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A pure-python implementation of the database signal processing theory stream processing paradigm

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Introduction - (a subset of) Differential Dataflow for the masses

This library provides an implementation of the DBSP language for incremental streaming computation. It is a tool primarily meant for research. See it as the PyTorch of streaming.

It has zero dependencies, and is written in pure python.

What is DBSP?

DBSP is differential dataflow's less expressive successor. It is a competing theory and framework to other stream processing systems such as Flink and Spark.

Its value is most easily understood in that it is capable of transforming "batch" possibly-iterative relational queries into "streaming incremental ones". This however only shows a fraction of the theory's power.

As an extreme example, you can find a incremental Interpreter for Datalog under pydbsp.algorithm. Datalog is a query language that is similar to SQL, with focus in efficiently supporting recursion. By implementing Datalog interpretation with dbsp, we get an interpreter whose queries can both change during runtime and respond to new data being streamed in.

Motivating Examples

There many more examples living in each test_*.py file.

Streaming Pandas with PyDBSP beats batch Pandas

Let us start with joins.

from typing import List, Tuple, Set

def regular_join[K, V1, V2](left: Set[Tuple[K, V1]], right: Set[Tuple[K, V2]]) -> List[Tuple[K, V1, V2]]:
    output: List[Tuple[K, V1, V2]] = []
    for left_key, left_value in left:
        for right_key, right_value in right:
            if left_key == right_key:
                output.append((left_key, left_value, right_value))

    return output

employees = {(0, "kristjan"), (1, "mark"), (2, "mike")}
salaries = {(2, "40000"), (0, "38750"), (1, "50000")}

employees_salaries = regular_join(employees, salaries)
print(f"Regular join: {employees_salaries}")
# Regular join: [(1, 'mark', '50000'), (2, 'mike', '40000'), (0, 'kristjan', '38750')]

regular_join is a straightforward relational inner join implementation. You simply loop over two relations, and then output those that match according to some key.

from pydbsp.zset import ZSet
from pydbsp.zset.functions.bilinear import join

employees_zset = ZSet({k: 1 for k in employees})
salaries_zset = ZSet({k: 1 for k in salaries})
employees_salaries_zset = join(
    lambda left, right: left[0] == right[0],
    lambda left, right: (left[0], left[1], right[1]),
print(f"ZSet join: {employees_salaries_zset}")
# ZSet join: {(1, 'mark', '50000'): 1, (2, 'mike', '40000'): 1, (0, 'kristjan', '38750'): 1}

The core of dbsp is a simple, but scary-named, mathematical construct, the Abelian group. A group is a set with associated + and - operations of a certain kind.

ZSet's are a group of special interest to us. They are exactly the same as sets, except each element is associated with a weight. When one adds two of these, the result is the union of both sets with the weights of identical elements summed. Negation is as straightforward as it sounds. You just flip the sign on each element's weight.

Notice how it is possible to model regular sets, bags and set updates with them. A set is a ZSet where each weight is exactly 1, a bag where it can be more than 1, and an "update" is one where it is either 1 or -1.

The gist of dbsp is that certain kinds of functions, those called linear, can be efficiently incrementalized. Many useful functions are linear. For instance, regular_join is.

A function is linear, or bilinear if it has two arguments, if it distributes over addition. For some function f, it is linear if for each a, b, c of the same group, it holds: f(a + b) = f(a) + f(b).

This might be a tad abstract, but let's garner some intuition by looking at it from the join perspective and how it gives a blueprint to make it incremental.

The join of the running example has been, taking E as the set of employees and S of salary: E ⨝ S

If we call ΔEand ΔS sets of updates, the "batch" way of evaluating this query under an update would be: (E + ΔE) ⨝ (S + ΔS)

Since it distributes over addition, we could also evaluate it incrementally: (ΔE) ⨝ (ΔS) + (E) ⨝ (ΔS) + (ΔE) ⨝ (S).

When done that way, we do three joins instead of one, but notice how each join has at least one side of updates. This makes it much more efficient, since we effectively shift the lower bound to go from "all data" to "the update".

from pydbsp.zset import ZSetAddition
from import Stream, StreamHandle
from import Integrate
from pydbsp.zset.operators.bilinear import LiftedJoin

group = ZSetAddition()
employees_stream = Stream(group)
employees_stream_handle = StreamHandle(lambda: employees_stream)

salaries_stream = Stream(group)
salaries_stream_handle = StreamHandle(lambda: salaries_stream)

join_cmp = lambda left, right: left[0] == right[0]
join_projection = lambda left, right: (left[0], left[1], right[1])

integrated_employees = Integrate(employees_stream_handle)
integrated_salaries = Integrate(salaries_stream_handle)
stream_join = LiftedJoin(
print(f"ZSet stream join: {stream_join.output().latest()}")
# ZSet stream join: {(1, 'mark', '50000'): 1, (2, 'mike', '40000'): 1, (0, 'kristjan', '38750'): 1}

Now, streams. A stream is an infinite list. We say that to lift some function is to apply it element-wise to some stream. LiftedJoin in the example is join applied element-wise to two ZSet streams. The result of the stream join is then predictably the same as the regular ZSet join.

Integrate is an operator, a function whose input and output are streams, that at each time step contains the cumulative sum of all values so far.

The stream join that is depicted then yields (E + ΔE) ⨝ (S + ΔS) at each timestep.

from import Incrementalize2

incremental_stream_join = Incrementalize2(
    lambda left, right: join(left, right, join_cmp, join_projection),
print(f"Incremental ZSet stream join: {incremental_stream_join.output().latest()}")
# Incremental ZSet stream join: {(0, 'kristjan', '38750'): 1, (1, 'mark', '50000'): 1, (2, 'mike', '40000'): 1}

We can immediately make it "incremental" just by using the Incrementalize2 operator. One of its arguments is the bilinear function to incrementalize, which in our case is the ZSet join, that then automatically assembles: (ΔE) ⨝ (ΔS) + (E) ⨝ (ΔS) + (ΔE) ⨝ (S).

employees_stream.send(ZSet({(2, "mike"): -1}))
print(f"Incremental ZSet stream join update: {incremental_stream_join.output().latest()}")
# Incremental ZSet stream join update: {(2, 'mike', '40000'): -1}

Modern streaming systems often handle deletion poorly, and in many times they just don't. By using dbsp however we get this for free. If we send in a set with elements that have negative weight, this weight will "propagate" forward. In this example, by retracting mike we also retract the result of the join.

Cool! we went from batch all the way to incremental stream processing with very few lines of code.

from pydbsp.indexed_zset.functions.bilinear import join_with_index
from pydbsp.indexed_zset.operators.linear import LiftedIndex

indexer = lambda x: x[0]
index_employees = LiftedIndex(employees_stream_handle, indexer)
index_salaries = LiftedIndex(salaries_stream_handle, indexer)
incremental_sort_merge_join = Incrementalize2(index_employees.output_handle(), index_salaries.output_handle(), lambda l, r: join_with_index(l, r, join_projection), group)
print(f"Incremental indexed ZSet stream join: {incremental_sort_merge_join.output().latest()}")
# Incremental indexed ZSet stream join: {(0, 'kristjan', '38750'): 1, (1, 'mark', '50000'): 1, (2, 'mike', '40000'): 1}
print(f"Incremental ZSet stream join update: {incremental_sort_merge_join.output().latest()}")
# Incremental ZSet stream join update: {(2, 'mike', '40000'): -1}

There are multiple ways to implement joins. The three most common kinds are:

  1. Hash
  2. Nested loop
  3. Sort-merge

Adding b-tree indexes to a database table makes 3., often the most efficient, possible. Our regular_join is a nested loop join. Are we also able to somehow add "indexes" to our streams? Yes! b-tree Indexing is linear. The LiftedIndex operator "indexes" both employees and salaries sets by their first column.

from random import randrange

names = ("kristjan", "mark", "mike")
max_pay = 100000
fake_data = [((i, names[randrange(len(names))] + str(i)), (i, randrange(max_pay))) for i in range(3, 10003)]
batch_size = 500
fake_data_batches = [fake_data[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(fake_data), batch_size)]

for batch in fake_data_batches:
    employees_stream.send(ZSet({employee: 1 for employee, _ in batch}))
    salaries_stream.send(ZSet({salary: 1 for _, salary in batch}))

steps_to_take = len(fake_data_batches)

We have implemented many variations of a streaming join:

  1. Batch
  2. Incremental
  3. Incremental with indexing

Let's add one more variant, this time using pandas.

To compare all of these we will run a simple benchmark using not a lot of data. As the snippet shows, there will be 20 batches with each containing 500 employees and salaries.

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from time import time

time_start = time()
measurements = []
for _ in tqdm(range(steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    measurements.append(time() - local_time)
print(f"Time taken - on demand: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - on demand: 20.57329797744751s

Computing all 20 batches with a regular stream join took a whopping...20 seconds. Ouch. That is very slow.

I have an excuse however. The goal of the baseline ZSet implementation is to be simple to inspect and debug.

import pandas as pd

time_start = time()
pandas_measurements = []
employees_union_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'name'])
salaries_union_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'salary'])

for step in tqdm(range(steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    employees_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ employee for employee, _ in fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'name'])
    employees_union_df = pd.concat([employees_union_df, employees_batch_df], ignore_index=True)

    salaries_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ salary for _, salary in fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'salary'])
    salaries_union_df = pd.concat([salaries_union_df, salaries_batch_df], ignore_index=True)
    employees_x_salaries = pd.merge(employees_union_df, salaries_union_df, on=['id'], how='inner')
    pandas_measurements.append(time() - local_time)

print(f"Time taken - on demand with pandas: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - on demand with pandas: 0.032193899154663086s

Well, pandas blew it out of the water taking a satanic 666x less time.

time_start = time()
incremental_measurements = []
for _ in tqdm(range(steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    incremental_measurements.append(time() - local_time)
print(f"Time taken - incremental: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - incremental: 2.9529590606689453s

With the incremental variant of the stream join we get a 6.66x improvement, still 100x slower than pandas.

time_start = time()
incremental_with_index_measurements = []
for _ in tqdm(range(steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    incremental_with_index_measurements.append(time() - local_time)
print(f"Time taken - incremental with index: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - incremental with index: 0.16031384468078613s

That's it folks, indexing does make a difference. That's already more than 100 times faster than the original batch solution, with almost no change.

Now we are only down to being 5x slower than pandas (this indeed hurts to spell out) using pure python.

batch_size = 20000

lots_of_fake_data = [((i, names[randrange(len(names))] + str(i)), (i, randrange(max_pay))) for i in range(3000000)]
lots_of_fake_data_batches = [lots_of_fake_data[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(lots_of_fake_data), batch_size)]

new_pandas_measurements = []
employees_union_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'name'])
salaries_union_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['id', 'salary'])
new_steps_to_take = len(lots_of_fake_data_batches)
results_pandas = [] 

time_start = time()
for step in tqdm(range(new_steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    employees_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ employee for employee, _ in lots_of_fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'name'])
    employees_union_df = pd.concat([employees_union_df, employees_batch_df], ignore_index=True)

    salaries_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ salary for _, salary in lots_of_fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'salary'])
    salaries_union_df = pd.concat([salaries_union_df, salaries_batch_df], ignore_index=True)
    employees_x_salaries = pd.merge(employees_union_df, salaries_union_df, on='id', how='inner')
    new_pandas_measurements.append(time() - local_time)

print(f"Time taken - on demand with pandas: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - on demand with pandas: 24.699557065963745s

Let's go big. At what point does pandas start to struggle? If we shift the batch up to 20000 new employees and salaries, and push 150 of these, pandas takes around 24 seconds to churn through.

Now, for what you've been waiting for. Could we leverage pydbsp to speed this up?

from pydbsp.core import AbelianGroupOperation

class ImmutableDataframeZSet:
    def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
        if 'weight' not in df.columns:
            raise ValueError("DataFrame must have a 'weight' column")
        self.inner: List[pd.DataFrame] = [df[df['weight'] != 0]]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.inner.__repr__()

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, ImmutableDataframeZSet):
            return False
        if len(self.inner) != len(other.inner):
            return False
        return all(df1 is df2 for df1, df2 in zip(self.inner, other.inner))

The first step is to define a pandas-backed ZSet. This is quite straightforward. Let's consider all pandas dataframes with a weight column to be ZSets.

Next, since we are only interested in linear or bilinear functions, let's never concatenate dataframes. This is okay because once again, they distribute over addition.

class ImmutableDataframeZSetAddition(AbelianGroupOperation[ImmutableDataframeZSet]):
    def add(self, a: ImmutableDataframeZSet, b: ImmutableDataframeZSet) -> ImmutableDataframeZSet:
        result = ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(columns=a.inner[0].columns))
        result.inner = a.inner + b.inner
        return result

    def neg(self, a: ImmutableDataframeZSet) -> ImmutableDataframeZSet:
        result = ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(columns=a.inner[0].columns))
        result.inner = [df.assign(weight=lambda x: -x.weight) for df in a.inner]
        return result

    def identity(self) -> ImmutableDataframeZSet:
        return ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(columns=['weight']))

Addition is simple and very lightweight. We can "add" two pandas-backed ZSets by contatenating their dataframe lists. That's it.

def join_dfs(
    left_df: pd.DataFrame,
    right_df: pd.DataFrame,
    join_columns: List[str]
    if left_df.empty or right_df.empty:
        return pd.DataFrame()
    joined = pd.merge(left_df, right_df, on=join_columns, how='inner', suffixes=('_left', '_right'))
    joined['weight'] = joined['weight_left'] * joined['weight_right']
    joined = joined.drop(['weight_left', 'weight_right'], axis=1)

    return joined
def immutable_dataframe_zset_join(
    left_zset: ImmutableDataframeZSet,
    right_zset: ImmutableDataframeZSet,
    join_columns: List[str]
) -> ImmutableDataframeZSet:
    join_tasks = [(left_df, right_df, join_columns) 
                  for left_df in left_zset.inner 
                  for right_df in right_zset.inner]

    result_dfs = [ join_dfs(left, right, join_columns) for left, right, join_columns in join_tasks ]

    non_empty_dfs = [df for df in result_dfs if not df.empty]

    if not non_empty_dfs:
        return immutable_df_abelian_group.identity()

    result = ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(columns=non_empty_dfs[0].columns))
    result.inner = non_empty_dfs
    return result

Now here is where the speedup is visible.

To join two pandas-backed ZSets, we can simply join every single dataframe from the left side, with the right side. Remember, join distributes over addition!

employees_with_weight = [ employee + (1,) for employee in employees ]
salaries_with_weight = [ salary + (1,) for salary in salaries ]  

employees_pandas_zset = ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(employees_with_weight, columns=['id', 'name', 'weight']))
salaries_pandas_zset = ImmutableDataframeZSet(pd.DataFrame(salaries_with_weight , columns=['id', 'salary', 'weight']))

print(immutable_dataframe_zset_join(employees_pandas_zset, salaries_pandas_zset, 'id'))
# [   id      name salary  weight
# 0   0  kristjan  38750       1
# 1   1      mark  50000       1
# 2   2      mike  40000       1]

Seems like it works!

employees_dfs_stream = Stream(immutable_df_abelian_group)
employees_dfs_stream_handle = StreamHandle(lambda: employees_dfs_stream)

salaries_dfs_stream = Stream(immutable_df_abelian_group)
salaries_dfs_stream_handle = StreamHandle(lambda: salaries_dfs_stream)

incremental_pandas_join = Incrementalize2(employees_dfs_stream_handle, salaries_dfs_stream_handle, lambda l, r: immutable_dataframe_zset_join(l, r, ['id']), immutable_df_abelian_group)
incremental_pandas_measurements = []
time_start = time()
for step in tqdm(range(new_steps_to_take)):
    local_time = time()
    employees_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ employee + (1,) for employee, _ in lots_of_fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'name', 'weight'])
    salaries_batch_df = pd.DataFrame([ salary + (1,) for _, salary in lots_of_fake_data_batches[step] ], columns=['id', 'salary', 'weight'])
    incremental_pandas_measurements.append(time() - local_time)
print(f"Time taken - incremental: {time() - time_start}s")
# Time taken - incremental: 14.954236268997192s

Amazing! we did indeed get an almost 2x speedup. Definitely less dramatic than the previous ones, but a significant one nonetheless.

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pydbsp-0.5.0.tar.gz (339.4 kB view hashes)

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pydbsp-0.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (344.0 kB view hashes)

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