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Simple BIP32 (HD) wallet creation for BTC, BTG, BCH, LTC, DASH, USDT, QTUM and DOGE

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Simple BIP32 (HD) wallet creation for: BTC, BTG, BCH, ETH, LTC, DASH, DOGE

BIP32 (or HD for “hierarchical deterministic”) wallets allow you to create child wallets which can only generate public keys and don’t expose a private key to an insecure server.

This library simplify the process of creating new wallets for the BTC, BTG, BCH, ETH, LTC, DASH and DOGE cryptocurrencies.

Most of the code here is forked from:

I simply added support for a few more cryptocurrencies (BCH, BTG, DASH), as well as created methods to simplify the creation of HD wallets and child wallets.



Install via PiP:

$ sudo pip install pywallet

Example code:

Create HD Wallet

The following code creates a new Bitcoin HD wallet:


from pywallet import wallet

# generate 12 word mnemonic seed
seed = wallet.generate_mnemonic()

# create bitcoin wallet
w = wallet.create_wallet(network="BTC", seed=seed, children=1)


Output looks like this:

$ python

  "coin": "BTC",
  "seed": "guess tiny intact poet process segment pelican bright assume avocado view lazy",
  "address": "1HwPm2tcdakwkTTWU286crWQqTnbEkD7av",
  "xprivate_key": "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2Dizn667UCo9oYPdTPSMWq7D5t929aXf1kfnmW79CryavzBxqbWfrYzw8jbyTKvsiuFNwr1JL2qfrUy2Kbwq4WbBPfxYGbg",
  "xpublic_key": "xpub661MyMwAqRbcEhoTt7d7qLjtMaE7rrACt42otGYdhv4dtYzwK3RPkfJ4nEjpFQDdT8JjT3VwQ3ZKjJaeuEdpWmyw16sY9SsoY68PoXaJvfU",
  "wif": "L1EnVJviG6jR2oovFbfxZoMp1JknTACKLzsTKqDNUwATCWpY1Fp4",
  "children": [{
     "address": "1E3btRwsoJx2jUcMnATyx7poHhV2tomL8g",
     "path": "m/0",
     "xpublic_key": "xpub69Fho5TtAbdoXyWzgUV1ZYst9K4bVfoGNLZxQ9u5js4Rb1jEyUjDtoATXbWvAcV8cERCMMnH8wYRVVUsRDSfaMjLqaY3TvD7Am9ALjq5PsG",
     "wif": "KysRDiwJNkS9VPzy1UH76DrCDizsWKtEooSzikich792RVzcUaJP"

Similarly, you can do the same for an Ethereum wallet:


from pywallet import wallet

seed = wallet.generate_mnemonic()
w = wallet.create_wallet(network="ETH", seed=seed, children=1)


Output looks like this (no WIF for Ethereum):

$ python

  "coin": "ETH",
  "seed": "traffic happy world clog clump cattle great toy game absurd alarm auction",
  "address": "0x3b777f60eb04fcb13e6b27e468532e491409722e",
  "xprivate_key": "xprv9yTuSjwb95QZznV6epMWpb4Kpc2S8ZRaQuAf5B697YXtQD2tDmmJ5KvwJWVjtbVrdJ1WBKNnuodrpTKGfHfiPSEgrAxUjL5RP1gQwwT3fFx",
  "xpublic_key": "xpub6GhhMtkVjoPi5DKtqapKzMzrzdGjo1EPc7Ka6KdeoXYdCrTBH1Hu1wKysm8boWSy8VeTKVJi6gQJ2qJ4YG2ZhvFDcUUgMJrFCJWN1PGtBry",
  "wif": "",
  "children": [{
    "address": "0x87eb82d43fa7316df0a989c0d951a9037ed02f9b",
    "path": "m/0",
    "xpublic_key": "xpub6LnpVXD73jNuAYXxzQCnEY6wXQspwkiAEkZWoX4BW9Tzx6KbUrMUYAU1Yvw4kebPHSPiEJPo8irHWHSwQR6WuVwUj85xURsugPWeJVH6sau",
    "wif": ""

* Valid options for network are: BTC, BTG, BCH, LTC, DASH, DOGE

Create Child Wallet

You can create child-wallets (BIP32 wallets) from the HD wallet’s Extended Public Key to generate new public addresses without revealing your private key.



from pywallet import wallet


# generate address for specific user (id = 10)
user_addr = wallet.create_address(network="BTC", xpub=WALLET_PUBKEY, child=10)

# or generate a random address, based on timestamp
rand_addr = wallet.create_address(network="BTC", xpub=WALLET_PUBKEY)

print("User Address\n", user_addr)
print("Random Address\n", rand_addr)

Output looks like this:

$ python

User Address
  "address": "13myudz3WhpBezoZue6cwRUoHrzWs4vCrb",
  "path": "m/0/395371597"
Random Address
  "address": "1KpS2wC5J8bDsGShXDHD7qdGvnic1h27Db",
  "path": "m/0/394997119"


I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Blockchain technology and be aware of security issues. Reading Mastering Bitcoin and going over Steven Buss’s security notes on the Bitmerchant repository is a good start.


Project details

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Source Distribution

pywallet-0.1.0.tar.gz (32.4 kB view details)

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File details

Details for the file pywallet-0.1.0.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: pywallet-0.1.0.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 32.4 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
  • Uploaded via: Python-urllib/3.6

File hashes

Hashes for pywallet-0.1.0.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 5793a294454b40902b62db7448e7393d264fe0784e67fab823d7d3bc502c5f2c
MD5 4a671e66242b467befdfc2c4ccab37ec
BLAKE2b-256 f40c4f96d7770650c78032a3d5ca14d99ac74b4e64f85eae1bf3ff5172c93f98

See more details on using hashes here.

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