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A wrapper around popular python HTTP client providing enhanced features such as ratelimiting, caching, multiple requests

Project description

Sessions Repository

This repository contains a collection of HTTP session clients. It provides optional rate limiting and caching mixins to manage your HTTP requests efficiently.


To install the sessions repository, clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Then, navigate into the cloned repository and install the necessary dependencies:

cd pysessions
pip install .


Here's a basic example of how to use the sessions repository:

from sessions import Session

# Create a new Session
client = Session()

# Make a GET request
response = client.get('')

# Print the response

To utilize ratelimiting and caching features, there are 2 mixin classes provided, CacheMixin and RatelimitMixin. There are 5 implementations of ratelimiting: LeakyBucket, TokenBucket, SlidingWindow, FixedWindow, GCRA with 3 backends to choose from: InMemory, Redis, or SQLite. You can create a new Session with the mixins like this:

from sessions import Session, CacheMixin, RatelimitMixin

class Session(CacheMixin, RatelimitMixin, Session):

client = Session()

url = ''

response = client.get(url)



Choose from: memory, redis, sql


Manage cache in memory with pure python.


cache_timeout: float | int | timedelta                |  How long a key remains active before being evicted
default(3600)                                         |
check_frequency: float | int | timedelta              |  How often to check for expired keys for eviction
default(15)                                           |


Spawns a temporary redis server that is closed upon program exit


# Existing Redis server                               |
conn:                                                 |  A redis connection object
default(None)                                         |
host: str                                             |  A redis server to connect to. If set, a temporary server will not be started
default(None)                                         |
port: int | str                                       |  The port to connect to redis server, host must be set
default(None)                                         |
username: str                                         |  User to authenticate with
default(None)                                         |
password: str                                         |  Password to authenticate with
default(None)                                         |
# Temporary server Usage                              |
cache_timeout: float | int | timedelta                |  How long a key remains active before being evicted
CacheMixin     default(3600)                          |
RatelimitMixin default(300)                           |
dbfilename: str | Path                                |  A filename to save the dump to, if None the database will not be saved
default(None)                                         |
db: str | Path                                        |  Alias for dbfilename
default(None)                                         |
maxmemory: str | int                                  |  Maximum memory for the temporary redis server
default(0)                                            |
maxmemory_policy: str                                 |  Policy for redis memory management. Must be one of: volatile-lru, allkeys-lru, volatile-lfu, allkeys-lfu,
default("noeviction")                                 |                                                      volatile-random, allkeys-random, volatile-ttl, noeviction
decode_responses: bool                                |  Whether redis server should decode bytes to string objects
default(False)                                        |
protocol: int                                         |  Redis RESP protocol version.
default(3)                                            |


Use an SQL or SQLite database as cache


conn: sqlite3.Connection                              |  An SQLite connection object
default(None)                                         |
cache_timeout: float | int | timedelta                |  How long a key remains active before being evicted
default(3600)                                         |
db:  str | Path                                       |  An SQLite database filepath or SQL database
default(None)                                         |


Parameters are shared between mixins. To specify parameters for only one include a dictionary as a keyword argument

ratelimit | ratelimit_options: dict                   |  Specify parameters for RatelimitMixin as a dictionary of parameters
cache | cache_options: dict                           |  Specify parameters for CacheMixin as a dictionary of parameters


slidingwindow                                         |  Implements a sliding window algorithm
    limit: int                                        |      Requests allowed within `window` seconds
    window: int | float                               |      Time period in seconds of how many requests are allowed through in any `window` seconds
fixedwindow                                           |  Implements a fixed window algorithm where
    limit: int                                        |      Requests allowed every `window` seconds
    window: int | float                               |      Time period in seconds where only `limit` requests are allowed every `window` seconds
leakybucket                                           |  The leaky bucket algorithm is a rate limiting algorithm that allows a `capacity` of requests to be processed
                                                      |  per unit of time. The `leak_rate` defines how many requests per second leak through
    capacity: int | float                             |      Requests allowed before bucket is full
    leak_rate: int | float                            |      The rate at which the bucket leaks requests per unit of time.
tokenbucket                                           |  The bucket can hold at the most `capacity` tokens. If a token arrives when the bucket is full, it is discarded.
                                                      |  A token is added to the bucket every 1/fill_rate seconds
    capacity: int | float                             |      Requests allowed before bucket is empty
    fill_rate: int | float                            |      The rate at which tokens are added to the bucket per second.
gcra                                                  |  GCRA (Generic Cell Rate Algorithm) is a rate limiting algorithm that allows a burst of requests up to a certain `limit`
                                                      |  within a specified time `period`
    period: int | float                               |     Time period for each cell/token (in seconds)
    limit: int                                        |     Limit on the burst size (in seconds)


from sessions import Session, AsyncSession, RatelimitMixin

class AsyncSession(RatelimitMixin, AsyncSession):

class Session(RatelimitMixin, Session):


backend: str                                          |
default("memory")                                     |
key: string                                           |  Key prefix per cache item e.g. Session:METHOD:URL:ratelimit
default("Session")                                    |
cache_timeout: int | float                            |  How long a key remains active before being evicted
default(300)                                          |
conn: Redis | sqlite3.Connection | pymysql.Connection |  Existing connection object to use
default(None)                                         |
per_host: bool                                        |  Whether to ratelimit requests to the host
default(False)                                        |
per_endpoint: bool                                    |  Whether to ratelimit requests to the endpoint
default(True)                                         |
sleep_duration: int | float                           |  Amount of time program should sleep between ratelimit checks
default(0.05)                                         |
raise_errors: bool                                    |  Whether to raise an error instead of delaying until request can go through
default(False)                                        |



from sessions import Session, CacheMixin, RatelimitMixin

class Session(CacheMixin, RatelimitMixin, Session):

client = Session()

url = ''

response = client.get(url)



backend: str                                          |
default("memory")                                     |
key: string                                           |  Key prefix per cache item e.g. Session:METHOD:URL:ratelimit
default("Session")                                    |
cache_timeout: int | float                            |  How long a key remains active before being evicted
default(3600)                                         |
conn: Redis | sqlite3.Connection | pymysql.Connection |  Existing connection object to use
default(None)                                         |


As a testing convenience there is a provided Urls class that generates httpbin urls, I have tested using a local docker image but you can enter the base url as a keyword parameter

import asyncio
import os
from atexit import register
from random import Random

from sessions import Session, AsyncSession, RatelimitMixin
from sessions.utils import Urls, timer, make_test, extract_args

class Session(RatelimitMixin, Session):

class AsyncSession(RatelimitMixin, AsyncSession):

rng = Random()
urls = Urls(port=8080)

# Windows
window = 1
limit = 3

period = 2

# Buckets
capacity = 5
fill_rate = 10
leak_rate = 5

n_tests = 25
type_name = "slidingwindow"

def test(n_tests, urls, **kwargs):
    def _test(session, url, **kwargs):
        result = session.get(url)
        return result

    if isinstance(urls, str):
        urls = (urls,) * n_tests

    with Session(**kwargs) as session:
        return tuple(_test(session, url, **kwargs) for url in urls)

async def atest(n_tests, urls, **kwargs):
    async def _atest(session, url, **kwargs):
        result = session.get(url)
        return result

    if isinstance(urls, str):
        urls = (urls,) * n_tests

    async with AsyncSession(**kwargs) as session:
        return await asyncio.gather(*[_atest(session, url, **kwargs) for url in urls])

def test_memory(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    with Session(backend="memory", **kwargs) as session:
        results = tuple(map(session.get, urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min, max)))
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

def test_sqlite(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    kwargs.pop("db", None)
    with Session(backend="sqlite", db="test.db", **kwargs) as session:
        results = tuple(map(session.get, urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min, max)))
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

def test_redis(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    with Session(backend="redis", **kwargs) as session:
        results = tuple(map(session.get, urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min, max)))
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

async def atest_memory(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    async with AsyncSession(backend="memory", **kwargs) as session:
        results = await asyncio.gather(*[session.get(url) for url in urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min=min, max=max)])
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

async def atest_sqlite(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    kwargs.pop("db", None)
    async with AsyncSession(backend="sqlite", db="test.db", **kwargs) as session:
        results = await asyncio.gather(*[session.get(url) for url in urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min=min, max=max)])
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

async def atest_redis(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, **kwargs):
    kwargs.pop("backend", None)
    async with AsyncSession(backend="redis", **kwargs) as session:
        results = await asyncio.gather(*[session.get(url) for url in urls.RANDOM_URLS(n_tests, min=min, max=max)])
    kwargs["n_tests"] = n_tests
    return extract_args(kwargs["type"], kwargs)

def run_sync_tests(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, randomize=False, **kwargs):
    Run synchronous tests for different types of algorithms.

        n_tests (int): Number of tests to run for each algorithm (default: 25).
        min (int): Minimum value for the test inputs (default: 0).
        max (int): Maximum value for the test inputs (default: 5).
        randomize (bool): Flag indicating whether to randomize test parameters (default: False).
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the test functions.

        dict: A dictionary containing the test results for each algorithm.
              The keys are the algorithm types and the values are tuples of test results.
    funcs = (test_memory, test_redis, test_sqlite)
    if os.path.exists("test.db"):

    if "type" not in kwargs or randomize:
        from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
        results = {}

        for type in ("slidingwindow", "fixedwindow", "tokenbucket", "leakybucket", "gcra"):
            print(f"\nRunning tests for {type}...")
            if randomize:
                kwargs = make_test(type, dct=True)
                print(f"Test parameters:\n{"\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items())}")
                test_results = tuple(executor.submit(func, min=min, max=max, type=type, **kwargs) for func in funcs)
                test_results = tuple(executor.submit(func, n_tests=n_tests, min=min, max=max, type=type, **kwargs) for func in funcs)
            test_results = tuple(result.result() for result in as_completed(test_results))
            results[type] = test_results
        return results
        return {kwargs["type"]: tuple(func(n_tests=n_tests, min=min, max=max, **kwargs) for func in funcs)}

async def run_async_tests(n_tests=25, min=0, max=5, randomize=False, **kwargs):
    Run asynchronous tests for different types of algorithms.

        n_tests (int): Number of tests to run (default: 25).
        min (int): Minimum value for the tests (default: 0).
        max (int): Maximum value for the tests (default: 5).
        randomize (bool): Flag to indicate whether to randomize test parameters (default: False).
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the tests.

        dict: A dictionary containing the test results for each algorithm type.
    funcs = (atest_memory, atest_redis, atest_sqlite)
    if os.path.exists("test.db"):
    if "type" not in kwargs or randomize:
        results = {}
        for type in ("slidingwindow", "fixedwindow", "tokenbucket", "leakybucket", "gcra"):
            print(f"\nRunning tests for {type}...")
            if randomize:
                kwargs = make_test(type, dct=True)
                print(f"Test parameters:\n{"\n".join(f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in kwargs.items())}")
                test_results = await asyncio.gather(*[func(min=min, max=max, **kwargs) for func in funcs])
                test_results = await asyncio.gather(*[func(n_tests=n_tests, min=min, max=max, **kwargs) for func in funcs])
            results[type] = test_results
        return results
        return {kwargs["type"]: await asyncio.gather(*[
            func(n_tests=n_tests, min=min, max=max, **kwargs) for func in funcs

def _cleanup():
    if os.path.exists("test.db"):

# Example usage of the test functions
#s = run_sync_tests(n_tests, type="slidingwindow", min=0, max=100, limit=limit, period=period, window=window, capacity=capacity, fill_rate=fill_rate, leak_rate=leak_rate)
#s = run_sync_tests(randomize=True)

# coro = run_async_tests(n_tests, type="slidingwindow", min=0, max=100, limit=limit, period=period, window=window, capacity=capacity, fill_rate=fill_rate, leak_rate=leak_rate)
#coro = run_async_tests(randomize=True)
#a =


We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guide for more details.


The sessions repository is released under the MIT License.

Project details

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Source Distribution

pysessions-0.1.1.tar.gz (53.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pysessions-0.1.1-py3-none-any.whl (61.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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