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mlbstatsapi python wrapper

Project description

Python MLB Stats API

The Unofficial Python Wrapper for the MLB Stats API

PyPI version Development Branch Status Periodic External Test Status PyPI - Python Version GitHub

Copyright Notice

This package and its authors are not affiliated with MLB or any MLB team. This API wrapper interfaces with MLB's Stats API. Use of MLB data is subject to the notice posted at

This is an educational project so no commercial use.


Getting Started

Python-mlb-statsapi is an unofficial MLB Stats API written in python 3.7+. It provides developers access to the MLB Stats API endpoint to pull information related to MLB Rosters, Teams, Players, stats and much more. All the information for getting started can be found in this README. However, a more detailed explanation can be found in our Docs section or in our Wiki.

Docs | Examples | Wiki | API


python3 -m pip install -i python-mlb-statsapi


>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> mlb.get_people_id("Ty France")
>>> stats = ['season', 'seasonAdvanced']
>>> groups = ['hitting']
>>> mlb.get_player_stats(664034, stats=stats, groups=groups)
{'hitting': {'season': [HittingSeason], 'seasonadvanced': [HittingSeasonAdvanced] }}

>>> mlb.get_team_id("Oakland Athletics")

>>> stats = ['season', 'seasonAdvanced']
>>> groups = ['pitching']
>>> mlb.get_team_stats(133, stats, groups)
{'pitching': {'season': [PitchingSeason], 'seasonadvanced': [PitchingSeasonAdvanced] }}


People, Person, Players, Coaches

  • Mlb.get_people_id(self, fullname: str, sport_id: int = 1, search_key: str = 'fullname', **params) - Return Person Id(s) from fullname
  • Mlb.get_person(self, player_id: int, **params) - Return Person Object from Id
  • Mlb.get_people(self, sport_id: int = 1, **params) - Return all Players from Sport


  • Mlb.get_draft(self, year_id: int, **params) - Return a draft for a given year


  • Mlb.get_awards(self, award_id: int, **params) - Return rewards recipinets for a given award


  • Mlb.get_team_id(self, team_name: str, search_key: str = 'name', **params) - Return Team Id(s) from name
  • Mlb.get_team(self, team_id: int, **params) - Return Team Object from Team Id
  • Mlb.get_teams(self, sport_id: int = 1, **params) - Return all Teams for Sport
  • Mlb.get_team_coaches(self, team_id: int, **params) - Return coaching roster for team for current or specified season
  • Mlb.get_team_roster(self, team_id: int, **params) - Return player roster for team for current or specified season


  • Mlb.get_player_stats(self, person_id: int, stats: list, groups: list, **params) - Return stats by player id, stat type and groups
  • Mlb.get_team_stats(self, team_id: int, stats: list, groups: list, **params) - Return stats by team id, stat types and groups
  • Mlb.get_stats(self, stats: list, groups: list, **params: dict) - Return stats by stat type and group args
  • Mlb.get_players_stats_for_game(self, person_id: int, game_id: int, **params) - Return player stats for a game


  • Mlb.get_gamepace(self, season: str, sport_id=1, **params) - Return pace of game metrics for specific sport, league or team.


  • Mlb.get_venue_id(self, venue_name: str, search_key: str = 'name', **params) - Return Venue Id(s)
  • Mlb.get_venue(self, venue_id: int, **params) - Return Venue Object from venue Id
  • Mlb.get_venues(self, **params) - Return all Venues


  • Mlb.get_sport(self, sport_id: int, **params) - Return a Sport object from Id
  • Mlb.get_sports(self, **params) - Return all teams for Sport Id
  • Mlb.get_sport_id(self, sport_name: str, search_key: str = 'name', **params)- Return Sport Id from name


  • Mlb.get_schedule(self, date: str, start_date: str, end_date: str, sport_id: int, team_id: int, **params) - Return a Schedule


  • Mlb.get_division(self, division_id: int, **params) - Return a Divison
  • Mlb.get_divisions(self, **params) - Return all Divisions
  • Mlb.get_division_id(self, division_name: str, search_key: str = 'name', **params) - Return Division Id(s) from name


  • Mlb.get_league(self, league_id: int, **params) - Return a League from Id
  • Mlb.get_leagues(self, **params) - Return all Leagues
  • Mlb.get_league_id(self, league_name: str, search_key: str = 'name', **params) - Return League Id(s)


  • Mlb.get_season(self, season_id: str, sport_id: int = None, **params) - Return a season
  • Mlb.get_seasons(self, sportid: int = None, **params) - Return all seasons


  • Mlb.get_standings(self, league_id: int, season: str, **params) - Return standings


  • Mlb.get_schedule(self, date: str = None, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, sport_id: int = 1, team_id: int = None, **params) - Return a Schedule from dates
  • Mlb.get_scheduled_games_by_date(self, date: str = None,start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, sport_id: int = 1, **params) - Return game ids from dates


  • Mlb.get_game(self, game_id: int, **params) - Return the Game for a specific Game Id
  • Mlb.get_game_play_by_play(self, game_id: int, **params) - Return Play by play data for a game
  • Mlb.get_game_line_score(self, game_id: int, **params) - Return a Linescore for a game
  • Mlb.get_game_box_score(self, game_id: int, **params) - Return a Boxscore for a game


Let's show some examples of getting stat objects from the API. What is baseball with out stats right?

MLB Stats

Player Stats

Get the Id(s) of the players you want stats for and set stat types and groups.

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> player = mlb.get_player_id("Ty France")
>>> types = ['season', 'career']
>>> groups = ['hitting', 'pitching']

Use and stat types and groups to return a stats dictionary

>>> stat_dict = mlb.get_player_stats(, stats=types, groups=groups )
>>> season_hitting_stat = stat_dict['hitting']['season']
>>> career_pitching_stat = stat_dict['pitching']['career']

Print season hitting stats

>>> for attribute, value in season_hitting_stat.stat.__dict__.items():
...     print(attribute, value)

Team stats

Get the Team Id(s)

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team = mlb.get_team_id('Seattle Mariners')
>>> print(

Set the stat types and groups.

>>> types = ['season', 'seasonAdvanced']
>>> groups = ['hitting']

Use and the stat types and groups to return season hitting stats

stats = mlb.get_team_stats(, stats=types, groups=groups)
season_hitting = stats['hitting']['season']
advanced_hitting = stats['hitting']['seasonadvanced']

Print season and seasonadvanced stats

>>> for attribute, value in season_hitting.stat.__dict__.items():
...     print(attribute, value)
... for attribute, value in advanced_hitting.stat.__dict__.items():
>>>     print(attribute, value)

More stats examples

Expected Stats

Get player Id's

>>> player = mlb.get_player_id('Ty France')

Set the stat type and group

>>> stats = ['expectedStatistics']
>>> group = ['hitting']

Get Stats

>>> stats = mlb.get_player_stats(player, stats=stats, groups=group)
>>> expectedstats = stats['hitting']['expectedstatistics']


Get pitcher and batter player Ids

>>> hitter = mlb.get_player_id('Ty France')
>>> pitcher = mlb.get_player_id('Shoei Ohtani')

Set stat type, stat groups, and params

>>> stats = ['vsPlayer']
>>> group = ['hitting']
>>> params = {'opposingPlayerId':}

Get stats

>>> stats =, stats=self.stats,, **self.params)


Get player Id's

>>> hitter = mlb.get_player_id('Ty France')
>>> pitcher = mlb.get_player_id('Shoei Ohtani')

Set the stat types and groups

>>> type = ['hotColdZones']
>>> hitting_group = ['hitting']
>>> pitching_group = ['pitching']

The stat groups pitching and hitting both return hotColdZones for a pitcher and hitter. hotColdZones are not assigned to a stat group because of issues related to the REST API. So hotColdZones will be assigned to the stat key in stats return dict.

>>> hitting_hotcoldzones = mlb.get_player_stats(, stats=type, groups=hitting_group)
>>> pitching_hotcoldzones = mlb.get_player_stats(, stats=type, groups=pitching_group)

hotColdZones returns a list of the HotColdZones

>>> ty_france_hotcoldzones = hitting_hotcoldzones['stats']['hotcoldzones'][0]
>>> shoei_ohtani_hotcoldzones = pitching_hotcoldzones['stats']['hotcoldzones'][0]

Loop through the hotColdZone objects for Ty France

>>> for zone in ty_france_hotcoldzones:
>>>     print(
>>>     print(zone.value)

Loop through the hotColdZone objects for Shoei Ohtani

>>> for zone in shoei_ohtani_hotcoldzones:
>>>     print(
>>>     print(zonecodes.value)

Passing params

Get Team Ids

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team = mlb.get_team_id('Seattle Mariners')

Set the stat types and groups.

>>> types = ['season', 'seasonAdvanced']
>>> groups = ['hitting']

Pass season to get_team_stats()

stats = mlb.get_team_stats(, stats=types, groups=groups, season=2018)

season_hitting = stats['hitting']['season']
advanced_hitting = stats['hitting']['seasonadvanced']

season should be 2018

assertEqual(season_hitting.season == 2018)
assertEqual(advanced_hitting.season == 2018)

Gamepace examples

Get pace of game metrics for specific sport, league or team.

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> season = 2021
>>> gamepace = mlb.get_gamepace(season)

Schedule Examples

Get a schedule for given date

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> schedule = mlb.get_schedule_date('2022-10-13')

Get ScheduleDates from Schedule

dates = schedule.dates

Print Game status and Home and Away Teams

>>> for date in dates:
...     for game in
...             print(game.status)
...             print(game.teams.home)
...             print(game.teams.away)

Game Examples

Get a Game for a given game id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> game = mlb.get_game(662242)

Get the weather for a game for a given game id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> game = mlb.get_game(662242)
>>> weather =
>>> print(weather.condition)
>>> print(weather.temp)
>>> print(weather.wind)

Get the current status of a game for a given game id

>>> mlb =
>>> game = mlb.get_game(662242)
>>> linescore = game.livedata.linescore
>>> hometeaminfo = game.gamedata.teams.home
>>> awayteaminfo = game.gamedata.teams.away
>>> hometeamstatus = linescore.teams.home
>>> awayteamstatus = linescore.teams.away
>>> print("home: ", hometeaminfo.franchisename, hometeaminfo.clubname)
>>> print("      runs:", hometeamstatus.runs)
>>> print("      hits:", hometeamstatus.hits)
>>> print("      errors:", hometeamstatus.errors)
>>> print("away: ", awayteaminfo.franchisename, awayteaminfo.clubname)
>>> print("      runs:", awayteamstatus.runs)
>>> print("      hits:", awayteamstatus.hits)
>>> print("      errors:", awayteamstatus.errors)
>>> print("")
>>> print("inning:", linescore.inninghalf, linescore.currentinningordinal)
>>> print("balls:", linescore.balls)
>>> print("strikes:", linescore.strikes)
>>> print("Outs:", linescore.outs)

Get the play by play, line score, and box score objects from a game

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> game = mlb.get_game(662242)
>>> play_by_play = game.livedata.plays
>>> line_score = game.livedata.linescore
>>> box_score = game.livedata.boxscore

Play by Play

Get only the play by play for a given game id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> playbyplay = mlb.get_play_by_play(662242)

Line Score

Get only the line score for a given game id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> linescore = mlb.get_line_score(662242)

Box Score

Get only the box score for a given game id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> boxscore = mlb.get_box_score(662242)

People Examples

Get all Players for a given sport id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> sport_id = mlb.get_sport_id()
>>> players = mlb.get_players(sport_id=sport_id)
>>> for player in players:
...     print(

Get a player id

>>> player_id = mlb.get_player_id("Ty France")
>>> print(player_id[0])

Team Examples

Get a Team

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team_ids = mlb.get_team_id("Seattle Mariners")
>>> team_id = team_ids[0]
>>> team = mlb.get_team(
>>> print(
>>> print(

Get a Player Roster

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team_id = 133
>>> players = mlb.get_team_roster(team_id)
>>> for player in players:

Get a Coach Roster

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team_id = 133
>>> coaches = mlb.get_team_coaches(team_id)
>>> for coach in coaches:

Draft Examples

Get a draft for a year

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> draft_year = '2019'
>>> draft = mlb.get_draft(draft_year)

Get Players from Draft

>>> draftpicks = draft[0].picks
>>> for draftpick in draftpicks:
...     print(
...     print(draftpick.pickround)

Award Examples

Get awards for a given award id

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> retiredjersy ='RETIREDUNI_108')
>>> for recipient in retiredjersy.awards:
...     print (recipient.player.nameFirstLast,,

Venue Examples

Get a Venue

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> vevue_ids = mlb.get_venue_id('PNC Park')
>>> venue_id = venue_ids[0]
>>> venue = mlb.get_team(
>>> print(
>>> print(

Sport Examples

Get a Sport

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> sport_ids = mlb.get_sport_id('Major League Baseball')
>>> sport_id = sport_ids[0]
>>> sport = mlb.get_sport(sport_id)

Division Examples

Get a division

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> division = mlb.get_division(200)
>>> print(

League Examples

Get a league

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> league = mlb.get_league(103)
>>> print(

Season Examples

Get a Season

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> season = mlb.get_season(2018)
>>> print(season.seasonid)

Standings Examples

Get a Standings

>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> standings = mlb.get_standings(103, 2018)

Project details

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Source Distribution

python-mlb-statsapi-0.3.9.tar.gz (60.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

python_mlb_statsapi-0.3.9-py3-none-any.whl (83.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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