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slow5lib python bindings

Project description

pyslow5 python library

The slow5 python library (pyslow5) allows a user to read slow5 and blow5 files.


Initial setup and example info for environment

slow5lib needs python3.4.2 or higher.
# If your native python3 meets this requirement, you can use that, or use a
# specific version installed with deadsnakes below. If you install with deadsnakes,
# you will need to call that specific python, such as python3.8 or python3.9,
# in all the following commands until you create a virtual environment with venv.
# Then once activated, you can just use python3.

# To install a specific version of python, the deadsnakes ppa is a good place to start
# This is an example for installing python3.7
# you can then call that specific python version
# > python3.7 -m pip --version
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install python3.7 python3.7-dev python3.7-venv

# =========================================================

# get zlib1g-dev for zlib headers
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev

# check python version is above 3.4.2
python3 --version

# =========================================================
# If you are using an already installed version of python
# you will need to ensure the python headers are installed
# =========================================================
sudo apt-get install python3-dev

Install using PyPi/pip

# Create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv /path/to/slow5libvenv
source /path/to/slow5libvenv/bin/activate

# Update pip and install required libraries
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install setuptools cython numpy wheel

python3 -m pip install pyslow5

Install using github release

# Create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv /path/to/slow5libvenv
source /path/to/slow5libvenv/bin/activate

# Update pip and install required libraries
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install setuptools cython numpy wheel

wget <link>

python3 -m pip install <file>

Building and installing the python library from source

Use this method for zstd compatibility

# Create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv /path/to/slow5libvenv
source /path/to/slow5libvenv/bin/activate

# Update pip and install required libraries
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install setuptools cython numpy wheel

# Download the repository and build the slow5 C library
git clone
cd slow5lib
# |=======================================================================|
# |A. Default build of slow5lib without zstd                              |
# |=======================================================================|
# |B. Or build with zstd. zstd must be present on system.                 |
# |   See slow5 docs for further information                              |
    make zstd=1
# |=======================================================================|

# Build and install pyslow5
# |=======================================================================|
# |A. Install with pip if wheel is present, otherwise it uses setuptools  |
    python3 -m pip install . --use-feature=in-tree-build
# |=======================================================================|
# |B. Or build and install manually with                         |
# |build and install the package                                          |
    python3 install
# |=======================================================================|

# Ensure slow5 library is working by running the basic tests
python3 -m unittest -v python/

Confirm pyslow5, or Uninstall pyslow5

# confirm installation, and find pyslow5==<version>
python3 -m pip freeze

# To Remove the library
python3 -m pip uninstall pyslow5


Open(FILE, mode, DEBUG=0):

The pyslow5 libraryr has one main Class, pyslow5.Open which opens a slow5/blow5 (slow5 for easy reference) file for reading.

FILE: the file or filepath of the slow5 file to open mode: mode in which to open the file. Currently, only r is accepted for read only.

This is designed to mimic Python's native Open() to help users remember the syntax


import pyslow5

# open file
s5 = pyslow5.Open('examples/example.slow5','r')

When opening a slow5 file for the first time, and index will be created and saved in the same directory as the file being read. This index will then be loaded. For files that already have an index, that index will be loaded.

seq_reads(pA=False, aux=None):

Access all reads sequentially in an opened slow5.

  • If readID is not found, None is returned.
  • pA = Bool for converting signal to picoamps.
  • aux = str '<attr_name>'/'all' or list of names of auxiliary fields added to return dictionary, None if <attr_name> not found
  • returns dict = dictionary of main fields for read_id, with any aux fields added


# create generator
reads = s5.seq_reads()

# print all readIDs
for read in reads:

# or use directly in a for loop
for read in s5.seq_reads(pA=True, aux='all'):
    print("read_id:", read['read_id'])
    print("read_group:", read['read_group'])
    print("digitisation:", read['digitisation'])
    print("offset:", read['offset'])
    print("range:", read['range'])
    print("sampling_rate:", read['sampling_rate'])
    print("len_raw_signal:", read['len_raw_signal'])
    print("signal:", read['signal'][:10])

get_read(readID, pA=False, aux=None):

Access a specific read using a unique readID. This is a ranom access method, using the index.

  • If readID is not found, None is returned.
  • pA = Bool for converting signal to picoamps.
  • aux = str '<attr_name>'/'all' or list of names of auxiliary fields added to return dictionary, None if <attr_name> not found
  • returns dict = dictionary of main fields for read_id, with any aux fields added


readID = "r1"
read = s5.get_read(readID, pA=True, aux=["read_number", "start_mux"])
if read is not None:
    print("read_id:", read['read_id'])
    print("len_raw_signal:", read['len_raw_signal'])

get_read_list(read_list, pA=False, aux=None):

Access a list of specific reads using a list read_list of unique readIDs. This is a random access method using the index, so order of readIDs does impact access speed.

  • If readID is not found, None is returned.
  • pA = Bool for converting signal to picoamps.
  • aux = str '<attr_name>'/'all' or list of names of auxiliary fields added to return dictionary, None if <attr_name> not found
  • returns dict = dictionary of main fields for read_id, with any aux fields added


read_list = ["r1", "r3", "null_read", "r5", "r2", "r1"]
selected_reads = s5.get_read_list(read_list)
for r, read in zip(read_list,selected_reads):
    if read is not None:
        print(r, read['read_id'])
        print(r, "read not found")


Returns a list containing the uninon of header names from all read_groups

get_header_value(attr, read_group=0):

Returns a str of the value of a header attribute (attr) for a particular read_group. Returns None if value can't be found


Returns a dictionary with all header attributes and values for a particular read_group If there are values present for one read_group, and not for another, the attribute will still be returned for the read_group without, but with a value of None.


Returns an ordered list of auxiliary attribute names. (same order as get_aux_types())

This is used for understanding which auxiliary attributes are available within the slow5 file, and providing selections to the aux keyword argument in the above functoions


Returns an ordered list of auxiliary attribute types (same order as get_aux_names())

This can mostly be ignored, but will be used in error tracing in the future, as auxiliary field requests have multiple types, each with their own calls, and not all are used. It could be the case a call for an auxiliary filed fails, and knowing which type the field is requesting is very helpful in understanding which function in C is being called, that could be causing the error.

Full example of capabilities:

import pyslow5 as slow5
import time

print("|             pyslow5 test launch              |")

debug = 1

# open file and create object
start_time = time.time()
s5 = slow5.Open('examples/example.slow5','r', DEBUG=debug)
ttime = round(time.time() - start_time, 4)
print("slow5 file opened and object created in: {} seconds".format(ttime))

# # Get data for ONE individual read, random access
print("get_read check, r1")

start_time = time.time()
read = s5.get_read("r1", aux=["read_number", "start_mux", "blah"])
ttime = round(time.time() - start_time, 4)
print("get_read in: {} seconds".format(ttime))

# print all fields
print("read_id:", read['read_id'])
print("read_group:", read['read_group'])
print("digitisation:", read['digitisation'])
print("offset:", read['offset'])
print("range:", read['range'])
print("sampling_rate:", read['sampling_rate'])
print("len_raw_signal:", read['len_raw_signal'])
print("signal:", read['signal'][:10])
print("pylen of signal:", len(read['signal']))
print("AUX FIELDS:")
print("read_number:", read["read_number"])
print("start_mux:", read["start_mux"])
print("blah:", read["blah"]) #should be None


# Get data for ANOTHER ONE individual read, random access, check memory
print("get_read check, r4, converte to pA")
start_time = time.time()
read = s5.get_read("r4", pA=True)
ttime = round(time.time() - start_time, 4)
print("get_read in: {} seconds".format(ttime))

# print all fields
print("read_id:", read['read_id'])
print("read_group:", read['read_group'])
print("digitisation:", read['digitisation'])
print("offset:", read['offset'])
print("range:", read['range'])
print("sampling_rate:", read['sampling_rate'])
print("len_raw_signal:", read['len_raw_signal'])
print("signal:", read['signal'][:10])
print("pylen of signal:", len(read['signal']))
print("signal value type:", type(read['signal'][0]))

# get yield object and iterate through reads sequentially
print("seq_reads check, all reads")
start_time = time.time()
print("seq_reads readIDs:")
reads = s5.seq_reads()
print("type check reads:", type(reads))
for read in reads:

ttime = round(time.time() - start_time, 4)
print("seq_reads in: {} seconds".format(ttime))


# get yield object and iterate through selected reads with random access
print("Yield check, selected reads")
read_list = ["r1", "r3", "null_read", "r5", "r2", "r1"]
start_time = time.time()
selected_reads = s5.get_read_list(read_list)
ttime = round(time.time() - start_time, 4)
print("get_read_list in: {} seconds".format(ttime))
print("yielded readIDs:")
for r, read in zip(read_list,selected_reads):
    if read is not None:
        print(r, read['read_id'])
        print(r, "read not found, None returned")

# get header names
print("Get headder names")
names = s5.get_header_names()
print("header names:")

# get all headers
headers = s5.get_all_headers()

# Get header attributes
print("Get headder attributes")
attr = "flow_cell_id"
val = s5.get_header_value(attr)
print("flow_cell_id: {}".format(val))
attr = "exp_start_time"
val = s5.get_header_value(attr)
print("exp_start_time: {}".format(val))
attr = "heatsink_temp"
val = s5.get_header_value(attr)
print("heatsink_temp: {}".format(val))
for attr in names:
    val = s5.get_header_value(attr)
    print("{}: {}".format(attr, val))

s52 = slow5.Open('test/data/exp/aux_array/exp_lossless.slow5','r', DEBUG=debug)
print("get_read check, a649a4ae-c43d-492a-b6a1-a5b8b8076be4")
read1 = s52.get_read("a649a4ae-c43d-492a-b6a1-a5b8b8076be4", aux=["read_number", "start_mux", "blah"])
# print all fields
print("read_id:", read1['read_id'])
print("read_group:", read1['read_group'])
print("digitisation:", read1['digitisation'])
print("offset:", read1['offset'])
print("range:", read1['range'])
print("sampling_rate:", read1['sampling_rate'])
print("len_raw_signal:", read1['len_raw_signal'])
print("signal:", read1['signal'][:10])
print("pylen of signal:", len(read1['signal']))
print("AUX FIELDS:")
print("read_number:", read1["read_number"])
print("start_mux:", read1["start_mux"])
print("blah:", read1["blah"]) #should be None

read2 = s52.get_read("a649a4ae-c43d-492a-b6a1-a5b8b8076be4", aux="blah")
print("AUX FIELDS:")
print("blah:", read2["blah"]) #should be None

read3 = s52.get_read("a649a4ae-c43d-492a-b6a1-a5b8b8076be4", aux="read_number")
print("AUX FIELDS:")
print("read_number:", read3["read_number"]) #should be None

# get aux names
print("Get aux names")
aux_names = s52.get_aux_names()
print("aux names:")

# get aux values

print("Get aux types")
aux_types = s52.get_aux_types()
print("aux types:")

read4 = s52.get_read("a649a4ae-c43d-492a-b6a1-a5b8b8076be4", aux="all")
print("AUX FIELDS:")
for name in aux_names:
    print("{}:".format(name), read4[name])


print("seq_reads with aux:")
reads = s52.seq_reads(pA=True, aux='all')
print("type check reads:", type(reads))
for read in reads:
    print("read_number", read['read_number'])


Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

pyslow5-0.5.0a1.tar.gz (356.7 kB view hashes)

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