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Generate json reports along with specified metadata defined in test markers.

Project description


PyPI MIT license PyPI - Downloads

pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter is a custom reporter which generates JSON report file containing some TestRail-related data.
The reporter helps you to integrate your pytest test with TestRail easily by producing JSON test report files which can be uploaded into TestRail by using powerful Railflow NPM CLI tool or native plugins for Jenkins and TeamCity.


In order to use pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter plugin, following prerequisites should be met.

  • Python 2.7, 3.4 or greater
  • Pytest


Using Pip

To install the pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter plugin using pip,run the following command in terminal:

pip install pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter

This will install the plugin to the system.


To add Railflow markers to the tests '@pytest.mark.railflow' marker is used.

The plugin supports the following attributes:

Railflow configuration attributes description

Attribute Name Description
title Name of the test suite or test case
case_type Case type in TestRail, e.g.: Automated, Compatibility, etc...
case_priority Case type in TestRail, e.g.: Critical, High, etc...
case_fields Values for custom case fields in TestRail in the following format: ['field1=value1','field2=value2']
result_fields Values for result fields in TestRail in the following format: ['field1=value1','field2=value2']
jira_ids Jira IDs.These values will be populated as a case field 'refs'. Should input as an array of strings, e.g.: ['jid1','jid2']
testrail_ids IDs of test cases in TestRail. Should input as an array of integers, e.g.: [1,2,3]
smart_failure_assignment Array of TestRail users to automatically assign failed test cases. Should input as a string array, e.g.: ['','']

These attributes can be either used in class level or function level.

Function level attributes Class level attributes
jira_ids case_fields
case_fields result_fields
result_fields case_type
testrail_ids case_priority
case_type smart_failure_assignment
case_priority title

To run the test, execute the following command in the terminal from the test directory:

pytest --jsonfile output.json

Adding arbitrary attachments into test report

The testrail_add_screenshot fixture can be used to add arbitrary attachments into the test report:

def test_add(testrail_add_screenshot):
    a = 3
    b = 2
    c = a + b
    assert c == 5
    testrail_add_screenshot("screenshot path")

Adding test steps to test report

The testrail_add_test_step fixture can be used to add test steps into test report:

The fixture has the following parameters:

Order Description Is Mandatory
1 Step Name Yes
2 Status Name Yes
3 Actual Value No
4 Expected Value No
def test_multiply(testrail_add_test_step):
    res = 8 * 4
    testrail_add_test_step("multiply 8 and 4", "PASSED", res, "32")


Example 1 : pytest tests within a class

  1. Install 'pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter' .
$ pip install pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter
  1. Add pytest test with Railfllow marker on class level.

import pytest

            "name": "Required text field",
            "value": "Class"
            "name": "Custom field",
            "value": "Result from class"
class TestClass:

    def test_add(self):
        a = 3
        b = 2
        c = a + b
        assert c == 5

    def test_subtract(self):
        a = 3
        b = 2
        c = a - b
        assert c == 0

        title = "method title",
                "name": "Required text field",
                "value": "method"
                "name": "Custom fieLD",
                "value": "Result from method"
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("a,b,c", [(22, 11, 2), (64, 8, 8), (9, 3, 3)])
    def test_divide(self, a, b, c):
        assert a / b == c  
  1. Run tests and generate report
pytest --jsonfile output.json
  1. View report file

Report file generated at the same directory where the test executed.


        "class_name": "TestClass",
        "markers": "",
        "file_name": "test_sample2",
        "attachments": [],
        "tests": [
                "test_name": "test_add",
                "details": null,
                "markers": "",
                "result": "PASSED",
                "duration": 0.00012004900054307655,
                "timestamp": "2022-03-09T15:53:53",
                "message": null
                "test_name": "test_subtract",
                "details": null,
                "markers": "",
                "result": "FAILED",
                "duration": 0.00017888799993670546,
                "timestamp": "2022-03-09T15:53:53",
                "message": "self = <test_sample2.TestClass object at 0x7f659f8af310>\n\n    def test_subtract(self):\n        a = 3\n        b = 2\n        c = a - b\n>       assert c == 0\nE       assert 1 == 0\n\ AssertionError"
                "test_name": "test_divide",
                "details": null,
                "markers": "parametrize",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "a",
                        "value": 22
                        "name": "b",
                        "value": 11
                        "name": "c",
                        "value": 2
                "result": "PASSED",
                "duration": 0.0001058529996953439,
                "timestamp": "2022-03-09T15:53:53",
                "message": null,
                "railflow_test_attributes": {
                    "title": "method title",
                    "jira_ids": [
                    "case_fields": [
                            "name": "Required text field",
                            "value": "method"
                    "result_fields": [
                            "name": "Custom field",
                            "value": "Result from method"
                    "case_type": "Compatibility",
                    "case_priority": "High",
                    "smart_failure_assignment": [
                "test_name": "test_divide",
                "details": null,
                "markers": "parametrize",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "a",
                        "value": 64
                        "name": "b",
                        "value": 8
                        "name": "c",
                        "value": 8
                "result": "PASSED",
                "duration": 0.00013493100050254725,
                "timestamp": "2022-03-09T15:53:53",
                "message": null,
                "railflow_test_attributes": {
                    "title": "method title",
                    "jira_ids": [
                    "case_fields": [
                            "name": "Required text field",
                            "value": "method"
                    "result_fields": [
                            "name": "Custom field",
                            "value": "Result from method"
                    "case_type": "Compatibility",
                    "case_priority": "High",
                    "smart_failure_assignment": [
                "test_name": "test_divide",
                "details": null,
                "markers": "parametrize",
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "a",
                        "value": 9
                        "name": "b",
                        "value": 3
                        "name": "c",
                        "value": 3
                "result": "PASSED",
                "duration": 0.00020506200235104188,
                "timestamp": "2022-03-09T15:53:53",
                "message": null,
                "railflow_test_attributes": {
                    "title": "method title",
                    "jira_ids": [
                    "case_fields": [
                            "name": "Required text field",
                            "value": "method"
                    "result_fields": [
                            "name": "Custom field",
                            "value": "Result from method"
                    "case_type": "Compatibility",
                    "case_priority": "High",
                    "smart_failure_assignment": [
        "railflow_test_attributes": {
            "jira_ids": [
            "case_fields": [
                    "name": "Required text field",
                    "value": "Class"
            "result_fields": [
                    "name": "Custom field",
                    "value": "Result from class"
            "case_type": "Automated",
            "case_priority": "Critical",
            "smart_failure_assignment": [
  1. Install Railflow CLI
npm install railflow
  1. Run Railflow CLI and upload test results into TestRail
npx railflow -k ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 -url -u testrail-username -p testrail-password -pr "Railflow Demo" -path section1/section2 -f pytest-railflow -r pytest_example/*.json -sm path


Key Description Example
-k, --key (online activation) License key. Can be set with RAILFLOW_LICENSE environment variable -k XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
-url, --url TestRail instance URL -url
-u, --username TestRail username. Can be set with RAILFLOW_TR_USER environment variable -u test-username
-p, --password TestRail password or API Key. Can be set with RAILFLOW_TR_PASSWORD environment variable -p XtpHXiPLEODyhF
-pr, --project TestRail project name -pr "example project"
-path, --test-path TestRail test cases path -path "Section1/subsection2/ShoppingCart
-f, --format Report format: 'pytest-railflow' (case insensitive) -f junit
-r, --report-files The file path(s) to the test report file(s) generated during the build. User can pass multiple values separated with spaces. Ant-style patterns such as **/reports/*.xml can be used.
E.g. use target/reports/*.xml to capture all XML files in target/reports directory.
-r target/surefire-reports/*.xml target/failsafe-reports/*.xml
-sm, --search-mode Specifies the test case lookup algorithm.
name: search for test case matching the name within the entire test suite. If test case found, update the test case. If test case not found, create a new test case within specified -path
path: search for test case matching the name within the specified -path. If test case found, update the test case. If test case not found, create a new test case within specified -path
-sm path

Please see Railflow NPM documentation for the all the details about Railflow CLI options.

  1. View results in TestRail

Test run

Alt Test run in TestRail

Test result details

Alt Test result details in TestRail

Parameterized tests details

Alt Parameterized tests details in TestRail

Example 2 : pytest tests without a class (using pytest splinter)

  1. Install 'pytest-splinter' .
$ pip install pytest-splinter

Also, make sure that chromedriver or Firefox driver is installed in your system for running splinter.

For Firefox driver: [Splinter Documentation on Firefox Driver](

For Chrome driver : [SPlinter Documentation on Chrome Driver](
  1. Add pytest test.

import pytest

            "name": "Required text field",
            "value": "Class"
            "name": "Custom field",
            "value": "Result from class"
def test_google(browser):
    """Test using real browser."""
    url = ""
    browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications')
    # Find and click the 'search' button
    button = browser.find_by_name('btnK')
    # Interact with elements
    assert browser.is_text_present(''), " wasn't found... We need to"
    ' improve our SEO techniques'
  1. Run tests and generate report (using chrome driver) if '--splinter-webdriver' argument is not provided , it will use firefox as default web driver
pytest --splinter-webdriver chrome --jsonfile output.json
  1. View report file


        "class_name": null,
        "test_name": "test_google",
        "details": "Test using real browser.",
        "markers": "",
        "result": "FAILED",
        "duration": 8.737954783000077,
        "timestamp": "2022-03-06T10:51:51",
        "message": "browser = < object at 0x7f55c6f50670>\n\n    @pytest.mark.railflow(\n         jira_ids=[\"301219\"],\n        case_fields=[\n            {\n                \"name\": \"ReQuired text field\",\n                \"value\": \"Class\"\n            }\n        ],\n        result_fields=[\n            {\n                \"name\": \"Custom fIeLD\",\n                \"value\": \"Result from class\"\n            }\n        ],\n        case_type=\"Railflow\",\n        case_priority=\"Critical\",\n        smart_failure_assignment=[\",\"]\n    )\n    def test_google(browser):\n        \"\"\"Test using real browser.\"\"\"\n        url = \"\"\n        browser.visit(url)\n        browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications')\n        # Find and click the 'search' button\n        button = browser.find_by_name('btnK')\n        # Interact with elements\n\n>       assert browser.is_text_present(''), \" wasn't found... We need to\"\nE       AssertionError: wasn't found... We need to\nE       assert False\nE        +  where False = <bound method BaseWebDriver.is_text_present of < object at 0x7f55c6f50670>>('')\nE        +    where <bound method BaseWebDriver.is_text_present of < object at 0x7f55c6f50670>> = < object at 0x7f55c6f50670>.is_text_present\n\ AssertionError",
        "file_name": "test_browser",
        "attachments": [
            " /home/projects/pytest/example_tests/railflow_pytest_examples/railflow_pytest_examples.test_browser/test_google-browser.png"
        "railflow_test_attributes": {
            "jira_ids": [
            "case_fields": [
                    "name": "Required text field",
                    "value": "Class"
            "result_fields": [
                    "name": "Custom field",
                    "value": "Result from class"
            "case_type": "Railflow",
            "case_priority": "Critical",
            "smart_failure_assignment": [
  1. Run Railflow CLI and upload test results into TestRail
npx railflow -k ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890 -url -u testrail-username -p testrail-password -pr "Railflow Demo" -path section1/section2 -f pytest-railflow -r pytest_example/*.json

Please check examples for more information and sample tests.


This software is licensed under the MIT license

See License file for more information.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

pytest-railflow-testrail-reporter-0.2.5.tar.gz (16.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pytest_railflow_testrail_reporter-0.2.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

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