The "Batteries Included" layer for a Pyramid application.
Project description
The pyramid_nitro package adds dependencies, useful libraries, sensible default configurations, “glue code”, and other goodies to a “standard pyramid application” that makes developing pyramid applications fast… super fast. In short, it’s the “batteries included” opinionated version of Pyramid. It draws it’s inspiration from the TurboGears application framework.
$ pip install pyramid_nitro
$ nitro "myapp" /path/to/myapp
$ cd /path/to/myapp
$ nitro etc/dev.ini
Starting subprocess with file monitor
completed configuration of myapp/0.1.0-b [env=dev]
Starting server in PID 18330.
serving on
The objectives of pyramid_nitro are three-fold:
Trivial to get a completely functional application going
Lots of out-of-the-box functionality, but nothing that can’t be disabled
Support for infinite scalability when needed
Some of the opinions made to achieve that is that you’ll:
expose and document API endpoints with pyramid_controllers and pyramid_describe
parse and serialize HTTP requests with pyramid_input and pyramid_output
validate and sanitize data formats with pyramid_armor
authenticate requests with SAML or models with (TODO: to be determined)
perform access control with pyramid_authz
paginate response datasets with pyramid_pagination
use SQLAlchemy for your ORM model
store ORM data in PostgreSQL and big data in MongoDB
send message bus events over RabbitMQ
schedule asynchronous and deferred jobs with pyramid_scheduler
manage configurations with pyramid_iniherit
generate JavaScript, CSS, and images with pyramid_webassets, lessc
enable sessions and caching with pyramid_beaker
encrypt data with GPG keys
thoroughly implement unit/integration/system tests with pyramid_test
think globally but act locally with i18n
use Apache to infinity-scale your server
depend on microservices, such as:
indexing and searching with Solr
URL-shortening with pyramid_tinyurl