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Constructing and deconstructing linguistic paradigms.

Project description


pyradigms is a python package for composing and decomposing linguistic paradigms.

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Composing paradigms
    2. Decomposing paradigms
## Installation

Use pip(3) install pyradigms or get the latest version from github with pip(3) install git+

## Usage

Basically, pyradigms is intended to convert between the two following formats:

Verb Form Tense Person Number Mood
ma ngamam NFUT 1 SG RLS
ma nam NFUT 2 SG RLS
ma mam NFUT 3 SG RLS
ma thamam NFUT 1+2 SG RLS
1SG ngimi me ngama ngamam
2SG ni ne thama nam
3SG mi me kama mam
1+2SG thumi thume pama thamam

In linguistic morphology, a paradigm is a collection of word forms belonging to the same lexeme, here for the Murrinhpatha verb root ma 'say, do'. The first table shows all word forms, with relevant grammatical categories like tense, person, etc. represented in their own column. The second table is what is conventionally called a paradigm, which shows person-number combinations on the left, and tense-mood combinations at the top, with cells only containing the word forms. pyradigms is primarily intended to create such paradigm tables from any list, allowing you to combine parameters in any way you like.

## Composing paradigms

To create a paradigm, we need to specify at least x and y, lists of parameter(s) which contain the values to be used as column and row names, respectively. Optionally, a list z can be specified, which will be represented as several tables. We can also provide the following optional values:

  • filters: a list of dicts. The dicts contain a parameter name as key, and a list as values. Only entries which have the specified value for the specified parameter will be used.
  • ignore: a list of parameters which will be ignored completely.
  • x_sort: a list of values according to which columns will be sorted.
  • y_sort: a list of values according to which rows will be sorted.
  • separators: a list of strings to be used as separators between two parameter values. The first one will be used, but multiple can be specified for decomposing paradigms, see below. Default value is ["."].
  • content_string: The parameter which contain the values to be used as cell contents. Default value is "Form".
  • person_values: List of strings which will be combined with other strings without using a separator. They will also be parsed accordingly. Default value is ["1", "2", "3", "1+3", "1+2"].

All these values are module-wide, so we specify them before composing or decomposing paradigms. There are three methods for constructing paradigms:

  • compose_from_csv: takes a path to a csv file
  • compose_paradigm: takes a pandas dataframe
  • compose_from_text: takes a csv string

All three have the optional argument csv_output which can contain a path to a csv file. If present, the output will be written to that file.

Here is an example based on the Murrinhpatha verbs seen above, which can be found under examples/murrinhpatha_verb_entries.csv.

import pyradigms as pyd
pyd.x = ["Tense", "Mood"]
pyd.y = ["Person", "Number"]
pyd.z = ["Verb"]
pyd.y_sort = ["1SG", "2SG", "3SG", "1+2SG", "1PAUC", "2PAUC", "3PAUC", "1PL", "2PL", "3PL"]
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("examples/murrinhpatha_verb_entries.csv")

This will:

  1. use combinations of Tense as Mood as column names
  2. use the combination of Person and Number as row names
  3. create a table for each verb
  4. sort the Person-Number combinations accordingly.

The resulting paradigm table:

1SG ngamam ngimi ngama me
2SG nam ni thama ne
3SG mam mi kama me
1+2SG thamam thumi pama thume
1PAUC ngumi nguyema ngume
2PAUC numi nuyema nume
3PAUC pumi kuyema pume
1PL ngamam ngumi nguyema ngume
2PL namam numi nuyema nume
3PL pamam pumi kuyema pume

If z is not an empty list, pyradigms will return a dict which has the z values as keys, containing pandas dataframes, therefore print(paradigms["ma"]). If z is an empty list, only a single dataframe will be returned.

A different example from the same data, where we filter only second person values, and then put person-number on the x, verbs on the y, and tense-mood on the z axis:

pyd.x = ["Person", "Number"]
pyd.y = ["Verb"]
pyd.z = ["Tense", "Mood"]
pyd.filters = {"Person": ["2"]}
pyd.x_sort=["2SG", "2PAUC", "2PL"]
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("murrinhpatha_verb_entries.csv")
rdi thurdi nudde nuddi
ba da nuba nuba
me ne nume nume
li tjili nilli nilli
bi di nubi nubi
ni thani narne narni
e tje ne ne
ngi thungi nunge nungi

Another example, with Latin noun forms:

pyd.x = ["Case"]
pyd.y = ["Noun"]
pyd.z = ["Number"]
pyd.y_sort = ["NOM", "GEN", "DAT", "ACC","ABL","VOC"]
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("examples/latin_noun_entries_short.csv")
uxor uksoːris uksor uksoːrem uksoːre uksoːriː uksor
aestus ajstuːs ajstus ajstum ajstuː ajstuiː ajstus
aqua akwaj akwa akwam akwaː akwaj akwa
uxor uksoːreːs uksoːrum uksoːribus uksoːreːs uksoːreːs uksoːribus
aestus ajstuːs ajstuum ajstibus ajstuːs ajstuːs ajstibus
aqua akwaːs akwaːrum akwiːs akwaj akwaj akwiːs

Alternatively, we can generate tables for each case, and look at dative and ablative forms:

pyd.x = ["Noun"]
pyd.y = ["Number"]
pyd.z = ["Case"]
pyd.y_sort=["SG", "PL"]
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("examples/latin_noun_entries_short.csv")
DAT aqua aestus uxor
SG akwaj ajstuiː uksoːriː
PL akwiːs ajstibus uksoːribus
ABL uxor aestus aqua
SG uksoːre ajstuː akwaː
PL uksoːribus ajstibus akwiːs

Of course, you can also use pyradigms for comparative tables containing multiple languages. For example, examples/cariban_swadesh_entries.csv contains some Swadesh entries for Cariban languages. The following code puts cognate sets (reconstructed forms) on the y-axis, languages on the x-axis, and filters for six languages (for vertical space limitations in this readme…).

pyd.x = ["Language"]
pyd.y = ["Cognateset"]
pyd.z = []
pyd.content_string = "Value"
lg_list = ["Werikyana", "Hixkaryána", "Waiwai", "Bakairi", "Arara", "Ikpeng"]
pyd.filters = {"Language": lg_list}
pyd.x_sort = lg_list
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("examples/cariban_swadesh_entries.csv")
Cognateset Werikyana Hixkaryána Waiwai Bakairi Arara Ikpeng
*wewe wewe wewe weewe
*punu hunu hun ɸun ũrũ munu mnu
*pitupə hi hut͡ʃhu ɸit͡ʃho tubɨ iput pitu
*jəje e jei jaj
*jətɨpə jot͡ʃpɨ jot͡ʃhɨ jot͡ʃho ibɨrɨ itpɨ itpɨn

Alternatively, we can put cognate sets on the x-axis and languages on the y-axis:

pyd.z = []
pyd.y = ["Language"]
pyd.x = ["Cognateset"]
pyd.filters = {}
pyd.y_sort = ['Werikyana', 'Hixkaryána', 'Waiwai', 'Arara', 'Ikpeng', 'Bakairi', 'Tiriyó', 'Akuriyó', 'Karijona', 'Wayana', 'Apalaí', "Kari'ña", "Ye'kwana", 'Kapón', 'Akawaio', 'Ingarikó', 'Patamona', 'Pemón', 'Macushi', 'Panare', 'Tamanaku', 'Yawarana', 'Mapoyo', 'Kumaná', 'Upper Xingu Carib', 'Kuikuro', 'Yukpa', 'Japreria', 'Waimiri-Atroari']
paradigms = pyd.compose_from_csv("examples/cariban_swadesh_entries.csv")
Language *punu *pitupə *jəje *jətɨpə *wewe
Werikyana hunu hi jot͡ʃpɨ wewe
Hixkaryána hun hut͡ʃhu jot͡ʃhɨ wewe
Waiwai ɸun ɸit͡ʃho jot͡ʃho weewe
Arara munu iput jei itpɨ
Ikpeng mnu pitu jaj itpɨn
Bakairi ũrũ tubɨ e ibɨrɨ
Tiriyó pun pihpə jetɨpə wewe
Akuriyó puunu pihpə jeʔpə wewe
Karijona bunu hitihə ijetihɨ wewe
Wayana punu pitpə jetpə wewe
Apalaí pu piʔpo zeʔpo wewe
Kari'ña pun piʔpo jeʔpo wewe
Ye'kwana hunu hiʔhə ree jeeʔhə
Akawaio pun piʔpə jɨi əʔpɨ
Ingarikó pun piʔpɨ jɨi əʔpɨ
Pemón pun piʔpə jəi jeʔpə
Macushi pun piʔpɨ jei jeʔpɨ
Panare -pu pihpə ije jəhpə
Tamanaku punu pitpe jeje jetpe
Yawarana puunu pihpə jəəje jəspə
Mapoyo punu piʔpə jəhe jəʔpə
Kuikuro huŋu hiɟo i ipɨɣɨ
Yukpa pu jopo we
Waimiri-Atroari pɨnɨ biʃi jɨhɨ wiwe
## Decomposing paradigms

This was added as a secondary functionality and is somewhat experimental. The basic idea is that it allows you to decompose a paradigm which is already in the traditional linguistic format, into a list of parametrized rows. This can be useful if you already have a nicely formatted paradigm somewhere, but need it in an explicit list format -- for example, to recompose it in a different layout.

The file examples/icelandic_pronoun_paradigm.csv contains the personal pronouns of Icelandic:

1 2 3M 3F 3N
NOM.SG ég þú hann hún það
ACC.SG mig þig hann hana það
DAT.SG mér þér honum henni því
GEN.SG mín þín hans hennar þess
NOM.PL við þið þeir þær þau
ACC.PL okkur ykkur þá þær þau
DAT.PL okkur ykkur þeim þeim þeim
GEN.PL okkar ykkar þeirra þeirra þeirra

x is a combination of person and gender, although first and second person have no gender distinction. y is a combination of case and number. If we define these parameters accordingly, we get the following:

pyd.x = ["Person", "Gender"]
pyd.y = ["Case", "Number"]
pyd.z = []
entries = pyd.decompose_from_csv("examples/icelandic_pronoun_paradigm.csv")
Person Gender Case Number Value
1 NOM SG ég
1 ACC SG mig
1 DAT SG mér
1 GEN SG mín
1 NOM PL við
1 ACC PL okkur
1 DAT PL okkur
1 GEN PL okkar
2 NOM SG þú
2 ACC SG þig
2 DAT SG þér
2 GEN SG þín
2 NOM PL þið
2 ACC PL ykkur
2 DAT PL ykkur
2 GEN PL ykkar
3 M NOM SG hann
3 M ACC SG hann
3 M DAT SG honum
3 M GEN SG hans
3 M NOM PL þeir
3 M ACC PL þá
3 M DAT PL þeim
3 M GEN PL þeirra
3 F NOM SG hún
3 F ACC SG hana
3 F DAT SG henni
3 F GEN SG hennar
3 F NOM PL þær
3 F ACC PL þær
3 F DAT PL þeim
3 F GEN PL þeirra
3 N NOM SG það
3 N ACC SG það
3 N DAT SG því
3 N GEN SG þess
3 N NOM PL þau
3 N ACC PL þau
3 N DAT PL þeim
3 N GEN PL þeirra

As a last example, examples/mapudungun_verb_paradigms.csv contains three verb paradigms from Mapudungun, separated by a double line break:

kon- 1SG 1DU 1PL 2SG 2DU 2PL 3SG 3DU 3PL
IND konün koniyu koniyiñ konimi konimu konimün koni koningu koningün
SBJV konli konliyu konliyiñ konülmi konülmu konülmün konle konle engu konle engün
IMP konchi koniw koniñ konnge konmu konmün konpe konpe engu konpe engün
pi- 1SG 1DU 1PL 2SG 2DU 2PL 3SG 3DU 3PL
IND pin piyu piyiñ pimi pimu pimün pi pingu pingün
SBJV pili piliyu piliyiñ pilmi pilmu pilmün pile pile engu pile engün
IMP pichi piyu piyiñ pinge pimu pimün pipe pipe engu pipe engün
tripa- 1SG 1DU 1PL 2SG 2DU 2PL 3SG 3DU 3PL
IND tripan tripayu tripayiñ tripaymi tripaymu tripaymün tripay tripayngu tripayngü
SBJV tripali tripaliyu tripaliyiñ tripalmi tripalmu tripalmün tripale tripale engu tripale engü
IMP tripachi tripayu tripaiñ tripange tripamu tripamün tripape tripape engu tripape engün

We can extract the entries as follows:

pyd.x = ["Person", "Number"]
pyd.y = ["Mood"]
pyd.z = ["Verb"]
Person Number Verb Mood Form
1 SG kon- IND konün
1 SG kon- SBJV konli
1 SG kon- IMP konchi
1 DU kon- IND koniyu
1 DU kon- SBJV konliyu
1 DU kon- IMP koniw
1 PL kon- IND koniyiñ
1 PL kon- SBJV konliyiñ
1 PL kon- IMP koniñ
2 SG kon- IND konimi
2 SG kon- SBJV konülmi
2 SG kon- IMP konnge
2 DU kon- IND konimu
2 DU kon- SBJV konülmu
2 DU kon- IMP konmu
2 PL kon- IND konimün
2 PL kon- SBJV konülmün
2 PL kon- IMP konmün
3 SG kon- IND koni
3 SG kon- SBJV konle
3 SG kon- IMP konpe
3 DU kon- IND koningu
3 DU kon- SBJV konle engu
3 DU kon- IMP konpe engu
3 PL kon- IND koningün
3 PL kon- SBJV konle engün
3 PL kon- IMP konpe engün
1 SG pi- IND pin
1 SG pi- SBJV pili
1 SG pi- IMP pichi
1 DU pi- IND piyu
1 DU pi- SBJV piliyu
1 DU pi- IMP piyu
1 PL pi- IND piyiñ
1 PL pi- SBJV piliyiñ
1 PL pi- IMP piyiñ
2 SG pi- IND pimi
2 SG pi- SBJV pilmi
2 SG pi- IMP pinge
2 DU pi- IND pimu
2 DU pi- SBJV pilmu
2 DU pi- IMP pimu
2 PL pi- IND pimün
2 PL pi- SBJV pilmün
2 PL pi- IMP pimün
3 SG pi- IND pi
3 SG pi- SBJV pile
3 SG pi- IMP pipe
3 DU pi- IND pingu
3 DU pi- SBJV pile engu
3 DU pi- IMP pipe engu
3 PL pi- IND pingün
3 PL pi- SBJV pile engün
3 PL pi- IMP pipe engün
1 SG tripa- IND tripan
1 SG tripa- SBJV tripali
1 SG tripa- IMP tripachi
1 DU tripa- IND tripayu
1 DU tripa- SBJV tripaliyu
1 DU tripa- IMP tripayu
1 PL tripa- IND tripayiñ
1 PL tripa- SBJV tripaliyiñ
1 PL tripa- IMP tripaiñ
2 SG tripa- IND tripaymi
2 SG tripa- SBJV tripalmi
2 SG tripa- IMP tripange
2 DU tripa- IND tripaymu
2 DU tripa- SBJV tripalmu
2 DU tripa- IMP tripamu
2 PL tripa- IND tripaymün
2 PL tripa- SBJV tripalmün
2 PL tripa- IMP tripamün
3 SG tripa- IND tripay
3 SG tripa- SBJV tripale
3 SG tripa- IMP tripape
3 DU tripa- IND tripayngu
3 DU tripa- SBJV tripale engu
3 DU tripa- IMP tripape engu
3 PL tripa- IND tripayngü
3 PL tripa- SBJV tripale engü
3 PL tripa- IMP tripape engün

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pyradigms-0.0.4.tar.gz (16.7 kB view hashes)

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pyradigms-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (10.0 kB view hashes)

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