Mediawiki UserScript Deploy Script
Project description
mwuppet is a Mediawiki Userscripts deploy tool. Use it to easily deploy your userscript bundles (JS/CSS/HTML) onto the wiki. Because copy pasting code into an edit box and hitting ‘Save Page’ sucks.
How to Use:
<pre> python mediawiki_scriptname </pre>
mediawiki_scriptname: MediaWiki userscript that you want to deploy onto the wiki.
File Format:
The mediawiki_scriptname should be in the following format:
<pre> Page:User:Wiki_username:path </pre>
Example: page:User:Yuvipanda/wizard/wizard.js
Now according to the above example, the userscript wizard.js will be deployed to
Old user of mwuppet, make sure that you delete ~/.mwuppet and try the script.
Project details
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