Python client library for Pôle Emploi's "Emploi Store Dev".
Project description
Emploi Store Dev is a platform setup by Pôle Emploi, the French unemployment agency, to share their public data.
This is a Python client library for their API.
The library is in emploi_store and works both in Python 2 and Python 3. Usage information and required environment variables is documented in the library’s docstring.
An example on how to use it is in
This client library doesn’t provide direct access to the data. To use it, you need to get a client ID and client secret from Emploi Store Dev.
As documented on their website you need to:
Go to your dashboard
Add an application, check Oui to the question Utilisation de l’API Pôle emploi and agree to the terms of use
The client ID and secret are then available as Identifiant client and Clé secrète