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This package delivers an exhaustive array of advanced search functionalities tailor-made for seamless integration with

Project description


The pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch module delivers an exhaustive array of advanced search functionalities, tailor-made for seamless integration with AWS (Amazon Web Services). Meticulously engineered, these advanced searches are finely tuned to meet the distinctive demands inherent to the expansive AWS ecosystem, encompassing a diverse spectrum of aspects.

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pip install pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch



This package supports various conditions for advanced searches, outlined below as global constants:

  • OR: Represents the or condition.
  • AND: Represents the and condition.
  • LESS_THAN: Represents the less than < value.
  • LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: Represents the less than or equal to <= value.
  • GREATER_THAN: Represents the greater than > value.
  • GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: Represents the greater than or equal to >= value.
  • EQUAL_TO: Represents the equal to = value.
  • NOT_EQUAL_TO: Represents the not equal to != value.
  • BETWEEN: Represents the between range < x < value. These constants facilitate the formulation of complex queries, enabling precise and efficient data retrieval within the AWS environment.


This pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch.ec2 subpackage offers sophisticated search capabilities specifically designed for AWS (Amazon Web Services) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).


The SecurityGroup class provides advanced search features related to EC2 security groups.

  • SecurityGroup(session: Session) -> None: Initializes a new SecurityGroup object.
  • search_security_groups(condition: str = OR, region: str | list = 'eu-west-1', include_usage: bool = False, **kwargs) -> list: Returns a list of EC2 security groups using advanced search features supported by the specified arguments. For details on supported keyword arguments, please refer to the section below.
  • session: An pyawsopstoolkit.session.Session object providing access to AWS services.
search_security_groups Supported Keyword Arguments

The search_security_groups method allows you to search for EC2 security groups using various keyword arguments. Below are the supported keyword arguments:

  • description: Specifies the description of the EC2 security group. Example: description='test'.
  • id: Specifies the unique identifier of the EC2 security group. Example: id='sg-12345678'.
  • in_use: Specifies the flag to indicate if the EC2 security group has any associated ENIs. Example: in_use=True.
  • in_from_port: Specifies the inbound EC2 security group rule entry "from" port. Example: in_from_port=80.
  • in_ip_protocol: Specifies the inbound EC2 security group rule entry protocol. Example: in_ip_protocol='tcp'.
  • in_port_range: Specifies the inbound EC2 security group rule entry port if it exists within range "from" and "to". Example: in_port_range=80.
  • in_to_port: Specifies the inbound EC2 security group rule entry "to" port. Example: in_to_port=443.
  • name: Specifies the name of the EC2 security group. Example: name='web-servers-sg'.
  • out_from_port: Specifies the outbound EC2 security group rule entry "from" port. Example: out_from_port=80.
  • out_ip_protocol: Specifies the outbound EC2 security group rule entry protocol. Example: out_ip_protocol='udp'.
  • out_port_range: Specifies the outbound EC2 security group rule entry port if it exists within range "from" and "to". Example: out_port_range=443.
  • out_to_port: Specifies the outbound EC2 security group rule entry "to" port. Example: out_to_port=443.
  • owner_id: Specifies the owner ID of the EC2 security group. Example: owner_id='123456789012'.
  • tag_key: Specifies the tag key associated with the EC2 security group. Example: tag_key='test_key'.
  • tag: Specifies the tag key and value combination associated with the EC2 security group (dictionary format). Example: tag={'key': 'test_key', 'value': 'test_value'}.
  • vpc_id: Specifies the VPC ID of the EC2 security group. Example: vpc_id='vpc-abcdefgh'.

All the above arguments support string types and accept regular expression patterns. Additionally, the in_from_port, out_from_port, in_to_port, out_to_port, in_port_range, and out_port_range arguments support integer types.

from pyawsopstoolkit.session import Session
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch.ec2 import SecurityGroup
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch import OR

# Create a session using the 'default' profile
session = Session(profile_name='default')

# Initialize the EC2 security group object with the session
sg_object = SecurityGroup(session=session)

# Example searches:

# 1. Search for all EC2 security groups

# 2. Search for EC2 security groups with the name matching 'test_sg'
print(sg_object.search_security_groups(condition=OR, region='us-east-2', name=r'test_sg'))

# 3. Search for EC2 security groups with the name matching 'test_sg' or description matching 'test'
print(sg_object.search_security_groups(condition=OR, region='us-east-2', name=r'test_sg', description=r'test'))

# 4. Search for EC2 security groups that contain the tag key 'test_key'

# 5. Search for EC2 security groups that contain a tag with key 'test_key' and value 'test_value'
print(sg_object.search_security_groups(tag={'key': 'test_key', 'value': 'test_value'}))

# 6. Search for EC2 security groups that contain port 80 as an inbound rule entry

# 7. Search for EC2 security groups that contain 'all' traffic within inbound rule entry protocols

# 8. Search for EC2 security groups that are in use and associated with ENIs
print(sg_object.search_security_groups(include_usage=True, in_use=True))


This pyawsopstookit_advsearch.iam subpackage offers sophisticated search capabilities specifically designed for AWS (Amazon Web Services) Identity and Access Management (IAM).


A class representing advanced search features related to IAM roles.

  • Role(session: Session) -> None: Initializes a new Role object.
  • search_roles(condition: str = OR, include_details: bool = False, **kwargs) -> list: Returns a list of IAM roles using advanced search features supported by the specified arguments. For details on supported kwargs, please refer to the section below.
  • session: An pyawsopstoolkit.session.Session object providing access to AWS services.
search_roles Supported Keyword Arguments

The search_roles function allows you to search for IAM roles using various keyword arguments. Below are the supported keyword arguments:

  • arn: Specifies the ARN of the IAM role. Example: arn='arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name'.
  • created_date: Specifies the created date of the IAM role (datetime format). Example: created_date={GREATER_THAN: datetime(2024, 10, 15)}.
  • description: Specifies the description of the IAM role. Example: description='test'.
  • id: Specifies the ID of the IAM role. Example: id='AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE'.
  • last_used_date: Specifies the last used date of the IAM role (datetime format). Example: last_used_date={BETWEEN: [datetime(2023, 10, 15), datetime(2024, 10, 15)]}.
  • last_used_region: Specifies the region where the IAM role was last used. Example: last_used_region='eu-west-1'.
  • max_session_duration: Specifies the maximum session duration of the IAM role (in seconds, integer type). Example: max_session_duration={LESS_THAN: 3600}.
  • name: Specifies the name of the IAM role. Example: name='test_role'.
  • path: Specifies the path of the IAM role. Example: path='/service-role/'.
  • permissions_boundary_arn: Specifies the ARN of the permissions boundary for the IAM role. Example: permissions_boundary_arn='arn:aws:iam::111122223333:policy/policy-name'.
  • permissions_boundary_type: Specifies the type of permissions boundary for the IAM role. Example: permissions_boundary_type='Policy'.
  • tag_key: Specifies the tag key associated with the IAM role. Example: tag_key='test_key'.
  • tag: Specifies the tag key and value combination associated with the IAM role (dictionary format). Example: tag={'key': 'test_key', 'value': 'test_value'}.

All the above arguments support string types and accept regular expression patterns. Additionally, the max_session_duration, created_date, and last_used_date arguments support conditions such as less than, greater than, and between. For more details, please refer to the constants above.

from datetime import datetime

from pyawsopstoolkit.session import Session
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch.iam import Role
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch import OR, AND, LESS_THAN, BETWEEN

# Create a session using the 'default' profile
session = Session(profile_name='default')

# Initialize the IAM Role object with the session
role_object = Role(session=session)

# Example searches:
# 1. Search for all IAM roles

# 2. Search for IAM roles with the name matching 'test_role'
print(role_object.search_roles(condition=OR, name=r'test_role'))

# 3. Search for IAM roles with the name matching 'test_role' or description matching 'test'
print(role_object.search_roles(condition=OR, name=r'test_role', description=r'test'))

# 4. Search for IAM roles with both path matching '/service-role/' and name matching 'test'
print(role_object.search_roles(condition=AND, path='/service-role/', name='test'))

# 5. Search for IAM roles with a maximum session duration less than 4 hours (14400 seconds)
print(role_object.search_roles(max_session_duration={LESS_THAN: 14400}))

# 6. Search for IAM roles last used between October 15, 2023, and October 15, 2024
print(role_object.search_roles(last_used_date={BETWEEN: [datetime(2023, 10, 15), datetime(2024, 10, 15)]}))

# 7. Search for IAM roles that contain the tag key 'test_key'

# 8. Search for IAM roles that contain a tag with key 'test_key' and value 'test_value'
print(role_object.search_roles(tag={'key': 'test_key', 'value': 'test_value'}))


A class representing advance search features related with IAM users.

  • User(session: Session) -> None: Initializes a new User object.
  • search_users(condition: str = OR, include_details: bool = False, **kwargs) -> list: Returns a list of IAM users using advanced search features supported by the specified arguments. For details on supported kwargs, please refer to the section below.
  • session: An pyawsopstoolkit.session.Session object providing access to AWS services.
search_users Supported Keyword Arguments

The search_users function allows you to search for IAM users using various keyword arguments. Below are the supported keyword arguments:

  • access_key_id: Specifies the ID of the IAM user access key. Example: access_key_id='ABCD'.
  • access_key_region: Specifies the last used region of the IAM user access key. Example: access_key_region='eu-west-1'.
  • access_key_service: Specifies the last used service of the IAM user access key. Example: access_key_service=''.
  • access_key_status: Specifies the status of the IAM user access key. Example: access_key_status='Active'.
  • arn: Specifies the ARN of the IAM user. Example: arn='arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/test_user'.
  • created_date: Specifies the created date of the IAM user (datetime format). Example: created_date={GREATER_THAN: datetime(2024, 10, 15)}.
  • id: Specifies the ID of the IAM user. Example: id='AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE'.
  • login_profile_created_date: Specifies the login profile created date of the IAM user (datetime format). Example: login_profile_created_date={GREATER_THAN: datetime(2024, 10, 15)}.
  • login_profile_password_reset_required: Specifies the flag of the login profile to check if a password reset is required for the IAM user (boolean format). Example: login_profile_password_reset_required=False.
  • name: Specifies the name of the IAM user. Example: name='test_user'.
  • password_last_used_date: Specifies the password last used date of the IAM user (datetime format). Example: password_last_used_date={BETWEEN: [datetime(2023, 10, 15), datetime(2024, 10, 15)]}.
  • path: Specifies the path of the IAM user. Example: path='/'.
  • permissions_boundary_arn: Specifies the ARN of the permissions boundary for the IAM user. Example: permissions_boundary_arn='arn:aws:iam::111122223333:policy/policy-name'.
  • permissions_boundary_type: Specifies the type of permissions boundary for the IAM user. Example: permissions_boundary_type='Policy'.
  • tag_key: Specifies the tag key associated with the IAM user. Example: tag_key='test_key'.
  • tag: Specifies the tag key and value combination associated with the IAM user (dictionary format). Example: tag={'Key': 'test_key', 'Value': 'test_value'}.

All the above arguments support string types and accept regular expression patterns. Additionally, the created_date and password_last_used_date arguments support conditions such as less than, greater than, and between. For more details, please refer to the constants above.

from datetime import datetime

from pyawsopstoolkit.session import Session
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch.iam import User
from pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch import OR, AND, BETWEEN

# Create a session using the 'default' profile
session = Session(profile_name='default')

# Initialize the IAM User object with the session
user_object = User(session=session)

# Example searches:
# 1. Search for all IAM users

# 2. Search for IAM users with the name matching 'test_user'
print(user_object.search_users(condition=OR, name=r'test_user'))

# 3. Search for IAM users with both path matching '/' and name matching 'test'
print(user_object.search_users(condition=AND, path='/', name='test'))

# 4. Search for IAM users password last used between October 15, 2023, and October 15, 2024
print(user_object.search_users(password_last_used_date={BETWEEN: [datetime(2023, 10, 15), datetime(2024, 10, 15)]}))

# 5. Search for IAM roles that contain the tag key 'test_key'

# 6. Search for IAM roles that contain a tag with key 'test_key' and value 'test_value'
print(user_object.search_users(tag={'key': 'test_key', 'value': 'test_value'}))


Please refer to the MIT License within the project for more information.


We welcome contributions from the community! Whether you have ideas for new features, bug fixes, or enhancements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

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pyawsopstoolkit_advsearch-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (17.3 kB view hashes)

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