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Python GSS search and download product library

Project description


This python module implements the OData protocol access following the Copernicus Space Component schema to allow the user to:

  • search products thanks to its filter helper.
  • download the filtered products.
  • report GeoJSON result of the filtered products.

This module implements a command line called pygssearch described here after.


Command-line Installation

The module comes with its command line, it can be simply installed via standard pip command. It is recommended to use python dedicated virtual environment to avoid any confusions between system or other projects libraries.

Linux package python3-venv shall be installed (sudo apt install python3-venv on ubuntu)

The command line to prepare the virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

The pip command to install the module follow the syntax:

pip install pygssearch

Validation of the Installation

To ensure the module is well installed, it shall be possible to run following commands:

pygssearch --help
pygssearch --version

Command line Interface

pygssearch comes with many option detailed in these synopsys, accessible with --help command.

Usage: pygssearch [OPTIONS]

  This library PyGSSearch aims to support query and download product from the
  GSS catalogue, the download can be start with command line and also in
  python script. It authorize limiting the connections to respect the services
  quota policies.

  -s, --service TEXT           The OData CSC root Service URL to requests data
  -f, --filter TEXT            The OData filter to query Products in the
                               remote service.
  --footprint TEXT             Create a GeoJSON file at the provided path with
                               footprints and metadata of the returned
                               products. Set to ‘-’ for stdout. The GeoJSON
                               property fields can be configured with '--
                               attributes', '--format' and '--exclude'
  -u, --username TEXT          Service connection username.
  -p, --password TEXT          Service connection password.
  --token_url TEXT             Url to retrieve the token.
  --client_id TEXT             The client identifier.
  --client_secret TEXT         The client secret.
  --proxy TEXT                 Proxy URL or dict configuration.
  -t, --thread_number INTEGER  Number of parallel download threads
  -l, --limit INTEGER          Limit the number matching products (default:
  --skip INTEGER               Skip a number matching products (default: 0)
  -o, --output TEXT            The directory to store the downloaded files.
  -S, --start TEXT             start date of the query in  the format YYYY-MM-
                               DD or an expression like NOW-1DAY.
  -E, --end TEXT               End date of the query
  -g, --geometry TEXT          Path to a GeoJson file containing a search area
                               ora series of entries of tuple of coordinates
                               separated by a coma
  --uuid TEXT                  Select a specific product UUID. Can be set more
                               than once.
  -n, --name TEXT              Select specific product(s) by filename. Can be
                               set more than once.
  -m, --mission [1|2|3|5]      Limit search to a Sentinel satellite
  -I, --instrument TEXT        Limit search to a specific instrument on a
                               Sentinel satellite (i.e. MSI, SAR, OLCI ...).
  -P, --product_type TEXT      Limit search to a Sentinel product type.
  --cloud INTEGER              Maximum cloud cover (in percent).
  -d, --download               Download all the results of the query.
  -O, --order_by TEXT          Specify the keyword to order the result.Prefix
                               ‘-’ for descending order, '+' for ascending.
                               Default ascending.
  -v, --verify                 Check the file integrity using his hash, use
                               with the download option.
  -C, --config TEXT            Give the path to a configuration file to the
                               .ini format
  -q, --quiet                  Silent mode: only errors are reported,use with
                               the download option.
  --version                    Show version number and exit.
  -F, --format TEXT            Define the response of the query by default
                               show the name and id, of each matching product
                               of the query. To show all information use '_'.
                               Current existing fixed properties in OData CSC
                               products are Id, Name, ContentType,
                               ContentLength, OriginDate, PublicationDate,
                               ModificationDate, Online, EvictionDate,
                               Checksum, ContentDate, Footprint, GeoFootprint.
  --attributes                 Includes the extended attributes of the product
                               into the GeoJSON properties.
  --exclude TEXT               The list of attributes to be excluded from the
  --logs                       Print debug log message and no progress bar,use
                               with the download option.
  --debug                      Print debug log message.
  --show_url                   Print URL used to request OData service to
                               perform the given parameters. The service in
                               not contacted.
  --count                      returns the number of products returned by the
                               given parameters.
  --check_service              Controls if the Odata service is accessible.
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Service Connection

The OData service shall be up and running. To ensure service is available the following command can be used:

$> pygssearch --service --check-service
OData service `` is accessible.
$> echo $?
$> pygssearch --service --check-service
Cannot access OData service ``.
$> echo $?

The connection to the service is possible thanks to both possible kind of authentications protocols: Basic authentication with single login and password, OAuth2.0 authentication requiring an authentication service to retrieve or refresh authentication token:

Basic authentication

The application command line can connect Basic Authentication service with parameters:

pygssearch --service --username username --password password

When not set, application looks into the environment variables GSS_SERVICE, GSS_USERNAME, GSS_PASSWORD to configure the missing set of information.

Alternatively, it is possible to configure the credentials into a separate configuration file. The file format is .ini:


The configuration file can be loaded

$> pygssearch --config /path/to/config.ini

When config file is not provided, application automatically looks for the presence of $HOME/.pygssearch.ini. When it is present, its content is used to define information not present in the command line.

OAuth2.0 authentication

pygssearch --service --username username --password password --token_url --client_id service --client_secret secret

As well as the basic authentication these parameters can be stored into a separate .ini file:

token_url =
client_id = service
client_secret = secret

No authentication

When service does not requires authentication, the simple following command can be used:

pygssearch --service

Querying the CSC OData Service

Products filtering

The application is able to return a list of product matching a large set of the following information:

parameter description example
--filter OData syntax filter ContentLength lt 10000000
--start The minimum sensing date of the queried products in the format YYYY-MM-DD or an expression like NOW-1DAY 2024-07-05
--end The maximum sensing date of the queried products in the format YYYY-MM-DD or an expression like NOW-1DAY 2024-07-31
--geometry A path to a GeoJSON shape file or a list of coordinates separated by a coma '((1.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0),(0.0,0.0),(1.0,0.0),(1.0,1.0))'
--uuid Select a specific product UUID. Can be set more than once. 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0
--name Search products by their names. S2B_MSIL2A_20230704T095559_N0509_R122_T32SMC_20230704T125425.SAFE
--mission Search products by their Sentinel mission number (1: Sentinel-1, 2: Sentinel-2...) 2
--instrument Search products by their instrument name (SAR, MSI ..) MSI
--product_type Search product by their product type. S2MSI2A
--cloud Select product that have maximum cloud cover percentage. 80

These parameters allows the selection of a set of product. The command line default displays the results:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0 \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289

[{'Name': '', 'Id': '2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': '285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0'}]

Output controls

The main objective of the command line is to download the filtered products. A set of additional parameters as been included to optimize the service response:

Count results

A basic optimized count command is implemented in --count parameter:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289  \
    --cloud 80 --product_type S2MSI2A            \     

The returned value is the number of products matching the configured query. If paging parameter are set, they are ignored.

Paging management

When many products matches the configured filter, it is possible to navigated the results amond pages using --skip and --limit parameters. i.e.

$> pygssearch --service  --count
$> pygssearch --service --skip 0 --limit 10
[{'Name': '', 'Id': '3e51abee-26cf-3c48-b24d-acf383fae29c'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': '6e9c32e4-be11-3d59-a767-cb75a47e8313'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': ' ...
$> pygssearch --service --skip 10 --limit 20
[{'Name': '', 'Id': '2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': 'e49efc8b-7d50-4553-ac98-e5d720dcb03d'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': '08d5e6ec-3502-4a5d-b0e7-fea901cb27d9'}, {'Name': '', 'Id': ...


The application is able to manage download of filtered products. To activate the download process --download parameter is required.

The download behavior can be optimized with --thread_number to define the number of parallels downloads. This parameter could be set according the quota policy defines by the CSC remote service.

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289  \
    --cloud 80 --product_type S2MSI2A            \
    --thread_number 2                            \
    --download   7%|████▎                                                         | 25169920/360673883 [00:51<10:26, 535823.17Bytes/s]   6%|███▌                                                     | 20975616/332981845 [00:49<10:54, 476359.34Bytes/s]

The --quiet parameter removes the progress information when required.

Origin JSON output

The call of the application without any parameter default returns a compatible JSON list configured with properties defined in '--format' parameter. Default configuration for format is (Name, Id) as followed:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289
[{'Name': '', 'Id': '2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289'}]

All the properies could be display using --format _:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --format _

[{'@odata.mediaContentType': 'application/octet-stream', 'Id': '285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0', 'Name': '', 'ContentType': 'application/zip', 'ContentLength': 332981845, 'OriginDate': '2023-07-04T15:45:16.893Z', 'PublicationDate': '2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z', 'ModificationDate': '2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z', 'Online': True, 'EvictionDate': None, 'Checksum': [{'Algorithm': 'MD5', 'Value': '6e3aba9de3f17e5ab923ebda0a5e8067', 'ChecksumDate': '2023-12-14T02:08:59.385Z'}], 'ContentDate': {'Start': '2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z', 'End': '2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z'}, 'Footprint': "geography'SRID=4326;Polygon((8.654280647838144 33.34955671479698,9.104896746103945 33.35131707782119,9.106114026436753 34.34161747897296,8.921864856563118 34.34087902149685,8.885643289081308 34.20774629866525,8.8453106510589 34.06025011187324,8.8053907009052 33.912650453045245,8.76564162306296 33.76505833947785,8.72594925457459 33.61746169180876,8.686384096889565 33.46980822870747,8.654280647838144 33.34955671479698))'", 'GeoFootprint': {"coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]], "type": "Polygon"}}]

Or the set of information can be explicitly defined:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --format Name \
    --format Id \
    --format Checksum

[{'Name': '', 'Id': '285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0', 'Checksum': [{'Algorithm': 'MD5', 'Value': '6e3aba9de3f17e5ab923ebda0a5e8067', 'ChecksumDate': '2023-12-14T02:08:59.385Z'}]}]

GeoJSON outputs

The JSON output has been improved with the "--footprint" parameter to generate GeoJSON output. The footprint parameter is the file destination for the GeoJSON. When '-' is provided, output is generate in the standard output:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289 --footprint -

{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [{"properties": {"Name": "", "Id": "285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0"}, "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]]}}]}

The properties are filled with the elements defined in the --format parameter and could be extended. The following example includes the Checksum into the properties:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --format Name \
    --format Id \
    --format Checksum \
    --footprint -
 {"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [{"properties": {"Name": "", "Id": "285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0", "Checksum": [{"Algorithm": "MD5", "Value": "6e3aba9de3f17e5ab923ebda0a5e8067", "ChecksumDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:59.385Z"}]}, "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]]}}]}

In OData CSC product, the properties are freely accessible inside de Products entity. But a set of advanced attributes are also available via Product/Attributes Link. The --attributes flag allows the inclusion of these attributes into the GeoJSON properties:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --footprint - \
    --format _    \
{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [{"properties": {"@odata.mediaContentType": "application/octet-stream", "Id": "285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0", "Name": "", "ContentType": "application/zip", "ContentLength": 332981845, "OriginDate": "2023-07-04T15:45:16.893Z", "PublicationDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z", "ModificationDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z", "Online": true, "EvictionDate": null, "Checksum": [{"Algorithm": "MD5", "Value": "6e3aba9de3f17e5ab923ebda0a5e8067", "ChecksumDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:59.385Z"}], "ContentDate": {"Start": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "End": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z"}, "lineage": "Not evaluated", "instrumentShortName": "MSI", "tileId": "T32SMC", "degradedAncillaryDataPercentage": 0.0, "productGroupId": "GS2B_20230704T095559_033038_N05.09", "processingLevel": "Level-2A", "resourceLanguage": "eng", "temporalExtentBeginPosition": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "geometricQualityFlag": "PASSED", "beginningDateTime": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "sensorType": "OPTICAL", "platformShortName": "SENTINEL-2", "metadataLanguage": "eng", "geographicBoundingBoxWestBoundLongitude": 8.654280647838144, "saturatedDefectivePixelPercentage": 0.0, "cloudShadowPercentage": 0.0, "radiativeTransferAccuracy": 0.0, "snowIcePercentage": 0.0, "noDataPixelPercentage": 73.59255, "waterPercentage": 0.070019, "cloudCover": 0.746881, "highProbaCloudsPercentage": 0.181249, "degree": "Not evaluated", "resourceTitle": "Sentinel-2 End-User Product Level-2A (short name: EUP L2A)", "processorVersion": "05.09", "topicCategory": "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover", "endingDateTime": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "operationalMode": "INS-NOBS", "darkFeaturesPercentage": 0.0, "specificationDateType": "revision", "uniqueResourceIdentifierCode": "s2:eup:l2a:{PRODUCTUUID}", "keywordValue": "opticalEarthObservation\nSatellite\nSentinel-2\nS2\nMSI\nEUP\nL2A", "temporalExtentEndPosition": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "radiometricQualityFlag": "PASSED", "thinCirrusPercentage": 0.0, "geographicBoundingBoxNorthBoundLatitude": 34.34161747897296, "sensorQualityFlag": "PASSED", "processingDate": "2023-07-04T12:54:25.000Z", "aotRetrievalAccuracy": 0.0, "orbitNumber": 33038, "waterVapourRetrievalAccuracy": 0.0, "degradedMSIDataPercentage": 0.0, "specificationTitle": "INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119 V 1.3", "generalQualityFlag": "PASSED", "resourceAbstract": "The End-User Level-2A product provides Bottom Of Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance images derived from the associated Level-1C products. Each Level-2A product is composed of 100x100 km2 tiles in cartographic geometry (UTM/WGS84 projection).\n\n                     Level-2A products are systematically generated at the ground segment over Europe since March 2018, and the production was extended to global in December 2018. Level-2A generation can also be performed by the user through the Sentinel-2 Toolbox using as input the associated Level-1C product.", "productType": "S2MSI2A", "formatCorrectnessFlag": "PASSED", "vegetationPercentage": 0.431926, "relativeOrbitNumber": 122, "coordinates": "<gml:Polygon srsName=\"\" xmlns:gml=\"\">\n   <gml:outerBoundaryIs>\n      <gml:LinearRing>\n         <gml:coordinates>33.34955671479698,8.654280647838144 33.46980822870747,8.686384096889565 33.61746169180876,8.72594925457459 33.76505833947785,8.76564162306296 33.912650453045245,8.8053907009052 34.06025011187324,8.8453106510589 34.20774629866525,8.885643289081308 34.34087902149685,8.921864856563118 34.34161747897296,9.106114026436753 33.35131707782119,9.104896746103945 33.34955671479698,8.654280647838144 </gml:coordinates>\n      </gml:LinearRing>\n   </gml:outerBoundaryIs>\n</gml:Polygon>", "geographicBoundingBoxSouthBoundLatitude": 33.34955671479698, "resourceTitleDatasetSeries": "Sentinel-2 EUP Level-2A", "notVegetatedPercentage": 98.709685, "dateOfCreation": "2023-07-04T12:54:25.000Z", "platformSerialIdentifier": "B", "mediumProbaCloudsPercentage": 0.565632, "unclassifiedPercentage": 0.041486, "geographicBoundingBoxEastBoundLongitude": 9.106114026436753, "specificationDate": "2013-10-29", "orbitDirection": "DESCENDING", "resourceType": "dataset"}, "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]]}}]}

The usage of --format xx is still possible among both product properties and its attributes. In this case only identified items will be displayed.

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --footprint -  \
    --format  Name \
    --format  Id \
    --format  cloudCover \
    --format  noDataPixelPercentage \
{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [{"properties": {"Name": "", "Id": "285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0", "noDataPixelPercentage": 73.59255, "cloudCover": 0.746881}, "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]]}}]}

The exclude parameter allows to remove items from the list:

$> pygssearch --service  \
    -uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0  \
    --format _                           \
    --attributes                         \
    --footprint -                        \
    --exclude keywordValue               \
    --exclude coordinates                \
    --exclude specificationTitle         \
    --exclude resourceAbstract           \
    --exclude resourceTitleDatasetSeries \
    --exclude EvictionDate
{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [{"properties": {"@odata.mediaContentType": "application/octet-stream", "Id": "285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0", "Name": "", "ContentType": "application/zip", "ContentLength": 332981845, "OriginDate": "2023-07-04T15:45:16.893Z", "PublicationDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z", "ModificationDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:58.964Z", "Online": true, "Checksum": [{"Algorithm": "MD5", "Value": "6e3aba9de3f17e5ab923ebda0a5e8067", "ChecksumDate": "2023-12-14T02:08:59.385Z"}], "ContentDate": {"Start": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "End": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z"}, "lineage": "Not evaluated", "instrumentShortName": "MSI", "tileId": "T32SMC", "degradedAncillaryDataPercentage": 0.0, "productGroupId": "GS2B_20230704T095559_033038_N05.09", "processingLevel": "Level-2A", "resourceLanguage": "eng", "temporalExtentBeginPosition": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "geometricQualityFlag": "PASSED", "beginningDateTime": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "sensorType": "OPTICAL", "platformShortName": "SENTINEL-2", "metadataLanguage": "eng", "geographicBoundingBoxWestBoundLongitude": 8.654280647838144, "saturatedDefectivePixelPercentage": 0.0, "cloudShadowPercentage": 0.0, "radiativeTransferAccuracy": 0.0, "snowIcePercentage": 0.0, "noDataPixelPercentage": 73.59255, "waterPercentage": 0.070019, "cloudCover": 0.746881, "highProbaCloudsPercentage": 0.181249, "degree": "Not evaluated", "resourceTitle": "Sentinel-2 End-User Product Level-2A (short name: EUP L2A)", "processorVersion": "05.09", "topicCategory": "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover", "endingDateTime": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "operationalMode": "INS-NOBS", "darkFeaturesPercentage": 0.0, "specificationDateType": "revision", "uniqueResourceIdentifierCode": "s2:eup:l2a:{PRODUCTUUID}", "temporalExtentEndPosition": "2023-07-04T09:55:59.024Z", "radiometricQualityFlag": "PASSED", "thinCirrusPercentage": 0.0, "geographicBoundingBoxNorthBoundLatitude": 34.34161747897296, "sensorQualityFlag": "PASSED", "processingDate": "2023-07-04T12:54:25.000Z", "aotRetrievalAccuracy": 0.0, "orbitNumber": 33038, "waterVapourRetrievalAccuracy": 0.0, "degradedMSIDataPercentage": 0.0, "generalQualityFlag": "PASSED", "productType": "S2MSI2A", "formatCorrectnessFlag": "PASSED", "vegetationPercentage": 0.431926, "relativeOrbitNumber": 122, "geographicBoundingBoxSouthBoundLatitude": 33.34955671479698, "notVegetatedPercentage": 98.709685, "dateOfCreation": "2023-07-04T12:54:25.000Z", "platformSerialIdentifier": "B", "mediumProbaCloudsPercentage": 0.565632, "unclassifiedPercentage": 0.041486, "geographicBoundingBoxEastBoundLongitude": 9.106114026436753, "specificationDate": "2013-10-29", "orbitDirection": "DESCENDING", "resourceType": "dataset"}, "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[8.654281, 33.349557], [9.104897, 33.351317], [9.106114, 34.341617], [8.921865, 34.340879], [8.885643, 34.207746], [8.845311, 34.06025], [8.805391, 33.91265], [8.765642, 33.765058], [8.725949, 33.617462], [8.686384, 33.469808], [8.654281, 33.349557]]]}}]}

The GeoJSON output contains a FeatureCollection the gather the list or results. The generated output follows the standard and can be use in others tools:


Debugging features

When many filter parameter are used in the pygssearch interface, the query to request remote OData service may become extremely complex. The --show_url parameter has been introduced to display the final Odata url.

$> pygssearch --service  \
    --uuid 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0 \
    --uuid 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289 \
    --cloud 80 \
    --product_type S2MSI2A \
    --show_url$filter=StringAttributes/any(d:d/Name eq 'productType' and d/Value eq 'S2MSI2A') and Attributes/OData.CSC.DoubleAttribute/any(d:d/Name eq 'cloudCover' and d/OData.CSC.DoubleAttribute/Value lt 80) and (Id eq 285cdd67-713d-436a-ae92-df26e376f4d0 or Id eq 2bd44957-44ef-45e5-af57-db7f35fde289)&$top=10&$skip=0&$format=json

Developer Corner

Build environment

The sources comes with a Makefile able to run locally to set up and prepare python environment to run tests and coverage.It also provides target to deploy new release manually. Otherwise, sources contains gitlab pipeline configurations that ensure the code quality at each developer git commit commands. It also automatically deploy source when new tag is push into git service, when service is properly configured.

make clean

Clean-up the environment from cache and lightweight components. It does not removed downloaded dependencies (from venv directory), nor distributions.

make dist-clean

The dist-clean command full cleans the repository as it has been cloned first. Following the call of dist-clean the virtual environment and all the caches will be removed.

make test

Run the unitary tests.

make lint

Check if the source code properly follows the pep8 directives. This test is also used in gitlab piplines to accept pushed sources.

make coverage

Run the test coverage and generates a html report into htmlcov directory.

make dist

Prepare a distribution locally into dist directory. When no tag is present on the current commit, or modified files are present into the local directory, the distribution process creates a dirty version to be safety deploy to the repository.

make dist-deploy

Prepare and deploy a distribution into the gael's remote repository. This command is run automatically when pushing a new tag.

Frequently Ask Questions

How to use a proxy for a connection ?

pyGssSearch command supports the connections to a proxy in 3 differents ways:

Use variable environment

It is possible to define the proxy information setting environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, before running python script. Each variable is dedicated to the protocol of the target request.

Following codes shows examples to defines these variables.

# Linux bash script
export HTTP_PROXY=http://user:pass@
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:pass@
export FTP_PROXY=http://user:pass@

Optionally, the proxy credentials can be inserted as part of the URL has shown is the previous samples.

Use --proxy <proxy_parameter> pyGssSearch parameter

When --proxy parameter is provided as a single string, the given address is considered as the multi-protocol url:

pygsssearch --proxy 'user:pass@' ...

Is equivalent to the environment variables setting defined here before.

Details the proxy protocols url

When url to proxy differs wrt their protocol, it is possible to give detailed configuration to the script according to a dict form as followed:

pygsssearch --proxy "{'http': '', 'https': '', 'ftp': ''}" ...

This string will be properly interpreted and use as proxy for each of these various protocols.

Proxy Errors

The proxy could be the origin of the connections failures. it does not happen at the proxy configuration time, but during the first request to the target.

When the proxy is not available and cannot respond the requests, a ConnectionTimeout exception is raised.
When the proxy fails with because of bad request, the ProxyError exception is raised.
If the proxy parameter dict or URL is malformed, a InvalidURL exception is raised.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

pygssearch-1.2.3.tar.gz (64.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pygssearch-1.2.3-py3-none-any.whl (30.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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