MicroRTS client for python
Project description
# python-microRTS
A python client library for microRTS.
## Overview
The python client library makes use of the `SocketAI` interface in the microRTS library.
By default the socketAI library will connect to localhost:9898. The python client is hard-coded to use these values also.
## Running
Firstly start your AI class in python... you should see some logging that looks like
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket created
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket bind complete
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket now listening
server is running
One you see this logging, you can start a microRTS environment and it should connect to the control server.
## How to create a controller
1. Create a class that inherits the `Server` class in `server.py`
from pyrts.server import Server
class AI(server):
2. Implement the method `get_action`
class AI(Server):
def get_action(state):
# In here implement the algorithm that takes the state and creates the action
return [ .. list of actions]
The format of the actions list returned should be like be the following:
"unitID": 0 - the unit that you wish to control
"unitAction": {
'type': 1 - the type of action (this is defined in the unit type table)
'parameters': 0 - the parameters for the action (this is defined in the unit type table)
... more actions for different unitID s
for every game tick, the `get_action` function is called.
##### NOTE
If there are no actions to send to the units in the game then the action NONE should be sent.
NONE should also be sent to any units that are currently performing action that take time. (a list of these units is
returned by `get_busy_units`)
## Examples
Examples can be found in the `examples` directory.
Currently the following algorithms are implemented:
##### super simple examples
- random actions - perform random actions for all units
- random bot movement - a random walk for the single worker that starts
## Useful functions in the Server class
##### get_busy_units(state)
Get a list of the units that are currently busy performing an action
##### get_available_actions_by_type(unit_type_table, type)
Given the unit type and the unit type table, return a complete list of the possible actions that unit can perform
##### get_unit_type_table()
This function returns the unit type table, which describes the environment.
for example, the environment `basesWorkers16x16.xml` will return:
"moveConflictResolutionStrategy": 1,
"unitTypes": [
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [],
"name": "Resource",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": true,
"sightRadius": 0,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 1,
"produceTime": 10,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 0,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Base",
"produces": [
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 10,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 5,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 10,
"produceTime": 250,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": true,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 1,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Barracks",
"produces": [
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 5,
"produceTime": 200,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 2,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Worker",
"produces": [
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 1,
"produceTime": 50,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": true,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 20,
"ID": 3,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 2,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Light",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 8,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 2,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 80,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 2,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 4,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 4,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Heavy",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 12,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 2,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 120,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 4,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 5,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Ranged",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 3,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 100,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 6,
"returnTime": 10
##### get_valid_action_positions_for_state(state):
Returns a tuple containing the following:
*invalid_move_positions* - a set of all the positions that cannot be moved into
*valid_harvest_positions* - a set of all the resource locations
*valid_base_positions* - a set of the positions of bases on the current players team
*valid_attack_positions* - a set of the positions that can be attacked
These positions can be cross-referenced with possible actions that units can perform, to make sure no invalid
actions are sent to the environment
##### get_valid_actions_for_unit(unit, available_actions, valid_positions)
Get the actions that are valid for a unit to perform.
An action is INVALID if the action cannot be performed in the environment.
For example, if the action is MOVE(left) but the position to the left of the unit is blocked
##### get_available_actions_by_type_name(unit_type_table, type_name)
Gets a list of the available actions that can be performed by a particlar unit
##### get_resources_for_player(state, player)
Get the number of resources the player currently has available
##### get_resource_usage_from_state(state)
How many resources are currently being used to build units
##### get_resource_usage_from_actions(actions)
From a list of actions, sum the cost of the actions
A python client library for microRTS.
## Overview
The python client library makes use of the `SocketAI` interface in the microRTS library.
By default the socketAI library will connect to localhost:9898. The python client is hard-coded to use these values also.
## Running
Firstly start your AI class in python... you should see some logging that looks like
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket created
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket bind complete
DEBUG:RTSServer:Socket now listening
server is running
One you see this logging, you can start a microRTS environment and it should connect to the control server.
## How to create a controller
1. Create a class that inherits the `Server` class in `server.py`
from pyrts.server import Server
class AI(server):
2. Implement the method `get_action`
class AI(Server):
def get_action(state):
# In here implement the algorithm that takes the state and creates the action
return [ .. list of actions]
The format of the actions list returned should be like be the following:
"unitID": 0 - the unit that you wish to control
"unitAction": {
'type': 1 - the type of action (this is defined in the unit type table)
'parameters': 0 - the parameters for the action (this is defined in the unit type table)
... more actions for different unitID s
for every game tick, the `get_action` function is called.
##### NOTE
If there are no actions to send to the units in the game then the action NONE should be sent.
NONE should also be sent to any units that are currently performing action that take time. (a list of these units is
returned by `get_busy_units`)
## Examples
Examples can be found in the `examples` directory.
Currently the following algorithms are implemented:
##### super simple examples
- random actions - perform random actions for all units
- random bot movement - a random walk for the single worker that starts
## Useful functions in the Server class
##### get_busy_units(state)
Get a list of the units that are currently busy performing an action
##### get_available_actions_by_type(unit_type_table, type)
Given the unit type and the unit type table, return a complete list of the possible actions that unit can perform
##### get_unit_type_table()
This function returns the unit type table, which describes the environment.
for example, the environment `basesWorkers16x16.xml` will return:
"moveConflictResolutionStrategy": 1,
"unitTypes": [
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [],
"name": "Resource",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": true,
"sightRadius": 0,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 1,
"produceTime": 10,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 0,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Base",
"produces": [
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 10,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 5,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 10,
"produceTime": 250,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": true,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 1,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Barracks",
"produces": [
"canAttack": false,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": false,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 5,
"produceTime": 200,
"attackTime": 10,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 2,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Worker",
"produces": [
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 1,
"produceTime": 50,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": true,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 20,
"ID": 3,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 2,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Light",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 8,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 2,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 80,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 2,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 4,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 4,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Heavy",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 4,
"moveTime": 12,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 2,
"attackRange": 1,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 120,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 4,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 5,
"returnTime": 10
"maxDamage": 1,
"producedBy": [
"name": "Ranged",
"produces": [],
"canAttack": true,
"hp": 1,
"moveTime": 10,
"canMove": true,
"isResource": false,
"sightRadius": 3,
"attackRange": 3,
"harvestAmount": 1,
"cost": 2,
"produceTime": 100,
"attackTime": 5,
"minDamage": 1,
"canHarvest": false,
"isStockpile": false,
"harvestTime": 10,
"ID": 6,
"returnTime": 10
##### get_valid_action_positions_for_state(state):
Returns a tuple containing the following:
*invalid_move_positions* - a set of all the positions that cannot be moved into
*valid_harvest_positions* - a set of all the resource locations
*valid_base_positions* - a set of the positions of bases on the current players team
*valid_attack_positions* - a set of the positions that can be attacked
These positions can be cross-referenced with possible actions that units can perform, to make sure no invalid
actions are sent to the environment
##### get_valid_actions_for_unit(unit, available_actions, valid_positions)
Get the actions that are valid for a unit to perform.
An action is INVALID if the action cannot be performed in the environment.
For example, if the action is MOVE(left) but the position to the left of the unit is blocked
##### get_available_actions_by_type_name(unit_type_table, type_name)
Gets a list of the available actions that can be performed by a particlar unit
##### get_resources_for_player(state, player)
Get the number of resources the player currently has available
##### get_resource_usage_from_state(state)
How many resources are currently being used to build units
##### get_resource_usage_from_actions(actions)
From a list of actions, sum the cost of the actions
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Details for the file python-microRTS-0.0.1.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: python-microRTS-0.0.1.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 6.2 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/1.12.1 pkginfo/1.4.2 requests/2.18.4 setuptools/38.5.2 requests-toolbelt/0.8.0 tqdm/4.23.4 CPython/3.5.2
File hashes
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BLAKE2b-256 | 9c64c48acebf524d246809b1d42bdf376a8603ee16f3211f816195d1452c9535 |
File details
Details for the file python_microRTS-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: python_microRTS-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 9.3 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/1.12.1 pkginfo/1.4.2 requests/2.18.4 setuptools/38.5.2 requests-toolbelt/0.8.0 tqdm/4.23.4 CPython/3.5.2
File hashes
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