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Python toolbox for phenotype analysis of arrayed microbial colonies

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Welcome to the pyphe toolbox

A python toolbox for phenotype analysis of arrayed microbial colonies written by Stephan Kamrad (stephan.kamrad at

Please see our preprint for a detailed description of the algorithms and applications and the FAQs at the bottom of the page.


  1. We recommend to run pyphe on a Linux OS. It is possible to install pyphe on other platforms but calling scripts from the command line is not so straight-forward in Windows. Scanning requires a Linux OS with a correctly configured SANE driver and ImageMagick installed.
  2. Pyphe requires Python 3 and a few common packages, available through the anaconda distribution.
  3. Install pyphe by running 'pip install pyphe' in your terminal.
  4. Open a new terminal and try and run 'pyphe-quantify -h' which should show the help page of one of pyphe's command line tools. See the FAQs at the end for what to do if you're on Windows.


A typical fitness screen with pyphe will involve:

  1. Image acquisition with pyphe-scan, or pyphe-scan-timecourse
  2. Quantification of colony properties from images using pyphe-quantify. In the case of growth curves, parameters are additionally extracted with pyphe-growthcurves.
  3. Normalisation and data aggregation using pyphe-analyse.

Please see our paper for a detailed protocol and explanations of the algorithms.


Please check the manuals below carefully, they are also available in the terminal by running the command with the -h option only. If things are still not working, please email me ( and I will try and help. If you think you have discovered a bug, or would like to request a new feature, please raise an issue on


All pyphe tools have a similar command line interface, based on the python argparse package. Generally, parameters are set using --<parameter_name> optionally followed by a value. All pyphe tools can be used with relative file paths so make sure to navigate to the correct working directory before running a pyphe command.


This tools allows you to take consecutive scans of sets of plates, which are then automatically cropped, rotated and named in in a continuos filename scheme of your choice.


  1. This tool will only run on Linux operating systems and uses the SANE library for image acquisition.

  2. Make sure your scanner is installed correctly and you can acquire images using the scanimage command. The Gray mode will only work on Epson V800 scanners (potentially the V700 and V750 model as well) and the TPU8x10 transmission scanning source must be enabled. This was first implemented in by Zackrisson et al. in the scanomatics pipeline and requires the installation of a hacked SANE driver. See the instructions in their wiki for how to do this.

  3. Make sure ImageMagick is installed and the 'convert' tool can be called from the command line.

  4. If the Pyphe toolbox has been installed correctly, you should be able to run pyphe-scan in your terminal. If not, check that the files in the 'bin' directory are executable and the bin folder has been added to your path variable.

  5. With a laser cutter, make a fixture to hold your plates in place. We provide an svg file with the cutting shape in the Documentation directory. Use tape to hold your fixture into place, it should be pushed against the back of the scanner (where the cables are) with the top of the plates facing left. Pyphe-scan and pyphe-quantify come pre-configured for using the provided fixture on an Epson V800 scanner but it is easy to add your own fixture and cropping settings. If you want to use your own fixture, see below of how to add the geometry information to pyphe-scan.

Scan plates

  1. Open the file manager and navigate to the folder in which you want to save your images. The script will create a sub-folder that begins with the current date to save all your images.

  2. Right click and select 'Open in Terminal'

  3. Run scanplates with the options as detaild below.

usage: pyphe-scan [-h] [--nplates NPLATES] [--start START] [--prefix PREFIX]
                  [--postfix POSTFIX] [--fixture {som3_edge,som3}]
                  [--resolution {150,300,600,900,1200}] [--scanner {1,2,3}]
                  [--mode {Gray,Color}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nplates NPLATES     Number of plates to scan. This defaults to 100 and the
                        script can be terminated by Ctr+C when done.
  --start START         Where to start numbering from. Defaults to 1.
  --prefix PREFIX       Name prefix for output files. The default is the
                        current date YYYYMMDD.
  --postfix POSTFIX     Name postfix for output files. Defaults to empty
  --fixture {som3_edge,som3}
                        ID of the fixture you are using.
  --resolution {150,300,600,900,1200}
                        Resolution for scanning in dpi. Default is 600.
  --scanner {1,2,3}     Which scanner to use. Scanners are not uniquely
                        identified and may switch when turned off/unplugged.
                        This option does not need to be set when only one
                        scanner is connected.
  --mode {Gray,Color}   Which color mode to use for scanning. Defaults to

All arguments except the fixture have default values and are optional. A folder prefix_postfix will be created in your current directory and the program will abort if a folder with this name already exists.


usage: pyphe-scan-timecourse [-h] [--nscans NSCANS] [--interval INTERVAL]
                             [--prefix PREFIX] [--postfix POSTFIX]
                             [--fixture {som3_edge,som3}]
                             [--resolution {150,300,600,900,1200}]
                             [--scanner {1,2,3}] [--mode {Gray,Color}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nscans NSCANS       Number of time points to scan. This defaults to 100
                        and the script can be terminated by Ctr+C when done.
  --interval INTERVAL   Time in minutes between scans. Defaults to 20.
  --prefix PREFIX       Name prefix for output files. The default is the
                        current date YYYYMMDD.
  --postfix POSTFIX     Name postfix for output files. Defaults to empty
  --fixture {som3_edge,som3}
                        ID of the fixture you are using.
  --resolution {150,300,600,900,1200}
                        Resolution for scanning in dpi. Default is 600.
  --scanner {1,2,3}     Which scanner to use. Scanners are not uniquely
                        identified and may switch when turned off/unplugged.
                        This option does not need to be set when only one
                        scanner is connected.
  --mode {Gray,Color}   Which color mode to use for scanning. Defaults to


This tool performs non-parametric analysis of growth curves. It was written specifically to analyse colony size timeseries data obtained with pyphe-quantify timeseries.

It is important that your csv with the growth data is in the right format. The file must contain one growth curve per column. The first column must be the timepoints and there must be a header row with unique identifiers for each curve. For example data and expected outputs, check out the files included in this Documentation folder. Sensible default parameters are set for all options but, depending on your data, you may wish to customise these, so check out the help section below.

usage: pyphe-growthcurves [-h] --input INPUT [--fitrange FITRANGE]
                          [--lag-method {abs,rel}]
                          [--lag-threshold LAG_THRESHOLD]
                          [--t0-fitrange T0_FITRANGE] [--plots]
                          [--plot-ylim PLOT_YLIM]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT         Path to the growth curve file to analyse. This file
                        contains one growth curve per column. The first column
                        must be the timepoints and there must be a header row
                        with unique identifiers for each curve.
  --fitrange FITRANGE   Number of timepoint over which to fit linear
                        regression. Defaults to 4. Please adjust this to the
                        density of your timepoints and use higher values for
                        more noisy data.
  --lag-method {abs,rel}
                        Method to use for determining lag. "abs" will measure
                        time until the defined biomass threshold is crossed.
                        "rel" will fist determine the inital biomass and
                        measure the time until the biomass has passed this
                        value times the threshold. Defaults to "rel".
  --lag-threshold LAG_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold to use for determining lag. With method
                        "abs", this will measure time until the defined
                        biomass threshold is crossed. With "rel" will fist
                        determine the inital biomass and measure the time
                        until the biomass has passed this value times the
                        threshold. Defaults to 2.0, so with method "rel", this
                        will measure the time taken for the first doubling.
  --t0-fitrange T0_FITRANGE
                        Specify the number of timepoint to use at the
                        beginning of the growth curve to determine the initial
                        biomass by averaging them. Defaults to 3.
  --plots               Set this option (no argument required) to produce a
                        plot of all growthcurves as pdf.
  --plot-ylim PLOT_YLIM
                        Specify the upper limit of the y-axis of growth curve
                        plots. Useful if you want curves to be directly
                        comparable. If not set, the axis of each curve is
                        scaled to the data.

Interpreting results

Pyphe-growthcurves will produce a csv file with extracted growth parameters. The maximum slope is determined by fitting all possible linear regressions in sliding windows of length n and chosing the one with the highest slope. The lag phase is determined as the first timepoint which exceeds a settable relative or absolute threshold.

Parameter Explanation
initial biomass The average of the first n timepoints of the growth curve
lag Lag phase
max_slope The maximum slope of the growth curve
r2 The R2 parameter of the linear regression that produced the highest maximum slope
t_max Time at which maximum growth slope is reached (center of the sliding window)
y-intercept Y-intercept of the regression which produced the maximum slope
x-intercept X-intercept of the regression which produced the maximum slope. This is interpreted as lag phase by some people


usage: pyphe-quantify [-h] --grid GRID [--pattern PATTERN] [--t T] [--d D]
                      [--s S] [--negate NEGATE] [--reportAll]
                      [--hardImageThreshold HARDIMAGETHRESHOLD]
                      [--hardSizeThreshold HARDSIZETHRESHOLD] [--qc QC]
                      [--out OUT]

positional arguments:
                        Pyphe-quantify can be run in three different modes. In
                        batch mode, it quantifies colony sizes for all images
                        mathcing the pattern individually. A separate results
                        table and qc image is produced for each. Redness mode
                        is similar except that the redness of each colony is
                        quantified. In timecourse mode, all images matching
                        the pattern are analysed jointly. The final image
                        matching the pattern is used to create a mask of where
                        the colonies are and this mask is then applied to all
                        previous images in the timeseries. A single output
                        table, where the timepoints are the rows and each
                        individual colony is a row.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --grid GRID           This option is required (all others have defaults set)
                        and specifies the grid in which the colonies are
                        arranged. The argument has to be in the form of 6
                        integer numbers separated by "-": <number of colony
                        rows>-<number of colony columns>-<x-position of the
                        top left colony>-<y-position of the top left
                        colony>-<x-position of the bottom right
                        colony>-<y-position of the bottom right colony>.
                        Positions must be integers and are the distance in
                        number of pixels from the image origin in each
                        dimension (x is width dimension, y is height
                        dimension). The image origin is, in line with scikit-
                        image, in the top left corner.
  --pattern PATTERN     Pattern describing files to analyse. This follows
                        standard unix convention and can be used to specify
                        subfolders in which to look for images
                        (<subfolder>/*.jpg) or the image format (*.tiff,
                        *.png, etc.). By default, all jpg images in the
                        working directory are analysed.
  --t T                 By default the intensity threshold to distinguish
                        colonies from the background is determined by the Otsu
                        method. The determined value will be multiplied by
                        this argument to give the final threshold. Useful for
                        easily fine-tuning colony detection.
  --d D                 The distance between two grid positions will be
                        divided by this number to compute the maximum distance
                        a putative colony can be away from its reference grid
                        position. Decreasing this number towards 2 makes
                        colony-to-grid-matching more permissive (might help
                        when some of your plates are at a slight angle or out
                        of position).
  --s S                 Detected putative colonies will be filtered by size
                        and small components (usually image noise) will be
                        excluded. The default threshold is the image
                        area*0.00005 and is therefore independent of scanning
                        resolution. This default is then multiplied by this
                        argument to give the final threshold. Useful for when
                        colonies have unusual sizes.
  --negate NEGATE       In images acquired by transmission scanning, the
                        colonies are darker than the background. Before
                        thresholding, the image needs to be inverted/negated.
                        Ignored in redness mode.
  --reportAll           Sometimes, two putative colonies are identified that
                        are within the distance threshold of a grid position.
                        By default, only the closest colony is reported. This
                        can be changed by setting this option (without
                        parameter). This option allows pyphe quantify to be
                        used even if colonies are not arrayed in a regular
                        grid (you still need to provide a grid parameter
                        though that spans the colonies you are interested i).
  --reportFileNames     Only for timecourse mode, otherwise ignored. Use
                        filenames as index for output table instead of
                        timepoints. Useful when the ordering of timepoints is
                        not the same as returned by the pattern.
  --hardImageThreshold HARDIMAGETHRESHOLD
                        Allows a hard (fixed) intensity threshold in the range
                        [0,1] to be used instead of Otsu thresholding. But
                        images intensities are re-scaled to [0,1] before
  --hardSizeThreshold HARDSIZETHRESHOLD
                        Allows a hard (fixed) size threshold [number of
                        pixels] to be used for filtering small colonies.
  --qc QC               Directory to save qc images in. Defaults to
  --out OUT             Directory to save output files in. Defaults to


Pyphe-analyse is a tool for spatial normalisation and data aggregation across many plates. It implements a grid normalisation based on the concept proposed by [Zackrisson et al. 2016](( and row/column median normalisation. Please see our paper and the protocol in it to find out more. Pyphe-analyse can be run from the command line, with options below, or using the graphical user interface by running pyphe-analyse-gui.

usage: pyphe-analyse.txt [-h] --edt EDT --format
                         {gitter,pyphe-redness,pyphe-growthcurves} [--out OUT]
                         [--gridnorm {standard384,standard1536}]
                         [--extrapolate_corners] [--rcmedian] [--check CHECK]
                         [--qc_plots QC_PLOTS]

Welcome to pyphe-analyse, part of the pyphe toolbox. Written by and maintained at

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --edt EDT             Path to the Experimental Design Table (EDT) listing
                        all plates of the experiment. The table must be in csv
                        format, the first column must contain unique plate IDs
                        and there must be a column named 'Data_path' that
                        contains abolute or relative file paths to each
                        plate's data file. A 'Layout_path' column can be
                        included, see below. Any additional columns included
                        in this file will bestored in each plate's meta-data
                        and included in the final data output.
  --format {gitter,pyphe-redness,pyphe-growthcurves}
                        Type of inout data.
  --out OUT             Specifies the path where to save the output data
                        result. By default, the data report is saved in the
                        working directory as "pyphe-analyse_data_report.csv"
                        and will overwrite the file if it exists.
  --load_layouts        Set this option (without parameters) to load layouts
                        (requires Layout_path column in the EDT).
  --gridnorm {standard384,standard1536}
                        Perform reference grid normalisation. Standard384
                        refers to plates which are in 384 (16x24) format with
                        the reference grid in 96 format in the top left
                        corner. Standard1536 refers to plates in 1536 format
                        (32x48( with two 96 reference grids in the top left
                        and bottom right corners.
                        If working in standard1536 format, set this option to
                        extrapolate the reference grid in the bottom left and
                        top right corner. A linear regression will be trained
                        across all top left and bottom right corners on plates
                        in the experiment to predict hypothetical grid colony
                        sizes in the other two corners.
  --rcmedian            Perform row/column median normalisation. If --gridnorm
                        will be performed first if both parameters are set.
  --check CHECK         Check colony sizes after normalisation for negative
                        and infinite colony sizes *(normalisation artefacts),
                        throw a warning and set to NA.
  --qc_plots QC_PLOTS   Specify a folder in which to save qc plots for each

If you prefer to use the GUI, just run 'pyphe-analyse-gui'. You will need PySimpleGUI installed, which you can do by running 'pip install pysimplegui' in the terminal. It is deliberately not included in the package dependencies so 'pip install pyphe' won't install it for you.

pyphe-analyse GUI

Support and FAQs

If you run into trouble, please check if your problem is discussed below. If not, feel free to send an email to or raise an issue here on github.

  • How do I run command line tools under Windows? Under Linux, the scripts in the bin folder are automatically copied into a folder in the PATH during installation of the package. This is not supported under Windows, so you need to specify the path manually. Download pyphe from github and place the scripts in the bin folder in a convenient location. Now you can run pyphe scripts by typing 'python folder/with/scripts/pyphe-quantify' followed by all other arguments as usual.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pyphe-0.92.20200205.tar.gz (35.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pyphe-0.92.20200205-py3-none-any.whl (36.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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