Pytest plugin to track and report system usage statistics
Project description
What is Pytest System Statistics
It’s a pytest plugin, extracted from pytest-salt-factories, which tracks the test suite CPU and memory usage and, optionally, includes a report section including that data, for example: PASSED [100%]
----------------------------------- Processes Statistics ------------------------------------
.......... System - CPU: 17.80 % MEM: 29.70 % (Virtual Memory) SWAP: 12.80 %
.. Test Suite Run - CPU: 0.00 % MEM: 0.05 % (RSS) MEM SUM: 0.09 % (RSS) CHILD PROCS: 2
...... FooProcess - CPU: 0.00 % MEM: 0.02 % (RSS) MEM SUM: 0.03 % (RSS) CHILD PROCS: 1
==================================== 1 passed in 0.34s ======================================
Installing Pytest System Statistics is as simple as:
python -m pip install pytest-system-statistics
Controlling the behaviour of the plugin is made through flags which are passed to pytest.
--sys-stats Print System CPU and MEM statistics after each test execution.
--no-sys-stats Do not print System CPU and MEM statistics after each test execution.
--sys-stats-no-children Don't include child processes memory statistics.
--sys-stats-uss-mem Use the USS("Unique Set Size", memory unique to a process which
would be freed if the process was terminated) memory instead which
is more expensive to calculate.
Tracking Additional Processes
To include additional processes to track and report statistics against, simply add it to the session scoped stats_processes fixture, for example:
def my_server_process(stats_processes):
proc = subprocess.Popen(...)
yield proc
The pytest-system-statistics project team welcomes contributions from the community. For more detailed information, refer to CONTRIBUTING.
The full documentation can be seen here.