An MPI enabled CTQW simulator
Project description
Fortran library and Python module to calculate continuous-time quantum walks
This is intended to provide a framework to quickly and easily work with quantum walkers, take advantage of high performance computing, and allow easy visualisation.
For more information on how to use this package, please see the online documentation
Fortran and Python bindings (in the form of a library and module respectively)
Supports MPI through the use of the PETSc and SLEPc high-performance sparse matrix libraries (CUDA support planned)
Has in-built support for infinite-line hamiltonians
Import and export matrices/states in binary or text
Can import custom adjancency matrices
Supports both one and two walkers (non-interacting)
Import and export matrices/states in binary, text or matlab format
Python module supports plotting and visualisation using matplotlib and networkx
Entanglement calculations
Ability to place diagonal defects/barriers on graph vertices
MPI graph isomorphism methods, for both 2 and 3 interacting particles
In addition to an MPI implementation (e.g. MPICH or Open MPI), the python pyCTQW.MPI module depends on the following components:
Once NumPy and petsc4py are installed, CTQW can be installed using pip:
$ pip install pyCTQW
For more information on how to use this package, please see the online documentation