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pyavrutils is a Python library that can build AVR_ and arduino_ code at runtime.

Project description

pyavrutils is a Python library that can build AVR_ and arduino_ code at runtime.

* home:
* documentation:

|Travis| |Coveralls| |Latest Version| |Supported Python versions| |License| |Code Health| |Documentation|

- python wrapper for avr-gcc, avr-size, arscons_
- build files or strings (strings are saved as temp files)
- MCU list
- get code size using avr-size
- avr-gcc default is optimized for size
- supported python versions: 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

Known problems:
- temp files are not removed
- arscons_ does not perfectly matches the Arduino build process

Possible usage:
- experimenting with flags
- unit tests
- building arduino_ code without GUI

Basic usage

>>> from pyavrutils import AvrGcc
>>> cc = AvrGcc()
>>>'int main(){}')
>>> cc.size().program_bytes

>>> from pyavrutils import Arduino
>>> cc = Arduino()
>>> cc.mcu = 'atmega8'
>>>'void setup(){};void loop(){}')
>>> cc.size().program_bytes



* arscons_ is already included in the library
* install pip_
* install gcc-avr
* install scons_ (only for arscons_)
* install arduino_ (only for arscons_)
* install the program:

if you have setuptools_ installed::

# as root
pip install pyavrutils

Ubuntu 14.04

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo apt-get install binutils-avr gcc-avr scons arduino
sudo pip install pyavrutils
# optional for examples:
sudo pip install entrypoint2


using pip_::

# as root
pip uninstall pyavrutils



#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.usage_avr ')--#
>>> from pyavrutils import AvrGcc
>>> cc = AvrGcc(mcu='atmega48')
>>> cc.targets
[u'at43usb320', u'at43usb355', u'at76c711', u'at86rf401', u'at90c8534', u'at90can128', u'at90can32', u'at90can64', u'at90pwm1', u'at90pwm161', u'at90pwm2', u'at90pwm216', u'at90pwm2b', u'at90pwm3', u'at90pwm316', u'at90pwm3b', u'at90pwm81', u'at90s1200', u'at90s2313', u'at90s2323', u'at90s2333', u'at90s2343', u'at90s4414', u'at90s4433', u'at90s4434', u'at90s8515', u'at90s8535', u'at90scr100', u'at90usb1286', u'at90usb1287', u'at90usb162', u'at90usb646', u'at90usb647', u'at90usb82', u'at94k', u'ata5272', u'ata5505', u'ata5790', u'ata5790n', u'ata5795', u'ata6285', u'ata6286', u'ata6289', u'atmega103', u'atmega128', u'atmega1280', u'atmega1281', u'atmega1284', u'atmega1284p', u'atmega128a', u'atmega128rfa1', u'atmega16', u'atmega161', u'atmega162', u'atmega163', u'atmega164a', u'atmega164p', u'atmega164pa', u'atmega165', u'atmega165a', u'atmega165p', u'atmega165pa', u'atmega168', u'atmega168a', u'atmega168p', u'atmega168pa', u'atmega169', u'atmega169a', u'atmega169p', u'atmega169pa', u'atmega16a', u'atmega16hva', u'atmega16hva2', u'atmega16hvb', u'atmega16hvbrevb', u'atmega16m1', u'atmega16u2', u'atmega16u4', u'atmega2560', u'atmega2561', u'atmega26hvg', u'atmega32', u'atmega323', u'atmega324a', u'atmega324p', u'atmega324pa', u'atmega325', u'atmega3250', u'atmega3250a', u'atmega3250p', u'atmega3250pa', u'atmega325a', u'atmega325p', u'atmega328', u'atmega328p', u'atmega329', u'atmega3290', u'atmega3290a', u'atmega3290p', u'atmega3290pa', u'atmega329a', u'atmega329p', u'atmega329pa', u'atmega32a', u'atmega32c1', u'atmega32hvb', u'atmega32hvbrevb', u'atmega32m1', u'atmega32u2', u'atmega32u4', u'atmega32u6', u'atmega406', u'atmega48', u'atmega48a', u'atmega48hvf', u'atmega48p', u'atmega48pa', u'atmega64', u'atmega640', u'atmega644', u'atmega644a', u'atmega644p', u'atmega644pa', u'atmega645', u'atmega6450', u'atmega6450a', u'atmega6450p', u'atmega645a', u'atmega645p', u'atmega649', u'atmega6490', u'atmega6490a', u'atmega6490p', u'atmega649a', u'atmega649p', u'atmega64a', u'atmega64c1', u'atmega64hve', u'atmega64m1', u'atmega64rfa2', u'atmega64rfr2', u'atmega8', u'atmega8515', u'atmega8535', u'atmega88', u'atmega88a', u'atmega88p', u'atmega88pa', u'atmega8a', u'atmega8hva', u'atmega8u2', u'atmxt112sl', u'atmxt224', u'atmxt224e', u'atmxt336s', u'atmxt540s', u'atmxt540sreva', u'attiny11', u'attiny12', u'attiny13', u'attiny13a', u'attiny15', u'attiny1634', u'attiny167', u'attiny22', u'attiny2313', u'attiny2313a', u'attiny24', u'attiny24a', u'attiny25', u'attiny26', u'attiny261', u'attiny261a', u'attiny28', u'attiny4313', u'attiny43u', u'attiny44', u'attiny44a', u'attiny45', u'attiny461', u'attiny461a', u'attiny48', u'attiny84', u'attiny84a', u'attiny85', u'attiny861', u'attiny861a', u'attiny87', u'attiny88', u'atxmega128a1', u'atxmega128a1u', u'atxmega128a3', u'atxmega128a3u', u'atxmega128a4u', u'atxmega128b1', u'atxmega128b3', u'atxmega128c3', u'atxmega128d3', u'atxmega128d4', u'atxmega16a4', u'atxmega16a4u', u'atxmega16c4', u'atxmega16d4', u'atxmega16x1', u'atxmega192a3', u'atxmega192a3u', u'atxmega192c3', u'atxmega192d3', u'atxmega256a3', u'atxmega256a3b', u'atxmega256a3bu', u'atxmega256a3u', u'atxmega256c3', u'atxmega256d3', u'atxmega32a4', u'atxmega32a4u', u'atxmega32c4', u'atxmega32d4', u'atxmega32e5', u'atxmega32x1', u'atxmega384c3', u'atxmega384d3', u'atxmega64a1', u'atxmega64a1u', u'atxmega64a3', u'atxmega64a3u', u'atxmega64a4u', u'atxmega64b1', u'atxmega64b3', u'atxmega64c3', u'atxmega64d3', u'atxmega64d4', u'avr1', u'avr2', u'avr25', u'avr3', u'avr31', u'avr35', u'avr4', u'avr5', u'avr51', u'avr6', u'avrxmega2', u'avrxmega4', u'avrxmega5', u'avrxmega6', u'avrxmega7', u'm3000']
>>> cc.options_generated()
['avr-gcc', '-Df_cpu=4000000', '-mmcu=atmega48', '--std=gnu99', '-Wl,--relax', '-Wl,--gc-sections', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', '-fno-inline-small-functions', '-Os']
>>>'int main(){}')
>>> cc.output
>>> cc.size()
AvrSize <prog:80 bytes 2.0% mem:0 bytes 0.0% >
>>> cc.size().program_bytes
>>> cc.mcu='atmega168'
>>> cc.options_generated()
['avr-gcc', '-Df_cpu=4000000', '-mmcu=atmega168', '--std=gnu99', '-Wl,--relax', '-Wl,--gc-sections', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', '-fno-inline-small-functions', '-Os']
>>>'int main(){}')
>>> cc.output
>>> cc.size().program_bytes


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.usage_ard ')--#
>>> from pyavrutils import Arduino
>>> cc = Arduino(board='mini')
>>>'void setup(){};void loop(){}')
>>> cc.output
>>> cc.size()
AvrSize <prog:440 bytes 2.7% mem:9 bytes 0.9% >
>>> cc.size().program_bytes
>>> cc.board='pro'
>>>'void setup(){};void loop(){}')
>>> cc.output
>>> cc.size().program_bytes
>>> cc.warnings
[u'build/core/HardwareSerial.cpp:100:20: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]', u"build/core/HardwareSerial.cpp:129:21: warning: unused variable 'c' [-Wunused-variable]", u"build/core/HardwareSerial.cpp:370:11: warning: unused variable 'current_config' [-Wunused-variable]", u'build/core/HardwareSerial.cpp:469:27: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]']


Simple example

Example program::

#-- include('examples/')--#
test minimum program size with different optimizations

from pyavrutils import AvrGcc
from entrypoint2 import entrypoint

cc = AvrGcc()
code = 'int main(){}'

def test():
print ' compiler option:', ' '.join(cc.options_generated())
print ' program size =', cc.size().program_bytes

def main():
print 'compiler version:', cc.version()
print 'code:', code
print 'no optimizations::'
print 'optimize for size::'


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.simple ')--#
compiler version: 4.8.2
code: int main(){}

no optimizations::

compiler option: avr-gcc -Df_cpu=4000000 -mmcu=atmega168 --std=gnu99
program size = 150

optimize for size::

compiler option: avr-gcc -Df_cpu=4000000 -mmcu=atmega168 --std=gnu99 -Wl,--relax -Wl,--gc-sections -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-inline-small-functions -Os
program size = 132

Test size with unused code

Example program::

#-- include('examples/')--#
from pyavrutils.avrgcc import AvrGcc
from entrypoint2 import entrypoint

cc = AvrGcc()

def test_option(sources, optimization, gc_sections=0, ffunction_sections=0):
print 'optimization =', optimization,
print 'gc_sections =', gc_sections,
print 'ffunction_sections =', ffunction_sections,

cc.optimization = optimization
cc.gc_sections = gc_sections
cc.ffunction_sections = ffunction_sections
size = cc.size()
print 'program, data =', str(size.program_bytes).rjust(8), ',', str(size.data_bytes).rjust(8)
print 'compile error'

def test(sources):
print 'sources:', sources
test_option(sources, 0)
test_option(sources, 's', 0)
test_option(sources, 's', 1)
test_option(sources, 's', 1, 1)

def main():
print 'compiler version:', cc.version()
print 'compiler options:', ' '.join(cc.options_generated())
print 'minimum size'
print 20 * '='
test(['int main(){}'])

print 'unused function in separate file'
print 40 * '='
test(['int main(){}', 'int f(){return 2;}'])

print 'unused function in the same file'
print 40 * '='
test(['int main(){}; int f(){return 2;}'])


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.deadcode ')--#
compiler version: 4.8.2
compiler options: avr-gcc -Df_cpu=4000000 -mmcu=atmega168 --std=gnu99

minimum size
sources: ['int main(){}']
optimization = 0 gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 150 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 138 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 138 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 1
program, data = 138 , 0

unused function in separate file
sources: ['int main(){}', 'int f(){return 2;}']
optimization = 0 gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 168 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 144 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 138 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 1
program, data = 138 , 0

unused function in the same file
sources: ['int main(){}; int f(){return 2;}']
optimization = 0 gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 168 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 0 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 144 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 0
program, data = 138 , 0
optimization = s gc_sections = 1 ffunction_sections = 1
program, data = 138 , 0

Test size with delay.h

Example program::

#-- include('examples/')--#
from entrypoint2 import entrypoint
from pyavrutils.avrgcc import AvrGcc, AvrGccCompileError

templ = '''
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
int main()
return 0;

cc = AvrGcc()
print 'compiler version:', cc.version()

def test(snippet, option=''):
print snippet.ljust(33),
cc.options_extra = option.split()
print 'compiler option:', option, '\t',
try:[templ % snippet])
size = cc.size()
print 'program, data =', str(size.program_bytes).rjust(8), ',', str(size.data_bytes).rjust(8)
except AvrGccCompileError as e:
print 'compile error'

def main():
cc.optimization = 0

test('_delay_ms(4)', '-O0')
test('_delay_ms(4)', '-O1')
test('_delay_ms(4)', '-O2')
test('_delay_ms(4)', '-O3')
test('_delay_ms(4)', '-Os')


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.delaysize ')--#
compiler version: 4.8.2

_delay_ms(4) compiler option: -O0 program, data = 938 , 0
_delay_ms(4) compiler option: -O1 program, data = 150 , 0
_delay_ms(4) compiler option: -O2 program, data = 150 , 0
_delay_ms(4) compiler option: -O3 program, data = 150 , 0
_delay_ms(4) compiler option: -Os program, data = 150 , 0

Test size with program space

Example program::

#-- include('examples/')--#
from pyavrutils.avrgcc import AvrGcc
from entrypoint2 import entrypoint

templ = '''
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
int main()
return 0;

cc = AvrGcc()
cc.optimization = 0
print 'compiler version:', cc.version()
print 'compiler options:', ' '.join(cc.options_generated())

def test(snippet):
print snippet, '\t\t',
try:[templ % snippet])
size = cc.size()
print 'program, data =', str(size.program_bytes).rjust(8), ',', str(size.data_bytes).rjust(8)
print 'compile error'

def test_comb(s):
words = 'static const PROGMEM'.split()

def choice(i):
return [words[i], ' ' * len(words[i])]

for s0 in choice(0):
for s1 in choice(1):
for s2 in choice(2):
# for s3 in choice(3):
test('%s %s char s[] %s = "%s"' % (s0, s1, s2, s))

def main():


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.pgmspace ')--#
compiler version: 4.8.2
compiler options: avr-gcc -Df_cpu=4000000 -mmcu=atmega168 --std=gnu99 -Wl,--relax -Wl,--gc-sections -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-inline-small-functions

static const char s[] PROGMEM = "12345" program, data = 144 , 0
static const char s[] = "12345" program, data = 166 , 0
static char s[] PROGMEM = "12345" compile error
static char s[] = "12345" program, data = 166 , 0
const char s[] PROGMEM = "12345" program, data = 210 , 6
const char s[] = "12345" program, data = 210 , 6
char s[] PROGMEM = "12345" program, data = 210 , 6
char s[] = "12345" program, data = 210 , 6
static const char s[] PROGMEM = "1234512345" program, data = 144 , 0
static const char s[] = "1234512345" program, data = 166 , 0
static char s[] PROGMEM = "1234512345" compile error
static char s[] = "1234512345" program, data = 166 , 0
const char s[] PROGMEM = "1234512345" program, data = 222 , 12
const char s[] = "1234512345" program, data = 222 , 12
char s[] PROGMEM = "1234512345" program, data = 222 , 12
char s[] = "1234512345" program, data = 222 , 12

- constant string should be static or global
- ``const`` has no effect on size
- PROGMEM should be used

Test minimum size

Example program::

#-- include('examples/')--#
test minimum program size with all MCUs

from entrypoint2 import entrypoint
from pyavrutils.avrgcc import AvrGcc, AvrGccCompileError

def test(cc, mcu):
print 'MCU =', mcu.ljust(20),
cc.mcu = mcu
print ' program/data size =', cc.size().program_bytes, ',', cc.size().data_bytes
except AvrGccCompileError:
print ' compile error'

def main():
cc = AvrGcc()
print '--------------'
print 'avr-gcc'
print '--------------'

print 'compiler version:', cc.version()
print 'compiler options:', ' '.join(cc.options_generated())
print 'code:', cc.minprog
for mcu in cc.targets:
test(cc, mcu)


#-- sh('python -m pyavrutils.examples.minsize')--#
compiler version: 4.8.2
compiler options: avr-gcc -Df_cpu=4000000 -mmcu=atmega168 --std=gnu99 -Wl,--relax -Wl,--gc-sections -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-inline-small-functions -Os
code: int main(){};

MCU = at43usb320 program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = at43usb355 program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = at76c711 program/data size = 88 , 0
MCU = at86rf401 program/data size = 40 , 0
MCU = at90c8534 program/data size = 42 , 0
MCU = at90can128 program/data size = 176 , 0
MCU = at90can32 program/data size = 176 , 0
MCU = at90can64 program/data size = 176 , 0
MCU = at90pwm1 program/data size = 92 , 0
MCU = at90pwm161 compile error
MCU = at90pwm2 program/data size = 92 , 0
MCU = at90pwm216 program/data size = 156 , 0
MCU = at90pwm2b program/data size = 92 , 0
MCU = at90pwm3 program/data size = 92 , 0
MCU = at90pwm316 program/data size = 156 , 0
MCU = at90pwm3b program/data size = 92 , 0
MCU = at90pwm81 program/data size = 68 , 0
MCU = at90s1200 compile error
MCU = at90s2313 program/data size = 46 , 0
MCU = at90s2323 program/data size = 30 , 0
MCU = at90s2333 program/data size = 52 , 0
MCU = at90s2343 program/data size = 30 , 0
MCU = at90s4414 program/data size = 54 , 0
MCU = at90s4433 program/data size = 52 , 0
MCU = at90s4434 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = at90s8515 program/data size = 54 , 0
MCU = at90s8535 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = at90scr100 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = at90usb1286 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = at90usb1287 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = at90usb162 program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = at90usb646 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = at90usb647 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = at90usb82 program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = at94k program/data size = 172 , 0
MCU = ata5272 compile error
MCU = ata5505 compile error
MCU = ata5790 compile error
MCU = ata5790n compile error
MCU = ata5795 compile error
MCU = ata6285 compile error
MCU = ata6286 compile error
MCU = ata6289 program/data size = 82 , 0
MCU = atmega103 program/data size = 124 , 0
MCU = atmega128 program/data size = 168 , 0
MCU = atmega1280 program/data size = 256 , 0
MCU = atmega1281 program/data size = 232 , 0
MCU = atmega1284 compile error
MCU = atmega1284p program/data size = 168 , 0
MCU = atmega128a compile error
MCU = atmega128rfa1 program/data size = 316 , 0
MCU = atmega16 program/data size = 112 , 0
MCU = atmega161 program/data size = 112 , 0
MCU = atmega162 program/data size = 140 , 0
MCU = atmega163 program/data size = 100 , 0
MCU = atmega164a program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega164p program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega164pa compile error
MCU = atmega165 program/data size = 116 , 0
MCU = atmega165a program/data size = 116 , 0
MCU = atmega165p program/data size = 116 , 0
MCU = atmega165pa compile error
MCU = atmega168 program/data size = 132 , 0
MCU = atmega168a program/data size = 132 , 0
MCU = atmega168p program/data size = 132 , 0
MCU = atmega168pa compile error
MCU = atmega169 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega169a program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega169p program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega169pa program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega16a program/data size = 112 , 0
MCU = atmega16hva program/data size = 112 , 0
MCU = atmega16hva2 program/data size = 116 , 0
MCU = atmega16hvb program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega16hvbrevb program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega16m1 program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega16u2 program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega16u4 program/data size = 200 , 0
MCU = atmega2560 program/data size = 260 , 0
MCU = atmega2561 program/data size = 236 , 0
MCU = atmega26hvg compile error
MCU = atmega32 program/data size = 112 , 0
MCU = atmega323 program/data size = 108 , 0
MCU = atmega324a program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega324p program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega324pa program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega325 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega3250 program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3250a program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3250p program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3250pa compile error
MCU = atmega325a program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega325p program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega328 program/data size = 132 , 0
MCU = atmega328p program/data size = 132 , 0
MCU = atmega329 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega3290 program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3290a program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3290p program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega3290pa compile error
MCU = atmega329a program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega329p program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega329pa program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega32a compile error
MCU = atmega32c1 program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega32hvb program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega32hvbrevb program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega32m1 program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega32u2 program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmega32u4 program/data size = 200 , 0
MCU = atmega32u6 program/data size = 180 , 0
MCU = atmega406 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega48 program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega48a program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega48hvf compile error
MCU = atmega48p program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega48pa compile error
MCU = atmega64 program/data size = 168 , 0
MCU = atmega640 program/data size = 256 , 0
MCU = atmega644 program/data size = 140 , 0
MCU = atmega644a program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega644p program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega644pa program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega645 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega6450 program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega6450a program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega6450p program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega645a program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega645p program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega649 program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega6490 program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega6490a program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega6490p program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega649a program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega649p program/data size = 120 , 0
MCU = atmega64a compile error
MCU = atmega64c1 program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega64hve program/data size = 128 , 0
MCU = atmega64m1 program/data size = 152 , 0
MCU = atmega64rfa2 compile error
MCU = atmega64rfr2 compile error
MCU = atmega8 program/data size = 66 , 0
MCU = atmega8515 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = atmega8535 program/data size = 70 , 0
MCU = atmega88 program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega88a program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega88p program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega88pa program/data size = 80 , 0
MCU = atmega8a compile error
MCU = atmega8hva program/data size = 70 , 0
MCU = atmega8u2 program/data size = 144 , 0
MCU = atmxt112sl compile error
MCU = atmxt224 compile error
MCU = atmxt224e compile error
MCU = atmxt336s compile error
MCU = atmxt540s compile error
MCU = atmxt540sreva compile error
MCU = attiny11 compile error
MCU = attiny12 compile error
MCU = attiny13 program/data size = 44 , 0
MCU = attiny13a compile error
MCU = attiny15 compile error
MCU = attiny1634 compile error
MCU = attiny167 program/data size = 108 , 0
MCU = attiny22 program/data size = 30 , 0
MCU = attiny2313 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny2313a compile error
MCU = attiny24 program/data size = 58 , 0
MCU = attiny24a compile error
MCU = attiny25 program/data size = 54 , 0
MCU = attiny26 program/data size = 48 , 0
MCU = attiny261 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny261a compile error
MCU = attiny28 compile error
MCU = attiny4313 program/data size = 70 , 0
MCU = attiny43u program/data size = 60 , 0
MCU = attiny44 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny44a program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny45 program/data size = 58 , 0
MCU = attiny461 program/data size = 66 , 0
MCU = attiny461a program/data size = 66 , 0
MCU = attiny48 program/data size = 68 , 0
MCU = attiny84 program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny84a program/data size = 62 , 0
MCU = attiny85 program/data size = 58 , 0
MCU = attiny861 program/data size = 66 , 0
MCU = attiny861a program/data size = 66 , 0
MCU = attiny87 program/data size = 68 , 0
MCU = attiny88 program/data size = 68 , 0
MCU = atxmega128a1 program/data size = 540 , 0
MCU = atxmega128a1u program/data size = 552 , 0
MCU = atxmega128a3 program/data size = 520 , 0
MCU = atxmega128a3u compile error
MCU = atxmega128a4u compile error
MCU = atxmega128b1 compile error
MCU = atxmega128b3 compile error
MCU = atxmega128c3 compile error
MCU = atxmega128d3 program/data size = 488 , 0
MCU = atxmega128d4 compile error
MCU = atxmega16a4 program/data size = 404 , 0
MCU = atxmega16a4u compile error
MCU = atxmega16c4 compile error
MCU = atxmega16d4 program/data size = 392 , 0
MCU = atxmega16x1 compile error
MCU = atxmega192a3 program/data size = 520 , 0
MCU = atxmega192a3u compile error
MCU = atxmega192c3 compile error
MCU = atxmega192d3 program/data size = 488 , 0
MCU = atxmega256a3 program/data size = 520 , 0
MCU = atxmega256a3b program/data size = 520 , 0
MCU = atxmega256a3bu compile error
MCU = atxmega256a3u compile error
MCU = atxmega256c3 compile error
MCU = atxmega256d3 program/data size = 488 , 0
MCU = atxmega32a4 program/data size = 404 , 0
MCU = atxmega32a4u compile error
MCU = atxmega32c4 compile error
MCU = atxmega32d4 program/data size = 392 , 0
MCU = atxmega32e5 compile error
MCU = atxmega32x1 compile error
MCU = atxmega384c3 compile error
MCU = atxmega384d3 compile error
MCU = atxmega64a1 program/data size = 536 , 0
MCU = atxmega64a1u program/data size = 548 , 0
MCU = atxmega64a3 program/data size = 516 , 0
MCU = atxmega64a3u compile error
MCU = atxmega64a4u compile error
MCU = atxmega64b1 compile error
MCU = atxmega64b3 compile error
MCU = atxmega64c3 compile error
MCU = atxmega64d3 program/data size = 484 , 0
MCU = atxmega64d4 compile error
MCU = avr1 compile error
MCU = avr2 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr25 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr3 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr31 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr35 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr4 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr5 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr51 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avr6 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avrxmega2 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avrxmega4 compile error
MCU = avrxmega5 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avrxmega6 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = avrxmega7 program/data size = 0 , 0
MCU = m3000 program/data size = 26 , 0

Arduino build tests

.. highlight:: c


void setup()

void loop()


.. #-- from cogtask import buildcsv; buildcsv() --#
.. #-#

.. csv-table::
:file: docs/generated_build_test.csv
:header-rows: 1

.. _pip:
.. _arscons:
.. _arduino:
.. _python:
.. _avr:
.. _scons:

.. |Travis| image::
.. |Coveralls| image::
.. |Latest Version| image::
.. |Supported Python versions| image::
.. |License| image::
.. |Code Health| image::
.. |Documentation| image::

Project details

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Source Distribution

pyavrutils-0.3.tar.gz (35.6 kB view hashes)

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