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Modelling platform for Python

Project description

Time Path


current state

the model is currently calibrated on a dataset from chronic exposure experiments of daphnia magna (OECD 212). Predictions of population trajectories is still difficult, because starvation is not implemented correctly and microbial feeding needs to be incorporated correctly into the model, to achieve the right level of carrying capacity. The next important steps are:

  • bring the model to version 1.0
  • develop case studies

To get back into the status of the project, check out the issues, particularly:


Timepath is a framework for modeling the life cycle of biological organisms as individuals and populations. The model is designed to ensure consitency of basic thermodynamic principles; most fundamentally the conservation of mass and energy. Timepath addresses modelers who want increased flexibility in their biological systems model design while staying inside a reliable modeling framework. Timepath is not fast compared to methods based solely on differential equations or closed form solutions.

The package was originally designed to write a Python implementation of Dynamic Energy Budgets (DEB) - specifically DEBkiss (Jager, 2018). These models are designed to simulate the life cylce of the model laboratory organism Daphnia Magna. The goal was to analyze effects of exposure to toxicants under adverse environmental conditions of such organisms from laboratory experiments. It quickly became clear that typical lab experiments like OECD Test No. 211 Daphnia magna Reproduction Test imposes adverse conditions on the test organism by the experimental design. Examples of such design flaws are:

  • population pressure from offspring between exchange of experimental media,
  • non-constant food conditions

To better utilize available data from animal testing, the goal was to incorporate exact laboratory conditions and experimental routines into the DEB model. This cannot be done with conventional approaches and thus the idea of timepath was born.

Model description

Timepath models can be constructed from very low-level commands up to higher order functions that set up preconfigured experiments that can easily be modified with configuration files.

the simplest possible model

from timepath.objects.organisms import Organism
from timepath.objects.environments import World
w = World()
o = Organism(X0={"Body":{"mass":1}}, environment=w)
CLOCK.dt = timedelta(1)

as can be seen the model acts via step functions that carry out basic routines. Organism.step() implements basic functions of life.

Timepath implements organisms as classes. Classes are lending themselves naturally to describe members of the phylogenetic tree of evolution. If one fundamental class has been written, the next description of a Genus, Order, Family, Species can always be built upon its ancestor. This in fact makes the definition of the Daphnia class, a thing of only a few lines of code.

class Daphnia(Invertebrata):
    _ids = count(0)

    def __init__(

    def spawn_trigger(self):
        For Daphnia reproduction takes place roughly every two days. This may
        be different in other species.
        spawning_time = self.pools[ReproClock].time > self.spawning_interval
        return spawning_time and self.is_adult()

Also each organism needs an abiotic World to live in. This is implemented in the World class. Depending on what the goal of your model is, World.step() can contain different methods, implementing these.

How are state variables tracked?

Timepath creates mass-pools with the Pool class. All these pools are state variables which are tracked and each MassPool is automatically contributing to the total mass balance of the system, which needs to stay constant

How are experiments described?

Experiments can be described with a spreadsheet and a set of methods corresponding to the column names of the spreadsheet. For example the experiment procedure "feeding" can be described as follows:

from timepath.sims.experiment import Experiment
from timepath.objects.base import external_environmental_event

class MyExperiment(Experiment)
    def feeding_mg(self, param):
        if param == 0:
        elif param > 0:
            self.flux(param, pool_in=self.env.pools[Food], pool_out=IO)

then the only thing needed is an experiment spread sheed listing the times and parameters for feeding_mg.

time feeding_mg
0 days 1.0
1 days 0.0
2 days 2.0
4 days 1.0
-------- ------------

Internally at the beginning of the simulation this table is fed to the class MyExperiment and all feeding events are scheduled based on their time. When the runtime of the simulation has advanced to the event, it is executed. In the meantime, the organism or population does what it does. Feeding, Reproducing, Dying, ...

time can also be tracked as dates at arbitrary precision (e.g. 05.07.2022 13:42:05). So, if observations in the experiment were done at different times on different dates and there is a doubt that it might have affected the results, this could also be modelled explicitely. Time in general in this framework is tracked in seconds and multiples

This seems all very complicated

That is correct, because it is. Luckily, there is a very uncomplicated top-level function that does all the overhead work. The only thing you have to do is changing parameters of the configuration file and of course write your own functions and Organism classes, in case you want to.

CFG1 = read_config("config/parameters/tests/daphnia.json")  # load config file
sim = basic_simulation(CFG1, logging_level_override="ERROR")  # init and run
sim.plot_life_history(store=False, show=True)  # plot the trajectories

templates of various config file can be found under <config/parameters/tests/>

Data and parameter inference

Currently the model comes with two datasets, which are referenced in the publication ... Importing these data is very easy:

from import nanocosm, indy, to_xarray_dataset

individual_data = indy()  # dataset of multiple OECD 211 tests
population_data = nanocosm()  # dataset of a D. magna population experiment

# this is a wrapper to convert the data tuple to an xarray dataset with rich
# metadata information and clear labels.
xdata = to_xarray_dataset(individual_data)

parameter inference is done via SBI ( this framework allows bayesian parameter inference from model simulations. The method belongs to approximate bayesian computation methods. But has the advantage that simulations can be easily parallelized upfront. The feature is still under active development and a generic method may be hard to obtain, since the optimization problem always depends on the model and its parameters.

calibration of the model

  • the model uses simulation based inference (SBI) for parameter estimation and inference on the model.
  • to start out some 1000s of simulations should be generated (depending on the amount of parameters)
  • for this use the script
  • if a High performance computation facility is available. This script is ready to be used on a cluster
  • draws parameters from a multiple independent distribution to get candidates that are later compared against model results

calibrating the basic (control) organism

  • the model rests on high quality calibration of parameters of the basic organism. For this about 1e6 simulations should be run and a neural network an estimator for the posterior density trained on input parameter samples and output summary statistics. A shell script that does all necessary involved steps from generating samples to training input can be executed on a SLURM scheduling engine with (arguments denote arrays and batch size (n_sim for each job))

All relevant parameters are set in SBI Config files stored under config/parameters/sbi/

to test if everything works it is recommended to run sbatch scripts/bash/ scripts/bash/ config/parameters/sbi/expo_control.json 1-500 200 1-20

in detail the script executes the following steps (these can be run locally as well)

  1. execute model/
  2. execute model/ (will generate 1 mio simulations)
  3. execute model/ (twice 1 x SNLE 1x SNPE)
  4. execute model/ will generate 10000 samples from the SNLE posterior

when everything is run, download the relevant files with scp from remote.

Then analyze with evaluate sbi. This will plot parameter estimates of all parameter clusters from not converged chains, as well as the plot of the zeroth sample (this should be replaced by plotting a group of samples) with high likelihood to also get some confidence on the trajectories

From there improper parameter sets can also be ruled out by visual inspection in the case there is more than 1 parameter cluster. Of course this can also be resolved by providing a) better summary statistics b) providing better prior information c) reducing the parameters of the model

Point c) is very important because equi-finality is a really good indicator for the model being not well informed on some parameters. If this is the case, the model may take shortcuts to get to the right goal.

Note that also only one parameter cluster with perfectly converged chains is no reliable indicator that the model was parameterized correctly. Although it is then likely. Good summary statistics are key to success.

The beauty of the approach is that the samples that come from the markov chains are already perfect samples with correct covariance enven though the covariance has not been established beforehand. So, if new parameters should be sampled or new models should be built on top of it, the posterior samples can just be re-used. It's just as good to make up very complicated distributions and sample again from them.

Current state

Biological systems and functions are built in and can be modelled

  • Organisms:
    • Daphnia Magna
  • Functions:
    • Survival
    • Growth
    • Reproduction
    • Feeding (functional response)
    • Toxicant uptake and elimination
    • Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP). Very experimental so far
  • Experiments:
    • OECD Test No. 211: Daphnia Magna Reproduction test
    • Population Development of Daphnia Magna

Future features

  • implement TKTD in the form of classical GUTS (General unified threshold )

What timepath cannot do, yet

  • simulate movement. This was up until now not necessary, but an implementation should be easily possible
  • check units and ensure dimensionality consistency. A cause of frustration is oftentimes that errors result from conversion to milli, micro, etc. An experimental branch exists to utilize sympy for assertion of dimensional model consistency and conversion of units into SI system by default. However, this was not developed so far, but would be very desirable.
  • Use symbolic math like sympy or other frameworks using equation graphs, for
    sped up computation. This feature seemed very inspiring, but we realized that a lot of model freedom would have to be sacrificed to obtain not too impressive speedups.


pip install timepath

for a development version:

pip install git+

for installing a development version and actively and iteratively update and develop it it is recommended to download from source and install as editable

git clone
cd timepath
pip install --editable .

unit tests

it is recommended to run tests and see if everything works as expected in your shell type pytest see for more info

General Notes

  • Order of columns in events table determines execution order.
  • Input of an event file always overrides the time configuration in simulation in the config.json file

development set up

  • Install Python >= 3.8
  • vscode as a texteditor is recommended but not necessary scripts can be run from the commandline, line-by-line or in a debugging environment
  • fork
  • git clone
  • conda env create -f environment.yml
  • conda activate timepath
  • for pyabc install do: pip install --no-dependencies pyabc jabbar
  • alternatively pip install -r requirements.txt (there might still be some errors)
  • install any missing packages with pip install <package-name>
  • to test if everything works as expected run tests (very easy in vscode)
  • add the file <config/settings.json> with the content {"localhosts": ["YOURHOSTNAME"]} where you replace YOURHOSTNAME by the actual name of your computer. On Windows you can get it with the command hostname in powershell. This file makes sure the data are correctly stored whether you are working remotely or not. This File must exist on the remote and locally, but always contain the local hostname. Also you can add the

setting up remote computing

this assumes you are connecting to a linux remote server. If your local machine is running on linux everything is very easy, if you are on windows, make sure you install windows subsystem linux (WSL) and enter the WSL command line. Then also everything is easy

Create a new private-key, public-key pair KEYCOMMENT and KEYNAME have to be replaced by names that describe the purpose of the key, e.g. work_rita, work_rita_ed25519 Set a password to encrypt the key

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C KEYCOMMENT -f ~/.ssh/KEYNAME

then authorize the newly created key on the remote (for this) USERNAME and REMOTE_SERVER refers to the address of the server and the username of your account on that server

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/KEYNAME -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no USERNAME@REMOTE_SERVER

now you have a private key (and a public key) on your machine, the public key as an authorized key on your remote and a password to decrypt the private key all you need to do now is sign in and tell ssh to do it with the private key instead of a password


provide the details in settings.json to enable even more simple communication with the remote server


single core sampling

to start sampling, run tp-abc --case_study gutses --scenario pyabc_redis

redis setup for Parallelization


the absolute easiest way to use redis is: bash timepath/bash/ -c gutses -s pyabc_redis -w 10 -p 1803 -a simulate

where -c is the case study -s scenario of the case study -w is the number of workers -p port of the server -a password for the server

all other settings can be taken in the abc.cfg file in <case_studies/CASESTUDY/scenarios/SCENARIO/abc.cfg>


step 1: start up redis server if needed add password and other arguments those can be also passed to the next call. By default password is simulate and port is 1803. These could be set with environmental variables redis-server config/redis_timepath.conf

step 2: if necessary adapt abc.cfg in the respective scenario of the case-study in the terminal to launch the sampler on the server tp-abc --case_study gutses --scenario pyabc_redis

step 3: launch any number of workers with (can also be done before step 2) sbatch -a 1-1 timepath/bash/ -p 1803 -a simulate


for parallelization, redis is used. In the repository, a redis_timepath.conf file is found, which sets some parameters for the redis server. For instance that it is started in the background (deamonized yes). It also loads another redis_password.conf file, which you mast create. The file consists of only one line: requirepass YOURPASSWOR where is replaced by any password. This is somewhat important for remote computing on clusters, since it ensures that only persons that have the password can interact with the server. However, since the server is set up only locally (localhost), there is no real threat by not setting a password.

To start the server type into the terminal (in timepath root, where redis_timepath.conf is located): redis-server config/redis_timepath.conf

in a testing environment run redis-server redis_timepath.conf --port 1111 --requirepass test

The arguments --port and --requirepass overwrite the arguments set in the .conf file

no output will be returned from this command. However, to check if the server is running call: pgrep redis-server. This will list the process-id of the redis-server.

To log into the server, call: redis-cli -p PORT -a PASSWORD. Here and are replaced by your values. PORT can be found in the redis_timepath.conf file and defaults to 1803.

To test if the server responds, type PING. The server shout respond

To terminate the server log into it via redis-cli as shown above and type shutdown

pyabc with redis

redis is principally used for pyABC How this is done is described in

currently I use the file <case_studies/tktd_mix/scripts/> to test this feature. Running this script, results in launching the sampler, which is connected to a redis server python case_studies/tktd_mix/scripts/

To do the actual sampling, redis-workers need to be started. In this example, the worker is started on the testing server

first set the PYTHONPATH environmental variable with case_studies, Because, part of pyabc's usage of redis is to pickle the model to memory and unpickle it on every worker. Therefore any packages not inside the system path are not accessible to the redis worker and have to be made accessible. This can be done by setting the PYTHONPATH environmental variable export PYTHONPATH=~/projects/timepath/case_studies

abc-redis-worker --port=1111 --password=test

to run the whole thing

start the server (make sure server is not running) bash case_studies/tktd_mix/scripts/ -c case_studies/tktd_mix/scenarios/diuron_pyabc/abc.cfg -p 1803 -a simulate

start the workers sbatch -a 1-200 case_studies/tktd_mix/scripts/ -p 1803 -a simulate

check the status abc-redis-manager info --port 1803 --password simulate

if the sampler shows a low number of workers some of them may have been caught up. Especially if the number of accepted samples is greater than the necessary population, workers can be reset

abc-redis-manager reset-workers --port 1803 --password simulate

If workers get stuck, this can have to do with an out of memory error. Test this with sacct -j <job_id>

evaluate pymc run

run the following scripts

python case_studies/tktd_mix/scripts/ --case_study tktd_mix --scenario diuron_pyabc_asd

python model/ --case_study tktd_mix diuron_pyabc_asd -n 10

python model/ --case_study tktd_mix diuron_pyabc_asd


for running bayesian inference on timeseries or alike install pymc additionally install jax for increased performance.

On linux just pip install jaxlib; pip install jax On windows download a prebuilt wheel on and install with pip install <version_downloaded_wheel.whl> then pip install jax==version where version is replaced with the same version as jaxlib.

Make sure to choose the same python version as running on your system/repository

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pymob-0.3.0a5.tar.gz (70.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pymob-0.3.0a5-py3-none-any.whl (68.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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