Pre-built Messageboxes for PySide2 Applications
Project description
pys2-msgboxes is a module of pre-built messageboxes using the QMessageBox class from PySide2 library.
Use the package manager pip to install pys2-msgboxes.
pip install pys2-msgboxes
For now List of pre-built Messageboxes
- successful_msgbox()
- input_error_msgbox()
- information_msgbox()
- warning_msgbox() - Question Yes or No, return answer
- database_error_msgbox
- error_msgbox()
Each of the pre-built messageboxes take two arguments: title and text.
from pys2_msgboxes import msgboxes
# Execute Successful Messagebox
msgboxes.successful_msgbox('Successful', 'Operation Finished Successfully')
All the messageboxes Execute like above except warning_msgbox that return a answer of the user.
Question Messagebox (warning_msgbox)
from pys2_msgboxes import msgboxes
# importing the class MsgBox
from pys2_msgboxes.msgboxes import MsgBox
# This messagebox return the answer (Yes or No) of the user and saved in a variable
resp = msgboxes.warning_msgbox('Warning', 'Are your sure to perform this operation?')
# check which button (Yes or No) was pressed
if resp == MsgBox.Yes:
# Operation when Yes is pressed
print('"Yes" Button was pressed')
# Otherwise
print('The "close" or "No" button was pressed')
Is not necessary to put the else stament if you are not going to do any action if the close or no Button is pressed.
Change Log
0.0.1 (02/02/2021)
- First Release
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