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Pyramid web framework session factory backed by Redis

Project description


`pyramid_session_redis` is an actively maintained fork of `pyramid_redis_sessions` (ericrasmussen/pyramid_redis_sessions), with many improvements and API changes designed for high performance (particularly with servers under load) and a slightly different API for developer convenience.

This package is now following a multi-version release process.

The 1.2.x branch is in maintenance mode as of 1.2.2, and will culminate in a final 1.3.0 release.

The 1.4.x branch is under active development and subject to change. It will culminate in a stable 1.5.0 API release.


The 1.2.x branch and earlier are largely compatible with `pyramid_redis_sessions` as-is. If you are using this, you should pin your installs to `<=1.3.0` or `<1.3`.

The 1.4.x branch and later have several design changes and are not a drop-in replacement. Some kwargs may have changed. The structure of the package has changed as well, and advanced users who leverage the internals will need to upgrade. The package remains a plug-and-play pyramid sessions interface.

IMPORTANT: The internal payload structure has changed in the 1.4 branch, and is no longer compatible with existing 1.2 sessions (they will be invalid). I am open to PRs that can handle a graceful fallback.

The 1.2 format guaranteed sessions to be in this format:

{'managed_dict': {},
'created': INT,
'timeout': INT,

The 1.4 version streamlines the keys for a lighter footprint and generally looks like this:

{'m': {}, # managed_dict
'c': INT, # created
# the following are optional and not guaranteed to be around
't': INT, # timeout, not gua
'x': INT, # expiry

* keys were shortened to 1 letter
* an api version is now used, to handle graceful changes in the future
* the timeout is no longer guaranteed to be present (it may now be handled on redis)
* an expiry timeout may also exist

Key Differences:

Depending on your needs, this package is probably more desirable than the original project. This package significantly cuts down on the communication between Redis and Pyramid vs the original implementation. Some options are offered to minimize the size of payloads as well.

This package contains a lot of hooks and features to aid developers who are using this in high-traffic situations. This package does not recommend a "best deployment", but offers different strategies for creating a best deployment under different circumstances.

Through 1.2.x

* The original package communicates with Redis on most attribute access and writes. The traffic can be too much on some implementations. `pyramid_session_redis` will queue a single `persist` or `refresh` task using Pyramid's `add_finished_callback` hook.
* The original version used `EXISTS` to check if a session existed or not, then proceeded to `GET` or `SET` a new session. `pyramid_session_redis` will immediately attempt a `GET`, and will `SET` a new session on failure. This eliminates a call.
* Separate calls to `SET` and `EXPIRE` were replaced with a single `SETEX`
* A flag can be set to enable a LRU Cache (least recently used) mode. No expiry data will be sent to Redis, allowing the Redis server to handle the LRU logic itself
* The active `session` is decoupled from the request attribute (ie, this can handle a "session" set up on alternate attributes)
* The original library does not detect changes in nested dictionaries. This package uses `hashlib.md5` to fingerprint the serialized value on read; if no changes were detected a failsafe will serialize+md5 the data to decide if a write should occur. This can be disabled by setting `detect_changes` to False.
* The original raises a fatal error if a session can not be deserialized. by passing in `deserialized_fails_new` to the constructor, you can create a new session on deserialization errors.
* Support for disabling sessions on CDN generated content via `func_check_response_allow_cookies`
* Thanks to @ github/hongyuan1306, token generation has been consolidated to use python3's stdlib (or reimplemented if not available). tokens are also 32, not 20, chars.
* redis is supported in a LRU mode (see by setting the option `set_redis_ttl` to `False` (by default, it is `True`). This will eliminate calls to `EXPIRE` and will use `SET` instead of `SETEX`.
* in the 1.2.x branch the created time can be set to an integer via `use_int_time=True`. This will cast the `created` time via "int(math.ceil(time.time()))". This can reduce a payload by several bits.

Other Updates 1.4.x+
* only int() time is supported.
* sessions now have version control to support future upgrades via a "version" `v` key.
* the format of the internal payload was rewritten, the encoded payload now uses 1-letter keys instead of words. this should offset the addition of an expires timestamp and version id.
* there was no logic for python timeout control (whoops!) this has been fixed. an "expires" `x` key now tracks the expiration.
* added a `timeout_trigger` option. this will defer expiry data updates to lower usage on Redis. This is explained below in more detail.
* In high load situations, Redis can have performance and storage issues because in the original package sessionIDs are created on every request (such as a getting spidered by a botnet that does not respect sessions). in this package, a 'lazycreate' method is used. a session_id/cookie will not be generated unless a session is needed in the callback routine. in order to generate session_id/cookie beforehand, one can use the `RedisSession.ensure_id` function. To safely check if a session_id exists, one can use the `RedisSession.session_id_safecheck` method as well.
* added `func_invalid_logger` to constructor. this can be used to log invalid sessions. it is incredibly useful when integrated with a statsd system. (see below)
* added `set_redis_ttl_readheavy` to the factory and session constructors. This option will optimize sessions which have Redis-maintained TTLs by executing a GET+EXPIRE together within a pipeline.


If ``set_redis_ttl`` is False, it does not imply there is no timeout at all -- only that Redis will not be sent timeout data via `SETEX` or `EXPIRE`. Timeout data will still be stored in Python.

If Redis is functioning as an LRU Cache, abandoned sessions will never be seen by Python, but will eventually be cleared out to make room for new sessions by the inherent Redis LRU logic.

Timeout data stored in Python is relatively small when compared to the timeout data stored in Redis.

If you want to NEVER have sessions timeout, set the initial `timeout` to "0" or "None".

Setting a `timeout_trigger` will require Python to track the expiry.

Enableing `set_redis_ttl_readheavy` requires a `timeout` and `set_redis_ttl`; it also requires not enabling `timeout_trigger` or `python_expires`.


Timeout in Python, with Redis TTL via `SETEX`/`EXPIRE`:

timeout = 60

Timeout in Python, no Redis TTL (only `SET` used)

timeout = 60
assume_redis_ttl = True

No Timeout in Python, no Redis TTL (only `SET` used)

timeout = 0 # or None
assume_redis_ttl = True

Timeout Triggers

A timeout trigger can be used to limit the amount of updates/writes. It may be more beneficial to your usage pattern.

For the sake of clarity, I'll use an oversimplification that Redis essentially has two different internal data stores that are used independently: one for a Key's payload and another for the Key's expiry.

In the 'classic' behavior (project this was forked from): every time you access an existing session, the GET is followed by sending Redis a new EXPIRE time - essentially every "read" has a corresponding "write" for the Redis-tracked expiry record.

In order to minimize the writes via SETEX, I introduced the timeout trigger. The trigger works by storing some timeout information in the Redis data payload, and using that information to determine when to send a write. Instead of having a GET+EXPIRE for every read, we only have a single GET and eliminate the write caused by the EXPIRE. This has a maintenance cost though - once we hit the timeout trigger, instead of just the GET we need to update the internal timeout payload and issue a SET.

Going back to your situation: when the user stops activity at 40 minutes in, if the timeout trigger is enabled then there has never been an update to the internal payload or Redis about the user activity since the session was first created. The purpose of the trigger is to defer that "write" operation.

In order to make a session valid for "reading" for around an hour, you'd want to do something like:

* a two-hour session with a 10 minute trigger, or
* a one-hour session with a 50 minute trigger

You can also disable the functionality by setting the trigger to 0. Up to a few thousand daily users, you shouldn't have any issues with the overhead of the "classic" mode. When you hit 10k users and/or start to have clustered web servers communicating with dedicated Redis instances, setting a new EXPIRE after every read operation becomes something you want to avoid.

Scenario 1 - Classic Redis

In the typical "classic" Redis usage pattern, the session usage is refreshed via an `EXPIRE` call on every session view

This is useful, but means many session operations will trigger two Redis calls (`GET` + `EXPIRE`). On a high performance system, this can be a lot.

This is a typical scenario with refreshing:

`timeout = 200`

| time | Redis calls | timeout |
| ---- | -------------- | ------- |
| 0 | `GET`+`SETEX` | 200 |
| 100 | `GET`+`EXPIRE` | 300 |
| 200 | `GET`+`EXPIRE` | 400 |
| 300 | `GET`+`EXPIRE` | 500 |
| 400 | `GET`+`EXPIRE` | 600 |
| 500 | `GET`+`EXPIRE` | 700 |

Scenario 2 - Timeout Trigger

The 1.4.x branch introduces a `timeout_trigger` to augment the session's `timeout`.

Whereas a `timeout` states how long a session is good for, a `timeout_trigger` defers how long a session's refresh should be deferred for:

Given the following example, the package will use a 1200s timeout for requests, but only trigger an update of the expiry time when the current time is within 600s of the expiry

timeout = 1200
timeout_trigger = 600

The following timeline would occur

| time | Redis calls | timeout | next threshold |
| ---- | ------------ | ------- | -------------- |
| 0 | `GET`+`SET`* | 1200 | 600 |
| 1 | `GET` | 1200 | 600 |
| ... | | | |
| 599 | `GET` | 1200 | 600 |
| 600 | `GET`+`SET`* | 1800 | 1200 |
| 601 | `GET` | 1800 | 1200 |
| ... | | | |
| 1199 | `GET` | 1800 | 1200 |
| 1200 | `GET`+`SET`* | 2400 | 1800 |

* This method is compatible with setting a TTL in redis via `SETEX` or doing everything within Python if redis is in a LRU mode

The removes all calls to `EXPIRE` before the threshold is reached, which can be a considerable savings in read-heavy situations

The caveat to this method: an expiry timestamp must be stored within the payload AND updating the timeout requires a `SET` operation.


This is a new option in `1.4.2` which should improve performance on readheavy installations BUT may degrade performance on writeheavy installations. This option will aggregate a GET+EXPIRE on every read.

`set_redis_ttl_readheavy` requires the following:

* a `timeout` value is set
* `set_redis_ttl` is `True`
* `timeout_trigger` is NOT set
* `python_expires` is NOT True

The default behavior of this library during a read-only request is this:

* On session access, query Redis via `redis.GET {session_id}`
* In a pyramid callback, update Redis via `redis.EXPIRE {session_id} {expiry}`

During a read-write:

* On session access, query Redis via `redis.GET {session_id}`
* In a pyramid callback, update Redis via `redis.SETEX {session_id} {payload} {expiry}`

The new `set_redis_ttl_readheavy` changes this. If enabled, during a read-only request the behavior will be lighter on the Redis instance:

* On session access, open a pipeline with two Redis commands: `pipeline.GET {session_id}`, `pipeline.EXPIRE {session_id} {expiry}`.
* In a pyramid callback, the duplicate expire is suppressed.

However during a read-write, the activity will be:

* On session access, open a pipeline with two Redis commands: `pipeline.GET {session_id}`, `pipeline.EXPIRE {session_id} {expiry}`.
* In a pyramid callback, update Redis via `redis.SETEX {session_id} {payload} {expiry}`

Read-heavy applications should see a slight performance bump via the piplined GET+EXPIRE, however write-heavy applications are likely to see a performance degradation as it adds an extra EXPIRE to every request.

Invalid Logging

The default behavior of this library is to silently create new session when bad session data is encountered, such as a cookie with an invalid id or corrupted datastore. A graceful "new session" is the ideal situation for end-users.

The problem with that strategy is that problems in code or your application stack can be hidden, and you might not know about a bad datastore.

The 1.4 release introduces `func_invalid_logger` to the factory constructor.
This can be used to track the invalid sessions that are safely caught and silently upgraded

How? The package tracks why a session is invalid with variant classes of `pyramid_session_redis.exceptions.InvalidSession`

Specifically there are the following classes:

* ``InvalidSession(Exception)`` Catchall base class
* ``InvalidSession_NoSessionCookie(InvalidSession)`` The session is invalid because there is no cookie. This is the same as "new session".
* ``InvalidSession_NotInBackend(InvalidSession)`` The session id was not in the backend
* ``InvalidSession_DeserializationError(InvalidSession)`` Error deserializing. This is raised if ``deserialized_fails_new`` is True. Otherwise the exception is wrapped in a ``RawDeserializationError`` and raised without being caught.
* ``InvalidSession_PayloadTimeout(InvalidSession)`` The inner python payload timed out
* ``InvalidSession_PayloadLegacy(InvalidSession)`` The session is running on an earlier version

The factory accepts a `func_invalid_logger` callable argument. The input is the raised exception BEFORE a new cookie is generated, and will be the request and an instance of `InvalidSession`.

from pyramid_session_redis.exceptions import *
from my_statsd import new_statsd_client()

statsd_client = new_statsd_client()

def my_logger(request, raised_exception):
raised_exception will be an instance of InvalidSession
log the exception to statsd for metrics
if isinstance(raised_exception, InvalidSession_NoSessionCookie):
elif isinstance(raised_exception, InvalidSession_NotInBackend):
elif isinstance(raised_exception, InvalidSession_DeserializationError):

factory = RedisSessionFactory(...

The `func_invalid_logger` argument may be provided as a dotted-notation string in a settings file.

Uncaught Errors

The exception `pyramid_session_redis.exceptions.RawDeserializationError` will be raised if deserialization of a payload fails and `deserialized_fails_new` is not `True`. The first arg will be the caught exception. This allows for a standard error across multiple deserialization options.


coming soon

To Do:

[ ] The API is a bit messy on the 1.4.x release.
[ ] Creating a new session still takes 2 SET/SETEX calls -- one for a placeholder, the next to update. This should be consolidated into one.

Further Reading:

For more information about Redis performance under python please see an associated project:


Until Nov 2016 this was maintained as `jvanasco/pyramid_redis_sessions`

* The master branch for `jvanasco/pyramid_redis_sessions` is "custom_deployment"
* The branched named "master" is the upstream source from ericrasmussen

As of Nov 2016, this was forked into it's own project to allow for distribution.

All support is handled via GitHub :




pyramid_redis_sessions is a server-side session library for the Pyramid Web
Application Development Framework, using Redis for storage. This library
implements the `Pyramid ISession interface <>`_.

Why Use Redis for Your Sessions
Redis is fast, widely deployed, and stable. It works best when your data can
fit in memory, but is configurable and still quite fast when you need to sync
to disk. There are plenty of existing benchmarks, opinion pieces, and articles
if you want to learn about its use cases. But for `pyramid_redis_sessions`, I'm
interested in it specifically for these reasons:

* it really is bleeping fast (choose your own expletive)
* it has a very handy built-in mechanism for setting expirations on keys
* the watch mechanism is a nice, lightweight alternative to full transactions
* session data tends to be important but not mission critical, but if it is...
* it has configurable `persistence <>`_


To get up and running as fast as possible, check out the
`Getting Started <>`_

You can also read the
`full documentation <>`_
on Read the Docs.


You can report bugs or open feature/support requests in the
`GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

You can also get live help in #pyramid on My nick is erasmas,
but if I'm not available you can still typically get support from the many other
knowledgeable regulars.


pyramid_redis_sessions is available under a FreeBSD-derived license. See
`LICENSE.txt <>`_
for details.


- Unreleased
* skipped 1.3 release. not enough usage to warrant backwards compat right now
* a bunch of api changes to support lazy-created sessions. the original structure would immediately create sessions, which can cause issues with bots and spidering.

* version 1.5.0
* using six to handle python3 instead of some homegrown things

* version 1.4.2
* set default timeout trigger to `None` (issue #12, forked from #11)
* migrated `pyramid_session_redis._finished_callback` into `RedisSession._deferred_callback`
* introduced new `set_redis_ttl_readheavy` option for read-intensive deployments

* version 1.4.1
* fixed a deployment error on 1.4.0 that had a non-ascii character in the readme
* forgot to run Python3 tests

* version 1.4.0
* updated deprecation warnings
* prepping for ability to not create sessions on every access. getting spidered by bots who don't use sessions hurts Redis.
* renamed `util.get_unique_session_id` to `util.create_unique_session_id`
* added `util.empty_session_payload`
* migrated some RedisSessionFactory functions into a more global (not per-request) block
* added `func_invalid_logger` to session factory, also renamed internal exceptions. they were not a public api so there is no deprecation issue.
* this seems fine in our production usage, so pushing live.

* version 1.2.2
* merged most of pull request from Chad Birch (@Deimos)
* clarified assume_redis_lru in docs, added tests
* added `force_redis_ttl` kwarg to `RedisSession.do_refresh`
* added `set_redis_ttl` deprecating it's inverse: `assume_redis_lru`. the `assume_redis_lru` kwarg will be supported until the 1.4.0 release.
* added `use_int_time` as session factory arg. this will cast the `created` time to int(math.ceil(time)), saving some space

* version 1.2.1
* fixed bug with session.invalidate that caused placeholder sessions to be created( )
* added test to guard against above bug
* fixed some whitespace issues (trailing spaces, tabs-not-spaces)
* migrated pacakge version id from into as "__VERSION__" variable.
* migrated tests and code to handle webob 1.7's deprecation of cookie values

* version 1.2.0
* merged PR1 from hongyuan1306 (
* Make the package Python3 compatible
* Consolidate token/session generation
* Leverage token/session generation from python3.6 stdlib; fallback otherwise.
* updated the bits on token_urlsafe from 32 to 48; this encodes to a 64 character string

* version 1.1.2
release error fix.

* version 1.1.1
* integrated/rewrote pr from pyramid_redis_sessions for session leakage on cdns
* response.vary will now ensure `Cookie`
* Session factory now accepts `func_check_response_allow_cookies(response)` a callable which can disable setting the cookie.
* streamlined some work in utils

-11/09/2016: renamed to pyramid_session_redis

-08/15/2016: Changes for jvanasco branch
* added `deserialized_fails_new` to handle deserialization errors

-08/02/2016: Changes for jvanasco branch
* made the detection of nested changes configurable. by default this is set to True.

-06/16/2016: Changes for jvanasco branch

* changed `persist` from being "on demand" into a single callback via pyramid's `add_finished_callback`
* changed `refresh` from being "on demand" into a single callback via pyramid's `add_finished_callback`
* decoupled active `session` from being a particular named attribute on the "request".
* removed an initial call to redis' `EXISTS`. Instead of "If EXISTS then GET", we simply GET the active session and create a new one if it does not exist.
* replaced separate calls to "SET" and "EXPIRE" with single "SETEX"
* added a feature to assume redis is operating as a LRU cache, therefore not sending expiry data
* ensure nested session values trigger a persist by calculating an md5 hash of the serialized session data on load; then again in the finished callback


-Initial Release

-09/24/2012: 0.9 beta release

-11/12/2012: raise ConfigurationError if required redis.sessions.secret setting
is missing.

-02/17/2013: New API method: adjust_timeout_for_session. This method allows you
to permanently alter the timeout setting for a given session for
the duration of the session.

Note: on a development branch this was known as
"reset_timeout_for_session" but was renamed to avoid confusion
with the internal act of resetting timeouts each time the session
is accessed.

Additional changes include:

1) Removing the unused "period" setting
2) Fixing an error with the cookie_on_exception setting
3) Using asbool for boolean settings
4) Adding documentation
5) Adding new configuration options (see the docs for details)

Internal (non-API) changes include:

* renamed the new session flag from "_v_new" to "_rs_new"
* remove util module's dependency on cPickle
* always cast the timeout setting as an int
* removing unused imports
* many updates and additions to docstrings/comments
* moving the redis connection/client logic to a new module

-06/30/2013: New configuration options:

* redis.sessions.client_callable (supply your own redis client)
* redis.sessions.serialize (use your own pickling function)
* redis.sessions.deserialize (use your own unpickling function)
* redis.sessions.id_generator (callable to generate session IDs)
* redis.sessions.prefix (add a prefix to session IDs in redis)

BREAKING CHANGE: cookie_httponly now defaults to True. If you are
currently relying on outside scripts being able to access the
session cookie (a bad idea to begin with), you will need to
explicitly set::

redis.sessions.cookie_httponly = False

For most (likely all) users, you will not notice any difference.


Session ID generation: session IDs are now generated with an
initial value from os.urandom, which (according to the offical
python docs) is "suitable for cryptographic use". The previous
implementation was concerned primarily with integrity. This
update improves on integrity but also adds a greater level of

-10/13/2013: Many documentation improvements, and some minor refactoring (better
comments, removing unused functions, etc).

This update has been in the works on the github master for months
with no releases to pypi. It marks another major version bump,
this time to 1.0a. Releases will follow a more typical versioning
model from now on (similar to Pyramid's).

-06/15/2014: Changes for 1.0a2

* **BREAKING CHANGE**: The ``.created`` and ``.timeout`` attributes
of the session are now serialized and stored in Redis alongside
the session dict in another dict. This and the other changes to
``.created`` and ``.timeout`` means pyramid_redis_sessions>=1.0a2
will not be able to deserialize sessions created with
pyramid_redis_sessions<1.0a2. No code changes are required, but
please be prepared to clear out existing session data prior to

* Bug fix: ``RedisSession.created`` was storing and returning the
time when the ``RedisSession`` instance was initialised, rather
than the time the actual session was first created. This has now
been fixed.

* Bug fix: The ``timeout`` value has been moved out of the session
dict, as it is not part of the session (previously it was stored
in the session dict under the key ``_rs_timeout``, and would be
lost for example when we cleared the session.)

* Bug fix: The session now supports starting a new session (with a
new session_id) within the same request after ``.invalidate()``.
(Previously this was not possible, as ``.invalidate()`` cleared
the session dict but did not change the session_id, and set a
header to delete the cookie that meant any changes to the
session after ``.invalidate()`` were lost.)

The way ``.invalidate()`` previously handled deleting the cookie
also meant that there would be more than one Set-Cookie headers
for the same cookie name, which should not happen according to
RFC 6265. This has been fixed to set the one correct Set-Cookie
header, and only when it is necessary (for example, a new
session that is invalidated in the same request without further
access to the session would not need to set any cookie).

``.invalidate()`` also now deletes the session from Redis rather
than just relying on it to expire.

* Bug fix: The ``cookie_path`` setting had no effect, as it was
not being used to set and delete cookie. This has been fixed, we
now set and delete cookie with the specified ``cookie_path`` as

* Bug fix: The ``cookie_domain`` setting value was not being used
when setting a header to delete cookie, meaning any cookie with
a domain different from the default was not being deleted (as a
cookie only gets deleted if the path and domain match the ones
used when the cookie was set). This is now fixed.

* Fixed the default value of the ``cookie_httponly`` setting in
the docstring, where the default had previously been changed
from False to True but the docstring had not been updated with

* pyramid_redis_sessions has dropped support for Python 2.6 and
now requires Python >= 2.7.

Internal (non-API) changes:

* ``RedisSession``'s ``timeout`` parameter and
``.default_timeout`` attribute have been removed, as they are no
longer needed now that the timeout is inserted into Redis by the
factory at the beginning of a new session.
* Added tests for cookie-related factory parameters.
* Organised imports to PEP 8.

Upstream package issue: redis-py introduced a breaking (and
undocumented) API change in redis==2.10 (see for
details). Pinning to redis<=2.9.1 until getting confirmation on
whether it's a bug that will be fixed, or if we'll need to
accommodate two different APIs to use newer versions going forward.

-02/20/2015: Changes for 1.0.1

* Removed redis-py upper bound to support new versions of redis-py

* No longer pass unused settings to `StrictRedis.from_url` (no
behavior changes since if you were passing in those settings
before they were being ignored)

* Updated to official/stable release version after successful
alpha period and in order to support pip installs

Project details

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pyramid_session_redis-1.5.0.tar.gz (64.5 kB view hashes)

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