A Python library for the Routable AI API
Project description
pyrai: A Python library for the Routable AI API
Pyrai makes it easy to use the Routable AI API to create, run, and visualize simulations with just 10 lines of code.
import pyrai
import datetime
rai = pyrai.Pyrai(api_key="API-KEY-HERE")
fleet = rai.create_live_fleet()
fleet.make_vehicle_online(vid=1, location=pyrai.Location(lat=42.36, lng=71.05), capacity=4)
fleet.add_request(rid=1, pickup=pyrai.Location(42.1,71.2), dropoff=pyrai.Location(42.3,71.4), load=4)
Pyrai allows you to create, run, and visualize simulations with the Routable AI API, right in Python.
Getting Started
Begin by importing the package and adding your API key.
import pyrai
API_KEY = "your-api-key-here"
Once you have added your API key, you can create a fleet:
rai = pyrai.Pyrai(api_key=API_KEY)
fleet = rai.create_sim_fleet()
You can also create a fleet directly from its API key and fleet key:
directly_created_fleet = pyrai.Fleet(api_key="api-key-here", fleet_key="fleet-key-here")
Once you have a fleet, you can add, update, and remove vehicles from it:
fleet.make_vehicle_online(vid=1, location=Location(50, 7), capacity=4)
veh = fleet.get_vehicle_info(1)
Vehicles adding, updating, and removing can be done either from the fleet or the individual vehicles:
# These lines do the same thing
veh.update(event=VehicleEvent.UNASSIGNED, location=Location(50,6), direction=0)
fleet.update_vehicle(vid=1, location=Location(50, 6), direction=0, event=VehicleEvent.UNASSIGNED)
>>> {'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': '6b515268-6125-43b4-bd34-2ecdb112e9aa'}, 'veh_id': 1, 'location': {'lat': 50.748227, 'lng': 5.992767}, 'assigned': False, 'req_ids': [], 'events': []}
Vehicles are easy to take offline and/or remove:
Requests can be added, queried, and cancelled similar to vehicles.
# Could also use fleet.cancel_request(rid=1)
Once you have a fleet with requests and vehicles, you can use the API to assign vehicles to requests.
import random
fleet = rai.create_live_fleet()
import random
for v in range(20): # Add 20 random vehicles
Location(50+random.gauss(0,1), 6+random.gauss(0,1)),
for r in range(100): # Add 100 random requests
pickup = Location(50+random.gauss(0,5), 6+random.gauss(0,5)),
dropoff = Location(50+random.gauss(0,5), 6+random.gauss(0,5)),
load = 4)
fleet.get_assignments() # Get assignments
>>> {'vehs': [{'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'veh_id': 1, 'location': {'lat': 50.754699, 'lng': 5.681816}, 'assigned': True, 'req_ids': [80], 'events': [{'req_id': 80, 'location': {'lat': 50.754699, 'lng': 5.681816}, 'time': '2020-07-03T12:27:27Z', 'event': 'pickup'}, {'req_id': 80, 'location': {'lat': 51.541428, 'lng': 3.438608}, 'time': '2020-07-03T17:44:31Z', 'event': 'dropoff'}]}, {'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'veh_id': 17, 'location': {'lat': 50.751542, 'lng': 6.019059}, 'assigned': True, 'req_ids': [13], 'events': [{'req_id': 13, 'location': {'lat': 50.751542, 'lng': 6.019059}, 'time': '2020-07-03T12:27:27Z', 'event': 'pickup'}, {'req_id': 13, 'location': {'lat': 51.239186, 'lng': 3.42657}, 'time': '2020-07-03T18:33:33Z', 'event': 'dropoff'}]},..., {'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'veh_id': 3, 'location': {'lat': 50.753503, 'lng': 6.021277}, 'assigned': True, 'req_ids': [94], 'events': [{'req_id': 94, 'location': {'lat': 50.753503, 'lng': 6.021277}, 'time': '2020-07-03T12:27:27Z', 'event': 'pickup'}, {'req_id': 94, 'location': {'lat': 53.258865, 'lng': 7.267049}, 'time': '2020-07-03T20:12:17Z', 'event': 'dropoff'}]}], 'requests': [{'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'pickup': {'lat': 50.867703, 'lng': 6.091752}, 'dropoff': {'lat': 53.401362, 'lng': 5.25105}, 'request_time': '2020-07-03T12:26:47Z', 'req_id': 0, 'veh_id': 11, 'load': 4, 'assigned': True}, {'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'pickup': {'lat': 50.751542, 'lng': 6.019059}, 'dropoff': {'lat': 51.956534, 'lng': 6.823075}, 'request_time': '2020-07-03T12:26:47Z', 'req_id': 1, 'veh_id': -1, 'load': 4, 'assigned': False},..., {'fleet': {'api_key': 'your-api-key-here', 'fleet_key': 'your-fleet-key-here'}, 'pickup': {'lat': 51.302285, 'lng': 3.328629}, 'dropoff': {'lat': 50.748227, 'lng': 5.992767}, 'request_time': '2020-07-03T12:26:47Z', 'req_id': 99, 'veh_id': -1, 'load': 4, 'assigned': False}], 'notifications': []}
Forward Simulation
Once you have assignments, you can forward simulate for a specified duration
This updates the state of your vehicles and requests.
Once you have a fleet that has accumulated events and run through a forward simulation, you can visualize the vehicles and requests:
fleet = pyrai.Fleet(api_key = "907fab5b-c35e-497f-988f-92fbb8835977",
fleet_key = "8af41885-d9bf-465d-9746-e54d8147646d")
You can also plot various time series metrics:
fleet.plot_metrics([Metrics.PASSENGERS, Metrics.TOTAL_REQUESTS, Metrics.AVG_OCCUPANCY, Metrics.IDLE_VEHICLES],
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Details for the file pyrai-0.0.3.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: pyrai-0.0.3.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 19.4 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.2.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.24.0 setuptools/41.2.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.47.0 CPython/3.8.3
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
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BLAKE2b-256 | 0e50560c8b66d3da7d167a58474bd35c993203999fd041f1efad2ea4b9ed7bee |
File details
Details for the file pyrai-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: pyrai-0.0.3-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 15.6 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/3.2.0 pkginfo/ requests/2.24.0 setuptools/41.2.0 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.47.0 CPython/3.8.3
File hashes
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