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Neo4j Object Graph Mapper for Python

A asynchronous library for working with Neo4j and Python 3.10+. This library aims to solve the problem of repeating the same queries over and over again by providing a simple way to define your models and their relationships. It is built on top of the Neo4j Python Driver, Pydantic 1.10 and Neo4j 5+.

Todo's and missing features

  • Add more tests
  • Add bookmark support
  • Add migrations
  • Add support for Pydantic v2

⚡️ Quick start

Before we can start to interact with our database, we have to take care of some setup. First, we have to connect to our database with the connect() method from the Neo4jClient class. This can be done by creating a new instance of the Neo4jClient class and passing the connection details as keyword arguments. This class is our entry point to the library and will be used to interact with our database.

from pyneo4j_ogm import Neo4jClient

# Initialize the client class and call the `.connect()` method
client = Neo4jClient()
await client.connect(uri="<connection-uri-to-database>", auth=("<username>", "<password>"))

# The `.connect()` allows to be chained right after the instantiation of the class
# for more convenience.
client = await Neo4jClient().connect(uri="<connection-uri-to-database>", auth=("<username>", "<password>"))

Next, we need to define our models. Models are used to represent data in our database. They are defined by inheriting from either the NodeModel or RelationshipModel class, depending on the type of graph entity we want our data to represent. Let's create a Developer who DRINKS some Coffee:

from pyneo4j_ogm import (

class Developer(NodeModel):
  A model representing a developer node in the graph.
  name: str
  age: int

  coffee: RelationshipProperty["Coffee", "Drinks"] = RelationshipProperty(

class Coffee(NodeModel):
  A model representing a coffee node in the graph.
  name: str

class Drinks(RelationshipModel):
  A model representing a DRINKS relationship between a developer and a coffee node.
  likes_it: bool

Now that we have our models defined, we have to let our client know about them. This can be done by calling the register_models() method of the Neo4jClient class and passing our models as a list.

# Client initialization and model definition happened here ...

# Register the models with the client
await client.register_models([Developer, Coffee, Drinks])

Note: This step can be skipped in certain cases, but it is recommended to always register your models with the client. Skipping this step will result in you loosing a big portion of the library's functionality (Like working with your models).

Finally, we can start to work with our database. Let's create a new Developer node and a Coffee node and connect them with a DRINKS relationship.

# Create a new developer node
developer = await Developer(name="John Doe", age=25).create()

# Create a new coffee node
coffee = await Coffee(name="Espresso").create()

# Connect the developer and coffee nodes with a DRINKS relationship
await, {"likes_it": True})

So if we put it all together, our code should look something like this:

import asyncio

from pyneo4j_ogm import (

class Developer(NodeModel):
    A model representing a developer node in the graph.

    name: str
    age: int

    coffee: RelationshipProperty["Coffee", "Drinks"] = RelationshipProperty(

class Coffee(NodeModel):
    A model representing a coffee node in the graph.

    name: str

class Drinks(RelationshipModel):
    A model representing a DRINKS relationship between a developer and a coffee node.

    likes_it: bool

async def main():
    # Connect to the database and register the models
    client = await Neo4jClient().connect(uri="bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
    await client.register_models([Developer, Coffee, Drinks])

    # Create new developer and coffee nodes and connect them with a DRINKS relationship
    developer = await Developer(name="John Doe", age=25).create()
    coffee = await Coffee(name="Espresso").create()

    await, {"likes_it": True})

    # Close connection again
    await client.close()

# Run the main function

Note: This script should run as is. You must change the uri and auth parameters in the connect() method call to match the ones needed for your own database before starting the script.

📚 Documentation

Table of contents

Basic concepts

If you have worked with other ORM's like sqlalchemy or beanie before, you will find that this library is very similar to them. The main idea is to work with nodes and relationships in a structured and easy-to-use way instead of writing out complex cypher queries and tons of boilerplate for simple operations.

The concept of this library builds on the idea of defining nodes and relationships present in the graph database as Python classes. This allows for easy and structured access to the data. These classes provide a robust foundation for working with a Neo4j database using methods for common queries, a filter API, model resolution and more.

In the following sections we will take a look at all of the features this library has to offer and how to use them.

Note: All of the examples in this documentation assume that you have already connected to a database and registered your models with the client instance. The models used in the following examples will build upon the ones defined in the Quick start section.

Database client

The Neo4jClient class is the brains of the library. It is used to connect to a database instance, register models and execute queries. Under the hood, every class uses the client to execute queries.

Connecting to a database

Before you can interact with anything this library offers in any way, you have to connect to a database. You can do this by creating a new instance of the Neo4jClient class and calling the connect() method on it. The connect() method takes a few arguments:

  • uri: The connection URI to the database.
  • skip_constraints: Whether the client should skip creating any constraints defined on models when registering them. Defaults to False.
  • skip_indexes: Whether the client should skip creating any indexes defined on models when registering them. Defaults to False.
  • *args: Additional arguments that are passed directly to Neo4j's AsyncDriver.driver() method.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments that are passed directly to Neo4j's AsyncDriver.driver() method.

The connect() method returns the client instance itself, so you can chain it right after the instantiation of the class. Here is an example of how to connect to a database:

from pyneo4j_ogm import Neo4jClient

client = Neo4jClient()
await client.connect(uri="<connection-uri-to-database>", auth=("<username>", "<password>"), max_connection_pool_size=10, ...)

# Or chained right after the instantiation of the class
client = await Neo4jClient().connect(uri="<connection-uri-to-database>", auth=("<username>", "<password>"), max_connection_pool_size=10, ...)

After connecting the client, you will be able to run queries against the database. Should you try to run a query without connecting to a database first, you will get a NotConnectedToDatabase exception.

Closing an existing connection

Once you are done working with a database and the client is no longer needed, you can close the connection to it by calling the close() method on the client instance. This will close the connection to the database and free up any resources used by the client. Here is an example of how to close a connection to a database instance:

# Do some work with the database instance ...

await client.close()

Once you closed the client, it will be seen as disconnected and if you try to run any further queries with it, you will get a NotConnectedToDatabase exception.

Registering models

As mentioned before, the basic concept is to work with models which reflect the nodes and relationships inside the graph. In order to work with these models, you have to register them with the client. You can do this by calling the register_models() method on the client and passing in your models as a list. Let's take a look at an example:

# Create a new client instance and connect ...

await client.register_models([Developer, Coffee, Drinks])

This is a crucial step, because if you don't register your models with the client, you won't be able to work with them in any way. Should you try to work with a model that is not registered with the client instance, you will get a UnregisteredModel exception. This exception also gets raised if a database model defines a relationship property with other (unregistered) models as a target or relationship model. For more information about relationship properties, see the Relationship properties section.

Note: If you don't explicitly define labels for node models or a type for a relationship model, you will see a warning in the console. This is because the library will use the name of the model as the label/type. This is not recommended, because most of the time you will want to define your own labels/types.

If you have defined any indexes or constraints on your models, they will be created automatically when registering them (if not disabled when the client got initialized).

If you don't register your models with the client, you will still be able to run cypher queries directly with the client, but you will loose automatic model resolution from queries. This means that, instead of database models, the raw Neo4j classes are returned.

Executing Cypher queries

Node- and RelationshipModels provide many methods for commonly used cypher queries, but sometimes you might want to execute a custom cypher with more complex logic. For this purpose, the client instance provides a cypher() method that allows you to execute custom cypher queries. The cypher() method takes three arguments:

  • query: The cypher query to execute.
  • parameters: A dictionary containing the parameters to pass to the query.
  • resolve_models: Whether the client should try to resolve the models from the query results. Defaults to True.

This method will always return a tuple containing list of result lists and a list of variables returned by the query. Internally, the client uses the .values() method of the Neo4j driver to get the results of the query.

Note: If no models have been registered with the client and resolve_models is set to True, the client will not raise any exceptions but rather return the raw query results.

Here is an example of how to execute a custom cypher query:

# Create a new client instance and connect ...

results, meta = await client.cypher(
  query="MATCH (d:Developer) WHERE = $name RETURN as developer_name, d.age",
  parameters={"name": "John Doe"},
  resolve_models=False, # Explicitly disable model resolution

print(results) # [["John Doe", 25]]
print(meta) # ["developer_name", "d.age"]

Batching cypher queries

Since Neo4j is ACID compliant, it is possible to batch multiple cypher queries into a single transaction. This can be useful if you want to execute multiple queries at once and make sure that either all of them succeed or none of them do. The client provides a batch() method that allows you to batch multiple cypher queries into a single transaction. The batch() method has to be called with a asynchronous context manager like in the following example:

# Create a new client instance and connect ...
# Make sure to register models when using them!

async with client.batch():
  # All queries executed inside the context manager will be batched into a single transaction
  # and executed once the context manager exits. If any of the queries fail, the whole transaction
  # will be rolled back.
  await client.cypher(
      query="CREATE (d:Developer {name: $name, age: $age})",
      parameters={"name": "John Doe", "age": 25},
  await client.cypher(
      query="CREATE (c:Coffee {name: $name})",
      parameters={"name": "Espresso"},

  # Model queries also can be batched together
  coffee = await Coffee(name="Americano").create()

Manual indexing and constraints

By default, the client will automatically create any indexes and constraints defined on models when registering them. If you want to disable this behavior, you can do so by passing the skip_indexes and skip_constraints arguments to the connect() method when connecting your client to a database.

If you want to create custom indexes and constraints, or want to add additional indexes/constraints later on (which should probably be done on the models themselves), you can do so by calling the create_index() and create_constraint() methods on the client.

First, let's take a look at how to create a custom index in the database. The create_index() method takes a few arguments:

  • name: The name of the index to create (Make sure this is unique!).
  • entity_type: The entity type the index is created for. Can be either EntityType.NODE or EntityType.RELATIONSHIP.
  • index_type: The type of index to create. Can be IndexType.RANGE, IndexType.TEXT, IndexType.POINT or IndexType.LOOKUP.
  • properties: A list of properties to create the index for.
  • labels_or_type: The node labels or relationship type the index is created for.

The create_constraint() method also takes similar arguments as the create_index() method. The only difference is that it does not take a constraint_type argument since only UNIQUENESS constraints are currently supported.

  • name: The name of the constraint to create.
  • entity_type: The entity type the constraint is created for. Can be either EntityType.NODE or EntityType.RELATIONSHIP.
  • properties: A list of properties to create the constraint for.
  • labels_or_type: The node labels or relationship type the constraint is created for.

Here is an example of how to use the methods:

# Creates a `RANGE` index on the labels `Test` and `Node`
# for both properties `prop_a and prop_b`
await client.create_index("node_text_index", EntityType.NODE, IndexType.RANGE, ["prop_a", "prop_b"], ["Test", "Node"])

# Creates a UNIQUENESS constraint for properties `prop_a and prop_b`
# for all relationships of type `TEST_RELATIONSHIP`
await client.create_constraint("relationship_constraint", EntityType.RELATIONSHIP, ["prop_a", "prop_b"], "TEST_RELATIONSHIP")

Client utilities

The database client also provides a few utility methods and properties that can be useful when writing automated scripts or tests. These methods are:

  • is_connected(): Returns whether the client is currently connected to a database.
  • drop_nodes(): Drops all nodes from the database.
  • drop_constraints(): Drops all constraints from the database.
  • drop_indexes(): Drops all indexes from the database.

Model configuration

Both Node- and RelationshipModels provide a few configuration options that can be used to define indexes, constraints and other settings for the model. These options can be used to easily define how nodes and relationships are created in the database.

Since this library uses pydantic under the hood, all of the configuration options available for pydantic models are also available for Node- and RelationshipModels. For more information about the configuration options available for pydantic models, see the pydantic docs.

Defining node properties

Node- and RelationshipModels are defined in the same way as pydantic models. The only difference is that you have to use the NodeModel and RelationshipModel classes instead of pydantic's BaseModel class. Here is an example of how to define a simple NodeModel:

from pyneo4j_ogm import NodeModel
from pydantic import Field, validator
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

class Developer(NodeModel):
  A model representing a developer node in the graph.
  id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
  name: str
  age: int
  likes_his_job: bool

  def must_like_his_job(cls, v):
    if not v:
      raise ValueError("A developer must like his job!")
    return v

A node created with the above model could look like this as a cypher query:

CREATE (d:Developer {id: "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0-k1l2m3n4o5p6", name: "John Doe", age: 25, likes_his_job: true})

Note: Everything mentioned above also applies to RelationshipModels.

Defining indexes and constraints on model properties

This library provides a convenient way to define indexes and constraints on model properties. This can be done by using the WithOptions method instead of the datatype when defining the properties of your model. The WithOptions method takes a few arguments:

  • property_type: The datatype of the property.
  • range_index: Whether to create a range index on the property. Defaults to False.
  • text_index: Whether to create a text index on the property. Defaults to False.
  • point_index: Whether to create a point index on the property. Defaults to False.
  • unique: Whether to create a uniqueness constraint on the property. Defaults to False.

If the method is called without defining any indexes or constraints, it behaves just like any other property. Here is an example of how to define indexes and constraints on model properties:

from pyneo4j_ogm import NodeModel, WithOptions
from pydantic import Field
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

class Developer(NodeModel):
  A model representing a developer node in the graph.
  id: WithOptions(UUID, unique=True) = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
  name: WithOptions(str, text_index=True)
  age: int
  likes_his_job: WithOptions(bool) # Has no effect since no indexes or constraints are defined

In the example above, we defined a text index on the name property and a uniqueness constraint on the id property. If you want to define multiple indexes or constraints on a single property, you can do so by passing multiple arguments to the WithOptions method. Note that you can still use the full power of pydantic like validators and default values when defining indexes and constraints on model properties.

Note: Everything mentioned above also applies to RelationshipModels.

Defining settings for a model

It is possible to define a number of settings for a model. These settings can be used to configure how nodes and relationships are created in the database and how you can interact with them. Settings are defined with a nested class called Settings. Class attributes act as the settings defined on the model. The following settings are available for Node- and RelationshipModels:

Setting name Type Description
exclude_from_export Set[str] Can be used to always exclude a property from being exported when using the export_model() method on a model. Any RelationshipProperty attributes on a model are automatically added (only for node models). Defaults to set().
pre_hooks Dict[str, List[Callable]] A dictionary where the key is the name of the method for which to register the hook and the value is a list of hook functions. The hook function can be sync or async. All hook functions receive the exact same arguments as the method they are registered for and the current model instance as the first argument. Defaults to {}.
post_hooks Dict[str, List[Callable]] Same as pre_hooks, but the hook functions are executed after the method they are registered for. Additionally, the result of the method is passed to the hook as the second argument. Defaults to {}.
NodeModel specific settings

NodeModels have two additional settings, labels and auto_fetch_nodes.

Setting name Type Description
labels Set[str] A set of labels to use for the node. If no labels are defined, the name of the model will be used as the label. Defaults to the model name split by _.
auto_fetch_nodes bool Whether to automatically fetch nodes of defined relationship properties when getting a model instance from the database. Auto-fetched nodes are available at the instance.<relationship-property>.nodes property. If no specific models are passed to a method when this setting is set to True, nodes from all defined relationship properties are fetched. Defaults to False.

Note: When no labels are defined for a NodeModel, the name of the model will be used and converted to PascalCase to stay in line with the style guide for cypher. Additionally, you will receive a warning in the console (since most of the time it's not the best to use the model name as a label).

RelationshipModel specific settings

For RelationshipModels, the labels setting is not available, since relationships don't have labels in Neo4j. Instead, the type setting can be used to define the type of the relationship. If no type is defined, the name of the model name will be used as the type.

Setting name Type Description
type str The type of the relationship to use. If no type is defined, the model name will be used as the type. Defaults to the model name.

Note: When no type is defined for a RelationshipModel, the name of the model will be used and converted to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE to stay in line with the style guide for cypher. Additionally, you will receive a warning in the console (since most of the time it's not the best to use the model name as a type).

How to use model settings

Now, after we have taken a look at all of the available settings, let's take a look at how to use them:

class Developer(NodeModel):

  coffee: RelationshipProperty["Coffee", "Drinks"] = RelationshipProperty(

  class Settings:
    # Nodes of this model will have the labels `Developer` and `Python`
    labels = {"Developer", "Python"}
    # Coffee nodes connected a Developer node will always be fetched
    auto_fetch_nodes = True

class Coffee(NodeModel):

  class Settings:
    # Since no labels have been defined, the labels for nodes of this class will
    # be `Coffee`

    # The `name` property will always be excluded from being exported
    exclude_from_export = {"name"}

def print_drink(self, result, *args, **kwargs):
  # Will print the result from the `find_one()` method

class Drinks(RelationshipModel):

  class Settings:
    # The type of the relationship will be `DRINKS_LOTS_OF`
    type = "DRINKS_LOTS_OF"
    # The `print_drink` method will be executed after the `find_one` method
    post_hooks = {"find_one": [print_drink]}

Model methods

Node- and RelationshipModels provide a number of methods for commonly used cypher queries. In the following sections we will take a look at all of the methods available on Node- and RelationshipModels.

Note: If a method is defined using Instance.method(), the method is to be called on a instance of a model. If a method is defined using Model.method(), the method is to be called on the model itself. Should a method only be available for either a NodeModel or RelationshipModel class, it will be defined as NodeModel.method() or RelationshipModel.method().


The update() method can be used to sync the modified properties of a node or relationship model with the corresponding entity inside the graph. This method takes no arguments.

developer = await Developer(

# Update instance with new values
developer.age = 27

# Syncs node in graph with properties from local instance
await developer.update()


The delete() method can be used to delete the graph entity tied to the current model instance. This method takes no arguments and returns nothing. Once deleted, the model instance will be marked as destroyed and any further operations on it will raise a InstanceDestroyed exception.

developer = await Developer(

# Deletes node in database, instance is now seen as `destroyed`
await developer.delete()

developer.age = 27
await developer.update() # Raises a `InstanceDestroyed` exception


Syncs your local instance with the properties from the corresponding graph entity. This method takes no arguments. This method can be useful if you want to make sure that your local instance is always up-to-date with the graph entity and should always be called when importing a model instance from a dictionary.

developer = await Developer(

# Something on the local instance changes
developer.age = 27
print(developer.age)  # 27

await developer.refresh()

print(developer.age)  # 24


The find_one() method can be used to find a single node or relationship in the graph. If multiple results are matched, the first one is returned. This method returns a single instance/dictionary or None if no results were found.

This method takes a mandatory filters argument, which is used to filter the results. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Return the first encountered node where the name property equals `John`
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"})

print(developer) # <Developer>

# Or if no match was found
print(developer) # None

Projections can be used to only return specific parts of the model as a dictionary. This can be useful if you only need a few properties of a model and don't want to fetch the whole model from the database. For more information about projections, see the Projections section.

# Return a dictionary with the developers name at the `dev_name` key instead
# of a model instance
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, {"dev_name": "name"})

print(developer) # {"dev_name": "John"}
Auto-fetching nodes

The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters can be used to automatically fetch all or selected nodes from defined relationship properties when running the find_one() query. For more about auto-fetching, see Auto-fetching relationship properties.

# Returns a developer instance with `instance.<property>.nodes` properties already fetched
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True)

print( # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developer.other_property.nodes) # [<OtherModel>, <OtherModel>, ...]

# Returns a developer instance with only the `` property already fetched
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=[Coffee])

# Auto-fetch models can also be passed as strings
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=["Coffee"])

print( # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developer.other_property.nodes) # []

Note: The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters are only available for classes which inherit from the NodeModel class.


The find_many() method can be used to find multiple nodes or relationships in the graph. This method always returns a list of instances/dictionaries or an empty list if no results were found.


Just like the find_one() method, the find_many() method also takes (optional) filters. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Returns all `Developer` nodes where the name property includes the letter `o`
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": {"$contains": "o"}})

print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

# Or if no matches were found
print(developers) # []

Projections can be used to only return specific parts of the models as dictionaries. For more information about projections, see the Projections section.

# Returns dictionaries with the developers name at the `dev_name` key instead
# of model instances
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": "John"}, {"dev_name": "name"})

print(developers) # [{"dev_name": "John"}, {"dev_name": "John"}, ...]
Query options

Query options can be used to define how results are returned from the query. They are provided via the options argument. For more about query options, see the Query options section.

# Skips the first 10 results and returns the next 20
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": "John"}, options={"limit": 20, "skip": 10})

print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
Auto-fetching nodes

The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters can be used to automatically fetch all or selected nodes from defined relationship properties when running the find_many() query. For more about auto-fetching, see Auto-fetching relationship properties.

# Returns developer instances with `instance.<property>.nodes` properties already fetched
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True)

print(developers[0].coffee.nodes) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developers[0].other_property.nodes) # [<OtherModel>, <OtherModel>, ...]

# Returns developer instances with only the `` property already fetched
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=[Coffee])

# Auto-fetch models can also be passed as strings
developers = await Developer.find_many({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=["Coffee"])

print(developers[0].coffee.nodes) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developers[0].other_property.nodes) # []

Note: The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters are only available for classes which inherit from the NodeModel class.


The update_one() method finds the first matching graph entity and updates it with the provided properties. If no match was found, nothing is updated and None is returned. Properties provided in the update parameter, which have not been defined on the model, will be ignored.

This method takes two mandatory arguments:

  • update: A dictionary containing the properties to update.
  • filters: A dictionary containing the filters to use when searching for a match. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.
# Updates the `age` property to `30` in the first encountered node where the name property equals `John`
# The `i_do_not_exist` property will be ignored since it has not been defined on the model
developer = await Developer.update_one({"age": 30, "i_do_not_exist": True}, {"name": "John"})

print(developer) # <Developer age=25>

# Or if no match was found
print(developer) # None
Returning the updated entity

By default, the update_one() method returns the model instance before the update. If you want to return the updated model instance instead, you can do so by passing the new parameter to the method and setting it to True.

# Updates the `age` property to `30` in the first encountered node where the name property equals `John`
# and returns the updated node
developer = await Developer.update_one({"age": 30}, {"name": "John"}, True)

print(developer) # <Developer age=30>


The update_many() method finds all matching graph entity and updates them with the provided properties. If no match was found, nothing is updated and a empty list is returned. Properties provided in the update parameter, which have not been defined on the model, will be ignored.

This method takes one mandatory argument update which defines which properties to update with which values.

# Updates the `age` property of all `Developer` nodes to 40
developers = await Developer.update_many({"age": 40})

print(developers) # [<Developer age=25>, <Developer age=23>, ...]

# Or if no matches were found
print(developers) # []

Optionally, a filters argument can be provided, which defines which entities to update. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Updates all `Developer` nodes where the age property is between `22` and `30`
# to `40`
developers = await Developer.update_many({"age": 40}, {"age": {"$gte": 22, "$lte": 30}})

print(developers) # [<Developer age=25>, <Developer age=23>, ...]
Returning the updated entity

By default, the update_many() method returns the model instances before the update. If you want to return the updated model instances instead, you can do so by passing the new parameter to the method and setting it to True.

# Updates all `Developer` nodes where the age property is between `22` and `30`
# to `40` and return the updated nodes
developers = await Developer.update_many({"age": 40}, {"age": {"$gte": 22, "$lte": 30}})

print(developers) # [<Developer age=40>, <Developer age=40>, ...]


The delete_one() method finds the first matching graph entity and deletes it. Unlike others, this method returns the number of deleted entities instead of the deleted entity itself. If no match was found, nothing is deleted and 0 is returned.

This method takes one mandatory argument filters which defines which entity to delete. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Deletes the first `Developer` node where the name property equals `John`
count = await Developer.delete_one({"name": "John"})

print(count) # 1

# Or if no match was found
print(count) # 0


The delete_many() method finds all matching graph entity and deletes them. Like the delete_one() method, this method returns the number of deleted entities instead of the deleted entity itself. If no match was found, nothing is deleted and 0 is returned.

# Deletes all `Developer` nodes
count = await Developer.delete_many()

print(count) # However many nodes matched the filter

# Or if no match was found
print(count) # 0

Optionally, a filters argument can be provided, which defines which entities to delete. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Deletes all `Developer` nodes where the age property is greater than `65`
count = await Developer.delete_many({"age": {"$gt": 65}})

print(count) # However many nodes matched the filter


The count() method returns the total number of entities of this model in the graph.

# Returns the total number of `Developer` nodes inside the database
count = await Developer.count()

print(count) # However many nodes matched the filter

# Or if no match was found
print(count) # 0

Optionally, a filters argument can be provided, which defines which entities to count. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Counts all `Developer` nodes where the name property contains the letters `oH`
# The `i` in `icontains` means that the filter is case insensitive
count = await Developer.count({"name": {"$icontains": "oH"}})

print(count) # However many nodes matched the filter


Export the model instance to a dictionary containing standard python types. Since this method uses pydantic.BaseModel.json() internally, all arguments it accepts are also accepted by this method.

developer = await Developer(

# Export the model instance to a dictionary
developer_dict = developer.export_model()

print(developer_dict) # {"element_id": "4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6", "name": "John", "age": 24}
Case conversion

By default, the export_model() will just convert the model instance to a dictionary. If you want to convert the keys of the dictionary to camelCase when exporting it, you can do so by passing the convert_to_camel_case argument to the method and setting it to True.

Note: This argument is very opinionated and you will probably not need it in most cases.

developer = await Developer(

# Export the model instance to a dictionary with camelCase keys
developer_dict = developer.export_model(convert_to_camel_case=True)

print(developer_dict) # {"elementId": "4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6", "name": "John", "age": 24, "someMultiLevelProperty": True}


Since you can export a model instance to a dictionary, it is also possible to import a model instance from a dictionary. This can be useful if you want to import a model instance from JSON and use a method on it straight away.

Note: Since this method converts the provided dictionary directly to a database model, the element_id key must be provided in the dictionary. This is because the library needs to know which entity the model belongs to when importing it. If you don't want to provide the element_id key, you can use pydantic's native methods for importing/exporting models and then call the Model.find_one() method.

developer_dict = {
  "element_id": "4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6",
  "name": "John",
  "age": 24

# Import the model instance from the dictionary
# After this import, any method can be called on the instance
developer = await Developer.import_model(developer_dict)

print(developer) # <Developer element_id="4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6" name="John", age=24>
Case conversion

By default, the import_model() will just try to import the model. If you converted the keys of the dictionary to camelCase when exporting it or get them from a JSON response, you need to pass the convert_to_snake_case argument as True to let the library know about it.

developer_dict = {
  "element_id": "4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6",
  "name": "John",
  "age": 24,
  "someMultiLevelProperty": True

# Import the model instance from the dictionary
# After this import, any method can be called on the instance
developer = await Developer.import_model(developer_dict, convert_to_snake_case=True)

print(developer) # <Developer element_id="4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6" name="John", age=24, some_multi_level_property=True>


Allows you to manually define pre-hooks for methods like described in the Defining settings for a model section.

def print_name(self, *args, **kwargs):

# Registers the `print_name` method as a pre-hook for the `update_one` method
Developer.register_pre_hooks({"update_one": print_name})
Overwriting existing hooks

You can choose to overwrite all hooks previously defined for the model by providing the overwrite parameter as True. This will clear all previously defined hooks, regardless of whether they were defined using this method or model settings.


Same behavior as Model.register_pre_hooks(), but the hooks are registered as post-hooks.


Returns the settings defined for the current model.

model_settings = Developer.model_settings()

print(model_settings) # <NodeModelSettings labels={"Developer", "Python"}, auto_fetch_nodes=False, ...>


Note: This method is only available for classes inheriting from the NodeModel class.

The create() method allows you to create a new node from a given model instance. All properties defined on the instance will be carried over to the corresponding node inside the graph. After this method has successfully finished, the instance saved to the database will be seen as hydrated and other methods such as update(), refresh(), etc. will be available.

# Creates a node inside the graph with the properties and labels
# from the model below
developer = await Developer(

print(developer) # <Developer age=24, name="John">


Note: This method is only available for classes inheriting from the NodeModel class.

The find_connected_nodes() method can be used to find nodes over multiple hops. It returns all matched nodes with the defined labels in the given hop range or an empty list if no nodes where found. The method requires you to define the labels of the nodes you want to find inside the filters (You can only define the labels of one model at a time). For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Picture a structure like this inside the graph:
# (:Producer)-[:SELLS_TO]->(:Barista)-[:PRODUCES {with_love: bool}]->(:Coffee)-[:CONSUMED_BY]->(:Developer)

# If we want to get all `Developer` nodes connected to a `Producer` node over the `Barista` and `Coffee` nodes,
# where the `Barista` created the coffee with love, we can do so like this:
producer = await Producer.find_one({"name": "Coffee Inc."})

if producer is None:
  # No producer found, do something else

developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes({
  "$node": {
    "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    # You can use all available filters here as well
  # You can define filters on specific relationships inside the path
  "$relationships": [
      # Here we define a filter for all `PRODUCES` relationships
      # Only nodes where the with_love property is set to `True` will be returned
      "$type": "PRODUCES",
      "with_love": True

print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

# Or if no matches were found
print(developers) # []

Projections can be used to only return specific parts of the models as dictionaries. For more information about projections, see the Projections section.

# Returns dictionaries with the developers name at the `dev_name` key instead
# of model instances
developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes(
    "$node": {
      "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    "$relationships": [
        "$type": "PRODUCES",
        "with_love": True
    "dev_name": "name"

print(developers) # [{"dev_name": "John"}, {"dev_name": "John"}, ...]
Query options

Query options can be used to define how results are returned from the query. They are provided via the options argument. For more about query options, see the Query options section.

# Skips the first 10 results and returns the next 20
developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes(
    "$node": {
      "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    "$relationships": [
        "$type": "PRODUCES",
        "with_love": True
  options={"limit": 20, "skip": 10}

print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
Auto-fetching nodes

The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters can be used to automatically fetch all or selected nodes from defined relationship properties when running the find_connected_nodes() query. For more about auto-fetching, see Auto-fetching relationship properties.

# Skips the first 10 results and returns the next 20
developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes(
    "$node": {
      "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    "$relationships": [
        "$type": "PRODUCES",
        "with_love": True

print(developers[0].coffee.nodes) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developers[0].other_property.nodes) # [<OtherModel>, <OtherModel>, ...]

# Returns developer instances with only the `` property already fetched
developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes(
    "$node": {
      "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    "$relationships": [
        "$type": "PRODUCES",
        "with_love": True

developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes(
    "$node": {
      "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    "$relationships": [
        "$type": "PRODUCES",
        "with_love": True

print(developers[0].coffee.nodes) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developers[0].other_property.nodes) # []


Note: This method is only available for classes inheriting from the RelationshipModel class.

This method returns the start node of the current relationship instance. This method takes no arguments.

# The `coffee_relationship` variable is a relationship instance created somewhere above
start_node = await coffee_relationship.start_node()

print(start_node) # <Coffee>


Note: This method is only available for classes inheriting from the RelationshipModel class.

This method returns the end node of the current relationship instance. This method takes no arguments.

# The `coffee_relationship` variable is a relationship instance created somewhere above
end_node = await coffee_relationship.end_node()

print(end_node) # <Developer>

Model properties

Node- and RelationshipModels have a few pre-defined properties which reflect the entity inside the graph and are used internally in queries. These properties are:

  • element_id: The element id of the entity inside the graph. This property is used internally to identify the entity inside the graph.
  • id: The id of the entity inside the graph.
  • modified_properties: A set of properties which have been modified on the model instance since it was last synced with the graph entity.

The RelationshipModel class has some additional properties:

  • start_node_element_id: The element id of the start node of the relationship.
  • start_node_id: The ID of the start node of the relationship.
  • end_node_element_id: The element id of the end node of the relationship.
  • end_node_id: The ID of the end node of the relationship.


Note: Relationship-properties are only available for classes which inherit from the NodeModel class.

Defining relationship properties

Relationship-properties are used to define relationships between nodes. They are defined as a class attribute on a node model and reflect the relationship to another node model. Relationship-properties are defined using the RelationshipProperty class. Let's take a look at an example:

class Developer(NodeModel):

    # Here we define a relationship to one or more `Coffee` nodes, both the target
    # and relationship model can be defined as strings (Has to be the exact name of the model)

    # Notice that the `RelationshipProperty` class takes two type arguments, the first
    # one being the target model and the second one being the relationship model
    coffee: RelationshipProperty["Coffee", "Drinks"] = RelationshipProperty(
        # The target model is the model we want to connect to
        # The relationship model is the model which defines the relationship
        # The direction of the relationship inside the graph
        # Cardinality defines how many nodes can be connected to the relationship
        # **Note**: This only softly enforces cardinality and has to be defined on
        # both models defining the relationship for it to work in both directions
        # Whether to allow multiple connections to the same node

Relationship-property methods

Relationship-properties provide a number of methods to interact with the relationship inside the graph. We will take a look at all of them in the following section.

Note: In the following, the terms source node and target node will be used. Source node refers to the node instance the method is called on and target node refers to the node instance the source node is connected to.


Returns the relationship between the source node and the target node. The method expects a single argument node which has to be the target node of the relationship. If no relationship was found, None is returned.

# The `developer` and `coffee` variables have been defined somewhere above

# Returns the relationship between the two nodes
coffee_relationship = await

print(coffee_relationship) # <Drinks>

# Or if no relationship was found
print(coffee_relationship) # None

Connects the given target node to the source node. The method expects the target node as the first argument, and optional properties as the second argument. The properties provided will be carried over to the relationship inside the graph. If the relationship already exists, nothing will happen. The returned value will be the created relationship.

# The `developer` and `coffee` variables have been defined somewhere above

coffee_relationship = await, {"likes_it": True})

print(coffee_relationship) # <Drinks>

Disconnects the target node from the source node and deletes the relationship between them. The only argument to the method is the target node. If the relationship does not exist, nothing will happen. The returned value will be the number of deleted relationships.

Note: If allow_multiple was set to True and multiple relationships to the target node exist, all of them will be deleted.

# The `developer` and `coffee` variables have been defined somewhere above

coffee_relationship_count = await

print(coffee_relationship_count) # However many relationships were deleted

Disconnects all target nodes from the source node and deletes all relationships between them. Returns the number of deleted relationships.

# The `developer` and `coffee` variables have been defined somewhere above

coffee_relationship_count = await

print(coffee_relationship_count) # However many relationships were deleted

Replaces a given relationship between the source node and one target node with a new relationship to another target node, carrying over all properties defined in the relationship. Returns the replaced relationship.

# The `developer`, `coffee_latte` and `coffee_americano` variables have been defined somewhere above

# Currently there is a relationship defined between the `developer` and `coffee_latte` nodes where
# the `likes_it` property is set to `True`

# Moves the relationship from `coffee_latte` to `coffee_americano`
coffee_relationship = await, coffee_americano)

print(coffee_relationship) # <Drinks likes_it=True>

Finds and returns all connected nodes for the given relationship property. This method always returns a list of instances/dictionaries or an empty list if no results were found.

# Returns all `Coffee` nodes
coffees = await

print(coffees) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]

# Or if no matches were found
print(coffees) # []

You can pass filters using the filters argument to filter the returned nodes. For more about filters, see the Filtering queries section.

# Returns all `Coffee` nodes where the `sugar` property is set to `True`
coffees = await{"sugar": True})

print(coffees) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]

Projections can be used to only return specific parts of the models as dictionaries. For more information about projections, see the Projections section.

# Returns dictionaries with the coffee's `sugar` property at the `contains_sugar` key instead
# of model instances
coffees = await{"sugar": True}, {"contains_sugar": "sugar"})

print(coffees) # [{"contains_sugar": True}, {"contains_sugar": False}, ...]
Query options

Query options can be used to define how results are returned from the query. They are provided via the options argument. For more about query options, see the Query options section.

# Skips the first 10 results and returns the next 20
coffees = await{"sugar": True}, options={"limit": 20, "skip": 10})

print(coffees) # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
Auto-fetching nodes

The auto_fetch_nodes and auto_fetch_models parameters can be used to automatically fetch all or selected nodes from defined relationship properties when running the find_many() query. For more about auto-fetching, see Auto-fetching relationship properties.

# Returns coffee instances with `instance.<property>.nodes` properties already fetched
coffees = await{"sugar": True}, auto_fetch_nodes=True)

print(coffees[0].developer.nodes) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
print(coffees[0].other_property.nodes) # [<OtherModel>, <OtherModel>, ...]

# Returns coffee instances with only the `instance.developer.nodes` property already fetched
coffees = await{"sugar": True}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=[Developer])

# Auto-fetch models can also be passed as strings
coffees = await{"sugar": True}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=["Developer"])

print(coffees[0].developer.nodes) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
print(coffees[0].other_property.nodes) # []

Query filters

By now, you have probably seen the use of filters in some examples of this documentation. In this section we will look at what filters are available, how to use them and how to combine them.

Note: All filters have full type support and IDE autocompletion.


If you have worked with MongoDB's query operators before, you will probably get familiar with the filters pretty quickly, since they are heavily inspired by them. Like in MongoDB, we can roughly categorize the filters into five categories:

  • Comparison operators
  • String operators
  • List operators
  • Logical operators
  • Element operators
Comparison operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values.

Operator Description Usage example
$eq Matches values that are equal to a specified value. {"name": {"$eq": "John"}} or the shortened version {"name": "John"}
$neq Matches values that are not equal to a specified value. {"name": {"$neq": "John"}}
$gt Matches values that are greater than a specified value. {"age": {"$gt": 25}}
$gte Matches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value. {"age": {"$gte": 25}}
$lt Matches values that are less than a specified value. {"age": {"$lt": 25}}
$lte Matches values that are less than or equal to a specified value. {"age": {"$lte": 25}}
$in Matches values that are in a given list of values. {"age": {"$in": [25, 27, 39]}}
$nin Matches values that are not in a given list of values. {"age": {"$nin": [25, 27, 39]}}
String operators

String operators are used to compare strings.

Operator Description Usage example
$contains Matches values that contain a specified substring. {"name": {"$contains": "hn"}}
$icontains Matches values that contain a specified substring (case-insensitive). {"name": {"$icontains": "hN"}}
$startsWith Matches values that starts with a specified substring. {"name": {"$startsWith": "Jo"}}
$istartsWith Matches values that starts with a specified substring (case-insensitive). {"name": {"$istartsWith": "jO"}}
$endsWith Matches values that ends with a specified substring. {"name": {"$endsWith": "hn"}}
$iendsWith Matches values that ends with a specified substring (case-insensitive). {"name": {"$iendsWith": "Hn"}}
$regex Matches values that match Neo4j's regular expressions. {"name": {"$regex": "Jo.*"}}
List operators

List operators are used to compare lists and their items.

Operator Description Usage example
$all Matches lists that contain all elements specified in the query. {"project_ids": {"$all": [25, 27, 39]}}
$size Matches lists that have the given size specified in the query. Can be combined with comparison operators like $gt, $lte, etc. {"project_ids": {"$size": 2}} or combined with others {"project_ids": {"$size": {"$gte": 4}}}
Logical operators

Logical operators are used to combine multiple filters or negate them.

Operator Description Usage example
$not Inverts the effect of a filter expression and returns results that do not match the filter expression. {"name": {"$not": {"$contains": "hn"}}}
$and Joins query clauses with a logical AND returns all nodes that match the conditions of both clauses. {"age": {"$and": [{"$gte": 20}, {"$lt": 45}]}}
$or Joins query clauses with a logical OR returns all nodes that match the conditions of either clause. {"age": {"$or": [{"$lte": 20}, {"$gt": 45}]}}
$xor Joins query clauses with a logical XOR returns all nodes that match the conditions of either clause, but not both. {"age": {"$xor": [{"$lte": 20}, {"$gt": 45}]}}
Element operators

Element operators are Neo4j-specific operators which can be used to filter by a variety of different properties.

Operator Description Usage example
$exists Matches nodes where the given property exists. {"name": {"$exists": True}}
$elementId Matches nodes where the given element id matches. {"$elementId": "4:08f8a347-1856-487c-8705-26d2b4a69bb7:6"}
$id Matches nodes where the given id matches. {"$id": 6}
$labels Matches nodes where the given labels match Only available for node filters. {"$labels": ["Developer", "Python"]}
$type Matches relationships where the given type matches Only available for relationship filters. {"$type": "PRODUCES"}

Pattern matching

Pattern matching is a Neo4j-specific feature which allows you to match nodes and relationships based on their relationships to other nodes. In this case you can use the $patterns operator. Pattern filters allow you to specify a pattern of nodes and relationships that must be met in order for the node to be matched.

Pattern filters are specified as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a pattern. Each pattern can specify the following keys:

  • $node: Filters applied to the target node. Expects a dictionary containing basic filters.
  • $relationship: Filters applied to the relationship between the source node and the target node. Expects a dictionary containing basic filters.
  • $direction: The direction of the pattern. Can be either INCOMING,OUTGOING or BOTH.
  • $exists: A boolean value indicating whether the pattern must exist or not.

To make this easier to understand, let's take a look at an example:

# We want to get all developers who don't drink coffee, this means we have to
# filter our `Developer` nodes based on the relationships they have to `Coffee` nodes
developers = await Developer.find_many({
  "$patterns": [
      "$exists": False,
      "$node": {
        "$labels": ["Coffee"]

# Will only print developers who don't have a relationship to a coffee node
print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

We can take this even further by defining multiple patterns, relationship filters and directions:

# This time we want to get all developers who drink coffee and liked it
# At the same time, these developers should be friends with a developer called `Jenny`

# So we have to filter our `Developer` nodes based on the relationships they have to `Coffee` nodes
# and the relationships they have to other `Developer` nodes where the name property equals `Jenny`
developers = await Developer.find_many({
  "$patterns": [
        # The developer must like coffee
        "$exists": True,
        "$node": {"$labels": ["Coffee"]},
        "$relationship": {"$type": "DRINKS", "likes_it": True},
        # The developer must be friends with a developer called `Jenny`
        "$exists": True,
        # `$direction` defines the relationship direction from one `Developer` node to
        # another `Developer` node. By defining this, we also rule out relationships
        # from `Jenny` to other developers
        "$direction": RelationshipMatchDirection.OUTGOING,
        "$node": {"$labels": ["Developer"], "name": "Jenny"},
        "$relationship": {"$type": "IS_FRIENDS_WITH"},

# Will only print developers who have a relationship to a coffee node and a relationship
# to a developer called `Jenny`
print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

Multi-hop filters

Multi-hop filters are a special type of filter only available for NodeModel.find_connected_nodes(). It allows you to specify filter parameters on the target node and all relationships between them. To define this filter, you have a few operators you can define:

  • $node: Filters applied to the target node. Expects a dictionary containing basic filters. Can not contain pattern yet.
  • $minHops: The minimum number of hops between the source node and the target node. Must be greater than 0.
  • $maxHops: The maximum number of hops between the source node and the target node. You can pass "*" as a value to define no upper limit. Must be greater than 1.
  • $relationships: A list of relationship filters. Each filter is a dictionary containing basic filters and must define a $type operator.

You guessed it, we shall do an example once more! Take a look at the following example:

# Picture a structure like this inside the graph:
# (:Producer)-[:SELLS_TO]->(:Barista)-[:PRODUCES {with_love: bool}]->(:Coffee)-[:CONSUMED_BY]->(:Developer)

# If we want to get all `Developer` nodes connected to a `Producer` node over the `Barista` and `Coffee` nodes,
# where the `Barista` created the coffee with love, we can do so like this:
producer = await Producer.find_one({"name": "Coffee Inc."})

if producer is None:
  # No producer found, do something else

developers = await producer.find_connected_nodes({
  "$node": {
    "$labels": ["Developer", "Python"],
    # You can use all available filters here as well
  # You can define filters on specific relationships inside the path
  "$relationships": [
      # Here we define a filter for all `PRODUCES` relationships
      # Only nodes where the with_love property is set to `True` will be returned
      "$type": "PRODUCES",
      "with_love": True

print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

# Or if no matches were found
print(developers) # []

Query projections

Projections are used to only return specific parts of the models as dictionaries. They are defined as a dictionary where the key is the name of the property in the returned dictionary and the value is the name of the property on the model instance. This can be useful if you have large models but only need to return a specific property.

In the following example, we will return a dictionary with a dev_name key, which get's mapped to the models name property and a dev_age key, which get's mapped to the models age property. Any defined mapping which does not exist on the model will have None as it's value

developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, {"dev_name": "name", "dev_age": "age", "i_do_not_exist": "some_non_existing_property"})

print(developer) # {"dev_name": "John", "dev_age": 24, "i_do_not_exist": None}

Query options

Query options are used to define how results are returned from the query. They provide some basic functionality for easily implementing pagination, sorting, etc. They are defined as a dictionary where the key is the name of the option and the value is the value of the option. The following options are available:

  • limit: Limits the number of returned results.
  • skip: Skips the first n results.
  • sort: Sorts the results by the given property. Can be either a string or a list of strings. If a list is provided, the results will be sorted by the first property and then by the second property, etc.
  • order: Defines the sort direction. Can be either ASC or DESC. Defaults to ASC.
# Returns 50 results, skips the first 10 and sorts them by the `name` property in descending order
developers = await Developer.find_many({}, options={"limit": 50, "skip": 10, "sort": "name", "order": QueryOptionsOrder.DESCENDING})

print(len(developers)) # 50
print(developers) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]

Auto-fetching relationship properties

You have the option to automatically fetch all defined relationship properties of matched nodes. This will populate the instance.<property>.nodes attribute with the fetched nodes. This can be useful in situations where you need to fetch a specific node and get all of it's related nodes at the same time.

Note: Auto-fetching nodes with many relationships can be very expensive and slow down your queries. Use it with caution.

To enable this behavior, you can either set the auto_fetch_nodes parameter to True or set the auto_fetch_nodes setting in the model settings to True, but doing so will always enable auto-fetching.

You can also define which relationship properties to fetch by providing the fetched models to the auto_fetch_models parameter. This can be useful if you only want to fetch specific relationship properties.

Now, let's take a look at an example:

# Fetches everything defined in the relationship properties of the current matched node
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True)

# All nodes for all defined relationship properties are now fetched
print( # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developer.developer.nodes) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
print(developer.other_property.nodes) # [<OtherModel>, <OtherModel>, ...]

With the auto_fetch_models parameter, we can define which relationship properties to fetch:

# Only fetch nodes for `Coffee` and `Developer` models defined in relationship properties
# The models can also be passed as strings, where the string is the model's name
developer = await Developer.find_one({"name": "John"}, auto_fetch_nodes=True, auto_fetch_models=[Coffee, "Developer"])

# Only the defined models have been fetched
print( # [<Coffee>, <Coffee>, ...]
print(developer.developer.nodes) # [<Developer>, <Developer>, ...]
print(developer.other_property.nodes) # []


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