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pyfca - python formal concept analysis

Project description


Python Formal Concept Analysis (`FCA`_).

The purpose is to collect algoritms for FCA.


So far:

lattice construction:

- AddIntent

implications basis:

- Koenig

lattice drawing:

- create lattice diagram and output in

- svg
- tkinter


- Create a basic lattice data structure:

- Merge existing sources available online.

Lattice construction:

- FCbO
- InClose2
- ...

Implications basis:

- Closure
- LinClosure
- Wild's Closure
- ...

.. _`FCA`:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8



It can be used to create a concept lattice and to draw it either using tkinter() or svg().

.. code::

import pyfca
fca = pyfca.Lattice([{1,2},{2},{1,3}])
diagram = pyfca.LatticeDiagram(fca,4*297,4*210)
import cairosvg
cairosvg.svg2png(url="file:///<path to tmp.svg>", write_to='tmp.png')

The ``AddIntent`` algorithm is from the paper:

AddIntent: A New Incremental Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattices

The lattice drawing algorithm is from:

`Galicia <>`_


TODO: integrate NextConcept and Neighbors

#A=Attribute, O=Object, C=Concept
#Aset is a list of attribute sets (i.e. objects)


Os=list(range(1,len(Asets)+1))#=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

As=[elem for elem in reduce(lambda x,y:x|y,Asets)]
#=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

def A2O(Aset):
return set([Os[i] for i in range(len(Asets)) if Aset<=Asets[i]])

Osets=[A2O(set([s])) for s in As]

def O2A(Oset):
return set([As[i] for i in range(len(Osets)) if Oset<=Osets[i]])

def AA(Aset):
return O2A(A2O(Aset))

def OO(Oset):
return A2O(O2A(Oset))

def AC(Aset):
return (oo,O2A(oo))

def OC(Oset):
return (A2O(aa),aa)

def NextConcept(Oset):
"""NextConcept by Ganter (from lindig-a4.pdf)
Flaw: same concept is computed more times

>>> [(o,O2A(o)) for o in NextConcept(set([]))]#object and attributes
[({5}, {2, 5, 6}), ({4}, {1, 4, 7}), ({2}, {2, 3, 6}), ({2, 5}, {2, 6}), ({1, 3}, {4, 6, 7}), ({1, 3, 4}, {4, 7}), ({1, 2, 3, 5}, {6}), ({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, set())]

Oseti=[Os.index(o) for o in Oset]
for ii in reversed(range(len(Os))):
if Os[ii] not in Oset:
Oset1i=[i for i in Oseti if i<ii]
Osetp=OO(set([Os[i] for i in (Oset1i+[ii])]))
Osetpi=[i for i in [Os.index(o) for o in Osetp] if i<ii]
lecticGT=((len(Oset1i)==len(Osetpi)) and
reduce(lambda x,y:x and y,[a==b for a,b in zip(Oset1i,Osetpi)],True))
if lecticGT:
yield Osetp
for n in NextConcept(Osetp):
yield n

def Neighbors(aCOset):
""" Lattice and Neighbors by Lindig (iccs-lindig.pdf)
Principle: Only upper neighbors have (Auy)''=(Aug)''
such that one y of the equivalence class satisfies "if .." below.
Flaw: same concept is computed more times

>>> Neighbors(set([1,3]))
[{1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}]

oTests=[o for o in Os if o not in aCOset]
for a in oTests:
if (minos & (neighb-aCOset-gSet))==set([]):
return neighbors

def Lattice():
"""L is unsorted list
Lindex is used to find the index of a concept in L
L[i][0] is the concept's extent, L[i][1] and L[i][2] are indices to the upper and lower neighbors

>>> [o for o,u,l in Lattice()[0]]
[set(), {2}, {1, 3}, {4}, {5}, {2, 5}, {1, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}]

while True:
for x in Neighbors(c[0]):
if (ix==len(L)):
if icurrent==len(L):
return (L,Lindex)


# pylint: disable=I0011,C0103
# pylint: disable=I0011,C0111
# pylint: disable=I0011,R0913
# pylint: disable=I0011,R0903
# pylint: disable=I0011,R0902
# pylint: disable=I0011,R0901
# pylint: disable=I0011,W0401
# pylint: disable=I0011,R0201

from functools import reduce
import svgwrite
from tkinter import *

class LatticeNode:

Node used in Lattice

def __init__(self, index, up, down, attributes, objects, object_index):
self.intent = attributes
self.object = objects
self.object_index = object_index
self.up = up
self.down = down
self.index = index
self.weight = 1

def __str__(self):
return str([self.index, self.weight, self.intent, self.up, self.down])

def __repr__(self):
return repr([self.index, self.weight, self.intent, self.up, self.down])

class Lattice:

"""Lattice is an unsorted list of LatticeNode entries
>>> Lattice([{1,2},{2},{1,3}],lambda x:x)
<Lattice with nodes [[0, 1, {1, 2, 3}, {2, 5}, set()],
[1, 4, set(), set(), {3, 4}],
[2, 2, {1, 2}, {3, 4}, {0}],
[3, 2, {2}, {1}, {2}],
[4, 3, {1}, {1}, {2, 5}], [5, 2, {1, 3}, {4}, {0}]]>


def __init__(self, objects, attribute_extractor=lambda x:x):
self.attribute_extractor = attribute_extractor
self.objects = objects
self.ASets = [set(self.attribute_extractor(oo)) for oo in self.objects]
self.Asequence = [
elem for elem in reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, self.ASets)]
# initial nodes are bottom and top
self.nodes = [LatticeNode(0, set([1]), set(), set(
self.Asequence), None, -1), LatticeNode(1, set(), set([0]), set(), None, -1)]
self.itop = 1 # if itop is not added here, there won't be any top
self.ibottom = 0
sai = self._sorted_aset_index()
for i in sai:
self.AddIntent(self.ASets[i], i, self.ibottom)
self.path = []
# calc weights

def inc_weight(n):
n.weight += 1
self.traverse_up(lambda p: inc_weight(p[-1]))

def __str__(self):
return str(self.nodes)

def __repr__(self):
return '<Lattice with nodes ' + repr(self.nodes) + '>'

def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.nodes[key]

def sort_by_weight(self, indices):
bw = list(indices)
bw.sort(key=lambda x: self.nodes[x].weight)
return bw

def traverse_down(self, visit, node=None):
if node == None:
node = self.nodes[self.itop]
for t in self.sort_by_weight(node.down):
if t == 0:
nextnode = self.nodes[t]
self.traverse_down(visit, nextnode)
del self.path[-1]

def traverse_up(self, visit, node=None):
if node == None:
node = self.nodes[self.ibottom]
for t in node.up:
if t == 0:
nextnode = self.nodes[t]
self.traverse_up(visit, nextnode)
del self.path[-1]

def _sorted_aset_index(self):
a_i = {}
for a in self.Asequence:
a_i[a] = [i for i in range(len(self.ASets)) if a in self.ASets[i]]
self.Asequence.sort(key=lambda x: len(a_i[x]))
done = set()
index = []
for a in self.Asequence:
new = set(a_i[a]) - done
done |= new
index += list(new)
return index

def _get_maximal_concept(self, intent, gen_index):
parentIsMaximal = True
while parentIsMaximal:
parentIsMaximal = False
Parents = self.nodes[gen_index].up
for Parent in Parents:
if intent <= self.nodes[Parent].intent:
gen_index = Parent
parentIsMaximal = True
return gen_index

def AddIntent(self, intent, oi, gen_index):
gen_index = self._get_maximal_concept(intent, gen_index)
if self.nodes[gen_index].intent == intent:
if oi > -1:
self.nodes[gen_index].object = self.objects[oi]
return gen_index
GeneratorParents = self.nodes[gen_index].up
NewParents = []
for Parent in GeneratorParents: # Ic&Ii != 0 | Ic&Ii == 0
if not self.nodes[Parent].intent < intent:
nextIntent = self.nodes[Parent].intent & intent
# if Ic&Ii=0, then top is returned. This could go easier
Parent = self.AddIntent(nextIntent, -1, Parent)
addParent = True
for i in range(len(NewParents)):
if NewParents[i] == -1:
if self.nodes[Parent].intent <= self.nodes[NewParents[i]].intent:
addParent = False
if self.nodes[NewParents[i]].intent <= self.nodes[Parent].intent:
NewParents[i] = -1
if addParent:
NewParents += [Parent]
# NewConcept = (gen_index.intent, intent ), but here only intent set
NewConcept = len(self.nodes)
oo = None
if oi > -1:
oo = self.objects[oi]
self.nodes += [LatticeNode(NewConcept, set(), set(), intent, oo, oi)]
for Parent in NewParents:
if Parent == -1:
#RemoveLink(Parent, gen_index, self.nodes )
self.nodes[Parent].down -= set([gen_index])
self.nodes[gen_index].up -= set([Parent])
#SetLink(Parent, NewConcept, self.nodes )
self.nodes[Parent].down |= set([NewConcept])
self.nodes[NewConcept].up |= set([Parent])
#SetLink(NewConcept, gen_index, self.nodes )
self.nodes[NewConcept].down |= set([gen_index])
self.nodes[gen_index].up |= set([NewConcept])
return NewConcept

class TkinterCanvas(Frame):

def __init__(self, lattice_diagram):
Frame.__init__(self, master=None)
self.lattice_diagram = lattice_diagram
Pack.config(self, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
self.scale = 1.0

def Btn1Up(self, event):
if self.scale < 1.0:
self.scale = 1.1 / self.scale
self.scale = self.scale * 1.1
'scale', event.x, event.y, self.scale, self.scale)

def Btn3Up(self, event):
if self.scale > 1.0:
self.scale = 1.1 / self.scale
self.scale = self.scale / 1.1
'scale', event.x, event.y, self.scale, self.scale)

def makeCanvas(self):
scrW = self.winfo_screenwidth()
scrH = self.winfo_screenheight()
self.canvas = Canvas(self, height=scrH, width=scrW, bg='white', cursor="crosshair",
scrollregion=('-50c', '-50c', "50c", "50c"))
self.hscroll = Scrollbar(
self, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=self.canvas.xview)
self.vscroll = Scrollbar(
self, orient=VERTICAL, command=self.canvas.yview)
xscrollcommand=self.hscroll.set, yscrollcommand=self.vscroll.set)
self.hscroll.pack(side=BOTTOM, anchor=S, fill=X, expand=YES)
self.vscroll.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E, fill=Y, expand=YES)
self.canvas.pack(anchor=NW, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
Widget.bind(self.canvas, "<Button1-ButtonRelease>", self.Btn1Up)
Widget.bind(self.canvas, "<Button3-ButtonRelease>", self.Btn3Up)

def drawit(self,):
for an in self.lattice_diagram.lattice:
gn = [self.lattice_diagram.lattice[i] for i in an.down]
for ag in gn:
an.x, an.y + an.h / 2, ag.x, ag.y + an.h / 2, tags='scale')
for an in self.lattice_diagram.lattice:
an.x - an.w / 2, an.y, an.x + an.w / 2, an.y + an.h,
fill="yellow", tags='scale')
an.x, an.y + 3 * an.h / 4, fill="black",
text=','.join([str(l) for l in an.intent if l]), tags='scale')

class LatticeDiagram:

''' format and draw a Lattice
>>> src=[ [1,2], [1,3], [1,4] ]
>>> lattice = Lattice(src,lambda x:set(x))
>>> ld = LatticeDiagram(lattice,400,400)
>>> #display using tkinter
>>> ld.tkinter()
>>> mainloop()
>>> ld.svg().saveas('tmp.svg')

def __init__(self, lattice, page_w, page_h):
w = page_w
h = page_h
self.lattice = lattice
self.border = (h + w) // 20
self.w = w - 2 * self.border
self.h = h - 2 * self.border = self.border
self.dw = w
self.dh = h
self.topnode = self.lattice[self.lattice.itop]
self.nlevels = 0
for n in self.lattice:
n.level = -1
self.topnode.level = 0
self.find_levels(self.topnode,, 0)
self.setPos(self.topnode, self.xcenter,, self.dw, self.dh)

def setPos(self, node, x, y, w, h):
node.x = x
node.y = y
node.w = w
node.h = h

def make(self):
for n in self.lattice:
n.level = -1
self.topnode.level = 0
self.find_levels(self.topnode,, 0)
h = - 3 * self.dh
for level in self.levels:
h += 3 * self.dh
for n in level:
self.setPos(n, 0, h, self.dw, self.dh)

def find_levels(self, node, ystart, y):
h = 3 * self.dh + ystart
y += 1
if len(node.down) == 0:
self.nlevels = y
for i in node.down:
child = self.lattice[i]
if child.level < y:
self.setPos(child, 0, h, self.dw, self.dh)
child.level = y
self.find_levels(child, h, y)

def fill_levels(self):
self.levels = []
self.dh = self.h / (3 * self.nlevels)
self.nmaxlevel = 0
for i in range(self.nlevels):
level = [n for n in self.lattice if n.level == i]
if len(level) > self.nmaxlevel:
self.nmaxlevel = len(level)
self.dw = self.w / (2 * self.nmaxlevel - 1)
self.xcenter = self.w + self.border

def horizontal_align(self, center):
pX = 0
for level in self.levels:
llen = len(level)
if (llen % 2) == 0:
pX = center - llen * self.dw + self.dw / 2
pX = center - llen * self.dw - self.dw / 2
for n in level:
self.setPos(n, pX, n.y, self.dw, self.dh)
pX += 2 * self.dw
self.minCrossing(level, False)
for level in self.levels:
self.minCrossing(level, True)

def minCrossing(self, level, forChildren):
#test = False
nbTotal = 0
nbCrossing1 = 0
nbCrossing2 = 0
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(level):
#if test:
# i = 0
#test = False
node1 = level[i]
j = i + 1
while j < len(level):
node2 = level[j]
nbCrossing1 = self.nbCrossing(node1.up, node2.up)
nbCrossing2 = self.nbCrossing(node2.up, node1.up)
if forChildren:
nbCrossing1 += self.nbCrossing(node1.down, node2.down)
nbCrossing2 += self.nbCrossing(node2.down, node1.down)
if nbCrossing1 > nbCrossing2:
self.swap(level, i, j)
nbTotal += nbCrossing2
#test = True
nbTotal += nbCrossing1
j += 1
i += 1
return nbTotal

def swap(self, v, i, j):
node1 = v[i]
node2 = v[j]
v[i] = node2
x = node2.x
node2.x = node1.x
v[j] = node1
node1.x = x

def nbCrossing(self, v1, v2):
nbCrossing = 0
for in1 in v1:
n1 = self.lattice[in1]
for in2 in v2:
n2 = self.lattice[in2]
if n1.x > n2.x:
nbCrossing += 1
return nbCrossing

def svg(self,filename=None,target="",drawnode=None):
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(filename, width="210mm", height="297mm")
xm,ym = 0,0
xn,yn = sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize
def _drawnode(canvas,node,parent,c,r):
if drawnode is None:
drawnode = _drawnode
for n in self.lattice:
gn = [self.lattice[i] for i in n.down]
for ag in gn:
dwg.add(dwg.line((n.x,n.y+n.h/2), (ag.x,ag.y+n.h/2), stroke='black'))
for n in self.lattice:
if target:
link = dwg.add(dwg.a(target+str(n.index),target='_top'))
shape = drawnode(dwg,n,link,(n.x,n.y+n.h/2),2*min(n.w,n.h)/3)
shape = drawnode(dwg,n,dwg,(n.x,n.y+n.h/2),2*min(n.w,n.h)/3)
if n.x+n.w/2>xm:
xm = n.x+n.w/2
if n.y+n.h>ym:
ym = n.y+n.h
if n.x-n.w/2<xn:
xn = n.x-n.w/2
if n.y<yn:
yn = n.y
return dwg

def tkinter(self):
return TkinterCanvas(self)

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8



This uses the python int as a bit field to store the FCA context.

See this `blog`_ for more.

.. _`blog`:


from math import trunc, log2
from functools import reduce
from itertools import tee
from collections import defaultdict

def istr(i,b,w,c="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
return ((w<=0 and i==0) and " ") or (istr(i//b, b, w-1, c).lstrip() + c[i%b])
digitat = lambda i,a,b: int(istr(i,b,a+1)[-a],b)
digitat2 = lambda i,a: (i>>a)&1
horizontally = lambda K1,K2,b,w1,w2: [int(s,b) for s in [istr(k1,b,w1)+istr(k2,b,w2) for k1,k2 in zip(K1,K2)]]
horizontally2 = lambda K1,K2,w1,w2: [(k1<<w2)|k2 for k1,k2 in zip(K1,K2)]
vertically2 = vertically = lambda K1,K2: K1+K2

Lwidth = Hwidth = lambda n: 3**n
def L(g,i):
"""recursively constructs L line for g; i = len(g)-1"""
g1 = g&(2**i)
if i:
n = Lwidth(i)
Ln = L(g,i-1)
if g1:
return Ln<<(2*n) | Ln<<n | Ln
return int('1'*n,2)<<(2*n) | Ln<<n | Ln
if g1:
return int('000',2)
return int('100',2)
def H(g,i):
"""recursively constructs H line for g; i = len(g)-1"""
g1 = g&(2**i)
if i:
n = Hwidth(i)
Hn = H(g,i)
if g1:
return Hn<<(2*n) | Hn<<n | Hn
return int('1'*n,2)<<(2*n) | L(g,i)<<n | Hn
if g1:
return int('111',2)
return int('101',2)

def UV_H(Hg,gw):
Constructs implications and intents based on H
gw = g width
Hg = H(g), g is the binary coding of the attribute set
UV = all non-trivial (!V⊂U) implications U->V with UuV closed; in ternary coding (1=V,2=U)
K = all closed sets
lefts = set()
K = []
UV = []
p = Hwidth(gw)
pp = 2**p
while p:
pp = pp>>1
p = p-1
if Hg&pp:
y = istr(p,3,gw)
yy = y.replace('1','0')
if yy not in lefts:
if y.find('1') == -1:#y∈{0,2}^n
return (UV,K)

Awidth = lambda n: 2**n
def A(g,i):
"""recursively constructs A line for g; i = len(g)-1"""
g1 = g&(2**i)
if i:
n = Awidth(i)
An = A(g,i-1)
if g1:
return An<<n | An
return int('1'*n,2)<<n | An
if g1:
return int('00',2)
return int('10',2)
Bwidth = lambda n:n*2**(n-1)
def B(g,i):
"""recursively constructs B line for g; i = len(g)-1"""
g1 = g&(2**i)
if i:
nA = Awidth(i)
nB = Bwidth(i)
Bn = B(g,i)
if g1:
return Bn << (nA+nB) | int('1'*nA,2) << nB | Bn
return int('1'*nB,2) << (nA+nB) | A(g,i) << nB | Bn
if g1:
return 1
return 0

def A012(t,i):
if i<0:
return ""
nA = Awidth(i)
if t < nA:
return "0"+A012(t,i-1)
return "2"+A012(t-nA,i-1)
def B012(t,i):
Constructs ternary implication coding (0=not there, 2=U, 1=V)
t is B column position
i = |M|-1 to 0
if not i:
return "1"
nA = Awidth(i)
nB = Bwidth(i)
nBB = nB + nA
if t < nB:
return "0"+B012(t,i-1)
elif t < nBB:
return "1"+A012(t-nB,i-1)
return "2"+B012(t-nBB,i-1)

def UV_B(Bg,gw):
returns the implications UV based on B
Bg = B(g), g∈2^M
gw = |M|, M is the set of all attributes
UV = []
p = Bwidth(gw)
pp = 2**p
while p:
pp = pp>>1
p = p-1
if Bg&pp:
uv = B012(p,gw-1)
return UV

def omega(imps):
Calculates a measure for the size of the implication basis: \sum |U||V|
if isinstance(imps,v_Us_dict):
return sum([omega(V) for U,V in imps.items()])#|V|=1
if isinstance(imps,list):
return sum([omega(x) for x in imps])
if isinstance(imps,str):
#imps = due[-1]
U,V = imps.split("->")
Us = U.split(",") if "," in U else U.split()
Vs = V.split(",") if "," in V else V.split()
res = len(Us)*len(Vs)
return res
return 0
if isinstance(imps,int):
res = len([x for x in b if x=='1'])
return res

class v_Us_dict(defaultdict):
In an implication U→u, u is the significant component.
U is coded as int.
u is the bit column of the implication's conclusion.
def __init__(self,Bg,gw):
returns the implications {v:Us} based on B
v is the significant component
Bg = B(g), g∈2^M
gw = |M|, M is the set of all attributes
self.width = gw
if isinstance(Bg,int):
p = Bwidth(gw)
pp = 2**p
while p:
pp = pp>>1
p = p-1
if Bg&pp:
uv = B012(p,gw-1)
#let's find minima regarding product order
v = uv.find('1')#v=significant
u = uv[:v]+'0'+uv[v+1:]
u = int(u.replace('2','1'),2)
Umin_s = self[gw-v-1]#bit position from right
it = [i for i,U in enumerate(Umin_s) if U&u==u]
for i in reversed(it):
del Umin_s[i]
elif isinstance(Bg,list):
for k,v in Bg:
assert isinstance(v,list)
self[k] += v
def __eq__(self, other):
if len(self) != len(other):
return False
for v,U in self.items():
if v not in other:
return False
Uo = other[v]
if not set(Uo)==set(U):
return False
return True
def Code012(self):
for v,Us in self.items():
vleft = self.width - v - 1
for u in Us:
b = bin(u)[2:]
w0 = self.width-len(b)
c01 = '0'*w0+b
c01 = c01.replace('1','2')
c01 = c01[:vleft]+'1'+c01[vleft+1:]
yield c01
def __str__(self):
return defaultdict.__str__(self).replace('defaultdict','v_Us_dict')
def __len__(self):
return sum((len(x) for x in self.values()))
def flatten(self):
for v,Us in self.items():
for u in Us:
yield (v,u)
def __add__(self, other):
res = v_Us_dict([],self.width)
if isinstance(other,tuple):
other = {other[0]:[other[1]]}
keys = set(self)|set(other)
for v in keys:
t = set()
if v in self:
t |= set(self[v])
if v in other:
t |= set(other[v])
if t:
res[v] = list(t)
return res
def __sub__(self, other):
res = v_Us_dict([],self.width)
for v,U in self.items():
r = list(set(U) - set(other[v]))
if r:
res[v] = r
return res
def __mul__(self, other):
This is the o operation in [1]_, that represents the 3rd Armstrong rule.
It returns combinations for i‡j: (i,u1|u2) or (j,u1|u2),
res = v_Us_dict([],self.width)
if id(self)==id(other):
s = iter(self.items())
while True:
v1, us1 = next(s)
vv1 = 2**v1
s, ss = tee(s)#remember s and iterate with copy ss
while True:
v2, us2 = next(ss)
vv2 = 2**v2
for u1 in us1:
for u2 in us2:
if vv2&u1 and not vv1&u2:
elif vv1&u2 and not vv2&u1:
except StopIteration:
except StopIteration:
for v1,us1 in self.items():
vv1 = 2**v1
for v2,us2 in other.items():
vv2 = 2**v2
if v1 != v2:
for u1 in us1:
for u2 in us2:
if vv2&u1 and not vv1&u2:
elif vv1&u2 and not vv2&u1:
for v,U in res.items():
res[v] = list(set(U))#remove duplicates
return res
def __invert__(self):
U->v generated from L=∪ min L_i via the 3rd Armstrong rule
Note, that this can become bigger than L.
Y = self
Yn = Y*Y
while True:
YnplusY = Yn+Y
Yg = Yn*YnplusY
#YgenNotInL = Yg - L
#YgenInL = Yg - YgenNotInL
#Yn1 = Yn + YgenInL
Yn1 = Yn + Yg
if Yn1 == Yn:
Yn = Yn1
return Yn
def __pow__(self, other):
'other' is a (v,u) couple
generates U->v involving 'other'
#other = (0,64)
Y = self
Z = v_Us_dict({other[0]:[other[1]]},self.width)
Yn = Y*Z
while True:
YnplusY = Yn+Y
Yg = Z*YnplusY
#this does not work for test_basis1
#YnplusZ = Yn+Z
#Yg = YnplusZ*YnplusY
Yn1 = Yn + Yg
if Yn1 == Yn:
Yn = Yn1
return Yn
def koenig(self):
This needs to be L = contextg.v_Us_B()
L = self
Y = L - (L*L)
while True:
Ybar = Y + ~Y
take = L - Ybar
if not len(take):
return Y
ZZ = list(set(take)-set(Y))#use significant which is not in Y
if len(ZZ) > 0:
v = ZZ[0]
z = next(take.flatten())
Yzgen = Y**z
Y = (Y - Yzgen) + z #Yn+1
#Lost = Ybar - (Y + ~Y)
#assert len(Lost) == 0

def respects(g,imp):
g is an int, where each bit is an attribute
implication UV is ternary coded 1 = ∈V, 2 = ∈U, 0 otherwise
g and UV have the same number of digits
if isinstance(g,str):
g = int(g,2)
if isinstance(imp,int):
imp = istr(imp,3,g.bit_length())
V = int(imp.replace('1','2').replace('2','1'),2)
U = int(imp.replace('1','0').replace('2','1'),2)
ginU = U&g == U
ginV = V&g == V
return not ginU or ginV

class Context(list):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Context can be initialized with

- a rectangular text block of 0s and 1s
- a list of ints and a "width" keyword argument.

A "mapping" keyword argument as list associates the bits with objects of any kind.
if isinstance(args[0],str):
lines = [s.strip() for s in args[0].splitlines() if s.strip()]
linelens = [len(tt) for tt in lines]
self.width = linelens[0]
samelen = linelens.count(linelens[0])==len(linelens)
assert samelen, "Context needs all lines to be of same number of 0s and 1s"
super().__init__([int(s,2) for s in lines])
self.width = kwargs['width']
self.mapping = kwargs['mapping']
self.mapping = [i for i in range(self.width)]
def __add__(self, other):
c = Context(list.__add__(self,other),width=self.width)
return c
def __sub__(self, other):
c = Context(horizontally2(self,other,self.width,other.width),width=self.width+other.width)
return c
def column(self, i):
"""from right"""
return ''.join([str(digitat2(r,i)) for r in self])
def row(self, i):
r = istr(self[i],2,self.width)
except IndexError:
r = '0'*self.width
return r
def __getitem__(self,xy):
if isinstance(xy,tuple):
return digitat2(list.__getitem__(self,xy[0]),xy[1])
return list.__getitem__(self,xy)
def transpose(self):
cs='\n'.join([self.column(i) for i in reversed(range(self.width))])
return Context(cs)
def __str__(self):
rs='\n'.join([self.row(i) for i in range(len(self))])
return rs
def size(self):
return self.width, len(self)
def UV_H(self):
UV = all non-trivial (!V⊂U) implications U->V with UuV closed; in ternary coding (1=V,2=U)
K = all closed sets

This is UV_H function, but the returned implications are respected by all attribute sets of this context.
This corresponds to a multiplication or & operation of the Hg sets.
h = reduce(lambda x,y:x&y,(H(g,self.width-1) for g in self))
return UV_H(h, self.width)
def UV_B(self):
returns UV = all respected U->Ux in ternary coding (1=V,2=U)
h = reduce(lambda x,y:x&y,(B(g,self.width-1) for g in self))
return UV_B(h, self.width)
def v_Us_B(self):
returns the implications {v:Us} based on B
This is L=∪ min L_i in [1]_
Bg = reduce(lambda x,y:x&y,(B(g,self.width-1) for g in self))
gw = self.width
return v_Us_dict(Bg, gw)
def respects(self, implications):
if isinstance(implications,v_Us_dict):
implications = implications.Code012()
for g in self:
for i in implications:
if not respects(g,i):
return False
return True
def __call__(self, intOrCode012, right = None):
mapping from bits to attributes using mapping (which defaults to ints)

- right, if available, is the conclusion of the implication; used if intOrCode012 is int
if isinstance(intOrCode012,v_Us_dict):
return frozenset(self(x,right=i) for i,x in intOrCode012.items())
if isinstance(intOrCode012,list):
return frozenset(self(x,right=right) for x in intOrCode012)
if isinstance(intOrCode012,int):
res = []
pp = 1
for pos in range(self.width):
if intOrCode012&pp:
pp = pp*2
if right != None:
return (frozenset(res),frozenset([self.mapping[-right-1]]))
return frozenset(res)
if isinstance(intOrCode012,str):
left = []
right = []
for pos in range(self.width):
if intOrCode012[pos] == '2':
elif intOrCode012[pos] == '1':
if left:
if right:
return (frozenset(left),frozenset(right))
return frozenset(left)
return frozenset(right)

C = Context

def C1(w,h):
return Context('\n'.join(['1'*w]*h))
def C0(w,h):
return Context('\n'.join(['0'*w]*h))

#HH, LL, BB, AA are `\mathbb{H}`, `\mathbb{L}`, `\mathbb{B}`, `\mathbb{A}` from [1]_.
#They are not needed to construct the implication basis.
def LL(n):
"""constructs the LL context"""
if (n<=0):return Context('0')
r1 = C1(3**(n-1),2**(n-1)) - LL1 - LL1
r2 = LL1 - LL1 - LL1
return r1 + r2
def HH(n):
"""constructs the HH context"""
if (n<=0):return Context('1')
r1 = C1(3**(n-1),2**(n-1)) - LL1 - HH1
r2 = HH1 - HH1 - HH1
return r1 + r2

def AA(n):
"""constructs the AA context"""
if (n<=1):return Context('10\n00')
r1 = C1(2**(n-1),2**(n-1)) - AA1
r2 = AA1 - AA1
return r1 + r2
def BB(n):
"""constructs the BB context"""
if (n<=1):return Context('0\n1')
r1 = C1((n-1)*2**(n-2),2**(n-1)) - AA1 - BB1
r2 = BB1 - C1(2**(n-1),2**(n-1)) - BB1;
return r1 + r2

#.. _[1]:
# `Endliche Hüllensysteme und ihre Implikationenbasen <>`_ by Roman König.

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