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A Python wrapper for the Playvox REST API.

Project description


python-playvox is a simple API wrapper for the Playvox REST API.

Documentation for the Playvox API can be found here.

Please note, this wrapper is in beta and has not been fully tested.


To instantiate the API wrapper you will need the subdomain for your your API uid and your API key.

from python_playvox import Playvox

subdomain = 'mysubdomain'
uid = 'my-playvox-uid'
key = 'my-playvox-key'

pv = Playvox(subdomain, uid, key)

This will create an instance of the wrapper that makes calls to '' and authenticates with your playvox uid and key.




  • include(string): use include='all' to include all coaching related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of coaching data that match the specified parameters



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all learning related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of learnings data that match the specified parameters



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all campaign related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of campaign data that match the specified parameters



  • campaign_id(string) required: campaign ID to pull vars data for

Returns a dict containing vars data for the specified campaign



  • campaign_id(string) required: campaign ID to pull users data for

Returns a dict containing users data for the specified campaign

pv.campaign.send_data(campaign_id, data)


  • campaign_id(string) required: id of campaign to send campaign metric data to
  • data(dict or list[dict]) required: metric data to add to the campaign

Returns True if the data was successfully added, otherwise an error is raised



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all calibration related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of calibration data that match the specified parameters



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all evaluation related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of evaluation data that match the specified parameters



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all scorecard related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of scorecard data that match the specified parameters**kwargs)


  • include(string): use include='all' to include all team related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of team data that match the specified parameters, description, team_leaders, users)


  • name(string) required: name of the new team
  • description(string): description of the new team
  • team_leaders(list) required: a list of the user ids of team leaders
  • users(list): a list of the user ids of team members

Returns the id of the newly created team, **kwargs)


  • team_id(string) required: the id of the team to be updated
  • name(string): the new name of the team
  • description(string): the new description for the team
  • team_leader_id(list): a list of user ids for team leaders to replace the current list
  • users(list): a list of user ids for users to replace the current list

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised, user_id)


  • team_id(string) required: the id of the team the user will be added to
  • user_id(string) required: the id of the user that will be added to the team

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised, user_id)


  • team_id(string) required: the id of the team that the user will be removed from
  • user_id(string) required: the id of the user that will be removed from the team

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised


  • team_id(string) required: the id of the team that will be deleted

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all user related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict containing user data for the specified parameters, last_name, username, email, password, **kwargs)


  • first_name(string) required: the new user's first name
  • last_name(string) required: the new user's last name
  • username(string) required: the username that the new user will login with
  • email(string) required: the new user's email address
  • password(string) required: the new user's password
    • at least 10 characters
    • 1 numer required
    • 1 uppercase letter required
    • 1 lowercase letter required
  • integrations_{integration_name}(string): the user's integration ID for the specified integration, acceptable integration names include:
    • five9
    • zendesk
    • salesforce
    • livechat
    • ringcentral
    • intercom
    • freshdesk
    • talkdesk
    • sopim
    • kustomer
    • helpscout
    • helpshift

Returns the id of the new user

pv.user.update(user_id, **kwargs)


  • user_id(string) required: the id of the user to be updated
  • name(string): the new first name for the specified user
  • last_name(string): the new last name for the specified user
  • integrations_{integration_name}(string): the user's integration ID for the specified integration, acceptable integration names include:
    • five9
    • zendesk
    • salesforce
    • livechat
    • ringcentral
    • intercom
    • freshdesk
    • talkdesk
    • sopim
    • kustomer
    • helpscout
    • helpshift

Returns True if the user was updated successfully, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.user.deactivate(user_id, deactivation_type, reason)


  • user_id(string) required: the id of the user to be deactivated
  • deactivation_type(string) required: the type of deactivation
  • reason(string) required: the reason the user is being deactivated

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised



  • user_id(string) required: the id of a previously deactivated user to be activated

Returns True if succesful, otherwise an error will be raised



  • include(string): use include='all' to include all role related objects information
  • page(int): page number for data pagination
  • per_page(int): number of resources per page for data pagination
  • query(string): JSON specifying resource filters
  • fields(string): comma separated list of fields to be returned from the resource
  • sort(string): comma separated list of sort attributes. Use + as prefix for ascending and - as prefix for descending

Returns a dict of role data that match the specified parameters


Returns all available integrations, description, data_storage_minutes)


  • name(string) required: name for the new integration
  • description(string) required: description for the new integration
  • data_storage_minutes(int) required: the time in minutes to retain data from the integration
    • Max: 129600(90 days)

Returns the id of the newly created integration

pv.integration.update(integration_id, **kwargs)


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration to be updated
  • name(string): a new name for the integration
  • description(string): a new description for the integration
  • data_storage_minutes(int): the time in minutes to retain data from the integration
    • Max: 129600(90 days)

Returns True if the specified integration is updated successfully, otherwise an error will be raised



  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration to be deleted

Returns True if the specified integration is deleted successfully, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.integration.add_metadata(integration_id, field_id, m_type, allowed, required, available_in):


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration that the metadata field will be added to
  • field_id(string) required: name to identify the metadata field
    • Minimum 3 characters
    • Maximum 30 characters
    • Accepts only a-z and underscores
  • m_type(string) required: the type of the field, allowed values:
    • string
    • integer
    • float
    • list
    • boolean
    • datetime
  • allowed(list) required: the allowed values that the filed will accept
  • required(boolean) required: specifies whether or not the field is required
  • available_in(list[string]): specifies if the field can be filtered or shown in related data, accepts:
    • 'filters'
    • 'display'

Returns the id of the new metadata field if successful, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.integration.update_metadata(integration_id, metadata_id, **kwargs):


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration that the target metadata field exists on
  • metadata_id(string) required: the id of the metadata field that will be updated
  • field_id(string): name to identify the metadata field
    • Minimum 3 characters
    • Maximum 30 characters
    • Accepts only a-z and underscores
  • m_type(string): the type of the field, allowed values:
    • string
    • integer
    • float
    • list
    • boolean
    • datetime
  • allowed(list): the allowed values that the filed will accept
  • required(boolean): specifies whether or not the field is required
  • available_in(list[string]): specifies if the field can be filtered or shown in related data, accepts:
    • 'filters'
    • 'display'

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.integration.delete_metadata(integration_id, metadata_id)


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration that the target metadata field exists on
  • metadata_id(string) required: the id of the metadata field to be deleted

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised



  • integration_id(string) required The id of the integration to get integrations for.

Returns all interactions for the specified integration

pv.interaction.add(integration_id, interaction_id, assignee_id, custom_metadata)


  • integration_id(string) required: The id of the integration the interaction will be added to.
  • interaction_id(string): The id of your external system
    • Max length: 68 characters
  • assignee_id(string): The id of the user on the external system (should match email or username in playvox)
  • custom_metadata(dict) required: The payload of all the metadata fields defined on the integration

Returns the id of the new interaction

pv.interaction.update(integration_id, interaction_id, data)


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration the target interaction exists on
  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction to be updated
  • data(dict) required: The payload of the metadata fields to be updated

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.interaction.delete(integration_id, interaction_id)


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration the target interaction exists on
  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction to be deleted

Returns True if successful, otherwise an error will be raised



  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction to get comments for

Returns all comments associated with the interaction

pv.interaction.add_comment(interaction_id, body, comment_type, author_id, comment_dt=None)


  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction the comment will be added to
  • body(string) required: the body of the comment
  • comment_type(string) required: the type of comment, accepts:
    • 'customer_comment'
    • 'agent_comment'
    • 'internal_note'
  • author_id(string) required: the username or email of the author on playvox
  • comment_dt(datetime): the time that the comment was added to the interaction, defaults to current time if not specified

Returns the id of the newly created comment

pv.interaction.update_comment(interaction_id, comment_id, body, comment_dt=None)


  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction that the comment is associated with
  • comment_id(string) required: the id of the comment to be updated
  • body(string) required: the new body of the comment
  • comment_dt(datetime): the time that the comment was updated, defaults to current time if not specified

Returns True if the comment is updated successfully, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.delete_comment(interaction_id, comment_id)


  • interaction_id(string) required: the id of the interaction that the target comment is associated with
  • comment_id(string) required: the id of the comment to be deleted

Returns True if the comment is deleted successfully, otherwise an error will be raised

pv.interaction.bulk_add(integration_id, interactions)


  • integration_id(string) required: the id of the integration that the interactions will be added to
  • interactions(dict) required: the interactions to be added to the integration, for more information see the Playvox API Documentation

Returns the job id of the bulk job



  • job_id(string) required: the id of the bulk job to check the status of

Returns status information on the specified bulk job

Project details

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Source Distribution

python-playvox-0.2.1.tar.gz (11.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

python_playvox-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (9.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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