Yahtzee game engine
Project description
Yahtzee game engine supporting regular Yahtzee rules (maximum 1480), Joker rules (maximum 1575) and Yatzy aka. Scandinavian Yahtzee rules (maximum 305). Example code:
from pyhtzee import Pyhtzee
from pyhtzee.classes import Category, Rule
from pyhtzee.utils import category_to_action_map, dice_roll_to_action_map
pyhtzee = Pyhtzee(rule=Rule.FREE_CHOICE_JOKER)
This shows the dice:
[2, 5, 6, 1, 6]
Next reroll dice 1, 2 and 5:
action = dice_roll_to_action_map[(True, True, False, False, True)]
Now we have two pairs:
[4, 6, 6, 1, 1]
Let's reroll just the first die to see if we can get a full house:
action = dice_roll_to_action_map[(True, False, False, False, False)]
[6, 6, 6, 1, 1]
Now let's choose the action for full house and check the scorecard:
action = category_to_action_map[Category.FULL_HOUSE]
reward = pyhtzee.take_action(action)
print(f'Reward: {reward}, Scorecard: {pyhtzee.scores}')
This shows that we got a reward of 25, which can be confirmed in the scorecard:
Reward: 25, Scorecard: {<Category.FULL_HOUSE: 8>: 25}
Developers guide
Pipenv is recommended for setting up a development environment. Prior to installing
, creating a .env
file with the following contents is recommended:
To install pipenv and the required dependencies run the following commands:
pip install pipenv
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
pipenv shell
Updating dependencies
is dynamically generated using pip-compile
. To regenerate the
file run the following command:
pip-compile -U --output-file requirements.txt setup.py requirements-dev.in
Pre-commit hooks
This project uses Git pre-commit hooks courtesy of pre-commit. To install run the following:
pre-commit install
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