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Utilities for data manipulation including creation of DAGs and tables

Project description


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pyg-cell is a light-weight framework for constructing calculation graphs in Python. There are a few open-source data/etl pipelines frameworks: Luigi ( and Airflow ( There are also various financial data models such as JP Morgan Athena ( BAML's Quartz and Goldman's SecDB, the daddy of all calculation graphs. A version of these is available commercially by Beacon ( In the open source community there is the excellent Tributary (, the streaming Streamz ( or the off-beat MDF (, These are broadly designed for creating an in-memory streaming graph.

pyg-cell is again a data model creation library but has a few features that make it more useful if you are building an industry-grade application:

  • incredibly flexible and yet entirely boiler-plate free. No special operators, function registration or indeed any overheads.
  • Using pyg-sql and pyg-mongo to implement a flexible and powerfull a full-audit persistency to both SQL, MongoDB and parquet/npy/pickle files.
  • supports functions that returns multiple values
  • supports self-referencing in graphs: a node that takes its own output(s) as input(s)
  • easy to control scheduling logic

If you have used any of the data models libraries above, you will quickly see that pyg-cell is just much easier to use.

Example: The cell

    >>> from pyg_base import * 
    >>> from pyg_sql import * 
    >>> from pyg_cell import * 
    >>> import datetime

Here is a simple function:

    >>> def f(a, b):
    >>>     return a + b

    >>> def sum_a_list(values):
    >>>     return sum(values, 0)
    >>> c = f(a = 1, b = 2)
    >>> d = f(a = c, b = c)
    >>> e = f(a = c, b = d)
    >>> cde = sum_a_list(values = [c,d,e])
    >>> assert e == 9
    >>> assert cde == 18

The cell version looks like this:

    >>> c = cell(f, a = 1, b = 2)()  ##  we call the cell to evaluate it
    >>> d = cell(f, a = c, b = c)()
    >>> e = cell(f, a = c, b = d)()
    >>> cde = cell(sum_a_list, values = [c,d,e])()
    >>> assert == 9
    >>> assert == 18

    >>> c

        <function f at 0x000002A74AE0DE50>
        3                               ## by default, output is in 'data' key
        2023-01-24 18:26:04.951482     ## last calculated

Note that we didn't need to declare, not wrap nor modify f to take a cell as an input. sum_a_list also works out-of-the-box, happy to take a list of cells as an input. This is all done behind the scene to keep the API simple: in many frameworks, you need to reformulate the function for a specific shape of inputs to be able to include it in the graph.

The cell also support args and kwargs in the function definition so for example:

    >>> def sum_params(*params):
    >>>     return sum(params, 0)
    >>> assert cell(sum_params, params = [c,d,e])().data == 18

    >>> def sum_of_keywords(**keywords):
    >>>     return sum(keywords.values())
    >>> assert cell(sum_of_keywords, keywords = dict(c=3,d=d,e=e))().data == 18

Example: The in-memory graph

A cell is not part of a graph until we decide the primary keys we will use to save it in the graph. Rather than pre-decide what the "key" is, pyg-cell allows you to specify your own primary keys. You then you need to provide these keys:

    >>> c = cell(f, a = 1, b = 2, pk = 'key', key = 'c')()
    >>> d = cell(f, a = c, b = c, pk = ['name', 'surname'], name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()
    >>> e = cell(f, a = c, b = d, pk = ['exchange', 'stock', 'item'], exchange = 'NYSE', stock = 'AAPL', item = 'price')()

Here is what the log looks like:

    2023-01-25 15:33:19,302 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(key = 'c')()
    2023-01-25 15:33:19,311 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()
    2023-01-25 15:33:19,320 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(exchange = 'NYSE', item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')()  

In fact, the log is now executable:

    >>> get_cell(key = 'c')()
        <function f at 0x000002A74AE0DE50>
        2023-01-24 18:34:47.983135

This is incredibly useful when debugging: a program will run and the last cell to fail will be instantly obvious. If you want just the data, the data is available based on the primary keys provided:

    >>> assert get_data(key = 'c') == 3

Example: Cell persistency in a database

The db_cell/document will be stored in a document store. You can choose either a MongoDB (using pyg_mongo) or MS SQL database (pyg_sql)

    >>> from pyg_sql import sql_table
    >>> server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF'
    >>> db = partial(sql_table, server = server, db = 'test_db', table = 'people', schema = 'dbo', pk = ['name', 'surname'], doc = True) ## table is a doc-store
    >>> transient = cell(f, a = 1, b = 2, pk = 'key', key = 'transient')
    >>> d = db_cell(f, a = transient, b = transient, db = db, name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()
    2023-01-25 16:00:43,395 - pyg - INFO - creating table: test_db.dbo.people['name', 'surname', 'doc']
    2023-01-25 16:00:45,210 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()

And indeed the data is now available in the table, either directly using get_cell/get_data:

    >>> get_data(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'james', surname = 'dean') == 6
    >>> assert db().inc(name = 'james', surname = 'dean')[0].data == 6

Note that when we access the document, we get back the cell object and all its functionality, not just the data:

    >>> loaded_cell = db().inc(name = 'james', surname = 'dean')[0].go()

    2023-01-25 16:04:29,165 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()
    2023-01-25 16:04:29,532 - pyg - INFO - creating table: test_db.archived_dbo.people['name', 'surname', 'doc', 'deleted']    
    >>> assert == 6

Two things to observe:

  • We decided that "transient" as a cell, is not worth while saving in the database, that is fine and the graph can handle a mixture of persistent and transient cells: cell "d" that is persisted, will store internally the definition of "transient", and will calculate it every time it needs to calculate itself.
  • What is this new archived_dbo.people table? the cell manages persistency automatically, to ensure a full audit trail and point-in-time. The 'people' table has unique entries by name, surname, so the previous run of "d" is saved in the archived schema with an additional "deleted" primary key.

Example: The cell writer, and complicated objects within a document

Suppose we have more complicated objects (usually pandas dataframes) as inputs. We can just save the actual data items in files:

    >>> db = partial(sql_table, server = server, 
            db = 'test_db', table = 'people', schema = 'dbo', 
            pk = ['name', 'surname'], doc = True,
            writer = 'c:/temp/%name/%surname.npy') ## please save numpy arrays/pandas in local file syste, using this location as "root" for the document

    >>> a = pd.Series([1,2,3])
    >>> b = pd.Series([4,5,6])
    >>> c = db_cell(f, a = a, b = b, db = db, name = 'adam', surname = 'smith')()

The document is saved in the sql people table, but the actual data is saved in the local files. Since there are three keys which are arrays/pandas, there will be three files:

    >>> import os
    >>> assert os.path.exists('c:/temp/adam/smith/data')
    >>> assert os.path.exists('c:/temp/adam/smith/a')
    >>> assert os.path.exists('c:/temp/adam/smith/b')

And the data can be read either via the cell interface:

    >>> get_cell(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'adam', surname = 'smith').data
    0    5
    1    7
    2    9
    dtype: int64

Or directly from file:

    >>> pd_read_npy('c:/temp/adam/smith/data')
    0    5
    1    7
    2    9
    Name: 0, dtype: int64

We support the following writers:

* 'c:/temp/%name/%surname.npy': save both arrays and pandas as .npy files
* 'c:/temp/%name/%surname.parquet': save pandas dataframe as .parquet file, numpy as npy
* 'c:/temp/%name/%surname.pickle': save everything as .pickle files
* 'server/db/schema/table/%surname/%name.sql' : pickle and save everything as binaries in a sql table.

Here is an example:

    >>> db = partial(sql_table, server = server, 
            db = 'test_db', table = 'people', schema = 'dbo', 
            pk = ['name', 'surname'], doc = True,
            writer = f'{server}/test_db/dbo/people_data/%name_%surname.sql') 

    >>> c = db_cell(f, a = a, b = b, db = db, name = 'winston', surname = 'smith')()
    2023-01-25 16:20:40,203 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'winston', surname = 'smith')()
    2023-01-25 16:20:40,433 - pyg - INFO - creating table: test_db.dbo.people_data['key', 'data', 'doc']
    >>> sql_table(server = server, db = 'test_db', table = 'people_data')
    sql_cursor: test_db.dbo.people_data DOCSTORE[doc] 
    SELECT key, data, doc 
    FROM dbo.people_data
    3 records

    >>> sql_table(server = server, db = 'test_db', table = 'people_data').key    
    ['winston_smith/a', 'winston_smith/b', 'winston_smith/data']

Each of the records contain a binary of the appropriate dataframe. The interface is unchanged though:

    >>> get_data(server = 'DESKTOP-LU5C5QF', db = 'test_db', schema = 'dbo', table = 'people', name = 'winston', surname = 'smith')
    0    5
    1    7
    2    9
    dtype: int64

Example: cells that use their outputs as an input

    >>> def daily_sample_prices(stock, data = None):
    >>>     today = dt(0)
    >>>     sampled_price = pd.Series(np.random.normal(0,1), [today])
    >>>     if data is None:
    >>>          return sampled_price
    >>>     elif data.index[-1] == today:
    >>>          return data
    >>>     else:
    >>>          return pd.concat([data, sampled_price])

Here, we deliberately used the existing output to feed back into the cell to decide if we want to resample:

    >>> c = cell(daily_sample_prices, stock = 'AAPL', pk= ['stock', 'item'], item = 'price')()

    2023-01-25 15:48:11,629 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')()

    >>> get_data(item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')  
    2023-01-25    0.228306
    dtype: float64
    >>> = pd.Series(['old', 'data'], [dt(-2), dt(-1)])
    >>> c = c();    

    2023-01-25 15:49:52,968 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')()
    2023-01-23         old
    2023-01-24        data
    2023-01-25   -1.694927  <--- added a new sample
    dtype: object

If you are a techie, your gut reaction is to complain: There is ambiguity and there is no "inputs" name space and "outputs" name space. This may cause confusion, but in practice allows us to switch from an "calculate everything historically" to "run online one at a time" with ease. For example, if the calculation is very expensive, (e.g. some optimization result) being able to say "and here is the last time you ran it so run data only for today" is very useful indeed.

If you used e.g. mdf, and saw the slightly convoluted way you need to decorate all your functions to be able to handle this issue, you will appreciate the explicit way that we push the complexity to be handled internally only by specific functions that need this feature.

Calculation logic

The default cell, once calculated and persisted in memory, will only recalculate if its function inputs change. The method returns a boolean that determines if it needs running.

    >>> c = cell(f, a = 1, b = 2, pk = 'key', key = 'key')
    >>> assert
    >>> c = c()
    >>> assert not
    >>> c.some_parameter_unrelated_to_f = 0
    >>> assert not
    >>> c.a = 'some parameter'
    >>> c.b = 'that is important to f'
    >>> c = c() ## will recalculate
    >>> assert == 'some parameterthat is important to f'

The data persists in the graph and we can now propagate both up and down the graph:

    >>> c.a = 3; c.b = 2
    >>> c = c.push()    
    2023-01-25 15:39:11,630 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(key = 'key')()
    2023-01-25 15:39:11,636 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(name = 'james', surname = 'dean')()
    2023-01-25 15:39:11,644 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(exchange = 'NYSE', item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')()

    >>> assert get_data(exchange = 'NYSE', item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL') == 15

We can also force a recalculation by calling e.go() or e(go = 1)

    >>> e = e.go()

    2023-01-25 15:41:23,540 - pyg - INFO - get_cell(exchange = 'NYSE', item = 'price', stock = 'AAPL')()

Changing the calculation scheduling

db_cell, once calculated, will not need to run again, unless we force it to recalculate, its inputs have changed or its output missing. However, you may want to schedule periodical recalculation and this is extremely simple. All you need to do is inherit from db_cell and implement a new run() method. For that reason, all db_cells have an "updated" key, about when it was last calculated and "latest" which is the latest index in if data is a timeseries.

Specifically, periodic_cell implements a simple scheduling mechanism so that periodic_cell(..., period = '1w') will re-calculate a week after the cell was last updated


The cell frameworks allows the user to:

  1. create well-structured flow.
  2. has no boiler-plate
  3. saves and persists the data in nicely indexed tables with primary keys decided by user, no more any nasty key = "COUNTRY_US_INDUSTRY_TECH_STOCK_AAPL_OPTION_CALL_EXPIRY_2023M_STRIKE_100_TOO_LONG_TICKER"
  4. allows you to save the actual data either as npy/parquet/pickle files or within mongo/sql dbs as doc-stores.

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pyg_cell-0.0.43.tar.gz (65.8 kB view details)

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pyg_cell-0.0.43-py3-none-any.whl (53.7 kB view details)

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Details for the file pyg_cell-0.0.43.tar.gz.

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  • Download URL: pyg_cell-0.0.43.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 65.8 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.9.13

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SHA256 c63a54b3642adfe3289ab01d40a0b91719ebda8397d41e983fc88e0d40953e4e
MD5 5072b7d4542723ff7dc62022ff80328c
BLAKE2b-256 4528c7d352d0d0526b2734a43f065c5b1b977c9186a68b8fbf732c1daec042b7

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Details for the file pyg_cell-0.0.43-py3-none-any.whl.

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  • Download URL: pyg_cell-0.0.43-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 53.7 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/4.0.1 CPython/3.9.13

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Hashes for pyg_cell-0.0.43-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 272265cee009f10943ab4281e81e4dda4e3ead33fc3567fb35de1a8ad44d0723
MD5 a3d51406b1276efb763592ce3f88103b
BLAKE2b-256 e724ecf06e624a8c7590878e7c61ec39c873fa7b33edf4483795b5e1b20743c7

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