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Python API for serial communication of MyCobot.

Project description

This is Python API for ElephantRobotics product

Python 2.7 Python 3 pypi_version

This is a python API for serial communication with mycobot and controlling it.




Make sure that Atom is flashed into the top Atom, Transponder is flashed into the base Basic.
The firmware Atom and Transponder download address:
You also can use myStudio to flash them, myStudio address:


pip install pymycobot --upgrade

Source code

git clone <your-path>
cd <your-path>/pymycobot
# Install
[sudo] python2 install
# or
[sudo] python3 install

Or the more modern form:

# Install
pip install .
# Uninstall
pip uninstall .

## Usage:

from pymycobot import MyCobot, Angle, Coord
from pymycobot import PI_PORT, PI_BAUD # For raspberry pi version of mycobot.

The demo directory stores some test case files.

You can find out which interfaces pymycobot provides in pymycobot/

Please go to here.


This is python API for ElephantRobotics product

We support Python2, Python3.5 or later.


MyCobot / Mypalletizer / MechArm / MyArm

Import to your project:

# for mycobot
from pymycobot import MyCobot

# for mypalletizer
# from pymycobot import MyPalletizer

# for MechArm
# from pymycobot import MechArm

mc = MyCobot("com10",115200)
# mc = MyPalletizer("com10",115200)
# mc = MechArm("com10",115200)


Note: If no parameter is given, there is no parameter; if no return value is given, there is no return value

Overall status


  • Prototype: power_on()

  • Description:Atom open communication (default open).


  • Prototype: power_off()

  • Description: Atom turn off communication.


  • Prototype: is_power_on()

  • Description: Adjust robot arm whether power on.

  • Returns

    • 1: power on
    • 0: power off
    • -1: error


  • Prototype: read_next_error()

  • Description: Robot Error Detection.

  • Returns list len 7

    • 0: No abnormality
    • 1: Communication disconnected
    • 2: Unstable communication
    • 3 : Servo abnormality


  • Prototype: release_all_servos()

  • Description: Set robot arm into free moving mode.


  • Prototype: is_controller_connected()

  • Description: Check if connected with Atom.

  • Returns

    • 1: connected
    • 0: not connected
    • -1: error


  • Prototype: get_error_information()

  • Description: Obtaining robot error information.

  • Returns

    • 0: No error message.
    • 1 ~ 6: The corresponding joint exceeds the limit position.
    • 32: Kinematics inverse solution has no solution.
    • 33 ~ 34: Linear motion has no adjacent solution.


  • Prototype: clear_error_information()

  • Description: Clear robot error message.

MDI mode and operation


  • Prototype: get_angles()

  • Description: Get the degree of all joints.

  • Returns: list: A float list of all degree.


Set command refresh mode

  • Parameters

    • mode – int 1 - Always execute the latest command first. 0 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.


get command refresh mode

  • return
    • 1 - Always execute the latest command first.
    • 0 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.


  • Prototype: send_angles(id, degree, speed)

  • Description: Send one degree of joint to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id: Joint id(genre.Angle) / int 1-7
    • degree: degree value(float) (about -170 ~ 170)
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
  • Example

    from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
    from pymycobot.genre import Angle
    mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    mycobot.send_angle(Angle.J2.value, 10, 50)


  • Prototype: send_angles(degrees, speed)

  • Description: Send the degrees of all joints to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • degrees: a list of degree value(List[float]), length 7.

    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100

  • Example

    from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
    from pymycobot.genre import Angle
    mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    mycobot.send_angles([0,0,0,0,0,0], 80)


  • Prototype: get_radians()

  • Description: Get the radians of all joints.

  • Returns: list: A float list of radian.


  • Prototype: send_radians(radians, speed)

  • Description: Send the radians of all joint to robot arm.

  • Parameters:

    • radians: a list of radian value(List[float]).
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
  • Example

    from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
    from pymycobot.genre import Angle
    mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    mycobot.send_angles_by_radian([1,1,1,1,1,1], 70)


  • Prototype: get_coords()

  • Description: Get the Coords from robot arm, coordinate system based on base.

  • Returns: list: A float list of coord - [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz]


  • Prototype: send_coords(id, coord, speed)

  • Description: Send one coord to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id: coord id(genre.Coord) / int 1-6
    • coord: coord value(float)
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
  • Example

    from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
    from pymycobot.genre import Coord
    mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    mycobot.send_coord(Coord.X.value, -40, 70)


  • Prototype: send_coords(coords, speed, mode)

  • Description: Send all coords to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • coords: a list of coords value(List[float]).
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • mode: (int): 0 - angular, 1 - linear
  • Example

    from pymycobot.mycobot import MyCobot
    from pymycobot.genre import Coord
    mycobot = MyCobot('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    mycobot.send_coords([160, 160, 160, 0, 0, 0], 70, 0)


  • Prototype: sync_send_angles(degrees, speed, timeout=15)

  • Description: Send the angle in synchronous state and return when the target point is reached

  • Parameters

    • degrees: a list of degree value(List[float]).
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • timeout: default 7s.


  • Prototype: sync_send_coords(coords, speed, mode, timeout=15)

  • Description: Send the coord in synchronous state and return when the target point is reached

  • Parameters

    • coords: a list of coords value(List[float])
    • speed: (int) 0 ~ 100
    • mode: (int): 0 - angular, 1 - linear
    • timeout: default 7s.


  • Prototype: is_in_position(data, flag)

  • Description: Judge whether in the position.

  • Parameters

    • data: A data list, angles or coords.
    • flag: Tag the data type, 0 - angles, 1 - coords.
  • Returns

    • 1 - true
    • 0 - false
    • -1 - error


  • Prototype: is_moving()

  • Description: Detect if the robot is moving.

  • Returns

    • 1 - is moving
    • 0 - not moving
    • -1 - error data

JOG mode and operation


  • Prototype: jog_angle(joint_id, direction, speed)

  • Description: Jog control angle

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100


  • Prototype: jog_coord(coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Description: Jog control coord.

  • Parameters

    • coord_id: (int) 1 ~ 6
    • direction: 0 - decrease, 1 - increase
    • speed: 0 ~ 100


  • Prototype: jog_absolute(joint_id, angle, speed)

  • Description: Jog absolute angle.

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100


  • Prototype: jog_increment(coord_id, direction, speed)

  • Description: Step mode.

  • Parameters

    • coord_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • direction:
    • speed: 0 ~ 100


  • Prototype: jog_stop()

  • Description: Stop jog moving.


  • Prototype: pause()

  • Description: Pause movement.


  • Prototype: resume()

  • Description: Recovery movement.


  • Prototype: stop()

  • Description: Stop moving.


  • Prototype: is_paused()

  • Description: Judge whether the manipulator pauses or not.

  • Returns :

    • 1 - paused
    • 0 - not paused
    • -1 - error


  • Prototype: set_encoder(joint_id, encoder)

  • Description: Set a single joint rotation to the specified potential value.

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • encoder: 0 ~ 4096


  • Prototype: get_encoder(joint_id)

  • Description:Obtain the specified joint potential value.

  • Parameters:

    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
  • Returns: encoder: 0 ~ 4096


  • Prototype: set_encoders(encoders, sp)

  • Description: Set the six joints of the manipulator to execute synchronously to the specified position.

  • Parameters:

    • encoders: A encoder list.
    • sp: speed 0 - 100


  • Prototype: get_encoders()

  • Description: Get the six joints of the manipulator.

  • Returns: the list of encoder (list)

Running status and Settings


  • Prototype: get_speed()

  • Description: Get speed.

  • Returns: speed: (int)


  • Prototype: set_speed(speed)

  • Description: Set speed.

  • Parameters: speed: (int) 0 ~ 100


  • Prototype: set_joint_min(id, angle)

  • Description: Sets the minimum angle for the specified joint.

  • Parameters:

    • id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • angle: 0 - 180.


  • Prototype: set_joint_max(id, angle)

  • Description: Sets the maximum angle of the specified joint.

  • Parameters:

    • id: (int) joint id
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • angle: 0 - 180.


  • Prototype: get_joint_min_angle()

  • Description: Gets the minimum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters:

    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
  • Returns: angle value (float)


  • Prototype: get_joint_max_angle()

  • Description: Gets the maximum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters:

    • joint_id: (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
  • Returns: angle value (float)

Servo control


  • Prototype: is_servo_enable(servo_id)

  • Description: Determine whether all steering gears are connected

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id (int)
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
  • Returns

    • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


  • Prototype: is_all_servo_enable()

  • Description: Determine whether the specified steering gear is connected

  • Returns

    • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


  • Prototype: set_servo_data(servo_no, data_id, value, mode=None)

  • Description: Set the data parameters of the specified address of the steering gear.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no (int): Serial number of articulated steering gear.
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • data_id: Data address.
    • value: 0 - 4096
    • mode: 0 - indicates that value is one byte(default), 1 - 1 represents a value of two bytes.


  • Prototype: get_servo_data(servo_no, data_id)

  • Description: Read the data parameter of the specified address of the steering gear.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear.
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.
    • data_id: Data address.
  • Returns: value: 0 - 4096

    • 0: disable
    • 1: enable
    • -1: error


  • Prototype: set_servo_calibration(servo_no)

  • Description: The current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point, and the corresponding potential value is 2048.

  • Parameters:

    • servo_no: Serial number of articulated steering gear.
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.


  • Prototype: release_servo(servo_id)

  • Description: Power off designated servo

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id:
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.


  • Prototype: focus_servo(servo_id)

  • Description: Power on designated servo

  • Parameters:

    • servo_id:
      • for mycobot / mecharm: int 1-6.
      • for mypalletizer: int 1-4.
      • for myArm: int 1 - 7.

Atom IO


  • Prototype: set_color(r, g, b)

  • Description: Set the color of the light on the top of the robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • r: 0 ~ 255
    • g: 0 ~ 255
    • b: 0 ~ 255


  • Prototype: set_pin_mode(pin_no, pin_mode)

  • Description: Set the state mode of the specified pin in atom.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int): Pin number.
    • pin_mode (int): 0 - input, 1 - output, 2 - input_pullup


Set the terminal atom io status

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int):
    • pin_signal (int): 0 / 1


  • Parameters: pin_no (int)

  • Return: signal value


  • Prototype: set_pwm_output(channel, frequency, pin_val)

  • Description: PWM control.

  • Parameters

    • channel (int): IO number.
    • frequency (int): clock frequency
    • pin_val (int): Duty cycle 0 ~ 256; 128 means 50%


  • Prototype: set_gripper_calibration()

  • Description: Set the current position to zero, set current position value is 2048.


  • Prototype: get_gripper_value(gripper_type=None)

  • Description: Get gripper value

  • Parameters

    • gripper_type (int):
      • 1 - Adaptive gripper.
      • 3 - Parallel gripper, this parameter can be omitted, default to adaptive gripper
      • 4 - Flexible gripper
  • Return: gripper value (int)


  • Prototype: set_gripper_state(flag, speed, _type_1=None)

  • Description: Set gripper switch state

  • Parameters

    • flag (int): 0 - open, 1 - close
    • speed (int): 0 ~ 100
    • _type_1 (int):
      • 1- Adaptive gripper,
      • 2 - 5 finger dexterous hand,
      • 3 - Parallel gripper, this parameter can be omitted, default to adaptive gripper
      • 4 - Flexible gripper


  • Prototype: set_gripper_value(value, speed, gripper_type=None)

  • Description: Set gripper value

  • Parameters

    • value (int): 0 ~ 100
    • speed (int): 0 ~ 100
    • gripper_type (int):
      • 1 - Adaptive gripper
      • 3 - Parallel gripper, this parameter can be omitted, default to adaptive gripper
      • 4 - Flexible gripper


  • Prototype: is_gripper_moving()

  • Description: Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Returns

    • 0 : not moving
    • 1 : is moving
    • -1: error data


  • Prototype: get_basic_input(pin_no)

  • Description: Get bottom pin.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int) Pin number.
  • Return: pin_signal (int) 0 / 1


  • Prototype: set_basic_output(pin_no, pin_signal)

  • Description: Set bottom pin.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int) Pin number.
    • pin_signal (int): 0 / 1


  • Prototype: set_ssid_pwd(account, password)

  • Description: Change connected wifi.(Apply to m5 or seeed)

  • Parameters

    • account (str) new wifi account.
    • password (str): new wifi password.


  • Prototype: get_ssid_pwd()

  • Description: Get connected wifi account and password.(Apply to m5 or seeed)

  • Return: (account, password).


  • Prototype: set_server_port(port)

  • Description: Change the connection port of the server.

  • Parameters

    • port: (int) The new connection port of the server.


  • Prototype: get_tof_distance()

  • Description: Get the detected distance (Requires external distance detector).

  • Return: int The unit is mm.


  • Prototype: get_tool_reference()

  • Description: Get tool coordinate system.

  • Return: list [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


  • Prototype: set_tool_reference(coords)

  • Description: Set tool coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


  • Prototype: set_world_reference(coords)

  • Description: Set world coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • coords: (list) [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


  • Prototype: get_world_reference()

  • Description: Get world coordinate system.

  • Return: list [x, y, z, rx, ry, rz].


  • Prototype: set_reference_frame(rftype)

  • Description: Set base coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • rftype: 0 - base 1 - tool.


  • Prototype: get_reference_frame()

  • Description: Get base coordinate system.

  • Return: 0 - base 1 - tool.


  • Prototype: set_movement_type(move_type)

  • Description: Set movement type.

  • Parameters:

    • move_type: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.


  • Prototype: get_movement_type()

  • Description: Get movement type.

  • Return: 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ.


  • Prototype: set_end_type(end)

  • Description: Set end coordinate system.

  • Parameters:

    • end: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.


  • Prototype: get_end_type()

  • Description: Get end coordinate system.

  • Return: 0 - flange, 1 - tool.


  • Prototype: get_plan_speed()

  • Description: Get planning speed.

  • Return: [ movel planning speed, movej planning speed].


  • Prototype: get_plan_acceleration()

  • Description: Get planning acceleration.

  • Return: [ movel planning acceleration, movej planning acceleration].


  • Prototype: set_plan_speed(speed, is_linear)

  • Description: Set planning speed.

  • Parameters

    • speed (int) 0 - 100.
    • is_linear (int): 0 / 1 (0 ->joint, 1 -> line)


  • Prototype: set_plan_acceleration(acceleration, is_linear)

  • Description: Set planning acceleration.

  • Parameters

    • acceleration (int) 0 - 100.
    • is_linear (int): 0 / 1 (0 ->joint, 1 -> line)


  • Prototype: move_round(angle)

  • Description: Drive the 9g steering gear clockwise for one revolution.

  • Parameters

    • angle (int) 0 - 255. 0 : stop 255 : Keep turning 1 ~ 254: Based on 30° (1->30°, 2->60°)


  • Prototype: get_basic_version()

  • Description: Get basic firmware version.

  • Return

    • version (float)


  • Prototype: set_transponder_mode(mode)

  • Description: Set basic communication mode.

  • Parameters

    • mode (int) 0 - Turn off transparent transmission. 1 - Open transparent transmission


  • Prototype: get_servo_speeds()

  • Description: Get joint velocity.

  • Return: list Speed of each joint.


  • Prototype: get_servo_currents()

  • Description: Get joint current.

  • Return: list Current of each joint.


  • Prototype: get_servo_voltages()

  • Description: Get joint voltage.

  • Return: list Voltage of each joint.


  • Prototype: get_servo_status()

  • Description: Get the state of each joint.

  • Return: list the state of each joint.


  • Prototype: get_servo_temps()

  • Description: Get the temperature of each joint.

  • Return: list temperature of each joint.


  • Prototype: init_eletric_gripper()

  • Description: Electric gripper initialization (it needs to be initialized once after inserting and removing the gripper) (only for 350)


  • Prototype: set_eletric_gripper(status)

  • Description: Set Electric Gripper Mode (only for 350).

  • Parameters

    • status (int): 0 - open, 1 - close.


  • Prototype: set_gripper_mode(status)

  • Description: Set gripper mode.

  • Parameters

    • status (int): 0 - transparent transmission. 1 - Port Mode.


  • Prototype: get_gripper_mode()

  • Description: Get gripper mode.

  • Return

    • status (int): 0 - transparent transmission. 1 - Port Mode.


  • Prototype: set_encoders_drag(encoders, speeds)

  • Description: Send all encoders and speeds

  • Parameters

    • encoders (list) : encoders list.
    • speeds: Obtained by the get_servo_speeds() method


  • Prototype: get_solution_angles()

  • Description: Get zero space deflection angle value.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)


  • Prototype: set_solution_angles(angle, speed)

  • Description: Set zero space deflection angle value.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Parameters

    • angle: Angle of joint 1.
    • speed: 1 - 100.


  • Prototype: joint_brake(joint_id)

  • Description: Make it stop when the joint is in motion, and the buffer distance is positively related to the existing speed

  • Parameters

    • joint_id: 1 - 7.


  • Prototype: get_transponder_mode()

  • Description: Obtain the configuration information of serial transmission mode.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Return

    • 0: Turn off transparent transmission
    • 1: Turn on transparent transmission, verify all data
    • 2: Turn on transparent transmission, only verify communication forwarding mode configuration information (default is 0)


  • Prototype: set_transponder_mode(mode)

  • Description: Set serial port transmission mode.(This interface is only applicable to MyArm)

  • Parameters

    • mode:
      • 0: Turn off transparent transmission
      • 1: Turn on transparent transmission, verify all data
      • 2: Turn on transparent transmission, only verify communication forwarding mode configuration information


  • Prototype: set_HTS_gripper_torque(torque)

  • Description: Set new adaptive gripper torque.

  • Parameters

    • torque (int): 150 ~ 980
  • Return

    • int: 0 - Set failed. 1 - Set successful


  • Prototype: get_HTS_gripper_torque()

  • Description: Get gripper torque

  • Return

    • int: 150 ~ 980


  • Prototype: get_gripper_protect_current()

  • Description: Get the gripper protection current.

  • Return

    • int: 1 ~ 500


  • Prototype: init_gripper()

  • Description: Gripper initialization.

  • Return

    • 0: init failed
    • 1: init successful


  • Prototype: set_gripper_protect_current(current)

  • Description: Set the gripper protection current.

  • Parameters

    • torque (int): 1 ~ 500


  • Prototype: set_four_pieces_zero()

  • Description: Set the zero position of the four-piece motor.

  • Return

    • int: 1 - Set successful. 0 - Set failed.


  • Prototype: jog_rpy(end_direction, direction, speed)

  • Description: Rotate the end around a fixed axis in the base coordinate system.

  • Parameters

    • end_direction (int): Roll, Pitch, Yaw (1-3)
    • direction (int): 1 - forward rotation, 0 - reverse rotation
    • speed (int): 1 ~ 100.


  • Prototype: set_void_compensate(mode)

  • Description: Set void compensation mode.

  • Parameters

    • mode (int): 0 - close, 1 - open

Raspberry pi -- GPIO


  • Prototype: gpio_init()

  • Description: Init GPIO module, and set BCM mode.


  • Prototype: gpio_output(pin, v)

  • Description: Set GPIO port output value.

  • Parameters

    • pin (int) Pin number.
    • v (int): 0 / 1


from pymycobot import Angle


Instance class of joint. It's recommended to use this class to select joint.


from pymycobot import Coord


Instance class of coord. It's recommended to use this class to select coord.

utils (Module)

This module support some help method.


from pymycobot import utils


  • Prototype: get_port_list()

  • Description: Get the all serial port list.

  • Return: serial port list (list)


  • Prototype: detect_port_of_basic()

  • Description: Returns the serial port string of the first detected M5 Basic. If it is not found, it returns None.

  • Return: detected port (str) or None

  • Example:

    from pymycobot import MyCobot, utils
    port = utils.detect_port_of_basic()
    if port is None:
     raise Exception('Detection failed.')
    mycobot = MyCobot(port, 115200)


Note: raspberryPi version Only supports python3 The robotic arm that uses this class of premise has a server and has been turned on.

Use TCP/IP to control the robotic arm


# demo
from pymycobot import MyCobotSocket
# Port 9000 is used by default
mc = MyCobotSocket("",9000)

res = mc.get_angles()



Server file is in the demo folder,For details, please check the file in the demo folder

socket control

Note: Most of the methods are the same as the class mycobot, only the new methods are listed here.


  • Prototype: set_gpio_mode(mode)

  • Description: Set pin coding method.

  • Parameters

    • mode (str) "BCM" or "BOARD".


  • Prototype: set_gpio_out(pin_no, mode)

  • Description: Set the pin as input or output.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int) pin id.
    • mode (str) "in" or "out"


  • Prototype: set_gpio_output(pin_no, state)

  • Description: Set the pin to high or low level.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int) pin id.
    • state (int) 0 or 1


  • Prototype: get_gpio_in(pin_no)

  • Description: Get pin level status.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no (int) pin id.
# Set up the demo of the suction pump
import time
from pymycobot import MyCobotSocket
# connect server
m = MyCobotSocket("", '9000')

m.set_gpio_out(20, "out")
m.set_gpio_out(21, "out")
# open
m.set_gpio_output(20, 0)
m.set_gpio_output(21, 0)
# close
m.set_gpio_output(20, 1)
m.set_gpio_output(21, 1)


base_to_single_coords(base_coords, arm)

Convert base coordinates to coordinates

  • Parameters

    • coords – a list of base coords value len 6

    • arm – 0 - left. 1 - right

  • Returns


collision(left_angles, right_angles)

Collision detection main program

  • Parameters

    • left_angles – left arm angle len 6.

    • right_angles – right arm angle len 6.

  • Returns



Collision Detection Switch

  • Parameters

    state (int) – 0 - close 1 - open (Off by default)

focus_servo(id, servo_id)

Power on designated servo

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id – 1 - 6


Read acceleration during all moves

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

get_angle(id, joint_id)

Get the angle of a single joint

  • Parameters

    • id (int) – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id (int) – 1 - 7 (7 is gripper)


Get the degree of all joints.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    A float list of all degree.

  • Return type



Get the base coordinates of the single arm

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

get_base_coords(*args: int)

Convert coordinates to base coordinates. Pass in parameters or no parameters

  • Parameters

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6 [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • arm – 0 - left. 1 - right

  • Returns

    Base coords

get_coord(id, joint_id)

Read a single coordinate parameter

  • Parameters

    • id (int) – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id (int) – 1 - 7 (7 is gripper)


Get the coordinates of the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R).

get_digital_input(id, pin_no)

singal value

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • pin_no (int) – 1 - 5

get_encoder(id, joint_id)

Obtain the specified joint potential value.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id – (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Returns

    0 ~ 4096


Get the six joints of the manipulator

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R).

  • Returns

    The list of encoders


Get end coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Returns

    0 - flange 1 - tool


Get the value of gripper.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    gripper value (int)

get_joint_current(id, joint_id)

Get Collision Current

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • joint_id – 1 - 6

get_joint_max_angle(id, joint_id)

Gets the maximum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id – (int) 1 - 6

  • Returns

    angle value(float)

get_joint_min_angle(id, joint_id)

Gets the minimum movement angle of the specified joint

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id – (int) 1 - 6

  • Returns

    angle value(float)


Get movement type

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Returns

    1 - movel 0 - moveJ


Get planning acceleration

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Returns

    [movel planning acceleration, movej planning acceleration].


Get planning speed

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Returns

    [movel planning speed, movej planning speed].


Get the base coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

  • Returns

    0 - base 1 - tool.


Detect this robot id

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Get cobot version

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Get joint current

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Returns

    value mA

get_servo_data(id, servo_no, data_id)

Read the data parameter of the specified address of the steering gear.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_no – Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.

    • data_id – Data address.

  • Returns

    values (0 - 4096) 0 - disable 1 - enable -1 - error


Get joint status

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Returns

    [voltage, sensor, temperature, current, angle, overload], a value of 0 means no error


Get joint speed

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/ (L/R)

  • Returns

    list len 6


Get joint temperature

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)


Get joint voltages

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Returns

    volts < 24 V


Get speed

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

  • Returns


  • Return type



Get cobot version

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Get tool coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)


Get the world coordinate system

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)


Determine whether the specified steering gear is connected

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

  • Returns

    0 - disable 1 - enable -1 - error


Get collision detection status


Wether connected with Atom.

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Check if it is free mode

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Returns



Judge whether the gripper is moving or not

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    0 - not moving 1 - is moving -1 - error data

is_in_position(id, data, mode)

Judge whether in the position.

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

    • data – A data list, angles or coords. If id is 1/2. data length is 6. If id is 0. data len 13. if id is 3. data len 1

    • mode – 1 - coords, 0 - angles

  • Returns

    1 - True 0 - False -1 - Error


Detect if the robot is moving

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

  • Returns

    0 - not moving 1 - is moving -1 - error data


Judge whether the manipulator pauses or not.

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

  • Returns

    1 - paused 0 - not paused -1 - error


Adjust robot arm status

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

  • Returns

    1 - power on 0 - power off -1 - error data

is_servo_enable(id, servo_id)

Determine whether all steering gears are connected

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id – (int) 1 ~ 6

  • Returns

    0 - disable 1 - enable -1 - error

jog_absolute(id, joint_id, angle, speed)

Absolute joint control

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id – int 1-6.

    • angle – int

    • speed – int (0 - 100)

jog_angle(id, joint_id, direction, speed)

Jog control angle.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id – int 1-6.

    • direction – 0 - decrease, 1 - increase

    • speed – int (0 - 100)

jog_coord(id, coord_id, direction, speed)

Jog control coord.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • coord_id – int 1-6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz).

    • direction – 0 - decrease, 1 - increase

    • speed – int (0 - 100)

jog_inc_coord(axis, increment, speed)

Double-arm coordinated coordinate stepping

  • Parameters

    • axis – 1 - 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • increment

    • speed – 1 - 100

jog_increment(id, joint_id, increment, speed)

step mode

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id – int 1-6.

    • increment

    • speed – int (1 - 100)


Stop jog moving

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

joint_brake(id, joint_id)

Make it stop when the joint is in motion, and the buffer distance is positively related to the existing speed

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id – 1 - 6


Pause movement

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).


Close communication with Atom.

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Open communication with Atom.

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Robot Error Detection

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)


Robot turns off torque output

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

release_servo(id, servo_id)

Power off designated servo

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_id – 1 - 6.


Recovery movement

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

send_angle(id, joint, angle, speed)

Send one degree of joint to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint – 1 ~ 6

    • angle – int

    • speed – 1 ~ 100

send_angles(id, degrees, speed)

Send all angles to the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R).

    • degrees – [angle_list] len 6

    • speed – 1 - 100

send_coord(id, coord, data, speed)

Send a single coordinate to the robotic arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • coord – 1 ~ 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • data – Coordinate value

    • speed – 0 ~ 100

send_coords(id, coords, speed, mode)

Send all coords to robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R).

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6, [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • speed – (int) 0 ~ 100

    • mode – (int) 0 - moveJ, 1 - moveL, 2 - moveC

set_acceleration(id, acc)

Read acceleration during all moves

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • acc – 1 - 100

set_color(id, r=0, g=0, b=0)

Set the light color on the top of the robot arm.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • r (int) – 0 ~ 255

    • g (int) – 0 ~ 255

    • b (int) – 0 ~ 255

set_digital_output(id, pin_no, pin_signal)

Set atom IO output level

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • pin_no (int) – 1 - 5

    • pin_signal (int) – 0 / 1

set_encoder(id, joint_id, encoder, speed)

Set a single joint rotation to the specified potential value.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W).

    • joint_id – 1 - 6.

    • encoder – The value of the set encoder.

set_encoders(id, encoders, speed)

Set the six joints of the manipulator to execute synchronously to the specified position.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R).

    • encoders – A encoder list, length 6.

    • speed – speed 1 ~ 100

set_end_type(id, end)

Set end coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • end – 0 - flange, 1 - tool

set_encoders_drag(id, encoders, speeds)

Send all encoders and speeds

  • Parameters

    • encoders - (list) : encoders list.
    • speeds - Obtained by the get_servo_speeds() method

set_free_mode(id, value)

set free mode

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • value – 0 - close 1 - open

set_fresh_mode(id, mode)

Set command refresh mode

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R).

    • mode – int 1 - Always execute the latest command first. 0 - Execute instructions sequentially in the form of a queue.


Set the current position to zero, set current position value is 2048.

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

set_gripper_state(id, flag)

Set gripper switch state

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • flag (int) – 0 - close, 1 - open

set_gripper_value(id, value, speed)

Set gripper value

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • value (int) – 0 ~ 100

    • speed (int) – 0 ~ 100

set_joint_current(id, joint_id, current)

Set Collision Current

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • joint_id – 1 - 6

    • current – current value

set_joint_max(id, joint_id, angle)

Set the joint maximum angle

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id – int 1-6.

    • angle – 0 ~ 180

set_joint_min(id, joint_id, angle)

Set the joint minimum angle

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • joint_id – int 1-6.

    • angle – 0 ~ 180

set_movement_type(id, move_type)

Set movement type

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • move_type – 1 - movel, 0 - moveJ

set_pin_mode(id, pin_no, pin_mode)

Set the state mode of the specified pin in atom.

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • pin_no (int) – pin number (1 - 5).

    • pin_mode (int) – 0 - input, 1 - output

set_plan_acceleration(id, acceleration)

Set planning acceleration

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • acceleration (int) – (0 ~ 100).

set_plan_speed(id, speed)

Set planning speed

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • speed (int) – (0 ~ 100).


Set PWM output

set_reference_frame(id, rftype)

Set the base coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • rftype – 0 - base 1 - tool.

set_robot_id(id, new_id)

Set this robot id

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W)

    • new_id – 1 - 253

set_servo_calibration(id, servo_no)

The current position of the calibration joint actuator is the angle zero point,

and the corresponding potential value is 2048.
  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_no – Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.

set_servo_data(id, servo_no, data_id, value)

Set the data parameters of the specified address of the steering gear

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • servo_no – Serial number of articulated steering gear, 1 - 6.

    • data_id – Data address.

    • value – 0 - 4096

set_speed(id, speed)

Set speed value

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2/3 (L/R/W)

    • speed (int) – 0 - 100

set_tool_reference(id, coords)

Set tool coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6. [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

set_world_reference(id, coords)

Set the world coordinate system

  • Parameters

    • id – 0/1/2 (ALL/L/R)

    • coords – a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6 [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]


Stop moving

  • Parameters

    id – 0/1/2/3 (ALL/L/R/W).

write_base_coord(id, axis, coord, speed)

Base single coordinate movement

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • axis – 1 - 6 (x/y/z/rx/ry/rz)

    • coord – Coordinate value

    • speed – 1 - 100

write_base_coords(id, coords, speed)

base coordinate move

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R)

    • coords – coords: a list of coords value(List[float]), length 6, [x(mm), y, z, rx(angle), ry, rz]

    • speed – 1 - 100


Get the radians of all joints

  • Parameters

    id – 1/2 (L/R)

  • Returns

    A list of float radians [radian1, …]

  • Return type


send_radians(id, radians, speed)

Send the radians of all joints to robot arm

  • Parameters

    • id – 1/2 (L/R).

    • radians – a list of radian values( List[float]), length 6

    • speed – (int )1 ~ 100


Set GPIO input value.

  • Parameters

    pin – (int)pin number.

set_gpio_mode(pin_no, mode)

Init GPIO module, and set BCM mode.

  • Parameters

    • pin_no – (int)pin number.

    • mode – 0 - input 1 - output

set_gpio_output(pin, v)

Set GPIO output value.

  • Parameters

    • pin – (int)pin number.

    • v – (int) 0 / 1

set_gpio_pwm(pin, baud, dc)

Set GPIO PWM value.

  • Parameters

    • pin – (int)pin number.

    • baud – (int) 10 - 1000000

    • dc – (int) 0 - 100


MyBuddyEmoticon(file_path: list = [], window_size: tuple = [], loop=False)

API for playing emoticons

  • Parameters
    • file_path - [[path, time],...] The absolute path of facial expression video and the length of time to play.Time in seconds.

    • window_size - (Length, width) Size of the playback window (default is full screen).

    • loop - Loop playback or not (only once by default).

from pymycobot import MyBuddyEmoticon
import time

# playlist
file_path = [
  ['/home/er/emo/look_happy.mp4', 10],
# Initialize the object and set it to loop playback
em = MyBuddyEmoticon(file_path, loop = True)
# Start playing

# Pause playback after 3 seconds
# time.sleep(3)
# em.pause()

# Continue playing

# The main thread waits for the completion of playback

add_file_path(path_time: list)

Add Playback File

  • Parameters

    path_time – [path, time] The video address to be added and the running time

del_file_path(index: int)

Delete the element with the specified subscript in the playlist list

  • Parameters

    index – The subscript of the element in the playlist to be deleted


Get Playfile List

  • Returns



Wait for the thread playing the video to finish


Pause playback


Continue playing


Start playing

More demo can go to here.

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pymycobot-3.5.0b34.tar.gz (115.6 kB view hashes)

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pymycobot-3.5.0b34-py3-none-any.whl (148.3 kB view hashes)

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