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Python based Qualtrics survey integration

Project description


Python based Qualtrics survey integration.

This repository contains code to work with the Qualtrics API and to create surveys from the provided template definitions and download responses to these surveys for analysis and processing.


pip install pytrics

export QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN=your_api_token

export QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL=your_base_api_url

export ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR=/absolute/path/on/disk/to/store/output
from import Tools
tools = Tools()

tools.create_survey_from_definition('My new agriculture survey', 'et')
>>> ('', '9223370455272972495', 2, '2020-02-12T08:16:43Z')

>>> ('data/SV_123456abcdef.json', 'data/', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses.json', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses_processed.json')

tools.copy('SV_123456abcdef', 'My New Survey Name')



Read on for more information about working with surveys using Qualtrics and this package.

Working with surveys

The two main use cases for this package are creating surveys on Qualtrics and retirieving responses to these, read on for instructions on how to use this code.


You will need a Qualtrics account before you can use this code, assuming you have an active account please login here.

You will need to generate an API Key for access to the Qualtrics Survey Platform, please read the following page for instructions.

Documentation for the survey platform API can be found here. This repository implements many of the main API endpoints documented here in order to create and publish surveys as well as retrieve responses.

Environment Variables

Copy your API authorisation token and set an environment variable named QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN to the token value;

export QUALTRICS_API_AUTH_TOKEN=your_api_token

Next we need to create an environment variable for your base API url called QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL.

This varies depending on your Qualtrics account (and the data centre you are using), for more information see the documentation here. Once you figure out your APIs base url add it to an environment variable as per below;

export QUALTRICS_API_BASE_URL=your_base_api_url

Finally we need to set an environment variable called ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR to tell this package where on disk it should store output data files:

export ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DATA_DIR=/absolute/path/on/disk/to/store/output

Creating a Survey

This repository provides country specific templates for 60 Decibels Standard Agriculture Survey, which can be created in Qualtrics using the code below.

>>> from import Tools
>>> tools = Tools()
>>> tools.create_survey_from_definition('My new agriculture survey', 'et')
>>> ('', '9223370455272972495', 2, '2020-02-12T08:16:43Z')

The above code shows the result of creating a new survey using the Ethiopian template (as denoted by the 2nd parameter of 'et'). This survey is published and ready to accept responses on the returned URL.

Supported Countries

We have provided survey definitions for each of the following countries (their two character iso code is provided in brackets for reference);

  1. Ethiopia (et)
  2. India (in)
  3. Kenya (ke)
  4. Nigeria (ng)
  5. Tanzania (tz)

Supported Languages

At present we have only provided survey definitions in English.

Extending this code

You can define your own template surveys and create these in Qualtrics using the same process if you fork or clone this repository and make the necessary changes to the code.

The create_survey_from_definition function in pytrics/ could be easily extended to accept further survey types, this could also be extended to support multiple languages quite easily should you wish to do this.

Collecting Response Data

To gather response data from a specific survey you can use the code below.

>>> from import Tools
>>> tools = Tools()
>>> tools.retrieve_survey_response_data('SV_123456abcdef')
>>> ('data/SV_123456abcdef.json', 'data/', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses.json', 'data/SV_123456abcdef_responses_processed.json')

The function retrieve_survey_response_data queries the Qualtrics API and saves data to disk in four JSON files and returns the paths to these.

  1. The first file contains the survey defintion
  2. The second file contains any recorded responses to this survey in zip form as provided by Qualtrics.
  3. The third file is the unzipped response data as provided by Qualtrics.
  4. The last file is the processed response data in a form more easily readable and consumable (see below in this README for an example).

All files are returned as you may wish/need to use the survey definition to understand and process the content of the response data file. The processed responses file is provided to help ease the consumption and usage of this data.

Helper Functions

The pytrics/ module also contains three helper functions which were particularly useful when implementing the various functionality contained in this repository. These are copy, describe and summarise_definition.

>>> from import Tools
>>> tools = Tools()
  • copy allows you to copy an existing survey to a new name within your Qualtrics account. It expects two parameters, the Qualtrics survey identifier and a new name for the copy it will create. Example usage below:
>>> tools.copy('SV_123456abcdef', 'My New Survey Name')
  • describe allows you to describe an existing survey in your Qualtrics account to a file on your local disk so you can review the blocks, questions and flow of this survey. It expects one parameter, the Qualtrics survey identifier. Example usage below:
>>> tools.describe('SV_123456abcdef')
  • summarise_definition produces a summary of the specified survey definition so you can easily see the questions that the survey contains and their order. It expects one paramater, a lower case two character iso country code from those supported. Example usage below:
>>> tools.summarise_definition('et')

More details of these helper functions can be found in the code at pytrics/

Extending and improving this Code

Feel free to fork or clone this repository and iterate on the functionality provided to suit your purposes, please ensure you include the LICENSE.txt file in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Getting started

This code is written using Python 3, please ensure you have v3 installed before proceeding.


  • run python3 -m venv env to create a virtual environement named env
  • run source env/bin/activate to activate the virtualenv
  • run pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt to install required packages into your virtual environment, (including those required for development and testing)

Running the tests

Tests are written using unittest and can be executed via nose. Some example commands are below, refer to the docs for more options and information.

  • Run all tests;
  • Run specific tests;
nosetests tests/qualtrics_api/client/question/
  • Run all tests, collect coverage of the contents of the code dir, produce html coverage report and enforce minimum percentage, with verbose and colourful output;
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=pytrics/. --cover-html --cover-min-percentage=70 -v --rednose

Linting the code

PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd) pylint -f parseable pytrics/*

Lint the tests if you like

PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd) pylint -f parseable tests/*


This code is not actively maintained but it is provided under the MIT licence and therefore free to copy, use and amend. Please refer to the LICENSE.txt file contained in this repository for full terms of use and ensure you include the LICENSE.txt file in all copies or substantial portions of the Software that you create.

Further Context

The following section provides more information which may be of use to you when working with Qualtrics and surveys.


Questions within Qualtrics surveys can be organised into sections, or Blocks as they are called.

Qualtrics documentation describes blocks as “…sets of questions within your survey. Typically, questions are separated into blocks for the purpose of conditionally displaying an entire block of questions, or for randomly presenting entire blocks of questions… Blocks can also be used to organize longer surveys…“.

We have made use of blocks to organise the survey definitions as they contain many questions and this organisation helps when managing these surveys. We have also implemented some branching display logic within the Information block so as to present relevant questions depending on the answers given by the respondent when they take the survey. Using blocks allows us to more easily contain and manage this display logic.

Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Questions

We have made some of the questions mandatory, where they relate to metadata around the survey and response, however, the questions asked of respondents are non-mandatory. This is intentional to improve overall response rates. This can be amended in the survey definitions if so desired but we have found that forcing respondents to answer questions reduces response rates and therefore the amount of data captured.

Summary of Survey Definition

The code in the repository provides a number of helper functions beyond the ability to create a survey and download its responses.

The summarise_definition function provides the ability to summarise the survey definition into a more easily readable form, an example of the summarised definition of the Nigerian survey is shown below:

[   ('Block Number', 'Block Name'),
    (1, 'Start Survey'),
    (2, 'Profile & Acquisition'),
    (3, 'First Access'),
    (4, 'Information'),
    (5, 'NPS'),
    (6, 'Way of Farming'),
    (7, 'Quality of Life'),
    (8, 'Change in Confidence'),
    (9, 'Money Spent'),
    (10, 'Alternatives'),
    (11, 'Challenges'),
    (12, 'Retention'),
    (13, 'HH Size'),
    (14, 'Farmed Land & Ownership'),
    (15, 'Share of HH Income - Company'),
    (16, 'Share of HH Income - All Farming'),
    (17, 'Poverty Probability Index - Nigeria'),
    (18, 'Gender'),
    (19, 'Age'),
    (20, 'End Survey')]
[   ('Block Number', 'Question Label', 'Question Text'),
    (1, 'survey_date', 'Date of Interview (yyyy-mm-dd)'),
    (1, 'survey_start_time', 'Survey Start Time (hh:mm)'),
    (1, 'survey_consent_yn', 'Can I continue with the survey?'),
    (2, 'ag_profile_usage_mainperson_mc', 'In your household, who is the main person who manages the {Crop name} crop?'),
    (2, 'acquisition_howhear_mc', 'How did you first hear about {Company} information?'),
    (2, 'respondent_tenure', 'How many months back did you start interacting with {Company}?'),
    (3, 'prioraccess_yn', 'Before you started interacting with {Company}, did you have access to information like that which {Company} provides?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_understand_mc', 'How much of this information was easy to understand?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_useful_mc', 'How much of this information is useful (to your work)?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_mc', 'How much of this information did you apply to your {Crop name} crop?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_time_mc', 'How soon after receiving the information did you apply the lessons (for the first time)?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_easiest_oe', 'Can you please explain what you found easiest to apply?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_hardest_oe', 'Can you please explain what you found hardest to apply?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_barriers_mc', 'Would you mind sharing with me what prevented you from applying the information?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_consider_yn', 'Did you consider (think about) applying the information?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_apply_intention_mc', 'Do you intend to apply the information next year?'),
    (4, 'ag_experience_training_wtp_mc', 'Do you think other farmers would pay for the {Company} information?'),
    (5, 'nps_company_rating', 'On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend the {Company} information to a friend, where 0 is not at all likely and 10 is extremely likely?'),
    (5, 'nps_company_promoter_oe', 'What specifically about {Company} would cause you to recommend it to a friend?'),
    (5, 'nps_company_passive_oe', 'What specifically about {Company} caused you to give it the score that you did?'),
    (5, 'nps_company_detractor_oe', 'What actions could {Company} take to make you more likely to recommend it to a friend?'),
    (6, 'ag_impact_way_of_farming_rating', 'Has your way of farming changed because of {Company} information?'),
    (6, 'ag_impact_way_of_farming_improve_oe', 'How has it improved?'),
    (6, 'ag_impact_way_of_farming_nochange_oe', 'Why has it not changed?'),
    (6, 'ag_impact_way_of_farming_worse_oe', 'How has it become worse?'),
    (7, 'qol_rating', 'Has your quality of life changed because of {Company} information?'),
    (7, 'qol_improve_oe', 'How has it improved?'),
    (7, 'qol_nochange_oe', 'Why has it not changed?'),
    (7, 'qol_worse_oe', 'How has it become worse?'),
    (8, 'ag_impact_confidence_rating', 'Has your confidence that you will be able to grow and sell a healthy {Crop name} crop changed because of {Company} information?'),
    (9, 'impact_moneyspend_rating', 'Has the money you spend on {Crop name} crop changed because you started working with {Company} information?'),
    (9, 'impact_moneyspend_comfort_rating', 'Are you comfortable with this increase?'),
    (10, 'alternatives_yn', 'Could you easily find a good alternative to {Company} information?'),
    (10, 'alternatives_mc', 'Would you be comfortable sharing who these alternatives are?'),
    (10, 'alternatives_comparison_rating', 'Compared to the alternative, do you think {Company} is...'),
    (10, 'alternatives_comparison_oe', 'Please explain how {Company} is better/worse?'),
    (11, 'challenges_yn', 'Have you experienced any challenges with {Company}?'),
    (11, 'challenges_oe', 'Please explain the challenge you have had with {Product/Service}'),
    (11, 'challenges_resolve_yn', 'Has your challenge been resolved?'),
    (12, 'retention_improve_oe', 'What can {Company} do to serve you better?'),
    (12, 'retention_1year_rating', 'Do you see yourself working with {Company} next year?'),
    (12, 'retention_5year_rating', 'Do you see yourself working with {Company} 5 years from now?'),
    (13, 'respondent_hhsize_num', 'Including yourself, how many people live in your home?'),
    (14, 'ag_profile_land_farmedpastyear_num', 'How much total land did you use for farming in the last 12 months? Consider all crops planted. (acres)'),
    (14, 'ag_profile_land_proportioncrop_num', 'How many of these [acres from total] did you farm with {Crop name} in last 12 months? (acres)'),
    (15, 'ag_profile_income_hhshare_company_num', 'In the last 12 months, what proportion (%) of your household’s total income, came from {Crop name} crop using {Company}’s information?'),
    (15, 'ag_profile_income_hhshare_company_mc', '(If unable to give an exact percentage, share these options) In the last 12 months, what proportion (%) of your household’s total income, came from {Crop name} crop using {Company}’s information?'),
    (16, 'ag_profile_income_hhshare_allfarming_num', 'In the last 12 months, what proportion (%) of the total harvest from all your land did you sell?'),
    (16, 'ag_profile_income_hhshare_allfarming_mc', '(If unable to give an exact percentage, share these options) In the last 12 months, what proportion (%) of the total harvest from all your land did you sell?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_zone', 'Which zone does the household reside in?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_hhsize', 'How many members does the household have?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_rice', 'Within the past 7 days, did the members of this household eat any rice or wheat within the household?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_bread', 'Within the past 7 days, did the members of this household eat any bread within the household?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_beef', 'Within the past 7 days, did the members of this household eat any beef within the household?'),
    (17, 'ppi_ng_s_fan', 'Does the household own a fan?'),
    (18, 'gn_familydynamics_important_decisions_mc', 'Who in your family made most of the important decisions related to {Crop name} crop?'),
    (18, 'gn_familydynamics_work_burden_oe', 'Who in your family did most of the work related to {Crop name} crop?'),
    (18, 'gn_familydynamics_money_from_sale_mc', 'Who in your family handled the money that came from {Crop name} crops?'),
    (19, 'respondent_age_num', 'What is your age?'),
    (20, 'retention_anythingelse_oe', 'Is there anything else you would like to share?'),
    (20, 'survey_anonymity_yn', 'At the beginning of the call I said we would keep your name and details private. Now that you know what you have shared with me today, are you happy for me to share your name and this information with {Company} or would you prefer to remain anonymous?'),
    (20, 'survey_marketingmaterials_yn', 'Do you mind if some of your answers and your name are used when making marketing materials?'),
    (20, 'respondent_gender_mc', 'Gender of Respondent'),
    (20, 'survey_end_time', 'Survey End Time (hh:mm)')]

Each survey is essentially the same, except for the Poverty Probability Index questions in block 17, these vary per country as the measure of poverty is relative depending on geographic location.

Example of Processed Response Data

The processed response data is written to a json file and when read into python this is a list of dictionaries.

Each dictionary in the list represents one response and has a top-level key that is the unique response identifier from Qualtrics.

The value of each response identifier key is a nested dictionary which has key, value pairs holding answers to each question answered by the respondent during the response.

The key, value pairs take the form of "question_label": ”Answer selected / entered”

In some cases, where we have multiple choice questions the value may be a list of answers selected by the user:

"ag_profile_usage_mainperson_mc": ["Another family member"]

In other cases where some of the multiple choice answers require the respondent to enter text, we extend the question label used for the key with the option chosen and the value is then the entered text, for example:

"ag_profile_usage_mainperson_mc_another_family_member": "Child"

A list containing one example response is shown below, note that some question labels do not appear, as these were not answered by the respondent (as we do not enforce mandatory questions in our survey definitions).

    "R_5oiKUFi6JyNQ7ol": {
      "survey_date_TEXT": "2020-02-12",
      "survey_start_time_TEXT": "16:42",
      "survey_consent_yn": "Yes",
      "ag_profile_usage_mainperson_mc": [
        "Another family member"
      "ag_profile_usage_mainperson_mc_another_family_member": "Child",
      "acquisition_howhear_mc": "Sensitization event / group meeting / community meeting",
      "respondent_tenure": [
      "respondent_tenure_years": "2",
      "respondent_tenure_months": "3",
      "prioraccess_yn": "No",
      "ag_experience_training_understand_mc": "3- Some",
      "ag_experience_training_useful_mc": "3- Some",
      "ag_experience_training_apply_mc": "1- None",
      "ag_experience_training_apply_barriers_mc": [
        "Recommended materials or equipment not available"
      "ag_experience_training_apply_consider_yn": "Yes",
      "ag_experience_training_apply_intention_mc": "Yes, maybe",
      "ag_experience_training_wtp_mc": "Yes, maybe",
      "nps_company_rating_NPS_GROUP": 1,
      "nps_company_rating": "6",
      "nps_company_detractor_oe_TEXT": "actions",
      "ag_impact_way_of_farming_rating": "Got slightly worse",
      "ag_impact_way_of_farming_worse_oe_TEXT": "worse",
      "qol_rating": "Slightly improved",
      "qol_improve_oe_TEXT": "slightly",
      "ag_impact_confidence_rating": "No change",
      "impact_moneyspend_rating": "Slightly increased",
      "impact_moneyspend_comfort_rating": "Yes, partly",
      "alternatives_yn": "Maybe",
      "alternatives_mc": "Open market",
      "alternatives_comparison_rating": "Worse",
      "challenges_yn": "Yes",
      "challenges_oe_TEXT": "setsetset",
      "challenges_resolve_yn": "No",
      "retention_improve_oe_TEXT": "qwetwetweqt",
      "retention_1year_rating": "Yes, maybe",
      "retention_5year_rating": "Yes, maybe",
      "respondent_hhsize_num_TEXT": 35,
      "ag_profile_land_farmedpastyear_num_TEXT": 35,
      "ag_profile_land_proportioncrop_num_TEXT": 35,
      "ag_profile_income_hhshare_company_num": "Unable to answer",
      "ag_profile_income_hhshare_allfarming_num": "Don't have land",
      "ppi_ng_s_zone": "South East",
      "ppi_ng_s_hhsize": "5, 6 or 7",
      "gn_familydynamics_important_decisions_mc": [
        "Adult Male HH Member"
      "gn_familydynamics_work_burden_oe": [
        "Other Female"
      "gn_familydynamics_work_burden_oe_other_male": "sdfdsfdsf",
      "gn_familydynamics_work_burden_oe_other_female": "fdafsdf",
      "gn_familydynamics_money_from_sale_mc": [
        "Adult Male HH Member"
      "respondent_age_num_TEXT": 99,
      "retention_anythingelse_oe_TEXT": "nope",
      "survey_anonymity_yn": "No, please keep me anonymous",
      "survey_marketingmaterials_yn": "Yes, you may use",
      "respondent_gender_mc": "Female",
      "survey_end_time_TEXT": "14:49"

The processed form of the response data links the answers given to the labels of the questions so that this data is more readable and consumable by whatever process or system users of this code are working on.


* 1st release


* 2nd release


* 3rd release


* Moved path to data files into environment variable


* Bug fix


* Bug fix


* Updated survey definitions with requested amends

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

pytrics-0.0.7.tar.gz (79.5 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

pytrics-0.0.7-py3-none-any.whl (96.1 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 3

File details

Details for the file pytrics-0.0.7.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pytrics-0.0.7.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 79.5 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.21.0 setuptools/40.6.2 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.42.1 CPython/3.7.2

File hashes

Hashes for pytrics-0.0.7.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 e4090dbed1f69d369e34b86ea98f0306c2ad1a3585501766287044520593d734
MD5 9c7196a83db30f74ed03f239c5cdb071
BLAKE2b-256 2b89d8a9fd729ab6d738b298c56203cc8a1451f5c321aa2e7c1afdfbe0ffd520

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file pytrics-0.0.7-py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pytrics-0.0.7-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 96.1 kB
  • Tags: Python 3
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: twine/3.1.1 pkginfo/ requests/2.21.0 setuptools/40.6.2 requests-toolbelt/0.9.1 tqdm/4.42.1 CPython/3.7.2

File hashes

Hashes for pytrics-0.0.7-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 fb4b76070925f08c6c8dc12833fa30af0ba48a119190db2fbbaa02fb4ca41bca
MD5 b8398a066e6d2668b796f6de7e17a478
BLAKE2b-256 d903c674df38b67a0fb59cf0f4f2aee3db773fd1188fcd563f4fb4f3de585dcc

See more details on using hashes here.

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