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Pattern Matching in Python

Project description

# pyPMatch

> **This is work in progress!** Expect some rough spots, and some features to still be missing.

_pyPMatch_ provides **Pattern Matching** in _Python_. It is mostly based on _pattern matching_ as found in
[_Scala_]( Its main objective is to deconstruct objects, and thereby check if any
given object fulfills the criteria to be deconstructed in a particular way.

This document gives a rough, unpolished overview of _pyPMatch_, and its abilities, as the primary efforts is currently
directed towards the development of the library itself. You also might want to check out the FAQ further down below.

_pyPMatch_ requires at least Python 3.4.

## Example

_pyPMatch_ was initially developed for analysis of Python code via its _Abstract Syntax Tree_ (AST). The example below
shows how _pyPMatch_'s pattern matching can be used to implement a very simple code optimiser. However, there is nothing
special about the `ast`-module from _pyPMatch_'s point of view, and you can equally use it in combination with anything

import ast
from ast import Add, BinOp, Num

def simplify(node):
match node:
case BinOp(Num(x), Add(), Num(y)):
return Num(x + y)
case BinOp(Num(n=x), Sub(), Num(n=y)):
return Num(x - y)
case ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(), x @ Num()):
return Num(-x.n)
case _:
return node

You will find more examples in the [examples folder](examples); just run [](examples/

## Usage

#### Compile/Execute Code Directly

If you simply want to take _pyPMatch_ on a test drive, use `pyma_exec` as shown below.

from pmatch import pama_exec

my_code = """
from random import randint
match randint(0, 19):
case 0:
case 1 | 4 | 9 | 16:
print("a square")
case 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 17 | 19:
print("a prime")
case _:
print("some other number")


#### Import Code From Python Modules

It is probably more convenient to install the auto import hook, so that all modules in your package/project are
compiled using the _pyPMatch_-compiler (if they contain a `case` statement, that is). The auto import is installed
directly through the import of `enable_auto_import`.
from pmatch import enable_auto_import
from random import randint

import my_module
my_module.test_me( randint(0, 19) )
The contents of `` is then something like:
def test_me(arg):
match arg:
case 0:
case 1 | 4 | 9 | 16:
print("a square")
case 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 17 | 19:
print("a prime")
case int():
print("some other number")
case _:
print("please provide an integer")

#### Decorate Functions

If you do not want _pyPMatch_ to mess with your code, you can still use the pattern matching in the form of function
decorators. You put the pattern as a string into the decorator. The function itself then takes the variables of the
pattern as parameters.

from pmatch import case

def test_me():
print("This is correct!")

@case("11 | 13 | 17 | 19")
def test_me():
print("At least, it's still a prime number")

@case("i @ int()")
def test_me(i):
print("The result", i, "is wrong")

def test_me(x):
print("Not even an integer?", x)

test_me(sum([2, 3, 5, 7]))

**NB:** _Using decorators is, after all, not a particularly good idea for this library. The reason is that, in
contrast to pre-compiling modules, not all names can be properly resolved. You might therefore end up with some
surprises, or even crashes._

## How To Write Patterns

Patterns can be expressed using the elements described below.

> As mentioned above: **not everything is fully implemented and tested**, yet!

- `Foo()` matches all instances of the class `Foo`;
- `Foo(A, B, C)` deconstructs an instance of `Foo`, which must yield three values, which then must match the patterns
`A`, `B`, and `C`, respectively;
- `Foo(egg=A, ham=B)` matches all instances of `Foo`, where the attributes `egg`, and `ham` match the patterns
`A` and `B`, respectively;
- `12`, `'abc'`, `True` and other constants match a value if the value is equal to the constant;
- `{ 'a': A, 'b': B }` matches if the value has an element `'a'`, as well as an element `'b'`, which match `A` and
`B`, respectively. The value can be dictionary, but it does not have to be. You can also check for specific
elements within a list, say, using `{ 2: A, 5: B }`;
- `{'RE'}` matches if the value is a string that conforms to the regular expression given;
- `{foo}` matches any value _V_ of type string, for which `V.isfoo()` evaluates to `True`. For instance, `{lower}`
will match any string for which `V.islower()` is true;
- `A | B | C` matches if at least one of the patterns `A`, `B`, `C` matches;
- `[A, B, C, ..., D, E]` matches any sequence where the first three elements match `A`, `B`, and `C` and the last two
elements match `D`, and `E`, respectively. This also includes Python's usual iterator unpacking, such as
`[a, b, *c, d]`, which is interpreted as `[a, b, c @ ..., d]`;
- `A + B` matches a string if it can be decomposed into the parts `A` and `B`. For instance, `'(' + x + ')'` matches
any string that has some text enclosed in parentheses, and returns the middle part as `x`;
- `x @ A` matches if the pattern `A` matches, and binds the value to the variable `x` if the entire match is
- `_` is a wildcard that matches everything;
- `*_` and `...` are wildcards used in sequences, usually with the exact same meaning;
- `x` is an abbreviation for `x @ _`, matches everything, and binds it to `x`.

There are some special cases, and limitations you should be aware of:

- Any variable `x` can only be bound once inside a single pattern (a `case` statement). It is legal to reuse
`x` in different `case` statements, but you cannot have something like `Foo(x, x)`. If you need to test if both
values in `Foo` are equal, use `Foo(x, y) if x == y` instead;
- You cannot bind anything inside an alternative. Hence, `A|(x @ B)|C` is illegal;
- It is not possible to bind anything to the wildcard `_`. While `_` is a regular name in Python, it has special
meaning in _pyPMatch_ patterns. Something like `_ @ A` is, however, not illegal, but equivalent to `A()`;
- Even though the ellipsis `...` is a 'normal value' in Python, it has a special meaning in _pyPMatch_ as a wildcard;
- If you want to make sure you have a _dictionary_ with certain keys/values, `{ ... }` will not suffice. Use the
syntax `dict({ 'key': value, ... })` instead;
- Instead of writing a regular expression on your own, you can use `{int}`, or `{float}` to check if a string value
contains an `int`, or a `float`, respectively;
- _pyPMatch_ does not look at the names involved. If a name is followed by parentheses as in `Foo()`, the name is taken
to refer to a class/type, against which the value is tested. Otherwise, the name is a variable that will match any
value. This means that the pattern `str` will match everything and override the variable `str` in the process,
while `str()` will test if the value is a string;
- There are a few exceptions to the last rule. Since name bindings are illegal in alternatives, anyway, you can write
`A|B|C` as an abbreviation for `A()|B()|C()`. Furthermore, `x @ A` is interpreted as `x @ A()`, since it makes no
sense to bind two distinct variables to the exact same value;
- Since a variable cannot be of the form `a.b`, an attribute `a.b` by itself is equivalent to `a.b()`;
- `3 | ... | 6` is an abbreviation for the sequence `3|4|5|6`. This syntax can be used with integers, and characters
(single-character strings). Thus, you can also write `'a' | ... | 'z'`, for instance. Note, that here you need to
write the ellipsis, and cannot use the otherwise equivalent token `*_`.

#### Roadmap

- Full support for regular expressions and string matching
- Test suites
- Documentation, tutorials

## The Two Versions of the `case` Statement

There are two version of the `case` statement. You can either use `case` inside a `match` block, or as a standalone

Inside a `match` block, which is compared against the patterns is specified by `match`.
def foo(x):
match x:
case 'a' | ... | 'z':
print("Lowercase letter")
case '0' | ... | '9':
case _:
print("Something else")
The same could also be written without the `match`. In that case, you need to specify the value to be tested against
the pattern. This done using the `as` syntax. There is a difference, though. The standalone `case` statements will
all be tested, so that we explicitly need to use `return` in order to avoid printing `"Something else"` for everything.
def foo(x):
case x as 'a' | ... | 'z':
print("Lowercase letter")
case x as '0' | ... | '9':
case x as _:
print("Something else")

At the moment, you cannot put standalone `case` inside a `match` block, and, of course, you cannot use a `case` without
specifying the value outside a `match` block.

## FAQ

#### Can I Use _pyPMatch_ in My Project?

Yes, _pyPMatch_ is released under the [Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE), which should allow you to freely use _pyPMatch_ in your
own projects. Since the project is currently under heavy development, the pattern matching might fail in unexpected
ways, though.

In order to provide this new syntax for pattern matching, _pyPMatch_ needs to translate your code before Python's own
parser/compiler can touch it. But, the translation process is design to only modify the bare minimum of your original
Python code. No commends are removed, no lines inserted or deleted, and no variables or functions renamed. But since
`case` and `match` have become keywords, there is a possible incompatibility with your existing code.

In addition to `case` and `match`, _pyPMatch_ introduces two more names: `__match__`, and `__matchvalue__`, respectively.
It is very unlikely, though, that your program uses either of these names.

#### Why Yet Another Pattern Matching Library/Proposal?

There have been discussions about adding a `switch` statement, or even pattern matching to _Python_ before (see, e.g.,
[PEP 3103]( Hence, _pyPMatch_ is not an new idea. In contrast to most
discussion I am aware of so far, this project differs in that my focus is not on the exact syntax, but more on getting
the semantics right. And, at the end of the day, I just needed (or let's say 'strongly desired') pattern matching
for other projects I am working on.

As such, _pyPMatch_ shows how full pattern matching can be integrated with Python, but there is no claim whatsoever that
the syntax used here is the best possible alternative.

#### Why Not Just Use Regular Expressions?

Regular expressions are great if you want to match a string, say. The pattern matching we provide here, however,
works on general Python objects, and not on strings. It is more akin to something like `isinstance`, or `hasattr`
tests in Python.

#### How Do I Check If a Value Has a Certain Type?

Due to Python's syntax, something like `s: str` will not work in order to specify that `s` should be of type `str`.
What you would usually do in Python is something like `isinstance(value, str)`, which translates directly to:
case str():
print("We have a string!")
Make sure you put the parentheses after the `str`, as these parentheses tell _pyPMatch_ that `str` is supposed to be a
class against which to test, and not a new name for the value.

#### How Do I Check If a Value Has a Certain Attribute?

If you do not care about the class, or type, of an object, but only about its attributes, use the wildcard `_` as the
class name. The algorithm will then omit the `isinstance` check, and just test if the object's attributes fulfill the
given conditions - which in this case is simply that there is an attribute `egg`, which can be anything.
case _(egg=_):
print("We have something with an attribute 'egg'.")
The example above will be translated to a simple test of the form `hasattr(value, 'egg')`.

#### Can I Nest The Match/Case Structures?

Basically, yes, you can. The only real limitation here is that you cannot put a `match` directly inside another
`match`, whereas it is no problem to put a `match` inside a case. That is to say that the following will fail:
match x:
match y:
case z:
The reason for this is that `match` puts the value of the expression `x` into a local variable (and has some further
book-keeping). The second `match` messes this book-keeping up, and replaces `x` by `y`, so that subsequent tests fail.
On the other hand, there is hardly any reason why a `match` inside another `match` should make sense, anyway.

At the moment, nesting is not yet fully implemented, though. As long you put the match/case structures in separate
functions, there is never a problem.

#### Is This Pattern Matching Library Efficient?

The primary objective of this library is correctness, not efficiency. Once everything runs, there is still time to
worry about improving the performance of the library. However, there are some strong limitations to how efficient
pattern matching can be done in Python.

Since the matching algorithm must analyse various objects, and classes, each time a matching is performed, there are
certainly limitations to the performance a pattern matching algorithm can deliver in Python. If you have something
like in the code snippet below, the algorithm must test, if `my_value` is an instance of `Foo`, if it has (at least)
the attributes `eggs` and `ham`, and if the value of the attribute `eggs` is `123`.
match my_value:
case Foo(eggs=123, ham=x):
print("A Foo with 123 eggs has ham", x)
In statically compiled languages it is possible to test only once (during compilation) if class `Foo` has attributes
`eggs` and `ham`. In Python, however, even the class `Foo` refers to might change, so that we need to test everything
upon each matching attempt.

Another limitations is due to the fact _pyPMatch_ tries to minimize the amount your code needs to be changed. This means
that each `case` statement is treated in isolation from all others, and it is therefore not possible to factor out
common parts. Again, there is certainly room for further improvement, but it is not a priority of _pyPMatch_.

#### Will It Break My Code If I Use `case` and `match` as Variable Names?

There is, of course, always a danger that _pyPMatch_'s compiler will mis-identify one of your variables as a `match`,
or `case` statement. However, in order to be recognised as a statement, either keyword (`case`, `match`) must be the
first word on a line, and it cannot be followed by a colon, or an operator (such as an assignment). So, if you have
a function called `case`, the function call `case(...)` might be interpreted as a `case` statement, but an assignment
like `case = ...`, say, will not.

#### Why Did You Use `@` for Name Bindings Instead of `:=`?

Python 3.8 will introduce assignment expressions (see [PEP 572]( It would
therefore be natural to use `x := A` instead of `x @ A` for name bindings.

In fact, I am happy to add full support for `:=`. At the time of writing, however, `:=` is not yet a valid token in
Python. Using only `:=` would mean that _pyPMatch_ requires at least Python 3.8, while `@` has already become a valid
operator in Python 3.5 [PEP 465](

#### Why `1 | ... | 9` Instead Of the Simpler `1 ... 9`?

The entire syntax of patterns in _pyPMatch_ is based on standard Python syntax. Even though the patterns are semantically
nonsense, they are syntactically valid. The sequence `1 ... 9`, however, is not a valid sequence in Python, and would
issue a syntax error.

There are various reasons for wanting patterns to be valid Python syntax. One of them is that _pyPMatch_ gets away with
much less parsing work on its own.

Apart from this issue of pragmatics, writing `1 | ... | 9` seems clearer to me, since `1 ... 9` could also mean that
the value has to be the sequence `1, 2, 3, ..., 9` itself. This is, however, a matter of personal taste, and thus

#### Why Are There Two Versions of `case` Statements?

Pattern matching does usually not only come in the form of `match` blocks. At times, we only want to deconstruct a
single value. Python already supports this in part through assignments like `a, b, *c = x`. Using the standalone
version of `case`, you could write this in the form `case x as (a, b, *c):`. However, the `case` statement can do much
more than Python's assignment operator.

On the other hand, while developing the library, I wondered if it possible to give meaning to `case` even outside a
`match` block, so as to make the entire syntax as orthogonal, and as flexible as possible.

As _pyPMatch_ is kind of a prototype, in the end, the standalone variant of `case` might not survive, and not make it into
subsequent versions. For the moment, it remains there to fully test its usefulness.

#### Why is `match` Not an Expression as in Scala?

While _Scala_'s syntax and semantics are based on expressions, _Python_'s is not. Compound statements like `while`,
`if`, `for` etc. are, as a matter of fact, never expressions in Python, but clearly statements without proper value.
Since both `match` and `case` statements, as implemented here, are obviously compound statements, it would feel very
wrong for Python to try, and make them expressions.

#### Why Do I Have to Use `case _` Instead Of `else`?

The implementation of _pyPMatch_ is focused on minimising the rewriting of any Python code, or module. It will only
translate `case`, and `match`, statements where it is pretty certain that such a statement is meant in the first
place, leaving all your code around it untouched.

If we were to use `else`, this means that we would have to put a lot more effort in making sure that no `else` is
replaced where it should remain, leading to longer and more complex code. Moreover, the individual `case` statements
in a `match` block are actually not linked, but stand as individual statements for themselves. Using `else` raises
therefore a few additional questions concerning the semantics, which need proper answering.

So, in short: using `else` would lead to a more brittle syntax with a quite few corner cases not covered.

#### How About Some Proper Documentation?

First priority is currently given to getting the library fully operational, and adding various test cases. Once that
is complete, documentation will follow (and, after all, there is already a rather long README with lots of information,
as well as several examples). If you have a specific question or concern, open an issue, or write to me directly.

## Contributors

- [Tobias Kohn](

Project details

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pyPMatch-0.1.0.tar.gz (32.6 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

pyPMatch-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (36.4 kB view hashes)

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