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Pysimplenet, automation tools for network engineers

Project description


PySimpleNet is a powerful and lightweight network automation toolkit that allows you to efficiently automate complex network, IOT and other SSH operations using a simple and intuitive interface. This tool is designed with flexibility in mind, supporting various network devices and protocols.

Key Features

  • YAML-Driven Configuration: Easily define actions and workflows using YAML files.
  • CLI and GUI Tools: Choose between command-line interface or graphical user interface based on your preference.
  • Device Drivers: Support for multiple network device types (e.g., Cisco IOS).
  • Automation Actions: Send commands, loop through commands, audit configurations, and more.
  • Extensible Schema: Define custom actions and extend the existing schema as needed.
  • Concurrent Execution: Run tasks across multiple devices concurrently to save time.
  • Data Persistence: Use SQLite databases for inventory and device data management.
  • Visual YAML Editor: Use the GUI editor to create and modify YAML configuration files easily.
  • Debugger Tool: Visually debug and step through automation workflows.


Full Interface

Full GUI

GUI Debug Mode

GUI Debug Mode

TTP Parsing Example

TTP Parsing Example

Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Linux Device Interface

Linux Device Interface 1 Linux Device Interface 2


PyPI version License: GPLv3

PySimpleNet is a powerful and lightweight network automation toolkit that allows you to efficiently automate complex network, IoT, REST API, and other SSH operations using a simple and intuitive interface. This tool is designed with flexibility in mind, supporting various network devices, protocols, and API interactions.

Key Features

  • YAML-Driven Configuration: Easily define actions and workflows using YAML files.
  • CLI and GUI Tools: Choose between command-line interface or graphical user interface based on your preference.
  • Device Drivers: Support for multiple network device types (e.g., Cisco IOS, Linux).
  • Automation Actions: Send commands, loop through commands, audit configurations, make REST API calls, and more.
  • REST API Integration: Automate interactions with RESTful APIs using rest_api and rest_api_loop actions.
  • Extensible Schema: Define custom actions and extend the existing schema as needed.
  • Concurrent Execution: Run tasks across multiple devices and APIs concurrently to save time.
  • Data Persistence: Use SQLite databases for inventory and device data management.
  • Visual YAML Editor: Use the GUI editor to create and modify YAML configuration files easily.
  • Debugger Tool: Visually debug and step through automation workflows.


  • Python 3.9 or higher
  • Required Python packages (listed in requirements.txt)
  • Access to network devices (e.g., Cisco IOS devices)
  • SSH connectivity to target devices
  • PyQt6 (for GUI tools)
  • Access to RESTful APIs (if using REST API actions)


You can install PySimpleNet via pip:

pip install pysimplenet

Alternatively, clone the repository and install:

git clone
cd pysimplenet
pip install -r requirements.txt


Command-Line Interface (CLI)

Running Automation Tasks

Use the simplenet-runner command to execute automation tasks defined in your YAML driver files.

  • Or if in development or running from source
simplenet-runner --inventory project/inventory/home_inventory.db --query "SELECT * FROM devices" --driver project/drivers/tests/cdp_interfaces_audit.yml

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Launching the Main GUI


Launching the Debugger GUI Tool



All configurations are done through YAML files. Below are sample configurations for both device interactions and REST API calls.

Sample Driver Configuration for Device Interaction (cdp_interfaces_audit.yml)

    error_string: "Invalid input detected"
    output_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_version_check.txt"
    output_mode: "append"
    prompt_count: 4
      - action: "send_command"
        display_name: "Set Terminal Length"
        command: "term len 0"
        expect: "#"
      - action: "send_command"
        display_name: "Show CDP Neighbors Detail"
        command: "show cdp neighbors detail"
        expect: "#"
        output_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_cdp_neighbors.txt"
        output_mode: "overwrite"
        ttp_path: "./project/templates/ios_show_cdp_neighbors.ttp"
          query: "[][]"
          variable_name: "cdp_neighbors"
      - action: "send_command_loop"
        display_name: "Loop Through Interfaces"
        variable_name: "cdp_neighbors"
        key_to_loop: "interface"
        command_template: "show interface [{ interface }]"
        expect: "#"
        output_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_interface_details.txt"
        output_mode: "append"
        parse_output: true
          list_name: "interface_mtu"
          item_key: "mtu"
          ttp_path: "./project/templates/interface_mtu_switch.ttp"
            query: "[][]"
            variable_name: "interface_mtu"
      - action: "audit_loop"
        display_name: "Check MTU for Interfaces with CDP Neighbors"
        policy_name: "MTU Check for CDP Neighbors"
        variable_name: "interface_mtu"
        key_to_check: "interface"
        target_value: "1500"
        query: '"{{ hostname }}".action_variables.interface_mtu[*].mtu[*]'
          - check_type: jmespath
            key_to_check: mtu
            name: Check if MTU is 1500 for CDP Neighbor Interfaces
              type: is_equal
              value: '1500'
            query: mtu[*]
      - action: "print_audit"
        display_name: "CDP Neighbor MTU Audit"
        output_file_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_cdp_mtu_audit.yaml"
        format: "both"

Sample Driver Configuration for REST API Interaction (rest_api_example.yml)

    error_string: "400"  # Use a generic error code for failures
      # 1. Action to log in and store the JWT token
      - action: "rest_api"
        display_name: "Login to Flask API"
        method: "POST"
        url: ""
        verify: "false"
          Content-Type: "application/json"
          username: "testuser"
          password: "password123"
        expect: "200"
          query: "access_token"  # Retrieve the JWT token from the login response
          variable_name: "jwt_token"  # Store the token in the global data store

      # 2. Action to retrieve all devices and store their IDs
      - action: "rest_api"
        display_name: "Get Device List"
        method: "GET"
        url: ""
        verify: "false"
          Content-Type: "application/json"
          Authorization: "Bearer action_variables.jwt_token"  # Use the stored JWT token
        expect: "200"
          query: "[]"  # Store the list of devices
          variable_name: "devices"

      # 3. Loop action to retrieve each device separately
      - action: "rest_api_loop"
        display_name: "Retrieve Each Device"
        method: "GET"
        url: "[{ id }]"  # The URL will dynamically use the device_id
        verify: "false"
          Content-Type: "application/json"
          Authorization: "Bearer action_variables.jwt_token"  # Use the stored JWT token
        variable_name: "devices"  # The global variable containing the devices
        key_to_loop: "id"  # Loop over the device IDs
        expect: "200"
          query: "name"  # Store the device name from each response
          variable_name: "device_names"
        output_path: "./output/device_details.json"
        output_mode: "overwrite"  # Overwrite the file for each new run

Inventory File (home_inventory.yaml)

  - id: 1
    hostname: "router1"
    mgmt_ip: ""
    device_type: "cisco_ios"
      - 1
  - id: 1
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"

Variables File (Optional)

Variables can be defined in YAML files located under project/vars/.

Schema Explanation

The schema defines the structure of the YAML configuration files used by the automation tool.



Performs a REST API call.

  • Fields:
    • display_name (required): A friendly name for the action.
    • method (required): HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
    • url (required): The API endpoint URL.
    • headers (optional): HTTP headers to include in the request.
    • body (optional): Data to send in the body of the request (for POST, PUT, etc.).
    • verify (optional): SSL verification (true or false).
    • expect (optional): Expected HTTP status code.
    • store_query (optional): Stores data from the response into variables.
      • Fields:
        • query: The JMESPath query to extract data.
        • variable_name: The name of the variable to store data.


Performs REST API calls in a loop based on variables.

  • Fields:
    • Same as rest_api, plus:
      • variable_name: The variable to loop through.
      • key_to_loop: The key within the variable to iterate over.
      • url can include placeholders to be replaced with looped values.

Existing Actions

  • send_command: Sends a single command to the device.
  • send_command_loop: Sends a command template in a loop based on variables.
  • audit_loop: Audits configurations based on conditions.
  • print_audit: Outputs the audit results.


The solution consists of several Python scripts and modules that work together to perform network automation tasks, including REST API interactions.

1. Runner Script (simplenet/cli/

Orchestrates the overall automation process.

  • Functions:
    • create_sqlite_db(): Converts YAML inventory to SQLite database.
    • check_device_reachability(): Verifies if devices are reachable.
    • run_for_device(): Executes automation tasks for a single device.
    • main(): Main Click command.

2. Simplenet Module (simplenet/cli/

Handles the execution of automation tasks for individual devices and APIs.

  • Functions:
    • run_automation_for_device(): Runs automation tasks.
    • main(): Main Click command for single-device automation.

3. Command Executor Library (simplenet/cli/

Executes individual actions defined in the driver, including REST API actions.

  • Functions:
    • execute_commands(): Main function to execute a list of actions.
    • handle_send_command_action(): Handles send_command actions.
    • handle_send_command_loop(): Handles send_command_loop actions.
    • handle_rest_api_action(): Handles rest_api actions.
    • handle_rest_api_loop_action(): Handles rest_api_loop actions.
    • handle_audit_action(): Performs audit checks.
    • handle_print_audit_action(): Outputs audit results.

4. GUI Editor Tool (simplenet/gui/

A PyQt6-based application to create and modify YAML configuration files.

  • Usage:

  • Features:

    • Visual YAML editing.
    • Schema validation.
    • Action management.
    • YAML preview.
    • File operations.
    • Integration with the runner.

5. Debugger GUI Tool (simplenet/gui/

Visually debug and step through automation workflows.

  • Usage:

  • Features:

    • Step-by-step execution.
    • Variable inspection.
    • Breakpoint setting.
    • Output monitoring.
    • Error handling.


Example: REST API Login and Data Retrieval

- action: "rest_api"
  display_name: "Login to API"
  method: "POST"
  url: ""
    Content-Type: "application/json"
    username: "user"
    password: "pass"
  expect: "200"
    query: "token"
    variable_name: "api_token"

- action: "rest_api"
  display_name: "Get Devices"
  method: "GET"
  url: ""
    Authorization: "Bearer action_variables.api_token"
  expect: "200"
    query: "devices"
    variable_name: "devices"

- action: "rest_api_loop"
  display_name: "Get Device Details"
  method: "GET"
  url: "[{ id }]"
    Authorization: "Bearer action_variables.api_token"
  variable_name: "devices"
  key_to_loop: "id"
  expect: "200"
    query: "device_info"
    variable_name: "device_details"
  output_path: "./output/device_details.json"
  output_mode: "append"

Example: Sending a Command

- action: "send_command"
  display_name: "Check Device Version"
  command: "show version"
  expect: "#"
  output_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_version.txt"
  output_mode: "overwrite"

Example: Looping Through Interfaces

- action: "send_command_loop"
  display_name: "Collect Interface Details"
  variable_name: "interfaces"
  key_to_loop: "interface_name"
  command_template: "show interface [{ interface_name }]"
  expect: "#"
  output_path: "./output/{{ hostname }}_interfaces.txt"
  output_mode: "append"
  parse_output: true

Running the Automation Tool

  1. Prepare the YAML Configuration

    Use the GUI Editor or manually create your YAML configuration files under project/drivers/.

  2. Prepare the Inventory File

    Place your inventory YAML file under project/inventory/.

  3. Execute the Runner Script

    simplenet-runner --inventory project/inventory/home_inventory.db --query "SELECT * FROM devices" --driver project/drivers/tests/rest_api_example.yml
  4. View Outputs

    Check the ./output/ directory for command outputs, API responses, and audit results. Logs can be found in the ./ directory.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

Additional Information

Extending the Schema

You can add custom actions by extending the schema. For example, a custom_action allows you to define new behaviors.

Code Structure and Workflow

The automation solution follows a modular approach, where each component plays a specific role in the overall workflow.

Workflow Overview

  1. Inventory Preparation: Devices and credentials are defined in a YAML file.
  2. Database Creation: The runner script converts the YAML inventory into a SQLite database.
  3. Device and API Interaction: The runner script handles both device connections and API calls.
  4. Concurrent Execution: The runner script executes tasks across multiple devices and APIs concurrently.
  5. Automation Execution: For each device or API endpoint, the simplenet module executes the defined actions.
  6. Command and API Execution: The execute_commands function processes each action.
  7. Data Storage: Results are stored in the global data store.
  8. Reporting: Audit results and outputs are saved to files.
  9. Debugging: Use the Debugger GUI tool to step through workflows.


  • Invalid Input Detected: Ensure your commands and expectations match the device's responses.
  • Connection Timeouts: Verify network connectivity and device/API accessibility.
  • Schema Validation Errors: Make sure your YAML files conform to the defined schema.
  • Authentication Failures: Confirm that credentials and tokens are correctly associated.

As of now, the tool primarily uses SSH for device communication and HTTP/S for API interactions. Support for other protocols can be added by extending the action handlers.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

pysimplenet-0.1.4.tar.gz (3.1 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pysimplenet-0.1.4-py3-none-any.whl (3.2 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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