Pyramid plugin for YAML logging configuration.
Project description
Pyramid Sawing
A Pyramid framework plugin for configurating logging via YAML. This uses the Python standard-library’s logging (initialized using logging.config.dictConfig).
Include the package in your project, either by adding to the INI configuration:
pyramid.includes = pyramid_sawing pyramid_sawing.file = my-logging-config.yaml
Or declarative via the configuration object:
config.include('pyramid_sawing') assert 'pyramid_sawing.file' in config.registry.settings
You’ll be required to specify a logging configuration file at pyramid_sawing.file, which points to the file that contains your YAML logging configuration.
YAML Configuration
This configuration follows the standard-library’s logging.config dictionary schema
An example configuration might look like this:
### # logging configuration ### version: 1 formatters: generic: format : '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s][%(threadName)s] %(message)s' papertrail: format : '%(asctime)s %(hostname)s my_project %(message)s' datefmt : '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' filters: context: () : pyramid_sawing.filters.ContextFilter handlers: console: class : logging.StreamHandler level : NOTSET formatter : generic stream : 'ext://sys.stdout' syslog: class : logging.handlers.SysLogHandler level : DEBUG formatter : papertrail filters : [context] address : ['<host>', 11111] loggers: my_project: level : INFO handlers : [console, syslog] propagate : 0 root: level : NOTSET handlers : []
A typical gotcha in configuring this is to forget the ‘version’. Please make sure you include version: 1 in your configuration.
Additional Features
Transit Logging
This resembles the functionality you would find in pyramid_translogger except that this implementation is more configurable.
To enable this feature, add the following line to your configuraton/settings.
pyramid_sawing.transit_logging.enabled? = yes # Optional... # The default logger_name is `transit_logger` pyramid_sawing.transit_logging.logger_name = lumberjack
A template for configuring the transit logger would be something like:
formatters: apache_style: # filters : [environ] format : '%(REMOTE_ADDR)s - %(REMOTE_USER)s [%(asctime)s] "%(REQUEST_METHOD)s %(REQUEST_URI)s %(HTTP_VERSION)s" %(status)s %(bytes)s "%(HTTP_REFERER)s" "%(HTTP_USER_AGENT)s"' datefmt : '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S' filters: environ: () : pyramid_sawing.filters.EnvironFilter handlers: console: class : logging.StreamHandler formatter : apache_style filters : [environ] stream : 'ext://sys.stdout' loggers: transit_logger: handlers : [console] propagate : 0
This should give you the exact same output as pyramid_translogger.
This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0 (AGPL). See LICENSE.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2015 Rice University
Change Log
Add a transit (request) logging feature that mimics functionality found in pyramid_translogger. [pumazi]
Add a logging filter that allows for %(hostname)s be be used within log lines. [pumazi]
Logging from a YAML file. [pumazi]
Project details
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