + mower.radio_state)
        print("---> internal temperature : " + str(mower.internal_temperature))
        print("---> mower status : " + mower.mower_status)
        print("---> manual operation : " + str(mower.mower_manual_operation))
        print("---> timestamp next start : " + mower.mower_timestamp_next_start)
        # Commands (Untested)
        # mower.park_until_next_timer()
        # mower.park_until_further_notice()
        # mower.start_resume_schedule()
        # mower.start_override_timer()

    # Iterate over sensors
    for sensor in location.sensors.values():
        print("-> sensor : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + sensor.category)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + sensor.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + sensor.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + sensor.last_time_online)
        print("---> device state : " + sensor.device_state)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(sensor.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + sensor.battery_status)
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(sensor.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + sensor.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + sensor.radio_state)
        print("---> firmware status : " + sensor.firmware_status)
        print("---> ambient temperature : " + str(sensor.ambient_temperature))
        print("---> frost warning : " + sensor.frost_warning)
        print("---> soil temperature : " + str(sensor.sensor_soil_temperature))
        print("---> soil humidity : " + str(sensor.sensor_soil_humidity))
        print("---> light : " + str(sensor.sensor_light))
        # Commands :
        # sensor.refresh_ambient_temperature()
        # sensor.refresh_light_intensity()
        # sensor.refresh_soil_moisture()

    # Iterate over water control
    for water_control in location.water_controls.values():
        print("-> water control : " + + "(" + + ")")
        print("---> category : " + water_control.category)
            "---> is_configuration_synchronized : " +
        print("---> serial number : " + water_control.serial_number)
        print("---> version : " + water_control.version)
        print("---> last time online : " + water_control.last_time_online)
        print("---> device state : " + water_control.device_state)
        print("---> battery level : " + str(water_control.battery_level))
        print("---> battery rechargeable status : " + water_control.battery_status)
        print("---> radio quality : " + str(water_control.radio_quality))
        print("---> radio connection status : " + water_control.radio_connection_status)
        print("---> radio state : " + water_control.radio_state)
        print("---> firmware status : " + water_control.firmware_status)
        print("---> ambient temperature : " + str(water_control.ambient_temperature))
        print("---> frost warning : " + water_control.frost_warning)
        print("---> valve open : " + str(water_control.watering_valve_open))
        print("---> manual override : " + water_control.watering_manual_override)
        # Commands :
        # water_control.open_valve()  # 30 minutes by default
        # water_control.open_valve(duration=10)  # 10 minutes before closing valve
        # water_control.close_valve()  ## close manual override

Development environment

To install the dev environment, you just have to do, in the source code directory :

$ pip install -e .[dev]


This library would not have been possible without the work of :

Project details

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Source Distribution

py-smart-gardena-0.4.tar.gz (10.1 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

py_smart_gardena-0.4-py3-none-any.whl (12.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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